00:58:44 Nobody elected you. It is arrogant to claim that your "soft feeling" is speaking for "the community". But lets assume it does. What "the community" thinks is stupid and stands in the way of what needs to be done. Look at the way kaya had to work in quiet for example. Because it was clear that his proposal would have never been accepted had he announced his work beforehand and trie 00:58:44 d to convince "the community". 01:02:03 because it gives you a chance to taunt people. 01:02:47 you know you can fork the project if you wish right 01:03:09 just like the original core team members did. no one needs to “elect” you to do that 01:03:31 if you dont like it the way it is you can leave 01:03:36 get out 01:04:24 in all seriousness, "just let developers take individual donations" is no solution 01:04:24 who said this is a democracy anyway. most people are dumb, I don’t want ofrn and friends determining the future of the project 01:05:49 It is a better solution than sending all the money to luigi. 01:05:54 you’re bitching and moaning like someone is forcing you to be here or is imposing their will on you 01:06:16 when it’s actually you trying to impose your will on everyone else 01:06:21 just shut your mouth for a second you are not productive. 01:06:30 nonsense 01:06:38 well yes I hope we do something besides "send all the money to luigi" going forward but that doesn't imply demolishing the CCS 01:06:49 if you dont like it the way it is you can leave <<>> are you talking to yourself? 01:07:06 give me my paycheque 3 months up front in advance and see what happens to my motivation levels 01:07:14 he’s rephrasing what I said about forking the project 01:07:17 as i suggested the other day... y'all should just give me the ccs. I know how to opsec a wallet 01:07:31 spadin that'sa what I said too dude lol 01:07:37 ah, yet seems to fit 01:07:41 See the money, Take the money (and do no work or work on something else that provide more money, easy) 01:08:09 then it is settled... Lyza and I hold the new ccs with 2/2 multisig 01:08:13 so you wouldnt be motivated to work if you got the money up front? not a good look. 01:08:35 we're not sure the multisig is working :D but I'm sure we can sort out something 01:08:53 Can we have a 30/40 multisig? 01:08:53 I can be one of the signer :) 01:08:55 anyone who suggests multi sig - follow this guide with 2 of your friends https://monerodocs.org/multisignature/ 01:08:56 "not sure that the multisig is working"...? :skull: what the fuck 01:09:24 oh yeah XMR multi sig is hella fucky is part of why it was jsut like.... held in a wallet 01:09:35 hey what do you guys think like, Kraken does 01:09:47 with their cold storage 01:09:48 there goes one of the modules i had planned for my project then rofl if there's no multisig 01:10:01 Kraken has an excellent setup from what I know 01:10:05 spadin now your project is fix multisig :D 01:10:05 but don't remember the details 01:10:18 maybe they can share it with us heh 01:10:28 > so you wouldnt be motivated to work if you got the money up front? not a good look. 01:10:29 how is it not a good luck to be honest? 01:10:30 but the person responsible for monero seemed really knowledgable 01:10:35 look* 01:11:07 I mean they must have the same issue, they also can't just trust the keys to like, some employee 01:11:17 I guess they can physically share a space 01:11:23 must be nice 01:11:52 i'm not cryptographer ;-; i'd be the last person to figure it out 01:11:57 girls and boys. one of two people leaked the seed and/or made off with a bunch of money. it’s either fluffypony or luigi. lower the attack surface by removing fluffy’s access and get back to business. very high likelihood that solves the problem. no reason to reinvent the wheel. 01:12:02 wanna be my friend? ❤️ 01:12:02 jk 01:12:14 if i handed any one of you amount of money, are you coming to work on monday if you have a slight headache? 01:12:42 I mean if it's something I give a shit about yeah of course 01:12:44 back to volunteering* 01:12:49 plowsof I would still be here shitposting 01:13:00 But 01:13:06 They dont even shitpost 01:13:23 And are gone for lentgtht periods 01:13:32 They dont _want_ to be present 01:13:43 Not sure why were calling water wet 01:13:52 i'd go to work anyway lol can't have coworkers thinking you a lil bitch 01:14:01 so if people sent you donations up front you would just leave / not work? 01:14:04 Im hiring 01:14:16 Anybody that wants to work for free, dm me 01:14:19 Else u a lil bitch 01:14:21 Lot of people would 01:14:25 (Says spadin) 01:14:51 if people gave me 3 months up front , i would have less motivation than if the funds where kept in an escrow (with checks and balances when its time to claim a payout) 01:14:54 oh wait i thought i was still getting a minimum wage 01:14:56 hell no then LOL 01:15:06 plowsof is a liar 01:15:08 i would slowly transform into a greedy evil person 01:15:15 Mr 50% rate cutting 01:15:23 he doesnt know how to be greedy 01:15:29 Or even collect his own milestones 01:15:51 my ego would inflate too 01:15:57 then dont give these people money we dont need them. There are enough people that have proven to be committed to the cause by the amount of work they did without any compensation. 01:16:11 Plowsof doesnt have an ego hahaha. Funny guy 01:16:56 so therefore we need the CCS? because we have a CCS coordinator that would not work otherwise? 01:17:21 Plowsof is a liar 01:17:24 Didnt i just say thay 01:17:29 He works for free 01:17:32 Then for free 01:17:33 Then for free 01:17:35 he just puts simlies everywhere thats his job 01:17:46 Then collects 50% of pay and feels bad 01:17:55 Not even close 01:18:01 He does a lot of work for mrl 01:18:28 Bp++ ccs arent simple yknow 01:18:44 what is "simlies" (smilies?) 01:19:52 me meant similes 01:20:01 🐒 01:20:35 token-based governance system for ccs maybe? tari has tokens on monero we could use that no? 01:20:51 Spiro, yknow whats funnt (repky to money emoji) 01:20:57 Tari is in alpha lol 01:21:08 and is not "on monero" but entirely seperate 01:21:10 Bp++ ccs vs geonics 01:21:17 Same price lololololol 01:21:25 damn it 01:21:38 Sarang gets paid less than geo lolololololoooooooll 01:21:40 fucking chatgpt's gaslighting about tari keeps getting worse 01:21:57 conflict of interest for a core team member to run a project like this 01:22:03 but it is dead anyway i guess 01:22:05 Nah 01:22:06 tari is being released eoy 2020 01:22:14 the time for mimble wimble projects has come and gone 01:22:15 Core team doesnt do anything else 01:22:18 and gamers hate crypto 01:22:23 it is over 01:22:29 give me 3 months up front then ask me to review this https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2199 01:22:39 see how my motivation levels are 01:22:40 I understand, all the gaming corp that tried to push scams (NFTs) 01:22:42 K 01:22:53 "ill do it tomorrow" 01:22:54 Youll review it in3 days 01:22:57 Stop lying 01:22:58 Hahaha 01:23:28 youll literally work your ass off and then burn yourself out trying to prove yourself 01:23:47 fantasy to think youd get paid and not dobthe work 01:23:56 You dont twice the work and still dont ask 01:24:01 You do* 01:24:06 in the short term, yes, but money/funds does things to people 01:24:36 yes... things... like private yatchs full of women 01:24:59 Can I get XMR so I can spend more time making proper monero node on HDD using SSD cache benchmark and tutorials? 01:25:00 Yea. Ppl think they own ya 01:25:06 But ofrn doesnt have a price 01:28:45 so is anyone actively working on monero rn or what's the deal? 01:28:55 yes 01:29:08 thank god ok 01:29:10 good 01:29:32 cause u know the feds working too on trynna fuck with it 01:29:45 https://github.com/monero-project/monero 01:30:09 now i will review that -site PR tomorrow 😒 01:30:15 Plenty of work being done 01:30:24 BEFORE GETTING PAID 01:30:28 MR ISNT EVEN MERGED 01:30:50 Dont make me get my whip 01:31:51 Nobody elected you. It is arrogant to claim that your "soft feeling" is speaking for "the community". <= if the community won't speak, what is your view of the appropriate action to take? 01:32:22 🤔 01:34:27 you can always ask me luigi 01:34:32 h/j 01:37:27 Mayb im on ignore 01:40:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> cant 01:43:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i would like to nominate myself as monero ceo, as fluffy as stepped down 01:44:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i would like to nominate myself as monero ceo, as fluffy has stepped down 01:52:09 Id like to nominate geonic 01:52:42 admit that the community does not know. 01:53:04 Who doesnt speak? 01:53:06 that it is out of answers 01:53:10 Idk what hes talking about 01:53:50 bro you cant hear the voices? 01:53:52 Word salad 01:53:58 whats up with that? 01:56:25 "if the community wont speak" 01:56:25 Bruh, we dont stfu 01:56:47 I have like 20 alts on every continent going wild 28hrs a day 8 days a week, + weekends 01:56:56 Wont speak.. 01:57:23 The only one not speaking was the silent 60 days where community asked for their moolah and were met with radio silence 01:58:38 "community doesnt speak" 01:58:38 Opposite day 01:58:49 More like we dont stfu 01:59:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> you use fluffy chat? 01:59:39 Not anymore 02:01:51 spirobel fork off!!!! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-back/-/commit/6694cc88857ef27b6ca9f0188ba288f037c75788 :D 02:05:31 I will never leave. You are stuck with me. 🤣 02:09:24 I will never leave. You are stuck in here with me. 🤣 02:24:48 More like we dont stfu <= come to consensus is what I meant 02:25:05 that it is out of answers <= ok so just leave them in ideas? 02:28:50 We came to consensus 02:28:57 Absolute trash 02:29:26 9 downvotes is a DOA proposal 02:29:28 8* 02:30:34 Upvotes by people who were 02:30:34 a) involved in the making 02:30:35 b) were involved before the ccs was created 02:30:35 c) cant read titles or pay attn to the fact that the ccs title is fkn lie 02:30:54 And 02:30:55 d) fake accounts 02:30:56 Arent upvotes 02:31:29 Midi says we weigh votes. If we did, it was 1-8 or 2-8 02:32:49 Anyway, old, irrelevant news about a shit stain on 2023 ccs record. "featuring monero" 02:32:50 someone, please, tell me where 02:33:52 Ccs is only a charity for some ppl. We reject trash proposals all the time, somehow this one cant be rejected. Was an auto merge from before it was posted 02:34:48 Song and dance about community support didnt work, so just merged it 02:34:48 paid him milestones where were just paying his bills, and then milestones for winnig shit awards 02:34:52 The ccs WAS TRASH 02:35:01 which proposal was this about? 02:35:16 Geonics movie 02:35:39 We came to consensus <= I'm not talking to you 02:35:51 you two are accusing me of opposite things more or less 02:37:24 Ah, well.. what i said still stands 02:37:36 Still talking about this?! 02:37:40 Lol 02:38:21 Re spirobel - i know spirobel doesnt like ccs 02:38:57 But thats neither here nor there 02:39:17 > spirobel fork off!!!! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-back/-/commit/6694cc88857ef27b6ca9f0188ba288f037c75788 :D 02:39:17 Is all there is to say abt it 02:39:47 Cant really ask someone to stop doing something that has nothing w do with you 02:41:07 Tl: spirobel cant tell ccs what to do, when spirobel has nothing to do with ccs. It would be like us telling litecoin to stop their blockchain 02:41:16 Like ok. Thanks for your input. 02:42:05 what is the purpose of consensus if it stops people from doing stuff and money still gets lost? 04:17:17 +3 xmr donation to the general fund 😭 thank you https://nitter.net/WatchFund/status/1720948930395926532 04:38:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Let us know if you see 2k xmr 06:49:12 thinking of doing another movie ccs just to see ofrn implode 06:49:25 😄 06:53:18 lel 06:53:30 it would be funny, if you werent just chirping drunk again 06:53:37 AA 06:54:11 This idiot thinks i care about him or his movie 06:54:40 plenty more scum where he csme from, hes not the first, the last, or the largest pos around either 06:55:23 has nothing to do with geo or his movie 06:56:18 And everything to do with shitheads who trt to abuse the ccs 06:57:11 You didnt slip through the cracks, you were smuggled in the back door 06:58:12 So how bout ya just stfu, damn drunkard 06:59:51 What pisses me off about geo, is that he literally has 0 to add to any conversation in this room 07:00:12 Fuckin casually drops drunk texts at 3am every weekend 07:00:20 lmao my movie has been living in your mind rent-free for the last 6+ months 07:00:24 But sure, you don’t care about it :) 07:00:35 and lives in a fantast where his ccs is honest, and the movie features monero 07:00:49 Nah, it hasnt 07:00:55 I live under your bed 07:01:08 thats another fucked up trait of yours 07:01:14 You project onto everyone 07:02:18 Fkn head case 07:03:22 oFRn iS UsINg AlTs 07:03:23 Hi oFrN #65257 07:04:22 can u blame me for thinking you do? you’re talking to yourself even now 07:04:36 R ya stupid? 07:04:40 Yes i blame you for thinking ibdo 07:04:46 Youre a damn retard 07:05:07 Walls of text by the same demented spambot, day after day 07:05:12 You cosigned for mj accusing me of bein an alt over a year ago, fkn loser 07:05:29 Then come and accuse me and ceetee of being rotten 07:05:57 Put the pipe down. Now its like 15 of us 07:06:06 sorry for not being able to distinguish between a bunch of useless nyms 07:06:13 > Walls of text by the same demented spambot, day after day 07:06:13 On topic 07:06:26 You just post articles from 2019 and try to cancel ppl 07:06:27 Fkn loser 07:06:31 work on developing a personality, I guess? 07:06:44 And throw mom insults. You have no defence to anything on topic 07:07:04 Work on that oscsr 07:08:05 > sorry for not being able to distinguish between a bunch of useless nyms 07:08:06 MODDDDSSSSS 07:08:17 (im pretending to be geo) 07:08:35 Working on it, actually. What are you working on? Sorry, forgot you spend your whole day on Matrix. 07:09:10 Working on cancelling fluffy? 07:09:13 can’t possibly do anything productive when you’re spamming all day 07:09:26 Or getting the movie that features monero .. wait 07:09:26 it doesnt exist 07:09:44 Fluffy should’ve stepped down years ago, not sure why he’s still hanging on 07:09:56 Same reason you csme back 07:09:58 but you literally just got here 5 minutes ago so what would you know 07:10:08 Says you 07:11:19 Jk. You came back for the $$ 07:11:48 Lol, it's Sunday morning, chill guys 07:11:55 Sorry I was busy making a movie and couldn’t spend all day entertaining you dumbass 07:12:13 A movie _not_ featuring monero 07:12:21 Saturday night where I am :) 07:12:29 Must have been another rendering error 07:12:33 None of your business what it features and what it doesn’t. Have you ever even donated to a CCS proposal? 07:12:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Saturday night fever 07:12:55 what matters is that *enough* people think it features monero and want to contribute to it, which they did 07:12:56 the title of the ccs makes it my business ya fkn clown 07:13:08 who the fuck are you to say what is worthy of support and what isn’t? 07:13:14 Think? 07:13:19 It either does, or it doesnt 07:13:42 dishonestly bs isnt worthy if an audience at all 07:14:01 So you’re the smartest one in the room and everyone else is too dumb to read a ccs description? And decide whether they want to donate or not? 07:14:11 the people giving their money are all idiots? 07:14:18 "help me win an oscar" is what the title should have been 07:14:27 > the people giving their money are all idiots? 07:14:27 100% 07:14:37 you’re not as special as you think, get a grip 07:14:40 lol 07:14:44 They wouldnt do it again 07:15:03 > So you’re the smartest one in the room and everyone else is too dumb to read a ccs description? And decide whether they want to donate or not? 07:15:03 yes. Nobody reads 07:15:19 Some do, most dont. 07:15:20 How can you be so confident and so dumb at the same time 07:15:37 must be a special diagnosis for your condition 07:15:42 Cuz i speak facts 07:15:48 Peoplenread haveno ccs? 07:15:52 No 07:15:55 Read yours? No 07:16:26 And the person who sent 100 xmr to my proposal didn’t read it? 07:16:37 correct 07:16:51 I know who that was, dumbass 07:17:04 Who 07:18:02 so the whale didn’t read the description but just happened to message me anonymously and tell me what to put as a special thanks in the credits 07:18:08 right 07:18:19 ask them yourself if i know 07:18:25 Yes 07:18:27 Corredt 07:18:31 I don’t know who it was 07:18:36 I know about before and after, fool 07:18:39 I do 07:18:44 congrats 07:18:45 And you do too 07:18:52 Lol 07:18:57 anyway, you’re a nobody who hasn’t accomplished anything, either in this community or outside of it 07:19:15 why argue with a liar and a drunk? Good night geoscam 07:19:17 But keep spewing shit and if you think you’re doing something useful 07:19:57 night alttard 07:20:39 Was that directed at me? Or the 15 other handles? 07:21:11 see you next time you wake up thinking about my ccs :) 07:21:29 I dont ever wake up and think about your ccs 07:21:42 because you think about it 24/7? 07:21:53 R u fkd? 07:21:57 This aint a dm 07:22:10 I dont give a fuck about you or your ccs 07:22:41 The chat logs prove otherwise 07:22:46 No 07:22:52 They prove 15 peopke dont either 07:23:12 see how long you can go without mentioning it. 24hrs tops 07:23:37 youre not famous 07:23:38 Youre high 07:23:40 Goodnight 07:23:58 😘 07:24:14 Ofrnxmr lives rent free under geos bed, everyoidy knows thst 07:24:38 Fkn boogeyman 07:26:45 don’t forget to get your alts to back u up next time. you’re pretty weak on your own 07:27:04 I dont give a fuck about you 07:27:11 Maybe they do? 07:28:01 Youre a waste of my time. I have absolutely nothing to converse with you about 07:28:23 Youre a parasite. period. 07:29:33 If anybody else felt like like talking to you, thats what they chose to do. 07:29:33 To me, youre just a shit stain on the ccs. A number. 07:30:50 Nothing personal. 07:33:31 I don't want geonic and friends determining the future of this project either 07:34:06 > who said this is a democracy anyway. most people are dumb, I don’t want ofrn and friends determining the future of the project 07:34:06 plowsof told me to use the quote feature so the irc users can see too 08:00:11 ngl I ship drunk ofrn and drunk geonic 08:34:33 Maybe those two finally went to sleep now, and we will have a period of relative calm here? :) 08:40:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> famous last words 11:03:56 I dont sleep 11:04:05 or drink 11:04:07 Tyvm 11:12:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Vampire confirmed! 11:15:21 24/7 so idk about that. I do daylight hrs too 11:21:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> With curtains closed? 11:21:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or spf5000 sunscreen 11:38:28 <4​rkal:monero.social> Anyone noticed a pattern here? 11:39:02 <4​rkal:monero.social> People from core or people who have been funded via ccs just want it to continue without seeing any of its problems 11:39:17 <4​rkal:monero.social> *and 11:39:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/IvWmrKRQjAsRjriGdsgdsAru 11:39:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> My pattern 11:49:31 Who are "people from core" 11:49:34 Ive seen 1 11:49:47 And he didnt say what you said 11:52:17 Hello Moneroanons, 11:52:26 britanon here requesting help 11:52:59 HMRC is not disclosing taxation metrics use to, well, tax crypto transactions. 11:53:11 WHy cant I paste links here? 11:54:32 CRYPTO100100, 100150, 100200, 100250, 100400 AND 100500 policies are not available on the HMRC website. 11:55:06 It just states 'information withheld because reasons' 11:55:24 Any resources or reading materials related to the above topics? 11:55:52 Topics - Compliance: Indicators of cryptoasset usage 11:55:57 Compliance: Risks 11:56:04 Compliance: Questions to ask 11:56:24 Compliance: cryptoassets in investigation 11:56:38 Compliance: Mixers and Tumblers 11:56:45 yea. 11:58:04 So the problem here is, FATF consiers AECs like XMR to be a flag redder than Soviet Russia. So it might pop up on my PF back when Kraken had XMR and I had bought XMR from Kraken. 11:58:28 So the problem here is, FATF considers AECs like XMR to be a flag redder than Soviet Russia. So it might pop up on my PF back when Kraken had XMR and I had bought XMR from Kraken. 11:59:19 I love XMR and have no intention of actually taking my HW wallet on a boating trup 11:59:27 I love XMR and have no intention of actually taking my HW wallet on a boating trip 12:00:06 I also know that my taxman has a long arm and in my case a bad teeth. 12:01:09 So any suggestions on how the above Risks are taken into account while those dogs go on a fishing expedition is greatly appreciated. 12:16:10 haven't been funded by anyone ever and off I'm unrelated to core. Still want ccs to persist as I think its the only viable option to give "real" devs the assurances they want and need. 12:17:17 There have been problems before the incident, and now we have one more. Still a better option then other funding options in many cases. 12:18:06 Thats nothing that prevents us, the community, from attempting to fix the CCS while advancing alternatives in parallel 12:21:13 Core needs an overhaul too. It's hard to take it seriously when so much tireless work is done by long time volunteers who just happen to not be part of le secret club. 12:27:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can i apply to be pa? 12:45:45 it's hard to take long time volunteers seriously? 12:48:21 the FFS > CCS was created to fund "real" devs while also giving the community to select and funds other things that they consider important. 12:49:53 the most important aspect is still its ability to fund quality devs 12:51:19 and although the devs need to jump thru some hoops it seems to be less than other alternatives which is an important quality 12:51:38 yep ^^^ 12:55:00 *the ability to select and fund 12:55:12 Cat, bring me more tea please 13:05:45 it's hard to take Core seriously, not the CCS or the long time volunteers. 13:06:07 well, the ideal version of the CCS. 13:06:27 clearly the CCS needs to be optimized 13:10:05 the connection I was trying to make is, core are long time volunteers 13:16:24 yeah I get that. but core often operates without any transparency. for example, I was under the impression that all of fluffypony's privileges were revoked, so why was he still involved with creating and maintaining the CCS fund? 13:17:29 because he created the seed ages ago 13:18:10 I'm not even accusing Fluffy of anything, but because Core operates with absolutely no structure, when you have a serious event like this happen it's hard to figure out who exactly what doing what 13:18:14 CCS has existed for a long ass time and they never changed wallets afaik 13:18:36 that part seems odd 13:18:41 right, so then why wasn't a new seed created? 13:19:47 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ good question 13:20:02 the issue seems to be security of funds and that will be addressed 13:20:20 things worked without issue for a long time 13:21:40 the part that makes me scratch my head is how only the CCS wallet was affected, nothing else 13:22:45 having much stagnant monies there created a situation that hadn't been previously 13:23:01 although any loss is obv not a good thing 13:23:19 it was the only wallet on that machine 13:45:12 luigi, I FORGIVE YOU !!!!!!!!!! 13:46:07 after using a multi sig wallet in the cli it all makes sense 13:46:24 Did you actually try, multisig "by hand", right? 13:47:49 yes, i think if the other 2 wallets where people, the exchanges might be easier to manage instead of juggling things , but simply copy and pasting longs strings several times is a nightmare 13:49:00 Later you will have to send files around in a (hopefully) secure way, even more night-marish :) 13:49:06 what i was able to achieve easier was offline signing - i even did a "11 out" tx in the cli (by pasting address amount address amount in a text file) then copying this one long string into the cli 13:49:22 some goes for addresses ... thats why i like browser wallet UX where you dont need to copy and paste. 13:49:42 putting a file on a usb, walking back and forth (iirc 3 times in total) was OK 13:50:28 usb???? 😱 13:51:12 y-yes .. i didnt audit any QR code things myself yet :( 13:56:50 the syntax of make_multisig should be changed to force the user to specify total shares and threshold 14:02:09 could the docs on the `exchange_multisig_keys` part be more clear also hbs? 14:02:48 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/921 14:08:49 It's disturbing that the same function has to be called twice with different parameters yes, but that's just a matter of documenting the process a little more I'd say 14:09:47 i felt your pain hbs, paste something... was it the correct string? (that all look identical) .. hmm backspace.. uhh ctrl+c OOps 14:11:14 when calling make_multisig if you paste one of the Multisig... content with a trailing LF before the last one well you have to start over because your multisig is now M/N-p :-( 14:11:56 So definitely not for everyone 14:12:09 But otherwise it's fine 14:12:45 Wow, didn't know this one already 14:13:38 that's why I am suggesting to add the total number of shares as a parameter to make_multisig so it can check there are enough parameters 14:13:43 i assume it didnt work -> was audited -> considered experimental -> 200iq implemented it into their own projects and the cli remained untouched 14:21:55 fluffypony's new proposal is really interesting, nice to see all laid out what there is to manage for Monero to function. If we come around to try this, I do wonder however where all those workgroup members will come from: Well versed in security things, multi-year community presence for trust, ready to do volunteer work, ready to take heaps of blame if shit hits fan nevertheless 14:21:55 again ... there must be legions of people waiting :) 14:22:49 we didn't even find anyone to take over the maintainer job in addition to luigi, 6 new workgroups that are highly sensitive... 14:23:37 super-administrators aka 14:23:56 Ah, somebody already showed his head. selsta, you are recruited by force :) 14:24:31 This will get interesting for sure. 14:24:31 I already have too much, not taking over more responsibilities :D 14:24:57 it would be easy for a corporation to slide in and say don't worry.. we can take care all of this :) and then... bad 14:25:38 If we only let people apply that manage to build a 2/3 Monero multisig wallet "by hand" as a recruitment requirement, almost nobody will be left :) 14:25:53 the monero core team (sponsored by cake wallet) 14:26:42 do i mention the CSS typo or 14:27:47 rbrunner7: not EVERY workgroup needs people with all those traits, some are more technical than others and some require more human interaction than others 14:29:27 " The recent CSS wallet incident" -> CCS :) 14:31:28 No typo, just couldn't get my wallet margins to align 14:54:18 So that's how they did it. Css 15:41:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nginx gotcha 15:42:16 Welcome 15:49:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tbh what fluffy is proposing is a huge task and all the groups would have to align there thinking on how monero goes forward, cause it could turn into factions 15:50:38 we have until Jan 2025 to think about it, meanwhile 15:50:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And is there enough people to fill it 15:52:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> People a quick to say lets disband, but Havn’t thought it through 15:53:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> People are quick to say lets disband, but Havn’t thought it through 15:53:47 I have a gut feeling that fluffypony called some bluffs here :) 15:53:49 rename core to super-administrators (sounds cooler) 15:54:12 this is chatgpt prompt on how to give people a reality check 15:54:14 gentoo, which is contributor-only sets a precedent similar to what has been proposed 15:55:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah seem like it. Here is my cards so me yours. 15:56:21 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also i wouldn’t disclose cdn and infrastructure info. 15:57:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Some stuff you cant decentralize 15:57:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah seem like it. Here is my cards show me yours. 15:58:17 luigi you are promoted to super-administrator 15:58:26 now lets move on 16:03:11 > we didn't even find anyone to take over the maintainer job in addition to luigi, 6 new workgroups that are highly sensitive... 16:03:11 I shared similar sentiments with someone before reading backlog here 16:03:46 Csnt even manage matrix workgroups 16:03:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also with multi year experience 16:04:01 Nevermind collaborate on infra 16:04:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And needs to have good opsec and admin skills 16:05:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> On a whole another level 16:05:45 opsec practises for all security sensitive groups should be open to scrutiny 16:06:04 monero dev running windows sounds like a fetish to me 16:06:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 16:06:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Need to re evaluate there setups 16:07:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Like os they use, communications they use 16:07:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Security measures 16:07:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Etc 16:07:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We can discuss and they can implement 16:07:52 lol 16:07:53 I understand the.. point of the gesture, but i think were a ways away from having that sort of community. 16:07:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> First step degoogle! 16:08:06 Nah 16:08:15 Cant even degoogle -policy 16:08:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Just do the basics 16:08:33 first step - hire googlers who cant use github 16:08:54 Git* 16:09:04 And scammers who have been around for 5 years 16:09:27 We dont have enough captains for a 12 ship fleet 16:10:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I can only help in some aspects. Its up to people to do the rest. 16:10:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 16:10:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’ll be rear admiral ! 16:21:34 tbh these are small enough pieces, and plenty of the core team will participate in the workgroups 16:21:49 I'm confident that in 2 months we can self-assemble these workgroups and do hand over 16:22:11 I know that there might be changes these workgroups want to make to things, but they can start with the status quo and then figure out from there 16:22:48 also workgroups can start really small 16:23:04 eg. the domains & dns workgroup can be like 3 people 16:23:11 and then grow it from there 16:23:26 (we also have a precedent for this, eg. the VRP Workgroup is 2-3 people) 16:23:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We couldnt even organise a piss up in a pub 16:23:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or a pull in a brothel 16:24:21 I'm sure plenty of people will step up and be willing to take on the responsibilities in one or more workgroup, I think the challenge will be filtering down the people willing to do things 16:24:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Took kon weeks to workout that there going to be an nfp 16:25:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> It was like post malone “circles” 16:28:14 I agree that decision making *within a workgroup* might take time, we certainly see that even with PRs, but I'm confident we can get the initial part done in short order, and then those workgroups can take months to get used to their role and to decide on changes they want to make 16:28:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hmm 16:28:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I like your confidence 16:29:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’ve been here a short time maybe 8months and i dont think this task achievable from what i have seen. 16:31:12 well lets see 16:32:08 wiki . getmonero . org should show something like this on a per workgroup basis along with opsec practises/guidelines: 16:32:09 https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Infrastructure 16:34:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Board members 16:34:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I vote plowsof to do all 16:35:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Actually i want to be janitor 16:35:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Michał Górny (mgorny) 16:35:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Janitor 16:35:41 I want to shine plowsofs boots. 16:35:54 Maybe refill his water bottle 16:36:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thats his pa 16:36:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ok so we have janitor and pa filled 16:36:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Whats next 16:36:32 for 1 group 16:36:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe the fluffy is onto something 16:38:05 6 groups with 3 people each = 18 highly trusted multi-year volunteers with great opsec that are not at capacity with their current tasks 16:38:18 seems ambitious 16:38:36 Seems like a fantasy 16:38:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sam James (sam) 16:38:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> newbie 16:38:52 They havr to come to consensus too, remember 16:38:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Good job description 16:39:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 16:39:08 Or "community core" will "chainsplit" 16:39:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> All groups need to have aligned thinking or its hinger games 16:39:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> All groups need to have aligned thinking or its hunger games 16:39:51 And I don't think thats the current state of community 16:40:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Actually i want to be janitor <<>> I asked for this position years ago 16:40:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I might look good in leather :0 16:40:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Sold 16:40:32 cat hired you? 16:40:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Im a in newbie job position then 16:40:51 so no more anon people in positions of responsibility? 16:40:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Cat is hr 16:41:10 Cat is anon 16:41:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Are they anonero now? 16:41:25 Msvb and geonic are doxxes, as is mj 16:41:34 I think anon vs doxxes is a pointless metric 16:41:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> and the fluffy 16:41:49 some are anon 16:42:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not sure about luigi, cause mario knows him 16:42:09 Im talkibg about the scammers 16:42:27 Most community members who rip us off, are well known 16:42:34 Theyre not anons 16:42:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Piconeros 16:43:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I can say this will flush out the peoples 16:43:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And we swing the axe 16:43:49 And we have plenty of anons who are indisputibly solid. Like selsta 16:44:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Goldstar that bloke 16:44:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Employee of the month 16:47:24 <3 16:49:36 don't forget that someone like binaryFate might choose to be on multiple workgroups 16:49:50 it doesn't have to be distinct people, there can be overlap 16:49:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WmNaucEaFhZWuzCovcpZJfQY 16:50:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Can we clone selsta? 16:50:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Make selsta k8 and replicate the pods 16:51:09 > don't forget that someone like binaryFate might choose to be on multiple workgroups 16:51:09 Boooooooo 16:51:14 Lol. 16:51:57 how often are we supposed to get transparency reports? Are we late again 16:52:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Kon is waiting btw 16:52:18 I think we could do worse than starting with the second workgroup on fluffypony's list, "CCS Workgroup". Remember, there was something with the CCS. 16:52:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You have 3 months get to work 16:53:00 We have one already 🤣🤣😭😂😂👍 16:53:00 Wow, really? 16:53:05 We have a oaid coordinator and everythinf 16:53:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> All department heads meeting this weekend on monero island 16:53:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Clothes optional ;) 16:53:41 Look how this worked out 16:53:46 just get a few people to do multiple rolls and call it ..... core 16:53:50 sorry 16:53:53 The coordinator was left in the dark 16:53:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lol 16:53:59 And devs were starved for months 16:54:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> @nioc 16:54:14 cant even communicate within a vacuum 16:54:17 i coordinate the CSS of getmonero 16:54:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I think it just needs to be re evaluate 16:54:43 I thought erc did that 16:54:45 plowsof is head of the CCS workgroup \o/ 16:54:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And not be reactive 16:54:46 Hehe 16:56:21 > All department heads meeting this weekend on monero island 16:56:21 The jet was stolen 16:56:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So you get a name badge when your head of department? 16:57:01 take the yacht then 16:57:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We can use tesla 16:57:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Still in the garage 16:57:35 my gpg keys are not cold .. connected to a hot laptop 16:57:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You stole the laptop 16:58:09 can we have a secure ya keys workshop at monerokon (travel reimbursements and hotel stays???) 16:58:10 Are you mining? If so, thats normal 16:58:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lets see how kon goes going independent 16:59:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> See if they have a plan to protect the chairs 17:06:17 Monero island sounds cool af 17:06:17 Sorry for unnecessary comments but I have to add a send or I get lost digging through this chats endless history 17:06:43 CCS proposers in the work in progress list are covered by the general fund (officially now) https://www.getmonero.org/2023/11/04/ccs-wallet-incident.html 17:07:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> This is the way 17:08:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Facebook offical? 17:12:14 will test how good the trezor safe 3 is for gpg keys as soon as it's available 17:13:57 works on ledger fine, and trezor, however, the security of it is ... questionable 17:14:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Out of all this lets see if the people who whinged standup 17:14:39 look at this very smol ledger pgp key https://github.com/plowsof/pgp/blob/main/plowsof.asc 17:14:51 only for signing things, not encryption of sensitive things 17:15:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah 17:15:21 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No forward secrecy 17:15:40 so never mind monero keys... we need offline secure pgp keys first 😟 17:16:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Gpg* 17:16:33 You can make PGP public keys that can only be used for signing, even if a user tries to force using it for encryption. My key is like that. 17:16:53 example: there was a .pdf file posted here containing a script , did i click it.. yes. could that have contained an exploit in it and now my pgp keys are stolen, yes 17:16:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 17:17:37 i am not using qubes or whonix or any hardening , so i need to improve my own setup , this is my personal takeaway from recent events 17:18:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 17:18:28 i would have to start from scratch, new hardware everything 17:18:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Attack vector 17:21:44 plowsof - I think we're all questioning our security after this. I certainly am too. 17:24:01 cube os needs a very decent machine to run on, and a swat of mem. it will need to get a bit known off 17:24:32 it was actually designed, to research virusses 17:24:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> gpg --full-generate-key 17:24:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Please select what kind of key you want: 17:24:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> (1) RSA and RSA (default) 17:24:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> (2) DSA and Elgamal 17:24:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> (3) DSA (sign only) 17:24:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> (4) RSA (sign only) 17:24:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Your selection? 17:24:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/creating-gpg-keypairs 17:25:49 using rsa /rsa... 17:33:37 never managed to get the ledger agent to work properly, kept on dying on me 17:35:56 dies on me for ssh keys.. so im not surprised , not polished at all 17:42:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://support.yubico.com/hc/en-us/articles/360013790259-Using-Your-YubiKey-with-OpenPGP 17:42:54 Buy a thinkpad off of ebay that is compatible with libreboot 17:44:17 https://osresearch.net/ 17:45:32 I can help anyone with their security setups if needed, I've spent countless hours on it. Feel free to message me and ask (e.g plowsof if you need help) 17:45:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/drduh/YubiKey-Guide 17:45:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or this too 17:46:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/certified-hardware/ 17:49:16 https://tehnoetic.com/laptops 17:49:36 met the owner today of this shop at a conference 17:50:14 Re: libreboot 17:51:48 thanks! 17:53:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://privsec.dev/posts/linux/desktop-linux-hardening/ 17:54:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Forgot i had a list in my standardnotes 17:55:56 Security workshop is a good thing to have at monerokon 17:56:41 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 17:57:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Degoogle to tinfoil hat level 17:57:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://git.hackliberty.org/hackliberty.org/Hack-Liberty-Resources 17:58:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://anonymousplanet.org/ 17:58:53 The Hitchhiker’s Guide to Online Anonymity :) 17:59:13 oh shit new monero version 18:00:08 has been out for a bit 18:00:26 just saw it pop up on my client... anything good? 18:00:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yest 18:00:39 :OOOOO 18:00:51 DNS servers have been updated today so the autoupdater works woohoo 18:00:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Nioc offical announced a while a go 18:01:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Dns poisoning ftw 18:01:41 thankfully the autoupdater does not trust, but verifies everything! 18:15:30 also https://www.nitrokey.com/products/nitrokeys for an open source alternative 18:16:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 18:17:37 :') i'm close to 0.1 xmr milestone 18:18:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Or 18:18:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://solokeys.com/ 18:19:05 Or those, if you're in the US yes 18:19:14 but they're generally shittier than nitrokeys 18:19:17 also https://privacy.awiki.org/ 18:19:45 Trezor are FIDO2 compatible too 18:20:17 keepassxc now supports passkeys fwiw 18:20:23 Not sure how a hardware keys differs from an encrypted usb? 18:20:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hmm 18:21:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Fit for purpose i guess 18:21:01 This is a terrible idea though 18:21:05 recanman: computer can access usb storage and steal keys; hw keys don't let the computor do that 18:21:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I just use yubikey 18:21:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> More compatible 18:21:30 Ah, ok 18:21:33 can you expand on that? 18:21:36 that's what i got too a yubi 18:21:52 Hardware keys offer security features such as fido2 and housing PGP keys without the secrets ever leaving the device, this is very different from encrypted flash storage 18:22:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also buy two of the keys 18:22:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Backup! 18:22:29 Interesting, I never actually looked into them. I wouldn't buy from a third-party though 18:23:04 The point of passkeys (which are basically FIDO2), is that 18:23:04 - you have a master secret key 18:23:04 - you have a secret key generated for each identity on each website 18:23:05 These keys should stay on a physical device at all times without the ability to extract them, as this is against the fido2 spec and defeats the security model 18:23:44 Passkeys as pushed by Apple and Google are plain retarded and just attempts at vendor lock-in. If a service for some reason *requires* you to use a passkey and you can't be bothered about security, then sure, use keepassxc. Same with 2fa 18:24:02 if you actually give a damn about the account and its security, use a physical security key 18:24:21 i use keepassxc totp on sites that don't support yubikey 18:24:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We can use piv to sign in too monero work :0 18:24:50 as long as you know that it nullifies the '2' in '2 factor auth' 18:24:59 is it impossible to extract the keys from the device even if you have physical access to it? 18:25:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Seperate totp from pw manager 18:25:12 Just like with a Trezor, yes 18:25:32 unless you know the master password 18:25:32 No, not even then 18:25:38 just like with keepassxc, no? 18:25:56 A physical security key by design never reveals the security keys generated on it 18:26:09 Authentication is used to sign/encrypt data with the key, but never to reveal the key itself 18:26:19 that's what makes it secure 18:26:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I wouldnt put all my keys in the same place 18:26:48 i understand. 18:26:49 Yep, for redundancy you should buy 2 of them, register them, and store one of them away in a safe place 18:26:52 if the device breaks, you're SOL 18:27:09 A physical security key by design never reveals the private keys generated on it 18:27:29 I wonder if editing messages on matrix causes a bunch of spam on the IRC side. If so, sorry 18:27:42 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yolo it ! 18:28:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 18:28:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Go old school 18:28:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> *oops 18:28:54 i'm still not sold on 2FA 18:29:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ? 18:29:12 What flavour of 2fa? or the concept itself? 18:29:15 IIRC Yubikey (not necessarily other hardware devices of this type) are closed source and therefore inappropriate for people with extreme threat model. 18:29:16 the concept itself 18:29:43 it's an objectively better authentication flow that minimizes collateral damage from data breaches and makes phishing a lot harder 18:29:48 sure, 2FA is more secure than single authentication, but by that logic so would 3FA and 4FA and 5FA 18:29:51 even if you're not retarded, phishing can happen to you or a relative, etc 18:30:00 If you use hardware devices for PGP, make sure to generate a revocation certificate so you can broadcast it if you lose your device. 18:30:28 That's not an argument against 2fa though 18:31:04 sure, wearing a bullet proof vest helps against not dying from gunshot wounds, but so would riding a tank 18:31:08 the argument is that single authentication can be secure enough for the daily life of most people, and that 2fa adds a layer of complexity that leads to poor usability. 18:31:09 should you therefore not wear bullet proof vests in warzones? 18:31:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its security layering 18:32:10 Security is always a trade off of convenience to an extent. Use workflows that work for you that are secure enough against whatever threat model you have 18:32:29 Data breaches happen very often, it just depends on what's at stake really 18:32:36 of course, i agree. 18:33:07 "secure enough" is very much up to the individual to decide, as long as they are informed 18:33:31 yknow, like not using password authentication to ssh to your ubuntu box 18:33:37 if there's a wallet on it 18:33:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You get keylogged then your stuffed 18:34:51 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ssh i use ed25519-sk 18:34:59 very based 18:35:02 of course splitting my mnemonic seed in 24 different locations would be more secure than having my mnemonic seed as a whole in one of those locations. 18:35:23 Yes, but splitting it in 2 or 3 locations already helps a *lot* 18:35:24 but i mean, a very few % of people benefit from such measures 18:35:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeep 18:35:36 tiny trade off for a much more secure solution 18:35:56 you can be more safe with 1 very secure location than with 2 or 3 poor locations 18:36:15 and even more safe with 2 very secure locations 18:36:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Lastpass says hi 18:37:20 Security keys aren't all that inconvenient and don't get in the way that much, especially once you're used to them 18:37:37 some of them you can leave in your device with a lanyard for the entire day, and only store away when you're not home or something 18:37:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/envs.net/d71f58d4856a50130e8b57f0a2951b6eb6577f431721235340435390464 18:38:00 sure it takes up a USB slot but it doesn't stick out any more than a bluetooth dongle 18:39:21 question: what's the point of using an open source hardware key if you still can't compile your own copy into the hardware? :| 18:39:43 sounds about as secure as yubi (unless you actually can somehow) 18:39:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Code review 18:40:05 of what? their code on github or the code on the hw itself? 18:40:52 afaik you can buy dev versions that will accept unsigned firmware, but yeah 18:41:07 good question, i have the same doubt, i don't think you can flash the hardware keys yourself 18:41:16 one reason it's more secure is that nitrokey actually accepts firmware upgrades 18:42:03 allowing just any firmware to be loaded on the device may cause it to get bricked or load malicious firmware that could reveal secrets, etc 18:42:10 that's just my theory tho 18:43:12 so what are the best hardware keys around atm? 18:43:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://docs.solokeys.dev/building/ 18:43:18 perhaps i should get myself one. 18:43:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Tbh compatibility wise yubikey, opensource solokey 18:45:08 Solokey, Nitrokey 18:45:31 If you're in the US solokeys are the easiest to get 18:45:31 if you're EU, Nitrokeys 18:46:12 what about onlykey 18:46:48 don't know much about them 18:47:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I dont think solo key works with keepassxc and challenge response 18:47:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’ve seen that name somewhere 18:47:55 aight thanks 18:48:14 i'll make sure to get the purism key /s 18:48:19 yeah only the beefy yubikeys and the nitrokey 3 work with it 18:51:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thing that shits me with yubikey is the ends arent protected 18:51:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Asif it will survive 18:51:43 ends? 18:52:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Where you plug it in, usb ends 18:53:20 The usb connector on the yubikey is non-standard and kinda sucky 18:53:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah i have two fips ones.i got them when yubikey had that special on. 18:53:23 prone to break 18:53:41 I only have nitrokeys myself 18:53:56 my only complaint is the plastic can feel a bit cheap, but they're more durable than they look 18:55:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Actually wasnt there an opensource hardware key getting done? 18:56:32 I only know about the Tillitis key 18:56:33 oh lol i thought it was just normal usb 19:08:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Need #monero-privsec 19:08:44 true ^ 19:09:49 That would be unironically very helpful dan 19:14:26 yes and we need to lock in there the guy that had an online windows pc handling sensitive moneros 19:14:51 people underestimate just how spywarey that shit is 19:14:51 the wallet on the online windows pc wasn't the wallet that was drained so think again 19:15:47 maybe fluffypony can save us the long posts and just resign (for completely unrelated, personal reasons, of course) 19:15:59 that's not the point; i would say the same without the heist if i found out windows was being used like that at the top level of a privacy project 19:16:32 microsoft doesn't need ur money 19:17:30 bill gates wouldn't bend over to pick up 10k xmr off the ground 19:23:30 this bears repeating. if luigi was the source of the "hack" (cough-cough) the hot wallet would've been drained too. 19:24:20 well I mean if I wanted to avoid looking guilty maybe I'd leave the smaller wallet 19:24:40 luigi had chances to get much much more in monero than what this hack was worth in the past 19:24:45 not accusing just, thinking through the reasoning 19:25:15 luigi had chances in the past to get much much more in monero than what this hack was worth 19:26:18 I'd say that's a point of evidence against it being him, though who's to say his personal situation / finances haven't changed since then 19:28:01 whereas the change in personal situation / circumstances for fluffypony is pretty obvious 19:28:10 https://thechinaproject.com/2022/05/20/a-thief-crying-stop-thief-phrase-of-the-week/ 19:32:33 you cant go by timing of available funds to take. you have no knowledge of a thiefs life circumstances. 19:34:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> We have zero clue how this incident happened either being hacked or exitscam 19:34:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its just speculation at this point 19:36:02 geonic: I stepped down in 2019, and then I had further access removed in 2021 when I was arrested. There are some historical elements that remain, and this post seeks to rectify that in ways that my “resigning” will not. 19:36:17 (Stepped down as maintainer I mean) 19:37:16 If it’s not obvious, I do not want to be part of these responsibilities at all, but there needs to be someone to hand this stuff over to 19:37:37 And further centralising this stuff by continuing with the status quo seems unwise, don’t you agree? 19:38:22 Anyway it’s my bed time here, got an early morning tomorrow - I appreciate your continued input on this, hopefully you’ll step up and volunteer on one or more of these workgroups 19:38:28 Love your energy and willingness! 19:42:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Monero transition team 19:43:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Does that mean we have to pay mr fluffy a redundancy ??? 19:44:10 i nominate myself for being wrapped in cottonwool and letting someone else fix it 19:45:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Then you can blame the previous government i mean management for the next 4 yrs 20:30:01 boog900 vostoemisio jberman geonic dangerousfreedom do we have IRC accounts to DM luigi1111 to confirm request payout/confirm addresses? if so please do this asap 20:33:33 I hope those address are required to be signed by PGP. 20:34:22 If you are doing the communication over IRC. 20:34:48 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hmm imagine using e2ee 20:34:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> On matrix 20:35:02 what about it? 20:36:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> The irc dm 20:37:00 boog900's is pgp signed, vostoemisio not 20:37:02 oh right, I misread 20:37:21 some of the others have been paid previously - i assume if the same address is re-used then no further questions required 20:38:10 my address is signed on GitLab is that enough? or should I still message 20:38:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Send too policia 20:39:19 yes message him personally over IRC , ello m8 im boog heres me update link and my pgp key is here thanks 20:39:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> EHLO 20:39:38 sure : ) 20:39:48 mod needed at https://matrix.to/#/#xmrmine:matrix.org 20:39:56 again ?? 20:40:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Please hold the line, we are currently busy 20:40:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You are number 2 in the queue 20:41:16 Sneedlewoods in progress 20:41:49 thank you 20:45:52 what makes it easy for me is this series of events: 1. post update on original merge request; 2. add some chars of desired address to message; 3. DM me link to update, milestone(s) requested, and full address 20:46:53 if you have been paid previously and want the same address, skip 2 20:54:49 xmrack: What is the resolution of this chart? Number of 12-out transactions per block? 20:56:45 yes 20:59:39 xmrack: This doesn't make sense as a user pattern, right? PocketChange was released widely on June 5th, too. https://github.com/m2049r/xmrwallet/releases/tag/v3.3.7 21:03:57 hmmm good point 21:14:25 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/smmPawsGUSpLpHpeXwpnyJoL 21:14:40 This is the data I collected 21:42:20 If you are doing the communication over IRC. <= gitlab is authoritative, since that account made the proposal in the first place (unless extenuating circumstances). 21:46:12 Yes, I agree. gitlab comment with partial address that is long enough to prevent "vanity address" brute forcing + IRC DMs is enough. 21:53:17 never had someone try to fake and claim something that didn't belong to them. Don't start now, trolls. 22:03:35 luigi1111w please check pm's 22:04:37 Weblate instance is down https://translate.getmonero.org 22:05:03 escapethe3ra did you DM me on matrix? I don't see anything on irc 22:05:13 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hfMmPNqqqhoVPgEUDUPdAQlO 22:05:14 > i assume it didnt work -> was audited -> considered experimental -> 200iq implemented it into their own projects and the cli remained untouched 22:05:14 Because no one deserves to suffer I've written a short HOWTO with my latest findings. 22:07:28 messaged luigi1111 & luigi1111w 22:08:36 hmm it didn't work then 22:09:49 irc <-> matrix dm doesntwork 22:10:43 if its re ccs, dm plowsof 22:12:21 used to work^ 22:12:33 "performance improvements" 22:12:54 m-relay bridge doesnt 22:13:06 And plowsof is the ccs coordinator 22:39:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ccs ceo now 22:48:08 temporarily use GF2 wallet to receive CCS donations and get this show back on the road? 23:27:42 just need the priv view key, and a statement from the super administrators and we're raising funds by tuesday , while we get our sh*t together