04:59:11 RIP monero.graphics gnuteardrops 05:08:15 I keep forgetting. Who am I an alt of again? 05:08:29 rotten's alt, for sure. 05:52:58 fluffy? 05:57:07 notice how you say alt and he shows up! 06:40:19 can someone help me with a usb stick. it 11:15:02 Hey guy's, ofrn's alt back again 13:40:56 Hey guys, ofrn's alt back again 20:53:46 https://i.imgur.com/qFN4JM1.png 20:54:32 technically, going off the screenshot, ofrn is your alt, but who's counting? 20:55:03 geonic: did you ever consider changing careers? ethics department in some detectives office. 20:55:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> IA 20:55:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe 20:56:56 bunch of fictitious entities and a few real ones who think the alts are their friends. collectively known as altboys. 20:57:41 ^ 20:57:54 Tldr: eat a dick 20:58:08 Stop spamming this room 21:00:38 24hrs and cant send a single on topic msg 21:00:53 ^ 21:01:10 ^ 21:01:16 ^ 21:01:34 Spreading bulllllllshiy 21:01:59 Im assuming that is meant for nioc and plowsof 21:02:23 Since you keep saying alpharabius = ofrnxmr, and they both told you that youre a clown 21:03:23 Only a specific village idiot believes such nonsense. And literally hasnt stfu about it in over 24hrs, acrosd rooms 21:03:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/koDDDJCLLJTIarFsUDSNXSgy 21:03:36 Absolutely nothing to contribute 21:03:56 Real 21:10:31 On topic: hows the oscar hunt going? Gonna win? 21:13:00 I could make a movie about buying monero that would get more oscars then his 21:13:58 neither alpharabius nor ofrn knows the difference between then and than :(. if we could teach one, we could teach both! 21:14:23 I definitely do. Reference? 21:14:27 Oscar race is about to start btw, thanks for asking 21:14:28 grammar police, but ass at it 21:14:35 How bout you stay on topic, pussy 21:14:40 Or get the fuck outta this room 21:14:50 Hows your ccs going? 21:14:57 Sounds good 21:15:00 Keep us posted 21:15:49 Yo geo how many times do u use xmr on average? 21:16:03 Or how much do u hold 21:16:06 Like per week 21:16:09 alpha - off topic 21:16:13 Ik youre banned in offtopic 21:16:18 But let the guy shutup 21:16:28 It's about monero tho 21:16:39 Its not about any work /workgroup related stuff 21:16:45 Good poinf 21:16:47 So i guess, #monero? 21:17:14 if they are both the same person, how can they type so fast at the same time? 21:17:57 You guys ever thought about like an app that allows you to buy from restaurants that accept xmr and/or btc? 21:18:15 Like there can be an incentive for businesses to use xmr 21:20:28 And maybe even delivery like doordash 21:21:18 And i'm not talking about smth like buying packaged shit from moneromarket or smth i mean like hot food for monero loving drug taking neckbeards like my friend ofrn 21:21:41 Fire concept right? 21:22:52 That's something you could give 25k to and feel good about 21:40:58 What do you guys think 21:52:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Please stay on topic. …. Oh look at me doing mods job 21:54:39 This is the new topic boy 21:55:39 We're doing doordash btc/xmr