00:00:21 (Couldnt resist. Relevant) 00:01:16 As far as funding kaya goes, i think posting him on his own, while the public thinks ccs is still fkd, and giving him 8 weeks is retarded 00:03:10 Opposite of reality. People donate to generalfund, theyre expecting the money to be used to support the future of monero. 00:03:10 either ccs is up and running by tomorrow meeting, or generalfund should pay kaya in full 00:04:41 8 weeks to stay silent, another 4 weeks and the whole system is still turned off 00:04:50 Thats an entire quarter 00:05:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> the great ccs reset 00:07:59 ofrnxmr: how do you think we should get CCS up and running? 00:09:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://monero.observer/cypherpunk-transmission-017-rethinking-monero-ccs-cypherpunk-proposal/ 00:09:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> - buddy system / adopt a dev - a trusted third party will custody the funds and every proposal would have a different wallet (which is basically direct funding) [-3rd party custodians, -Extra complexity] 00:09:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> can i adopt selsta?? 00:10:18 selsta wont 00:11:23 Problem with buddy system 00:11:27 Is what if grampy just dies? 00:11:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i will provide clothes and shoes and food 00:12:18 logistic nightmare 00:12:30 ccs = escrow 00:13:16 Escrow is what keeps devs honest, and for dishonest devs, lets us stretch the truth about ccs having 2600xmr 00:15:32 Unfinished ccs proposals with at least 1 milestone collected, required the proposer to work for their money. 00:15:32 direct funding would only be acceptable if 00:15:32 1. Ccs proposed 00:15:33 2. Put in merge queue 00:15:33 3. Milestone completed 00:15:34 4. merged and hopefully funded before next milestone 00:15:34 5. Wait, hopefully? 00:15:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yeah that i am not a fan of 00:16:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> direct fund = cya bozos 00:16:32 im not a fan of putting ccs in the hands of Luigi, cuz luigi doesnt care or take care 00:16:45 Id prefer to give it to fluffy on his tapped phone 00:16:57 Over twitter 00:17:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> write zero on ccs projects old then a yr with no commits? 00:17:36 Selsta keeps luigi honest 00:18:23 As far as merge queue goes. 00:18:24 Its not luigi that chooses what he gets to merge 00:19:12 Its a good system. 00:19:35 Why? Because of selsta 00:22:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> is there a list of options for this? 00:22:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> somewhere 00:22:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> in the ethereum 03:08:07 All the fun stuff always happens when I'm sleeping. Time zones suck 🤬 06:38:39 Join us today to talk about MoneroKon fund campaing as well as the Price and the NEW reports @ https://monero.town/post/1204437 07:16:42 https://funding.monerokon.com 07:16:58 Call for Presentation should be up soon 07:17:09 Call for Presentations should be up soon 07:52:54 MoneroKon 2024 Volunteer Sign up: https://volunteer.monerokon.org 09:26:24 Community meeting in 5 hrs 30~ mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/934 09:29:04 my fellow None Protected Group (NPG) members please join me in opening our doordash apps and going online 09:56:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i'll get the match sticks out? 10:14:25 Im online, sup 14:58:53 A reminder to all who want to help keep the Monero Konferenco high quality and professional, to contribute if you can on https://funding.monerokon.com/ 14:59:00 Dankon everyone. 15:00:50 Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/934 15:00:53 Greetings, hello 15:00:54 Bro's/bitches - What's up. Are we doing this shit, or are you moving off-line? 15:01:07 thanks for the funding link reminder msvb. monerokon call for presenatations is also open: https://cfp.monerokon.org/2024/cfp , volunteers please apply here https://volunteer.monerokon.org/ 15:01:12 hey 15:01:27 hello 15:01:29 Gm 15:01:31 Lurking 15:01:46 Hello. 15:03:02 what would be the purpose of this meeting? an end/round up of the proposals for "fixing" or "evolving" the CCS? 15:03:25 pay plowsof and kaybanerve from generalfund 15:03:26 meeting over? 15:03:38 a reminder of where we are at currently: the [WIP](https://ccs.getmonero.org/work-in-progress/) list have funding secured from the General Fund, sent to luigi who then makes payments. The [Ideas](https://ccs.getmonero.org/ideas/) are divided into 2 distinct groups, the Protected Group (PG) - who are core developers / researchers that generally get auto-merged, and the None Protect 15:03:39 ed Group (NPG) which would be everything else. PG's have funding secured by either retro funding on the CCS or direct funding from the GF or a combination of the above. NPG's have no such guarantee and must wait until the CCS wallet situation is "fixed". 15:03:48 luigi1111 can better clarify if there are errors 15:04:21 These groups dont really exist 15:04:32 I just added plowsof and kaybanerve to "protected" 15:04:45 (that is, if they do exist) 15:05:07 hello 15:05:45 Pro-Escrow (PE) and None-Pro-Escrow (NPE). an example of PE from midpoet: "I think we could establish a list of people willing to be escrow provider...." [cont](https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20231124) and an NPE idea can be found at: [Rethinking Monero CCS - escapethe3ra](https://monero.observer/cypherpunk-transmission-017-rethinking-monero-ccs-cypherpunk-proposal/) 15:06:29 Im not here because i have an hour to talk bullshit 15:06:56 I do that outside of meetings, in my spare time. 15:06:57 Please stop posting non-solutions 15:06:59 further discussion on this happened yesterday [here](https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20231124#c306288) 15:07:10 nowww 15:07:34 Now, either ccs wallet is uo and running? (i assume its not), or generalfund can start paying out merge queue 15:07:37 Our 15:07:44 everybody is orot 15:07:48 Protected* 15:07:50 is there anything missing? a new idea/proposal that hasnt been discussed already? Core shuld have enough to act upon? 15:08:27 We need an escrow step/process of some sort, imo. The question is how many escrowers we should have, and whether they should use multisig or not. 15:09:39 i dont even want to be involved in a PG / NPG situation, i'd rather doordash 15:09:45 multisig, yes, but not yet. 15:09:46 escrow, of course. 15:09:46 no multisig = 1 15:09:47 multisig = 3/4 and 2/3 donation ans payout 15:11:35 At this point, we should ignore what have already been settled, and move to secure a future solution. The CCS have a long record of success, getting fucked up by human (error/malice). The CCS didn't fail, someone else failed. 15:11:42 the 'ccs coordinator' loses 25% of his role and then gets to shoulder his way into the PG. no way lol 15:12:06 or 85% , a large chunk anyway 15:12:29 The ccs coordinator worked for 12+ months and was paid for 6 15:12:48 While being kept out if the loop and made to look like a fool 15:13:10 For 60/90days of most recent term 15:13:30 "90" (which was really 180) 15:13:51 ofrnxmr raised a good point about kayabanerves proposal being granted 2 months on the CCS page -now- in a Post Hack environment. Pre Hack , 2 months would have been plenty of time i think to achieve most if not all reauested funding. but now, in a post hack time, his proposal may suffer because of the CCS' problems,, which is uncalled for 15:14:33 Not just this proposal, but continued work on fcmp can come to a halt haveno style.. 15:15:20 there are definitely follow up prooosals 15:15:37 Were 1/4 of a year wasted. 15:15:38 lets just keep pretending the world will wait for us 15:15:55 Fcmp is essential 15:16:10 can we not use kayaba's and plowsof's proposals to test out new setup? GF can donate a chunk to them if required 15:16:18 Articmine and fluffy have posted sentiments to that nature, thats 2/7 signers 15:16:20 Lololol 15:16:21 we must wait for Cores input on all the ideas/proposals for fixing the CCS as we havn't received any since the last meeting 15:16:45 > can we not use kayaba's and plowsof's proposals to test out new setup? GF can donate a chunk to them if required 15:16:46 Midi, im actually suggesting the matter for those 2 15:16:49 just that monerokon being linked on the funding required page is seems to be a good idea 15:16:51 Latter* 15:17:06 I should look up on twitter, how to spell "sksualllt". 15:17:08 > just that monerokon being linked on the funding required page is seems to be a good idea 15:17:09 Its a terrible idea 15:17:31 Its not monerokon, its paying to form a legal entity 15:17:40 Monerokon ccs will come when it comes 15:17:57 ccs coordinator that reads emails being boosted to funding required paid while actual devs in the NPG look on and starve 15:18:39 Actual devs should be boosted too 15:19:00 I dont know abiut you, but i see 2500xmr jet fund sitting in generalfund, LITERALLY for occasions like this 15:19:05 Use kt 15:19:08 It 15:19:11 kayabas was voted for merge a long time before i even posted my proposal 15:19:19 technically monero now has a dev fund 15:19:26 Or.. quit the excuses about not raising money 15:19:37 general fund == our dev fund, and we only have 9000 xmr 15:19:40 No they dont 15:19:40 ofrnxmr: who are you talking to? 15:19:50 Plowsof 15:20:08 The generalfund is not our dev fund 15:20:13 Its bareky an emergency fund 15:20:17 I don't understand why we can't stay on topic 15:20:32 which is what is the next step for CCS? 15:20:40 theres nothing to talk about 15:20:48 Then why are you talking? 15:20:49 there are actions that need ti happen 15:20:58 And nobody willing to do anything 15:21:09 the idea of promoting legal entities (what the actual fuck) seriously? 15:21:16 If i say "give luigi a new wallet" 15:21:16 We will move forward 15:21:27 which is fuckin retarded 15:22:44 it rests with Core to decide who would qualify for the escrow positions to begin with. at the moment, bF is still happy for luigi to continue the role which is why he asked what community felt @ https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20231111 15:22:56 No it doesnt 15:23:10 if it does, fine 15:23:27 we can suggest names all we want but they're the ones who have to sign off on it in reality... otherwise we are talking about a ccs dot monero dot com fork 15:23:35 Your funeral 15:23:40 No it isnt 15:23:57 They can either okay ball or have a boating accident 15:24:16 everyone proposes their magical idea that fixes everything -> no-one will actually work to implement it and/or it assumes other people will -> luigi ends up with ccs wallet duties again 15:24:23 we can just skip to the end 15:24:23 So we have a first vote then? Luigi to escrow CCS wallet. 15:24:26 perfect 15:24:37 1 is Yes. 2 is No. 15:24:43 2 15:24:46 Clownshow 15:24:53 2 15:25:30 1. 15:25:34 Sneedlewoods, you can vote yknow 15:25:48 > 1. 15:25:49 🤣 15:25:59 k im out 15:26:46 the beatings only get worse - you get to be luigis shield again 15:26:57 Anybody else voting? 15:27:21 thats 2 and 2 15:27:23 Stalemate 15:27:33 I would say no, at least as long as it's not disclosed how it happened 15:27:33 Yet we want a 2/7 multisig 15:27:35 Cant even get 7 votes 15:28:01 Fkn c l o w n s h o w 15:28:07 so 3 no. And 2 yes. 15:28:12 Im going to talk to fluffy 🤬 15:28:18 nioc voted 1 last meeting 15:28:27 N stop wasting my time 15:28:40 core runs this bitch? So what am i talking to you ppl for 15:28:48 luigi is escrowing the ccs funds already for the PG 15:28:54 > nioc voted 1 last meeting 15:28:54 Speak for yourself 15:29:03 Ceetee dan and all my 5000 alts voted no 15:29:06 So fk u we win 15:29:16 Do you midipoet have a fast explanation why you vote against the luigi escrow option? 15:29:24 then the beatings shall continue , just trying to be realistic 15:29:59 Because it is proven to be the source of a vulnerability/threat/attack vector that may surface again. 15:30:03 S l a p 15:30:15 +1 midi 15:30:25 And luigi didnt give 2 fucks 15:30:32 Casually like "oh well" 15:30:33 I would also vote no if fluffy was the escrow provider 15:30:39 Fuck all that bullshit 15:30:46 fluffy wont be escrow 15:30:54 But if core is pkowsofs boss 15:31:01 midpoet didnt you type shouldn't be then should be the other day when asked about luigi 15:31:05 than plowsof can stfu and do as hes told 15:31:09 That's understandable midipoet. 15:31:41 plowsof: i don't understand the question 15:31:47 One way or another, ccs is movijg forwaed 15:32:00 Plowsof and some others say "core will do it" 15:32:04 we should leave the vote open for a few more days. Maybe 48 hours 15:32:14 And then move on with the outcome. 15:32:26 So a person like dsc or geonic would be better for the role, because they are less well known. Is that approximately why you vote 2 midipoet? 15:32:37 It's not that hard. We need wallets for active development, dormant development(jet fund) and a hot thingy to make the actual payouts. 15:32:38 In a community of developers, it shouldn't be that hard. 15:32:40 Msvb is HILARIOUS 15:32:46 Hahahahahahahahaggahaggagagagad 15:33:12 msvb-lab: i think we should have a few CCS wallets, and escrow providers unknown and rotated 15:33:32 I remember partially the discussion now, okay midipoet. 15:34:08 Geonic is less well known. Lol. 15:34:09 to who?? 15:34:13 I still vote 1 for the strong preference to the kiss factor and historical value. 15:34:14 Hes trying to win a fkn oscar 15:34:28 Historical value = balance says 0 15:34:55 Men lie, women lie, numbers dont lie 15:35:27 the beatings shall continue until the public outcry reaches a boiling point (could take another month or 2.. or 6) 15:35:40 Luigi and his "i wont be able to do forensics for 2 more weeks" maid attacks are ideal 15:35:57 Can we move on to next topic please? 15:36:11 Vote stays open for 48 hours, i think that's fair. 15:36:15 No 15:36:23 Monero development will just die 15:36:29 6 months of starvation is a clown suggest bud 15:36:35 There are no topics for discussion, afaik. 15:36:43 ofrnxmr: what are you on about? 15:36:46 I like this one "strong preference to the kiss factor " 15:36:47 Kissing who's ass ? 15:36:48 Its "soo...." 15:36:53 "have we.. no? Not yet?" 15:37:04 We cant merge anything 15:37:24 This protected and non orotected shit is bullshit 15:38:07 What are we voting about? 15:38:13 If plowsof would rather doordash than coordinate, so be it 15:38:17 the next topic should the the CCS ideas list / merges but.... 15:38:31 Ill deal with core directly 15:38:41 And by next week, we'll have a wallet 15:39:08 there would be hardly anything to coordinate .. the PG are self functioning .. monthly updates, guaranteed progress 15:39:31 whatever circus games ppl want to think up, can be done while were paying devs and raising money 15:39:37 The wallet 15:39:45 You had 60 days of coordinating payments 15:39:51 Where you didnt know there was no damn money! 15:40:07 the monero core / seraphis devs / researchers have funding secured 15:40:10 they wont starve 15:40:34 Because i made a comment out of the side of my mouth about selsta working for free 15:40:49 Thats notna solution, jackass 15:40:55 The jetfund is supposed to cover this 15:41:08 Generalfund _has_ the jetfund 15:41:13 Its not a "let them do what they want" 15:41:32 We are supposed to be able to look at prooosaks 15:41:46 As we HAVE 2000 XMR EARMARKED FOR A RAINYDAY 15:42:28 Fucking bitches. Focus on the problem at hand. 15:43:07 Join us at 11am est (in 20mims)) for this weeks MoneroTopia show. We will have Recanman on to discuss Monerokon and the fundraiser for it. 15:43:08 https://x.com/monerotopia/status/1728188159568253415?s=46&t=WeY1AyuT6Ir1FNBKKq_Beg 15:43:08 Problem: no donation wallet 15:43:09 solution: make one 15:43:45 Problem: who makes it? 15:43:46 solution: not the person who got robbed blind and didnt bother to tell the coordinator 15:43:47 chowbungaman: Cool spam, mf'er. 15:43:59 Thats doug haha 15:44:13 chowbungaman: what time is guest on stage 15:45:02 there is one topic in AOB to touch on. any closing words on the entire situation? 15:45:28 a vote of luigi being the CCS escrow is open for 48 hours 15:45:42 thats hilarious 15:45:51 I wonder if we'll get memed for that 15:45:52 not sure about the 48 hours time constraint 15:46:13 He wont be back til after thanksgiving 15:46:20 So.. if we can vote in his absense 15:46:31 god forbid luigi uses a trezor and never gets hacked again 15:46:35 plowsof: then change it 15:46:59 > god forbid luigi uses a trezor and never gets hacked again 15:47:00 Just what we need. Luigi losing the trazor 15:47:00 I'm tempted to vote yes, just to get this moving forward, but on the other hand I'm afraid what another ccs incident would do to moneros reputation 15:47:29 at least a few devs dont want luigi or bf holding their funds anymore. 15:47:30 imagine if he learned a lesson from this whole thing 15:47:31 sneedlewoods: your indecisiveness isn't helpful 15:47:34 the horror 15:47:37 fwiw I trust luigi 15:48:09 midipoet trusts luigi just like we all do selsta, but I think the point is to redistribute risk. 15:48:11 he has done a lot of underappreciated work since the beginning of monero's existence 15:48:24 i know 15:48:29 selsta: it's not just trust, imo. If there is a vulnerability then it may get exploited again 15:48:34 But these days hes on vacation with his computer unattended 15:48:39 And doesnt give a shit 15:48:44 I have never made it through the initial blabla niceties, to actual get some substance. It's too boring for my limited attention span. I need action. 15:49:00 The question for me is if we should try for a more complex arrangement to improve security or assume the same thing won't happen a second time (while reducing complexity.) 15:49:12 "if there is a vulnerability" with a HOT wallet that had the seed shared on all kinds of platforms/computers 15:49:18 Why would luigi get off his boat for that?? 15:49:19 midipoet: well yes he wouldn't use the same setup again 15:49:56 Hes been using the same windows 11 setup, ssh passwords instead if keys and everything for years 15:50:10 without luigi doing maintainer work who knows where the project would be now 15:50:12 The vulnerability is the person 15:50:12 I think any changes we make, whether assigning a new person or having a multi person pool, would maybe be less secure than giving the role to luigi. 15:50:20 Did I see pictures from Bahamas? 15:50:25 Also, I think luigi has offered to do the escrow which is very generous of him. 15:50:29 and he is only backup maintainer but we haven't found a replacement in multiple years 15:50:31 If he was committed, maybe he wouldn't he vulnerablen 15:51:03 selsta: he can remain a maintainer 15:51:06 Generous.. lol 15:51:18 yeah, no issues with him being maintainer 15:51:35 he had a wallet containing 244 xmr that was perfectly fine 15:51:50 That was the overages wallet 15:52:03 why didnt the 1337 hackers take it 15:52:22 Cuz it has "ofrnxmr jet fund" written on it 15:52:28 so far I haven't seen a realistic solution other than luigi 15:52:36 They knew better 15:52:47 plowsof: knowing the answer to that question doesn't help in anyway 15:53:20 selsta: that's fine. So you vote 1. 15:53:38 Selsta is a better solution, but selsta is already overworked and underpaid with a shitload of things to pay close attn to 15:53:43 can we at least agree on how long the vote stays open? 15:53:48 And then move on 15:53:48 I don't want to deal with any wallets 15:53:56 (raise rates plz) 15:54:04 48 hours, is that okay midipoet? 15:54:17 i think it's fine, plowsof isn't sure 15:54:18 7 days 15:54:19 We can check the log in about two days. 15:54:30 Meeting in 1 week 15:54:35 only if the result is the one i want :D 15:54:43 Vote on meta issue 15:55:05 ofrnxmr: agree. 15:55:10 ok next saturday sounds good. enough time for core to respond to all this 15:55:13 _400 comments later_ 15:55:20 Plowsof: can you make the meta issue? 15:55:36 now with 5 minutes left i would like to give msvb the floor to advertise CCC 15:55:36 please clarify its a simple yes, no vote. 15:55:54 yes i can make the meta issue , any suggestion for the title? 15:55:58 +1 meta issue 15:56:09 Luigi to continue as CCS escrow? 15:56:19 plowsof: if the outcome is no, we'll figure out the next required vote. 15:56:19 Nominations for ccs wallet excrow 15:56:27 msvb-lab 15:56:42 It's my turn now plowsof? 15:56:52 yes ! 15:57:11 Whoever wants to help organise a Cryptocurrency Hackers assembly at the forthcoming CCC Congress in Hamburg, please send me a DM so I can help you get a ticket. 15:57:23 If we have no staff in about a week, I'll cancel our participation. 15:57:44 ...assuming it's a vote with our feet against introducing Monero and Crypto at the event. 15:58:24 Best to send the direct message here to my Matrix account, if you want to help. Thanks! 15:58:30 That's all plowsoft, next topic. 15:58:42 Vote 15:58:42 yes luigi 15:58:43 or no (optionally nominate someone else) 15:58:58 And monerotopia wants some ppl to come on the show (now, i guess) 16:01:22 Vote: Luigi to continue as CCS escrow https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935 16:01:48 Gentlemen, and bitches - I don't have a problem with Luigi managing the hot wallet. 16:01:49 We should, however think about some kind of management of secondary mallets. Like sponsors sending to a cold wallet, only releasing funds to hot wallet on majority votes. 16:01:49 I know, it's weird. 16:04:14 plowsof: maybe add some info supporting both yes/no sides 16:04:20 thank you for the vote idea, i should have made that issue after the last meeting, my apologies - it will help clear things up 16:05:05 for now i just added "Further details/caveats to your answer is much appreciated." 16:05:24 i would be biased in my answers telling people why yes is amazing and no is yucky BAH! 16:05:46 i will think/collect the reasons for yes / no later though 16:06:30 my answer is something like Yes : but make luigi agree to terms and conditions that remove ALL plausible deniability so that if any such hack happens in the future , there is only 1 conclusion 16:07:36 context is less important, imo, given the amount of unknowns on the matter. 16:08:40 a hot wallet , with the seed shared on the internets / multiple devices is a gaping hole that can easily be fixed 16:08:51 It's either we continue as before (assuming Luigi improves/adjusts his setup to account for the issue) or change something. If it's change something we can then concentrate on what we change to, after this vote is concluded. 16:09:08 ok i understand 16:09:46 so this vote is 'do yo utrust luigi didnt steal yes/no?' 16:10:29 if the outcome is that people think he didnt steal then we can discuss how he can custody the wallet more securely? 16:10:49 plowsof: no it's not 16:10:51 Also, they checked some of the alts 😎 16:10:53 And that's unhelpful 16:10:55 i think this vote is a combination of those 2 16:11:30 ok define the vote exactly 16:11:58 we can also believe that Luigi has been a target. And if he maintains the wallet again, whatever vulnerability has been exposed may still be there - especially as we have no forensics (as i understand it) 16:12:26 true 16:12:31 Could even be his partner or son/daughter for all we know 16:12:44 Could be his best mate 16:12:50 Could be state attacker 16:12:53 Could be anything 16:13:07 (has luigi even raised his hand publicly to be willing to custody the ccs moving forward, should people want that, i guess we can find that out eventually) 16:13:16 The fact we don't know is why removing Luigi is the best short term mitigation (imo) 16:14:05 alright, this is all good context to help people decide 16:14:06 Just 16:14:06 yes 16:14:07 no 16:14:07 explain 16:14:31 ^ 16:14:32 There doesn't need to be an explanation, imo. There are too many unknowns 16:14:45 luigi will continue to hold funds - yes or no 16:15:03 i am not giving enough credit to the "being targetted" line of thought, i must admit 16:15:10 we have no idea 16:15:18 plowsof: exactly. 16:15:51 > There doesn't need to be an explanation, imo. There are too many unknowns 16:15:51 Yes and no are too binary. 16:15:52 if everyone says yes, what if luigi just uses the old wallet and seed? 16:16:15 ofrnxmr: yes, let's give people the "maybe" option 16:16:18 Yes 16:16:18 explain: im ok, but not on the same setup 16:16:19 Just for clarity 16:16:26 alright, everyone give yourselves a pat on the back, lets meet next week 16:16:33 ok "maybe" if / pending this/that 16:16:40 jesus, we can presume the setup will change 16:16:50 If it doesn't there is no way Yes should even be an option 16:16:51 No 16:17:09 i was joking about the maybe 16:17:11 Id assume he wouldnt keep leaving it unattended, but cest la vie 16:17:23 Hes not able to access the machine right til after thanksgiving 16:17:47 i am thankful that thanksgiving is over 16:17:58 Evil maids are better than wrenches 16:18:19 lets call this meeting it and gather next Saturday .. ideally with some input from Core 16:18:38 Ah. yes. One for the future ... 16:18:43 Good meeting, dankon everyone. 16:18:51 ty plowsof 16:19:08 thank all for attending, apologies to all waiting for a solution :( 16:19:45 monerokon 2024 planning meeting in 40 minutes Monero Events 16:21:18 tune in MoneroTopia for interview about MoneroKon after the price report 16:22:50 https://youtube.com/watch?v=64qZE9lufSc 16:23:32 tldr price report... numbers could go up, but it could also go down 16:39:07 if luigi no because we don't know>> any change also equals no because we don't know 16:40:56 I would say Cat would be an excellent choice but after seeing her reaction to turkey last night she may well have a vulnerability 16:43:39 my 5 minutes is up 16:43:43 .bbl 16:47:13 That was only 4 minutes 21:19:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> im a wait for monero observer to tldr the meeting 😬 22:13:09 bob we decided on the 5 people that will do the multisig wallet but we haven't been able to get them online at the same time to set up the wallet 22:13:24 we have been trying to do this for 3 months now so maybe soon 22:13:35 hope that the devs can wait until this gets set up and then wait again an indeterminant time to get paid after it is set up 22:13:47 wait one of the people is no longer available so they need to be replaced first 22:13:54 I am sure the person/people in charge can do this, that is assuming there is someone in charge 22:21:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i can get the whip out? 22:36:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 22:36:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> In the case of a personal data breach, the controller shall without undue delay and, where feasible, not later than 22:36:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 72 hours after having become aware of it, notify the personal data breach to the supervisory authority competent in 22:37:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> accordance with Article 55, unless the personal data breach is unlikely to result in a risk to the rights and freedoms of 22:37:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> natural persons 22:37:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 22:37:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> GDPR compliant ccs wallet? 22:38:40 What for? Ccs wallet is in a pirate zone 22:38:58 (doesnt even exist :D) 22:39:25 .. and im a legal entity, but _we_ arent 22:41:48 Also.. we need 60+ days to do anything 22:50:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 22:50:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Where the supervisory authority is of the opinion that the intended processing referred to in paragraph 1 would 22:50:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> infringe this Regulation, in particular where the controller has insufficiently identified or mitigated the risk, the 22:50:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> supervisory authority shall, within period of up to eight weeks of receipt of the request for consultation, provide written 22:50:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> advice to the controller and, where applicable to the processor, and may use any of its powers referred to in Article 58. 22:50:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> That period may be extended by six weeks, taking into account the complexity of the intended processing. The 22:50:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> supervisory authority shall inform the controller and, where applicable, the processor, of any such extension within one 22:50:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> month of receipt of the request for consultation together with the reasons for the delay. Those periods may be 22:50:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> suspended until the supervisory authority has obtained information it has requested for the purposes of the 22:50:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> consultation. 22:50:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 22:50:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> has 8 weeks 22:55:02 07:24 So we have a first vote then? Luigi to escrow CCS wallet. 07:24 1 is Yes. 2 is No. 22:55:06 1 22:55:48 voting "No" until we have a better alternative seems silly 22:57:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 2 - 2 23:29:38 if it wasn't clear, I vote 1 23:57:41 Thats terribly unclear 23:57:50 You said no but voted yes 😂 23:59:01 > if luigi no because we don't know>> any change also equals no because we don't know 23:59:02 i get it now, that was sarcasm earlier? 23:59:20 well it wasn't reality