00:00:06 ping Rucknium ^ 00:06:42 You're welcomed, it was planned 00:07:55 is moonstone sqps new venture? 00:08:58 cat's out of the bag now. yeah it is one of them 00:09:20 cool stuff 00:09:56 I mean I can only see it helping Moneros privacy long term 00:09:58 are you making efforts to inform exchanges about the incident? 00:10:58 Not currently, I'm unfortunately way too busy with other stuff. It would be a big help if other people could reach out 00:11:20 I'm a literal nobody, I don't think that would do much.. 00:11:36 majesticbank have you seen any trades with those txids 00:11:52 job done, great work everyone 00:12:02 Morpheus: 00:12:35 monerobull has anyone used your referral code for a large swap recently 00:13:03 i think thats all our bases covered 00:13:06 Monero condoms r supposed to break. Is normal 00:13:42 if theyre smart, theyre hodling 00:14:29 Monerujo as a source tells me they planned to dumo 00:14:42 And just used a privacy friendly wallet 00:22:07 sgp: 00:22:14 intentional? 00:22:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Does help xmr is blacklisted of exchanges 00:23:34 It would be a little shocking if a PocketChange tx was involved. Both because it's a new, rarely-used feature in a single wallet implementation and we discussed PocketChange privacy as a medium-importance research topic. 00:24:21 did rehrar / cyperstack design the website for you and serai? I guess that would explain it 00:24:44 It was a ccs rug safety safeguard 00:25:24 xmrack counted 11-out txs from May to July 2023 IIRC. The arrival of Pocketchange didn't show up above the background level of 11-outs 00:26:15 I can re-count. My counting box is a little busy. 00:26:51 Yea I can post the code for it tomorrow 00:27:14 (using swap space even with 256GB RAM 😬) 00:28:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So where at defcon 1 peeps 00:28:44 im sad that i didnt get to see any of anhdres' illustrations in that report :( but a Monerujo shout out shall suffice! 00:28:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ruck find them and everyone lets meet in the #monero-war-room in 5 00:29:04 I can tell sgp wrote a lot of the Moonstone site himself since it has misspellings :P 00:30:31 A hacker so cool he couldn't wait 20' for his next club mate paid with XMR 00:31:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I also told cloudflare” where under attack” 😬 00:31:26 Lol 00:32:08 My personal opinion is that this kind of analysis has low probability (5% or less) of recovering any funds. If the community wants me to try, I could do it. IMHO, SGP has done a pretty good job already. 00:33:33 With transparent blockchains, you know usually which addresses/outputs are adjacent to centralized exchanges would having to request exchange to do a "dragnet" database dump for you. That's the first barrier 00:34:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tbh, its probably a debt right off 00:34:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We can claim in next financial year 00:34:42 Would an exchange say, "Yes, based on probabilistic analysis that has not been peer reviewed, we will give you these funds. Meanwhile, the thief has already exchanged the XMR for something else and withdrawn."? 00:35:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ima guess eth 00:35:47 Then, there is the risk of innocent people being accused. Ring size 16. On every transaction. 00:36:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I accused ofrn already! 00:36:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So thats 15 00:57:11 I don't think it can ever recover the funds.., Not after all that time. 00:57:11 The best a CEX can do probably is tell us where the person withdrew the BTC or ETH (addresses or TXID) 01:03:15 i didnt do it guys i swear on my mothers life 01:44:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://latesthackingnews.com/2023/05/21/ethical-hacking-cheatsheet-a-beginners-guide-to-penetration-testing/ 01:44:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> forgot i had this saved 03:47:43 it is just a bunch of speculation ... other wallets have similar features 03:47:57 it also does not matter the money is gone 03:48:13 the ccs needs to be shut down 03:48:27 and we need to stop acting like monkeys 03:48:29 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/17ncnew/monero_real_talk_shut_down_the_ccs/ 03:58:11 https://amycastor.com/2021/08/04/fluffy-pony-and-the-irresistible-cookie-jar/ 03:59:01 I thought the cookie jar analogy was fitting 03:59:41 this looks like an april fools site lol 04:00:58 imagine the irony if the cookie monster turned out to be a core team member currently on house arrest for allegedly defrauding a cookie company 04:01:26 honestly it does not even matter 04:01:46 your thesis is completely wrong though. people are social animals and they survive by cooperation. what you're saying is that cooperation is bad and people liking each other and wanting to work together is bad. 04:01:51 maybe it is all just an april fools joke like the fake announcement back in the day 04:02:40 cooperating is one thing. insincere back scratching to get to the cookie jar is another 04:02:44 also, perfect is the enemy of the good so let's destroy what we have because it doesn't match a perfect ideal that doesn't exist 04:03:11 okay fine. So I will take over luigis role from now on 04:03:16 send all the money to me 04:03:35 why? 04:07:16 Geonic is so annoying 04:07:18 because I will do a better job than this 04:07:20 Whoops. Wrong room 04:07:45 you're not solving the cookie monster problem 04:07:58 so why should we just take your word for it? 04:08:06 No cookies left 04:08:12 Problem solved 04:08:18 #monero-kindergarten please 04:08:30 Thats a ccs called monero garden 04:08:33 so why should we take someone elses word for it? this is just dumb 04:08:33 And geonic 04:08:42 Please stfu 04:08:52 Posting articles from 2019 is not relevant at all 04:09:08 Go watch yur movie 900k times and buy some fake views 04:09:09 luigi has been doing a perfect job for how many years now? what's your track record for doing this kind of work for the community? 04:09:10 Kthxbue 04:09:22 Perfect my ass 04:09:29 He merged u and paid mj 04:09:47 will you let us have a conversation, you demented spambot? 04:09:55 Nah 04:10:21 Take it to a relevant room 04:37:30 https://x.com/0xTurbamulta/status/1720204052443599132?s=20 04:37:31 hmm 04:39:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> im a sticking with ofrn doing it so geonic didnt get paid 04:53:08 He merged u and paid mj <= remember it is very hard to get something merged 04:55:58 soloptxmr? 04:56:11 Oh geo? 04:56:19 I remember 04:56:20 that was a bs merge luigi 04:56:30 No consensus 04:56:34 Feb 21 2023 04:57:08 there were no merges on table, no meeting. Just decided on your own after community said it was trash 04:57:39 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$Vc5JZAgM57iVAUSMY22dXSYlJTiOo4kyKV_FLaWHWq8?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 04:58:06 For matrix users ^ 04:58:21 > ok we merged the video. Can we merge another 1 or 3 to divert attention? 04:58:21 For luigi ^ 04:58:31 Random merger 05:00:04 and "remember"? 05:00:04 lol. I was there. At every meeting. 05:01:23 I dont have to "remember". Ive been saying the same thing since it was merged. Its a luigi merge, not a community one. No consensus 05:01:57 alts and friend voting it up and it has fucking nothing to do with monero 05:02:20 Not geo's alts. VC investor alts 05:02:51 it's consensus ideally. Otherwise some soft feeling 05:04:08 there were plenty of people in support 05:11:04 No there werent 05:11:37 Go check the upvotes: friends, jwinterm and alt accounts 05:11:45 And again, nothing to do with monero 05:11:58 Can i open a ccs for my new burger joint? 05:12:07 It has an M in it somewhere 05:13:08 Bullshit ccs, bullshit merge. Everybody and their neighbor kniws it. Only people in support are the 5 people who viewed it before the ccs was posted 05:13:24 And ignored the fact that it did NOT feature monero, despite the title of the ccs 05:16:43 Frontrunner for worse ccs of 2023 05:16:45 Worst 05:20:17 Seriously 05:20:22 Go through the list 05:21:05 Msvb's defcon attempt would have been worse 05:24:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> isnt he in japan? 05:24:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> saw some post 05:27:28 Monero Hardware 05:30:09 ``` 05:30:09 Distribution of Kastelo enclosures began at Nostr World in Hong Kong yesterday, and we are distributing them free of charge right now in front of the main stage. 05:30:09 ``` 05:30:10 nov 2 08:20:36 this is what I mean. To suceed in Monero as a developer you have to bow to the guy with the windows computer. To make sure his "soft feeling" is thumbs up and not thumbs down. 08:21:00 but it seems like people want to continue like this 08:22:26 nobody is serious about anything. Everybody has their little grift and there is not even an attempt to work towards a goal. 08:40:20 or what is the result of this? Who will take responsibility? My guess is no one. The funds will be filled up from the GF and everything will continue as usual, right? 10:10:59 I think the only support that mattered in that case was Vik not me, as I believe he funded it. I said I thought it was worth opening donations, not sure why you're accusing me of manipulation when I really didn't care that much. 10:13:19 Fwiw I agree with spirobel that the whole process from project selection to custody of funds is fucked, and imo the best course of action is to kill the CCS and leave core in charge of the website and not much else 10:18:17 You know what would happen if magic "lost" $500k? Me neither, but at least it would be some regulated corporate entity that people could start a lawsuit against for mishandling of escrowed funds. Now people have to try and figure out how to serve poor Luigi papers if they want to sue someone. 10:21:07 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/s/SPOo3qyhKL I tried to raise these concerns or at least concerns tangential to this two years ago apparently 10:22:30 based on fp answer to me there I guess Luigi is part of a loose South African collective for legal purposes? 10:22:50 all core members are equally (personally?) liable? 10:23:08 spirobel: good video 10:28:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Depends if ccs is a legal entity 10:28:53 if you read the reddit thread from two years ago it appears not but they also kinda refused to be explicit 10:29:35 it's like: "guys trust us with millions of dollars we're totally cool but just don't ask us who or what we actually are" 10:37:33 every time I asked a basic question like: who actually is the core team? where can I read the meeting minutes? I just got handwavy answers. 10:40:55 I don't think there's any other answers they can give 10:48:23 so what do we do now? It seems like the old guard is not ready to give up yet. And it seems like they will just ignore everyone that is not in line. 10:53:49 everyone is free to vote with their money and you could launch an alternative crowdfunding system a la magic grants I guess 🤷‍♀️ 10:55:44 Somehow the argument is we need the current system to defend monero and it is better than nothing. But in practice it is worse than nothing. If the devs received direct monthly donations, each of them could maybe rug a few K at most. With the current system the rug potential is much larger. 10:56:35 (and concentrated on just a few people, that have clearly shown that they are incapable / untrustworthy ) 11:01:32 Yeah fwiw, MoneroFund.org exists 11:02:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Core meetings of what? 11:03:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ccs meetings is where proposals get discussed 11:06:20 so we have to bow to you instead? You dont even answer DMs, because you are so important and busy. The issue is not only that the system can rug the community. The issue is also that people navigate themselves into these choke points in the community and give themselves an aura of importance that is absolutely insufferable. 11:09:14 then...start something yourself, if you are so much more sufferable lol 11:09:50 yeah I dont think I am better. 11:10:22 Every dev should host their own funding page where they directly communicate with the donors 11:10:49 we just need to make it easy enough to host and maybe prototype more of these systems to get the ergonomics right 11:11:18 I don't think any devs want to do that tbh 11:12:06 ime devs generally appreciate as little interaction with other humans as possible, and maybe this is generalizing too much but I think that they do in general appreciate having some shield between them and the hordes of unwashed masses 11:12:37 I think this is a known problem of the existing CCS - devs getting burnt out from being harassed by angry redditors or whatever 11:13:53 that could be fixed by the ergonomic of the tool: you can only comment after you donated. kuno implemented some of that, but maybe it still needs some iterations so people start using it. 11:14:02 that could be fixed by the ergonomics of the tool: you can only comment after you donated. kuno implemented some of that, but maybe it still needs some iterations so people start using it. 11:14:18 so people that dont donate need to be quiet 11:19:32 There are five community elected committee members that operate this. The closest thing in this community to a functional system with the ability to implement changes 11:23:42 Elections are opening up soon, this month or next month (I can't remember the exact time but I'll look it up) 11:24:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Vote 1 biden 11:25:03 I don't believe uncle joe or any of his spawn are currently running for a seat on the monero fund committee :P 11:26:21 it seems like you put in a lot of effort 11:28:10 it is possible to expand the scope of the Czech association we are thinking about forming for monerokon to include "software research and development" to help fund devs 11:29:07 maybe it is a solution to fund academic research. It seems like an academic grants funding process for academics from the US 11:29:27 That would be better than CCS. Still centralized but at least there's legal responsibility. 11:30:13 and European based donors would be able to claim a tax deduction 11:30:31 If it will be a non profit we can also have elections 11:30:50 yes, same as MAGIC 11:30:58 approach 11:31:39 the issue is that committees cant produce what we need 11:33:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> But still really on someone yeah. With win98 pc 11:34:00 committees cant produce what we need 11:40:03 There has to be mechanism to fund creative work besides an academics grant committee and a win98 cookie jar. 11:40:51 we have to use our brains to come up with something better 11:42:47 Start with: You have a collective action problem and an asymmetric information problem. 11:43:13 Im not accusing you 11:43:45 Youre the outlier 11:44:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> The real spend! 11:44:18 1 real upvote 11:44:32 an outlier amongst outliers 😸 11:45:10 The reason why people like the CCS is that it provides some minimal vetting to overcome the asymmetrical information problem. Donors save time by outsourcing the vetting to someone else. Donors either prefer not to spend the time to vet or are not capable of vetting since the projects are technical. 11:45:17 and this was almost monerobull 11:45:54 Any updates on Haveno? There seems to have been no social activity for a year 11:46:02 No 11:46:14 Wait 11:46:24 Havent the projedr or the ccs? 11:46:28 I thought about this a while ago and I came up with an idea for a piece of software that is called "Monerochan's trustfund" 11:46:31 meito: They are still doing software releases. Go to #haveno-dev:haveno.network 11:46:40 The project is alive and well, had a beta release yesterday 11:46:47 Haveno ** 11:47:01 Ccs is dead 11:47:39 Oh, I guess woodser is posting dev updates in #haveno:haveno.network instead of #haveno-dev:haveno.network 11:47:43 The "frontend" ccs has indeed had 0 movenent. 11:47:43 the backend is moving along nicely 11:47:53 Another option for the EU would be great 11:49:32 An EU org could just fork monerofund.org: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/campaign-site 11:50:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Baby steps 11:50:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Kon needs to be self sufficient 11:50:59 Thnx 11:51:12 Deverick and I modified the OpenSats website to be more project-based instead of individual developer-based. 11:52:39 maybe 20-30k would have been fair for the frontend. I got a bit pissed off when they said they are searching for a volunteer react dev that can work for free. 11:53:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 20k nginx static page? 11:53:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Normally the backend is done before a frontend 11:54:42 electron app 12:29:33 Fair? 12:29:46 Theres no backend 12:30:05 We paid to put lipstick on a pig - without a pig 12:31:12 > Theres no backend 12:31:12 I mean. That ccs was supposed to have been completed in 6 months. 12:31:12 Well over a year later, theres to pig to put this imaginary lipstick on 12:31:25 No* pig 12:31:39 0 would have been fair 12:32:06 Should have waited to open til after the backend was functional 12:32:44 Should have waited to open frontend ccs til after the backend was functional 12:42:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/AqAjPgKBhtjetZgAgYoCRyaX 12:43:31 Haveno by design and consensus 😭 12:44:00 I cant believe in the entire ccs proposal nobody asked "so, what about thr backend?" 12:44:59 The whole convo was about the backend, but backend had literally nothing to do with the ccs. 12:45:07 Ppl asking questions about engines and kickbacks 12:46:53 Frontend aka ccs doesnt include anything about the frontend 12:47:03 Not even what lang to be written in 14:21:39 Hey all! We are going live in 30mins. Jump on if you’re free to chat about the CCS wallet hack, if you can :) 14:21:39 https://streamyard.com/h6ke6gmzu8 14:21:40 Or watch here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDJqbIEJnSI 14:34:53 Show starts at 11am est but will probably get “viewers on stage” segment around 12/12:30 14:42:24 this is what I mean. To suceed in Monero as a developer you have to bow to the guy with the windows computer. To make sure his "soft feeling" is thumbs up and not thumbs down. <= the other guy is arguing I just merge almost everything 14:45:22 From what I can tell, Luigi literally just acts based on what is decided in community meetings 14:45:57 so what do we do now? It seems like the old guard is not ready to give up yet. And it seems like they will just ignore everyone that is not in line. <= definitely false. Table is wide open. 14:47:31 Haveno had another test release literally yesterday 14:48:16 Still needs some testing but it's getting there 14:50:02 From what I can tell, Luigi literally just acts based on what is decided in community meetings <= yes life is good when there is consensus. 14:53:49 Is there a community meeting today? 14:54:57 and if not, when is the next one, as there doesn't seem to be a meta/issue 14:55:11 plowsof: ^ 14:56:25 I would prefer if a CCS-like system continues to exist. If others prefer self-funding then they can decide to do that, no one is forced to use or donate to the CCS if they disagree with the centralized aspect of it. Also in the future it should be made sure that large funds don't continue to just sit there, there should be an expiry date or something similar. 14:58:21 Ideally I want something where I don't have to waste too much thoughts on funding process itself, and while the CCS wasn't perfect it was good enough. 15:08:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/udnQiVZdFYvifjHxAEZHQVUB 15:08:57 Rucknium[m]: This shows the number of 12 output transactions right after pocketchange was released (early May) 15:13:22 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iYcRldlkXlIryhVBoLXbSGAq 15:13:24 xmrack: Thanks. The suspected CCS thief PocketChange transaction was 11-out. This would be a self-spend PocketChange tx, right? 15:13:45 This was 11 output transactions during the same time. I forget why there were more 12's. Its been a while since I looked into it 15:17:22 Found it, 12 output transactions were more common due to a typical pocket change transaction consisting of: 15:17:22 normal spend output + change ouput + 10 pocketchange outputs 15:18:10 Yeah, still not done and frontend devs would have left a long time ago if they "finished" 15:18:20 Tldr 15:18:34 (replies to mb) 15:20:31 That is nothing against the backend. But frontend ccs was AT LEAST a year too early 15:21:23 Ppl voted for haveno frontend, somehow confused themselves into thinking it came with a backend 15:22:05 is there any significance to the fact that the bad actor used monerujo as opposed to the cli? or a desktop wallet? seems odd to me. 15:27:13 I'd say they are more likely to be q community member or at least somewhat more involved than a regular person 15:27:19 > <@lordx3nu:matrix.org> is there any significance to the fact that the bad actor used monerujo as opposed to the cli? or a desktop wallet? seems odd to me. 15:27:19 In reply to @lordx3nu:matrix.org 15:27:19 is there any significance to the fact that the bad actor used monerujo as opposed to the cli? or a desktop wallet? seems odd to me. 15:27:20 I'd say they are more likely to be a community member or at least somewhat more involved than a regular person 15:27:38 Wtf matrix 15:28:10 > From what I can tell, Luigi literally just acts based on what is decided in community meetings 15:28:10 More like 15:28:11 A) Luigi 👍 comm 👍 = merge 15:28:11 B) Luigi 👎 comm 👍 = merge 15:28:12 C) Luigi 👎 comm 👍 = merge 15:28:12 D) Luigi 👍 comm 👎 = merge 15:28:13 E) Luigi 👎 comm 👎 = dont merge 15:28:35 Like I don't think North Korea is using pocket change 15:28:53 tf i repeated B 15:29:36 I don't think we 100% know that they did use Monerujo. Whatever tool or choice was made. My peanut gallery thought is that the bizarre transaction structure is them giving Monero the middle finger on their way out. 15:29:57 Got to try looking into it regardless. 15:31:39 Luigi, im not "the other guy" 15:32:33 (im like 15 other guys) 15:35:02 midipoet normal meeting would have been scheduled for next Sat. the past several days have blended into 1 or 2 (with my back assuming the shape of a banana) 15:36:05 magic staff don't like ccs, people who benefit from the ccs like the ccs (myself included) 15:36:37 it's weird that someone with the hackerman knowledge of whatever network exploit was undertaken would then pull out their mobile device and use monerujo with poketchange (tm) selected. 15:36:48 Ahen 15:36:52 Ahem 15:37:01 Would you put it past luigi tobuse moneruno 15:37:12 And try to churn using pocjetxhange> 15:37:21 Noob shit going on over there 15:37:45 If the stories are true, then yes, 100% believable that he himaelf used Pocketchange 15:38:31 Also didnt tell the hackers for 60days 15:38:43 So rip hope of catching the fuckup red handed 15:38:57 Hackers = community devs on ccs 15:39:43 Sadly, no mordinals were minted on their way to the exit. 15:40:02 spackle_xmr has a better churn script than pocketchange 15:40:17 Yes 100% 15:41:06 plowsof: Thanks! It could easily be improved but I think it is pretty good for how simple it is. In fairness, PocketChange isn't a churn script at all. 15:41:19 ...so maybe not a very favorable comparison :) 15:41:20 Makes change in a way that doesnt make unnecessary bloat 15:41:33 true true, PC wasn't meant for security rather convenience 15:41:48 Or fingerprintabe tx 15:42:32 Could make it less fingerprintable. Throw in the odd 3+out with some dust, etc. 15:42:56 exactly. pocketchange is to seperate existing outputs to make spending easier is how I understand it because of the 20 minute wait times 15:43:09 2 (or 16) only pls :P 15:44:06 would make more sense for the bb77 transaction to have been sent to 11 different unique wallets 15:44:53 i dont believe the inside job - FCMP's would have been put to funding, and/or wait for Seraphis related work (that would add another 200~k to the pot) luigi was printing gold coins with 1000xmr's on them like candy back in the day 15:46:39 although apprently there was some linked enotes in subseqent transactions, so yeah I agree with spackle, I think this is a middle finger on the way out 15:47:17 Im not outright calling it an inside job, im just saying "if that opsec is true, monerujo pocketchange could be too" 15:47:26 Cant say "the best haxkers woukdnt bla blah" 15:47:27 Hello 15:47:41 missed oppurtunity to shitpost in tx_extra 15:47:44 The whole world is saying that ABOUT US right now 15:48:30 so yeah, i wouldnt put it past the lead maintainer of the top privacy project to run their system like a home user 15:48:41 just start using subaddresses > index 200 of the general fund wallet and pretend like this never happened 15:48:47 thank you 15:49:06 nobody will be talking about this in liketwo days. except us, lol 15:49:15 Yeah 15:49:37 im saying.. what would we say if this happened to zooko 15:49:54 a forced refund of the monero dot com donation + a 200 top up from the GF 15:50:12 Problem solved 15:50:45 or we could say the person who donated the monero dot com funds 'saved the project' with it 15:50:50 Tldr: dont put it past the thieves to have used pocketchange 15:50:57 We speculated that luigi was secure 15:51:01 We were wrong 15:53:04 Maybe they just opened the wallet and oressed "ok" and didnt know what happened 15:53:16 the blog post clarifying that the GF will handle all inprogress proposals will be going live soon 15:53:19 First time xmr users, long time crypto thieves 15:55:27 I'm trying to stay solution oriented. Having fun imagining nested multisig schemes for CCSv2 (if indeed there is a v2). 16:02:31 11th November would have been the next meeting (posted now) https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/920 16:03:08 in my version of reality the CCS will continue, this time, more securely and we shall live happily ever after. pls make this happen somehow 16:03:47 plowsof: the next meeting is still on the 11th? 16:04:11 Ah yes, ok. I see you posted an issue. 16:24:30 (im like 15 other guys) <= head exploding.gif 16:26:39 I like the ccs 16:28:26 The people who don't like it and call for it's destruction are a disproportionately high amount of people who have previously had their proposals rejected 16:28:48 Curious 🤔 16:29:58 I call for it's destruction and my proposal wasn't rejected 16:30:43 The CCS isn't the issue. The issue is the method/process through which raised funds are stored/secured. 16:31:06 exactly 16:32:27 one good think that happens because of this is the push for monero native multisig 16:47:33 the proposal that wasn't rejected also was not approved 16:48:15 Monero Events meeting in 10 minutes 18:08:03 maybe that retroactive proposal made the CCS self-destruct 18:20:24 monerokon PR will be closed 18:20:28 we are going with a self hosted solution 20:34:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Miss independent, miss self sufficient 20:36:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We are memed 20:36:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Forever in the meme chain 20:40:09 jeffro256: Proposed method to detect post-PocketChange consolidation: Let transaction `Y` be a transaction with `N > 2` outputs. Transaction `Z` has `M` rings. Consider transaction `Z` to be a suspected consolidation transaction of those outputs from transaction `Y` if more than one ring of transaction `Z` has a mutually exclusive output from transaction `Y` as ring members. By "m 20:40:10 utually exclusive" I mean that the ring members in the multiple rings cannot be the same output from transaction `Y`. 20:40:43 Conjecture: The correct way to calculate the plausible maximum number of outputs from transaction `Y` that may have been consolidated in transaction `Z` is to construct an `N x M` matrix. If output `i` of transaction `Y` is in ring `j` of transaction `Z`, then let the `i,j`th element of this matrix be `-1`. All other elements are zero. Perform the Hungarian algorithm (https://en.w 20:40:43 ikipedia.org/wiki/Hungarian_algorithm) on this matrix. The absolute value of the result of the Hungarian algorithm will be the plausible maximum number of outputs from transaction `Y` that may have been consolidated in transaction `Z`. 20:41:10 What do you think? 21:07:13 You can only count a row of the `N x M` matrix once since each output can only be spent once. You can only count a column of that matrix once since only one ring member in a ring is actually spent. 21:07:59 I started trying to code the logic, but then thought "there may be a computer science algorithm to do this": https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3605840/finding-the-max-of-sum-of-elements-in-matrix-in-distinct-rows-and-columns 21:08:59 The elements of the matrix are `-1` since the algorithm performs minimization. We need to maximize. 21:42:47 jesus christ how is this thing still on 21:43:01 i mean 21:43:06 good morning gang 21:43:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> irc bouncer sir 21:44:12 ay wassup boss, here's my multipass, thank u for ur work 21:44:57 sos did we ever figure out who stole cookie from cookie jar or na? 21:48:39 Not yet, all actual discussion is behind closed doors 21:50:15 oh rip 21:53:50 i really really REALLY hope they don't end up going public like some people suggested... that's just asking for fed infiltration... it would be the death of the only private and anonymous crypto 22:04:41 As a general rule of thumb look under closed as well and it’s almost always n + 2 weeks 22:07:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://mattermost.monerokon.org/plugins/focalboard/team/89jtbrysdj86xyxre15e9zba7o/shared/bjr4hgznpupn178h58g4xsd4zio/vcg69qmx4qtgambntadywej5owy?r=k9sryfcathag7x83dhz17afqc1r 22:07:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i try and keep this uptodate too 22:19:56 good evening 22:20:06 always on 22:25:00 evening nioc/everyone 22:31:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> hmm 22:31:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i'm in future then 22:31:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> morning 22:33:27 how is it there bob? 22:35:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> same shit different day 22:43:56 crushing my hopes :( 22:46:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> day 63 of breach 22:46:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> for nioc day 62 22:48:27 mornin/evenin 23:23:20 Hey, did you ever try to get a monerod.service working again? I'm committed to figuring this out, and thought I'd ask. 23:27:05 Rucknium: yeah all of that sounds correct. You can only spend outputs once, and rings only spend one output, so this sounds like a correct application of this algorithm. Something in the back of my head is saying that since all values are either -1 or 0, then there should be a more efficient algorithm, but this should be correct at least