02:31:47 ok so we need a jet fund committee 06:13:09 https://twitter.com/schneierblog/status/1724880959131242666?t=-jibkluj9OB08FS69Vk37Q&s=19 06:24:35 Check out MoneroKon "Hot" Multisig Wallet: https://wallet.monerokon.org 07:00:06 -xmr-pr- [css-proposals] maryjbrook opened issue #82: Common Problems with Suzuki Cars 07:00:07 -xmr-pr- > https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/issues/82 08:12:01 That seems rather spammy 09:23:48 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 ◻️🟦◻️🟦◻️🟦◻️🟦◻️🟦 🇩🇪 🇩🇪 09:23:48 Monero Meetup in Munich, Germany! 09:23:49 https://www.meetup.com/south-germany-monero-meetups/events/297275235/ 11:53:11 whats the reason we can't just use a Rino multisig wallet? 12:05:40 Rino has a key 12:06:14 monerokon is using it 12:23:27 There is 2/3 12:23:27 RINO has 1, one is your password (user key) and 1 you download if I'm not wrong (in recovery document) 12:23:28 The only problem I see with use ONLY this method (only RINO) is that you generated the wallet literally hot 🔥 online 12:23:28 Would be nice if RINO allow users to create a Wallet offline via airgapped or something like that 12:32:19 Lovera: Seems like it's on their radar, but perhaps not enough demand yet. 12:32:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/zclEUORwhbwQuLeewPYqGYxH 13:53:18 Did anybody already look closer at the capabilities of RINO regarding more than 1 user? I saw something mentioned like "four-eye approvals". Would that be able to prevent "rug pulls" because no person *alone* can spend funds? I currently don't see how that would work. 15:36:31 <4​rkal:monero.social> Anyone know why my pr is taking so much time to get approved (https://github.com/monero-project/gitian.sigs/pull/262) 15:37:00 <4​rkal:monero.social> Been a month now 15:55:37 ask in -dev. really though? merges are carefully considered and run by volunteers, sometimes it's a slow process. there are several others waiting 16:05:26 <4​rkal:monero.social> all you have to do is check that the sums are the same and are signed by my pgp key. This isn't a merge into core 16:05:42 <4​rkal:monero.social> idk don't mean to be disrespectful in any way 16:08:44 4rkal: the person who does the merges in this repo isn't super active, they usually do 1 round of merges per release, meaning your PR will likely get merged with the next release 16:08:51 You could try to ping TheCharlatan in that github issue, he merges everything there 16:12:49 Also, arent u missing a bunch if files 16:12:52 Of 16:13:15 Theres only 6 files + your key there 16:13:34 true, it's incomplete 16:14:02 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/lHHYJKTRNLnBoraGvFBfGhGy 16:15:57 Seems you stopped the build prematurely, or configured to only build the above 3 platforms 16:16:24 You have to build all platforms to join the build party 16:23:02 > all you have to do is check that the sums are the same and are signed by my pgp key. This isn't a merge into core 16:23:02 says the guy who didn't check his own work to see if it matched the other sums from the other submissions.. wild 16:25:42 Any, its now officially "checked", and the sums do not match. 16:25:43 thats the # reason it wont be merged, no matter how long you wait. Youll run the build again, and let it complete. 16:29:57 I think it's theoretically ok to not build all targets, but if that's done there should be an explanation why. Submitting all files is preffered. 16:30:17 preferred 16:48:11 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/105#note_22896 16:51:18 thanks luigi. Yeah RIAT took a while to gather all the invoices and stuff but they got them submitted. 17:30:46 <4​rkal:monero.social> ofrn am I sensing a bit of toxicity here lol 17:31:30 <4​rkal:monero.social> jumping to conclusions pretty fast there 17:38:22 mERGE my pR 17:38:25 !!!! 17:57:14 <4​rkal:monero.social> Will try to build for more platforms 17:57:23 <4​rkal:monero.social> but we both know that isn't the problem here 17:57:40 <4​rkal:monero.social> I mean why it's not being merged 18:26:59 So, you thought your pr was complete 18:27:13 And you submit it before the merges happened? 18:27:42 An inconsequential pr, that is incomplete, has 0 priority. Ty 18:29:57 The buils parties have a purpose. The purpose ia reproducibility. not to make 4rkal feel good about having his (incomplete) pr merged 18:31:16 Youre not the only person who hasnt been merged, and the other one is a long time contributor with a complete pr 18:50:01 Tldr: your pr isnt about _you_ or any feature or fix. Complaining about it is lunacy 18:51:09 <4​rkal:monero.social> was just wondering what was happening. One month is a long time 21:36:20 ofrnxmr: i think it's important to remember that a friendly community has greater potential to be perceived as inviting to prospective contributors, while also being more appealing to current contributors to remain 21:40:20 diego: how much is the last payout from the 36C3 CCS? 21:40:47 Half 21:41:07 And who gets to decide how it's spent? 21:41:15 So 280 21:41:31 How as in, "what costs for 37C3" 21:41:55 There is no discussion to be had about how is spent. This is owed money to riat 21:42:21 The original invoice was fiat not xmr iirc 21:42:32 But to answer the question, I'm guessing riat 21:42:37 If xmr had dropped to zero, we would still owe fiat 21:43:29 Not true plowsof 21:43:33 Quote from the request 21:43:36 plowof: why do you think its fiat? 21:43:39 "We are asking for 560 XMR to make this happen." 21:43:49 Yeah, i would agree with diego on that one 21:44:09 The number of XMR was indeed based off of a fiat conversion, but the request was made in XMR. 21:44:55 The inclusion of a buffer 21:45:16 Is common practice for price volatility. 21:45:22 Intention was fiat value not xmr 21:46:20 Incorrect. 21:47:23 Nowhere in the proposal does it say that the amount of XMR paid should change depending on fiat value. 21:48:22 At an XMR price of 55 euro, there would have been 15k euros left over. Did we over budget or under spend? 21:48:48 And we as in the XMR community, not Riat (just so that's clear) 21:49:47 And to follow up - one assumes there is ~30k of invoices for the event in 2019? 21:51:25 plowsof would have to confirm the amount here 21:52:48 Sorry, just reading the proposal. Xmr was handed over not fiat 21:53:04 no worries 21:53:26 neither? half was given up front to meet immediate needs, such as stage downpayments and stuff 21:54:01 the other half was to be released contingent on RIAT getting invoices and receipts and everything which, for reasons beyond me, took until very recently to do 21:54:17 ah ok. So there are 30k worth of invoices then. 21:54:49 And the XMR community (including Riat) benefit from the market fluctuation? 21:54:56 This would be kin to monerokon rolling over funds / donating to itself right? 21:55:10 correct midipoet 21:55:14 yes 21:55:27 plowof: as long as there are 30k worth of invoices, and the XMR community decides how to spend the balance, i suppose 21:55:29 although it should be noted that even this overflow will probably not cover 37C3 in its entirety 21:55:40 Not sure why Riat would get to solely decide 21:55:47 so my understanding is RIAT may look to open another proposal for the rest, although it will be much reduced from this first one 21:55:49 Did they put in the CCS? 21:55:52 since the overflow covers a big chunk 21:56:34 sort of feels like an -events topic 21:56:38 fancy that 21:57:00 no I guess not. But since they were the de facto runners of the show last time (and this time as well) I don't see anyone else better 21:57:07 Someone will be happy from something so i needed to complain immediately 21:57:44 So its monerokon rolling over funds to the next one yeye 21:57:48 plowof: are there 30k worth of invoices? 21:57:59 *plowsof 21:58:25 Not got the exact figures but iirc its approx 25~ k but we had expected half of that 21:59:32 But again, its a monerokon rolling over funds to itself thing so i have no issue 22:00:24 ah right. To clarify. That 25k number was on remaining expenses, yes plowsof? 22:00:26 as in outstanding balances 22:00:52 yeah, i suppose it might be good to see what other people think as well, but from my perspective it would be good (if we view this as a rollover to the next C3 "events committee") that the XMR community has a say in the planning, and expenditure. If Riat and diego want to lead that conversation all the power to them! 22:00:56 I have the exact figures* just not at hand (very extensive invoices / receipts / down to the cent) 22:01:23 Yes according to riat this is the outstanding amount 25ish k 22:01:46 Meaning RIAT underbudgeted by a lot 22:01:47 that 25k number was after the half paid up front 22:02:01 in this instance those invoice machines are so handy 22:02:06 and unfortunately, a committee would be a waste of time right now and more get in the way than anything 22:02:13 C3 is in a month and a half 22:02:32 sure, but there is an open process for people to get involved, no? 22:02:52 of course 22:03:03 To check the validity of the invoices? 22:03:16 got a Matrix Space and everything, open for anyone to join 22:03:29 plowsof: i am sure AI could do that 22:03:38 would you like an invite midipoet? 22:03:49 As well as that generative thing it does 22:03:52 you should come. C3 is a blast! 22:03:58 yeah, i heard 22:04:06 Were you there one time? I forget. The days blurred to me. 22:04:45 I'd love to come, but i hadn't heard what the story was until now (apart from the telegram/matrix group) 22:05:03 Christmas is difficult for me a lot of the time though, family and such 22:05:16 honestly that's because we weren't sure there was going to be a CDC until like three weeks ago 22:05:29 Also, my invoice machine is on the blink, since ofrnxmr snuck in with a hammer 22:05:52 diego: i know. I am in the group 22:05:56 you just celebrate it another day. ez. 22:05:57 nothing special about the day itself 22:06:02 that's what I had to do for my C3 years anyways :P 22:07:18 is there gonna be a CfP type thing? 22:08:49 I believe so. I can never attend the meetings cuz they're at 3AM my time >:( 22:09:08 all I know is I'm going and running the stage again 22:09:17 will apply for a talk or two once I know where that is 22:09:24 ah ok, well hopefully when it surfaces they'll post on XMR forums and get some XMR peeps to go. 22:09:35 not many Monero people I know are confirmed going though 22:09:42 in fact I may be the only sure fire one 22:09:47 which means you need to come midipoet. 22:09:51 Wanna chill with you again bro 22:09:53 That's cause nobody told the community until now 22:10:16 So I'd blame whomever is the organisation committee or whatever 22:10:27 I said yesterday didn't I? 22:10:40 i was probably asleep 22:10:54 I did indeed say yesterday and said Monero people who want to go should jion 22:11:01 admittedly one day earlier isn't best timing still 22:11:20 Better late than never 22:11:38 to be fair, I was kind of expecting it was too late to organize so the efforts would fall apart 22:11:53 and got pretty busy past couple of weeks anyways 22:12:01 anyhow, all Monero people should come 22:12:03 it's a great time 22:12:10 But then money was found down the back of a couch, so that helps 22:12:50 but yeah, a CfP would be a good start to getting some XMR related talks on 22:14:07 So the monero centric ness of the next event is being questioned? 22:14:28 not at all 22:14:39 everyone is actually asking where the Monero guy at 22:14:45 *guys 22:47:25 plowsof: most of the people at CDC are monero/cryptocurrency people, just less vocal in these realms, and are busier in their other realms. Riat, for example, have helped/volunteered/talked at numerous XMR events in the past. 23:24:44 Thanks for sharing, did not know this