01:35:21 Join us TMR at 11AM-EDT/5PM-CET to talk about Monero Nodo progress with Abdullah! and more @: https://monero.town/post/1345966 04:38:31 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9083 04:38:35 what do i reply to this lol 04:46:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> replay 04:46:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> " #FE " 04:46:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> reply 04:46:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> " #FE " 04:47:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> or "thats nice" 05:08:44 Selsta - dont reply :P 05:09:00 Watch this little magic trick lolol 06:04:17 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> I labeled it wontfix 06:11:24 +1 06:11:39 Close 06:12:01 If they want to debate, they can dm me or something 06:12:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> put your contact details there 06:14:17 The supply is now capped at infinity and will half every 4 years, thank you the suggestion, closing as completed 06:15:20 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sRwSqM0YBto maybe they want a video 06:18:47 Done 06:19:08 Also, have they never heard of WOWNEROOO 06:20:00 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> I think I should close that issue and no further comments. 12:08:15 don't we already have a capped supply https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/cryptonote_config.h#L54 ? 12:08:15 will be reached in ~10¹⁴ years if my math isn't too far off 13:14:44 It's already reached 13:14:54 Wait, no 13:15:00 It will be reached summer 2024 13:18:41 o_O 14:38:20 i hear a new version of feather has been released 👀 14:40:53 (c)(tm) 14:54:43 how do i pronounce guix? cus i did a guix for feather yesterday, its like gitian for monero but it worked first time 14:54:52 geeks 14:55:40 so not goo-eee-EX , ok lol 14:56:49 I like gwiks 14:57:14 Monero GUI is Monero Goo-EEE right??? 14:57:23 that's how I say it 14:57:28 yes haha 14:57:32 loll 14:57:36 fucking terrible name btw most people don't know what the fuck a GUI is 14:58:55 Should name it "wallet of vitalik" 14:59:09 won't matter when we finally make feather the official =P 15:00:42 is it meeting time? https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/934#issuecomment-1847323570 part 3 15:00:53 greetings! 15:01:01 hi 15:01:15 hey dude 15:02:07 Please apply to the MAGIC Monero Fund to get funding for your projects to improve Monero: https://monerofund.org/apply . We're lonely over here 🥲 15:02:26 Hello 15:03:36 right, this was kind of impromptu .. with luigis proposal only a few days ago to temporarily kick start the CCS 15:04:02 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935#issuecomment-1841052378 15:04:18 what do we think about it? can feather wallet be used for offline transactions? 15:04:40 We dont know what is used for GF 15:04:45 Who cares 15:04:59 Yolo, lets get merging.. 15:05:12 hi 15:05:38 afaik we don't know "how" it got hacked 15:05:49 GF2 balance is somewhere around 11k xmr now , im not sure exactly but its not far off 15:06:19 on a cake wallet somewhere, maybe (im joking. Bf isnt crazy) 15:06:32 we don't know how it got hacked, but i know that the only machine/wallet that didnt get hacked was luigis windows one, that only he had access to 15:06:36 Luigi is very helpful, but I naturally wouldn't put him back into escrow position 15:06:36 But who else? 15:07:04 Voldemort 15:07:22 Just say "luigi has the money" and not worry about who actually does 15:07:53 Let the hacker go hack the decoy wallet 15:08:16 That isn't a bit odd that no one knows? 15:09:00 Most people still have no idea how general fund is managed 15:09:23 If I were soley in charge of that much money I wouldn't want to dfescribe how I stored it either 15:09:28 Transparency is nice, when it can be secure 15:09:47 luigis proposal only has support (with some suggestions for tweaks) so its time to get merging after luigi1111 creates an offline wallet. will featherwallet version 2.6.0 help him with offline tx's? 15:10:06 Can make merge queue now 15:10:13 when tobtoht closes his eyes he see's QR codes (so many hours he's been starring at them) 15:10:19 yes, so new Feather Wallet release is out: https://monero.town/post/1349592 15:10:24 Why feather wallet? 15:10:33 Why feather wallet? (instead of gui or cli) 15:10:33 airgapped signing with animated QR code, generate additional seed entropy from dice rolls, plugin system, receive tab improvements and fixes 15:10:55 Ah ok, I didn't see this 15:10:55 Community news! 15:11:11 Imo it will but as much as I love tobt he's basically the sole dev on feather so like, would be good to have more eyes on the project in general if we're going to be using it like this 15:11:33 can't disagree with that 15:11:48 That is what I think. Also, "official" monero fund, not using "official" monero wallet. Feather wallet is still really cool 15:11:49 make a few more aliases for decentralisation 15:12:10 r​ecanman I can think of a fix for that :D 15:12:14 new official wallet wet 15:12:18 wen* 15:12:35 Would like to raise the complaint that thotbot got angry at me in private because of a picture I posted here yesterday: https://i.imgur.com/eocCabq.png here is a pic of feather running on a $15 computer 15:12:45 He does not like me mentioning Feather, even though it is indeed running Feather on a 15$ SBC - as it may confuse people in thinking this project is related to Feather desktop. 15:12:47 Why feather? 15:12:53 I think thotbot needs to check his ego, it is FOSS software, I forked the project (that I once started may I remind him) and made it run on a low-powered device, and already made it clear 1 week ago I would not release under that name. 15:12:54 luigis plan is to be the sole escrow holder of ccs funds for 3~ months 15:12:57 Publicly stating this so people know he takes himself too serious. 15:13:01 feather will support multisig UI/UX first 15:13:41 tobtoht: how are you generating + adding entropy from dice rolls? some library or did you write this? 15:13:59 i wrote this 15:14:19 see you in intellectual property court dsc_ ! 15:14:20 What if he get hit by an Airbus? 15:14:49 could i get a link to the file? 15:14:49 yes, one sec 15:14:57 > Publicly stating this so people know he takes himself too serious. 15:14:57 Tobtoht needs a snickers 15:14:58 been a long months 15:15:49 Feather desktop is a work in progress thing from dsc_ (is this the bespoke OS/thing to run on a specific hardware?) 15:15:52 Whether peoplenare confused or not.. we arent big enough to care. All newcomers are welcome 15:16:00 If we're doing this then I will say that I saw when dsc_ posted that picture and him saying this was feather running actually confused me because... what 15:16:03 Just call it "wallet of satoshi v2" 15:16:22 plowsof: I forked it and replaced the GUI code with something that would work for a touchscreen 15:16:26 I don't know, this shit seems dumb, I've only ever seen tob be super chill, and what you are doing rn dsc does not seem chill 15:16:53 hinto: https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather/blob/master/src/dialog/SeedDiceDialog.cpp#L105 15:16:55 Lyza, dsc and tobby have a personal relationship 15:17:00 sounds awesome dsc_ 15:17:01 So its "deeper" than that 15:17:23 that's what I'm saying, it seems likle they have personal disagreements that aren't really relevant here 15:17:24 Basically, we shouldnt get in the middle of this brotherly spat 15:17:33 so Idk why dsc is bringing it up like it matters 15:17:34 can we fund a ccs to force teamwork? 15:17:34 We love both of you 15:17:34 Slap slap 15:17:58 Dont worry. 15:18:37 Lyza: I'm bringing it up because I feel wrongfully accused of doing something wrong 15:18:37 dsc is the original creator of the featherwallet 15:18:50 maybe dsc would feel better if we used wowlet? 15:18:56 Tob is doing great work on feather, that is out of the question 15:19:05 Anyway 15:19:05 - new feather released 🥳 15:19:06 - dsc forked feather and changrd ui for $15 sbc support 🥳 15:19:06 - cake / monerocom polyseed support 🥳 15:19:07 - mysu polyseed support 🥳 15:19:12 > dsc is the original creator of the featherwallet 15:19:12 Good to know 15:19:30 we co-created 15:19:37 If the license was fine and tobtoht forked it, then I do not see a problem 15:19:40 Oh 15:19:56 procreated 15:20:22 There's a joke there somewhere 15:20:23 you were "accused" in private from what you said, why make it publioc in a damn meeting 15:20:41 "I CARRIED IT FOR 9 MONTHS!" 15:20:41 "YA, BUT ITS MY SPERM, AND I NOURISHED YOU" 15:20:57 to let people know he is a over-protective drama queen and needs his ego checked 15:20:59 I just don't see the issue 15:21:22 you are the one starting drama though, how do you not see that 15:21:25 This years monerokon will be WILD 15:21:30 whole meeting has been derailed over your personal grievance 15:21:42 so you can "ego check" somebody, get real my dude\ 15:21:51 dsc Vs tobby 15:21:51 ofrnalts vs geonic 15:21:51 pP vs their ceo as a special attraction 15:21:56 Can we discuss what OS should be used instead. Everyone has a different idea 15:22:03 yes thank you luigi 15:22:07 just go with debian 15:22:10 Luigi 15:22:12 is there a write up somewhere of Feather desktop(c)(tm)s features/goals? 15:22:17 Hyc and others told you on the thread 15:22:22 OS for new CCS? 15:22:23 Debian / Ubuntu is my vote, good mix of security and widespread use and supported by Monero 15:22:27 not qubes 15:22:27 use debian or bsd 15:22:30 OS for the offline laptop 15:22:51 Dont use ububtu. 15:22:58 what does hintos guide suggest (luigi1111 do yo ufeel confident enough to attack the laptop with a screwdriver to remove the wifi chip?) 15:23:01 If you use ubuntu I will laugh 15:23:05 we do the official builds on Ubuntu 15:23:06 crazy talk 15:23:07 Don't 15:23:17 so using Ubuntu in some way minimizes attack surface 15:23:23 building and running on same OS 15:23:25 Lyza, we do them on 18.04 15:23:32 fair point 15:23:38 maybe we should move up 15:24:00 https://www.parabola.nu/ with openrc 15:24:08 Probably should switch to debian for our builds 15:24:13 Jump on folks! 11am est live. We got Abdullah giving us the update on MoneroNodo.com reporting From China where he traveled to finalize Nodo production! As always all are welcome to jump on stage to give us your weekly Monero takes: 15:24:13 https://x.com/monerotopia/status/1733199082330497112?s=46&t=WeY1AyuT6Ir1FNBKKq_Beg 15:24:39 switching to debian seems more work but Idk that's above my paygrade so to speak 15:24:54 If migrating commands are an issue, it is pretty simple 15:24:55 Someone suggested Debian minimal I think 15:25:08 Debian Minimal ships with no GUI but yeah 15:25:34 Oh great 15:25:36 For the offline laptop, you need to use an operating system with very low attack surface: 15:25:36 Alpine linux with hardened kernel or parabola gnu/linux-libre with openrc 15:25:38 Ok, luigi this is cringe 15:26:21 Please stop lol. Ill ask plowsof, hyc or similar to send instructions 15:26:32 You'll need to go through a specific process for kernel hardening 15:26:32 This has some good stuff, but there should be more: https://madaidans-insecurities.github.io/guides/linux-hardening.html 15:26:38 Lel they all have different ideas 15:26:48 hand holding out in public lol 🥶 15:27:11 Y'all it's an offline machine, the protection is the encryption, you can't count on it to be actually secure from a local attacker if running 15:27:19 Its not rocket science 15:27:30 full disk encryption ye,, and its never going to be updated so it doesnt matter 15:27:31 and its not a billion dollars 15:27:33 Then why are the talk 15:27:51 But everyday we DONT merge, the balance will be higher 15:28:01 You should use libreboot and anti-tampering measures in order to minimize physical attack surface 15:28:16 libreboot will allow for encrypted /boot and grub password 15:28:30 5$ wrench , anyway 15:28:45 minimal de.. deihen? +1 great idea 15:28:49 $5 wrenches dont work on decoys 15:29:09 You can use multiple luks keyslots 15:29:25 tobtoht: (kinda offtopic at this point lol) the mapping of dice rolls <-> entropy is each die number concatted as a string, e.g `1626`, then system entropy appended on-top of that? 15:30:01 You could also use dm-crypt directly, but that is harder 15:30:43 we need luigi1111 to try out the setup first, if its viable as is written in the proposal, then go ahead with it + debian minimal , sane 15:30:49 hinto: yes, with a space in between rolls, and then ran through pbkdf2 15:31:16 im crying. 29more mins ofrn, just 29 more mins 15:31:28 Ok next topic 15:31:31 Just do it 15:31:55 ok 15:32:17 full-disk-encryption is useless without /boot encrypted IMO 15:32:17 There should be a separate discussion on this 15:32:44 community highlights. 15:32:44 i mentioned during the noise but polyseed wallet support has been rolled out be a few wallets and we have good support now 15:32:59 Any good explanation of polyseed? 15:33:10 Feather first 15:33:10 anonero 15:33:10 cake / monerocom 15:33:11 mysu 15:33:17 https://github.com/tevador/polyseed 15:33:22 Has a good explanation in readme 15:33:49 Did you reply to yourself 👀 15:34:14 I did 15:34:17 "Due dilligence" 15:34:21 if/when luigis new wallet/setup is finished, the CCS will have a working wallet, and need things on the funding required page 15:34:23 one thing I've been wondering about the recent donation, is if Moonstone Research or anyone would be interested in doing some research into it. There's a non-zero chance it could be connected to the transactions that have been pointed out by Moonstone's research on the hack 15:34:32 that was fast 15:34:33 if you need a device that can authenticate itself to the user: https://osresearch.net/ I think this is overkill if luigi only custodies the funds for the next ~3 months 15:34:36 Looked it up right after asking 15:34:39 Was first result 15:34:45 debian + disk encryption + transfer over official binaries 15:35:03 For that, they need to be in a merge queue 15:35:04 +1 tobtoht 15:35:10 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests 15:35:56 #1 the PG 15:35:59 ajs_ is perhaps going to wait a bit to see how the first initial proposals are put forward / funded 15:36:12 Generalfund can cover them this time 15:36:19 Has to include /boot or useless 15:36:19 Align payload to a number and use separate device for storing LUKS header 15:36:19 Then create another one with decoy 15:36:34 using my jet fund 15:36:48 No systemd 15:36:48 hey chowbungaman bumping monerokon funding campaign would be much appreciated https://funding.monerokon.com 15:37:16 L​yza: Moonstone Research is already aware of the big donation. SGP runs Moonstone. 15:37:23 so other than monerokon funding proposal, the rest can be dealt with immediately ish 15:37:45 selsta 15:37:45 jeffro 15:37:46 Dangerous freedom 15:37:46 Go to funding, funded from GF 15:38:01 copy that rucknium 15:38:21 more likely merged onto the ccs and will be funded too quickly before GF can make a donation .. oops :P :P 15:38:45 Also erc for PG 15:39:02 And plowsof. These people never stopped working 15:39:36 (erc may have downed tools during the social experiment) 15:40:41 I really feel like FCMP is core r&d and shouldn't have the 8 week limit 15:41:02 Agreed 15:41:08 I also feel like its the exact tye of work that generalfund should be interested in 15:41:21 the luigi temp solution limit of 3 months~? 15:41:30 Yeah 15:42:03 Backwards. Youd think general fund was there to MAKE SURE we fould complete essential work 15:42:54 but 1. Instead of donating, core gave conditions that can lead to ubderfunding 15:43:17 So, what is general fund for? Million dollars needed for "hosting"? 15:43:42 ~2m 15:44:05 Should be 8 week, and we'll cover the shortfall 15:44:35 i'd say the proposal in need of community feedback/votes would be hintos https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/422 , the rest have been discussed at length in meetings afaict 15:44:58 So before discussing 15:45:08 lets confirm the others quickly 15:45:45 and recanman shared an update on his own proposal :) (an example of the community re purposing funds) .... and so to will the Core monero concepts animated videos - to be put forward for 1 XMR of funding after absorbing the savandras proposal funds 15:47:01 a. [Add retroactive funding proposal for FCMPs](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/403) 15:47:03 merge 15:47:47 b. [dangerousfreedom - wallet work](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/409) 15:47:48 merge 15:48:30 c. [Core Monero Concepts](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/412) 15:48:42 do we need an update from the team as to where they're at? 15:48:52 xenu and vostoemisio 15:48:57 I think it is going well 15:49:03 I don't see a need for an update 15:49:14 PG > full ccs funded out of jet fund 15:49:14 - selsts 15:49:15 - jeffro 15:49:15 - erc* (maybe regular) 15:49:16 - plowsof 15:49:16 - dangerousfreedom 15:49:17 - bp++ update 15:49:17 regular ccs merge: 15:49:18 - kaya 15:49:18 - v1d 15:49:19 - Observer 15:49:19 close 15:49:20 - Self hosted 15:49:20 - form nonorofit monerokon 15:49:21 discuss the rest 15:50:02 looks sane 15:50:09 pasting links for logs 15:50:14 d. [escapethe3RA Monero Observer maintenance (2023 Q4)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/414) 15:50:15 merge 15:50:33 e. [[External] Form Nonprofit Assocation for MoneroKon](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/415) 15:50:57 ajs_ marked this as not ready for merge anyway as they wanna see how things turn out for the first proposal 15:51:45 and would require changes to the ccs backend (if external is required) 15:51:57 f. [erc: ccs for getmonero and weblate](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/416) 15:52:31 Merge 15:52:34 I think there was an issue with this 15:52:35 there is some back story to moneroguides downvote on this proposal, who had some redesign / shuffling choices for getmonero that he felt was ignored 15:52:35 I forgot 15:53:01 Erc isnt a 1 man horse 15:53:09 I forgot to say that you can submit yourself as MAGIC Monero Fund committee member or as a voter for the committee: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund-Elections . Nominations close on December 31st. 15:53:30 erc has my +1 for merge 15:53:32 Hinto, plowsof and hardenedsteel help out over there. But could use more eyes 15:53:43 Over there = monero-site 15:53:57 You don't have to KYC to be a candidate for the committee nor a voter. 15:53:58 s/eyes/hands and eyes 15:54:08 g. [Monero Selfhosted View-only Web Wallet (with received transaction Telegram/Email/SMS/Discord/Webhook alerts)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/417) 15:54:12 lol^ 15:54:14 That is just to receive compensation I think 15:54:30 Close 15:54:43 Close 15:54:46 That is just to receive compensation I think (MAGIC monero fund committee) 15:55:41 moving through them quickly, if anyone wants to vote on an earlier one, please do so 15:55:47 h. [CCS Coordinator](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/418) 15:56:04 merge 15:56:11 Merge 15:56:14 Merge 15:57:14 thnx ❤️ 15:57:28 i. [v1docq47 - monerotopia 2023 (part 2) and monerokon 2023 voiceovers and working on xmr.ru](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/420) 15:57:42 Merge 15:57:52 merge 15:57:55 merge, long history , and quick funding 15:58:16 j. [jeffro256 full-time dev 2023Q4](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/421) 15:58:26 merge 15:58:29 merge 15:58:32 Merge 15:58:34 merge 15:58:45 merge 15:58:51 merge 15:59:05 k. [hinto-janai - full-time work on Cuprate (3 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/422) 15:59:13 needs discussion 16:00:07 which will be possible now that the ccs has survived , between now and the next meeting(s) 16:00:22 I think we need -dev to comment (unbiased) 16:00:55 on the hour 16:00:57 l. [selsta part-time monero development (3 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/423) 16:00:59 Cuprate docs alone are worth money 16:01:05 merge 16:01:10 merge selsta 16:01:13 merge 16:01:16 Merge 16:01:18 merge 16:02:02 +1 16:02:43 boog900: wink wink 16:03:23 so we need to somehow get the cuprate proposal to benefit monero core and/or seraphis to make it more appealing 16:03:40 it would spread limited resources unnecessarily 16:03:58 During reimplementations of pruning, cuprate found and documented a bug 16:04:22 it's not really a bug more of a typo ... 16:04:40 one thing is like to ensure with funding cuprate, is that issues and fixes are relayed to minero-project 16:04:44 indefinite long term maintenance 16:05:55 What if they were able to do seraphis before us? 16:06:25 merge for selsta 16:07:28 i think i can say thanks to all for attending the meeting here 16:07:39 and continue discussions 16:07:49 Dankon everyone for the good meeting. 16:08:06 I do understand this and my next proposal will be to work on Cuprates p2p code and document Moneros p2p protocol but with a database im unsure what we can document ... synthetic has already documented monerods schema 16:08:13 msvb-lab do events have a meeting today? 16:08:25 Yes, in one hour on #monero-events. 16:08:30 uh we forgot the biggest news 16:08:40 Our new moderator Comradeblin is going to run the meeting. 16:08:42 We had a small donation to generalfund 16:09:02 oh thanks msvb-lab comradeblin 16:09:13 Lol 16:10:00 a small donation hm let me check 16:10:13 21 hours ago it received 💝 +0.00001 #xmr 💝 $0.00 🐋 🚨 16:10:50 (my matrix screen filled with hearts because of that) 16:10:50 Moonstone/sgp is trying for something? 16:10:55 Mine did as well 16:11:00 XD 16:11:39 💝 +2696.73 #xmr 💝 $464889.28 😉 16:11:41 - 💝 +2696.73 #xmr 💝 $464889.28 😉 [nitter](https://nitter.net/WatchFund/status/1732391070216908886) / [X](https://twitter.com/WatchFund/status/1732391070216908886) 16:11:50 so many hearts 16:11:57 not again 16:12:08 #wereback 16:12:13 this is an attack on slow machines lol 16:12:23 laptop crashing 16:12:24 haha 16:12:31 Why are you running something as heavy as element on a slow machine? 16:12:36 Use a simpler one 16:12:41 Good meeting. 16:12:41 thanks everyone 16:12:48 Goodbye, thank you 16:15:42 missed an events summary from msvb-lab but i assume this will happen at the events meeting 16:16:57 Pretty much just looking at forming association and getting ready to sell tickets 16:17:03 i think we can pencil a meeting in 2 weeks (23rd?) 16:17:06 The channel right now has a summary of TODOs 16:18:19 It's fine plowsof, as I only wanted to give the events summary after you added the request in the agenda. 16:18:32 ah ok 16:19:34 dsc_ dare i ask for a roadmap of feather desktop? 16:20:24 boog900: re: db documentation - the code/design itself 16:20:58 try replacing any subsystem in `monerod` - "just read all the code" 16:21:42 i'll be making this thing such that i can die in 3 months and someone can come along and read easy english on how to pickup exactly where i left off 16:32:21 yes but my point was that there isn't a lot we can do to benefit monero core right now so although we can (and will) document how Cuprate is doing things, which when Cuprate is up and running will help maintainers we can't really document how monerod is doing the database without going out our way to do more work which will `spread limited resources unnecessarily`. 16:32:22 With the p2p and consensus code I already have to look at how monerod is doing things. 16:33:18 ah yeah, the guy who wanted me to redesign the entire website and that disappeared when i asked them to provide more details. A solid contributor whose opinion is very important, clearly. 16:34:16 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1900 16:36:14 IMO cuprate will help (and already has helped) core-monero anyway so it shouldn't matter that this proposal doesn't have a direct benefit, it allows more work which will have a direct benefit 16:45:57 plowsof: sorry i dint reply. Yes meetinf in 15mins 16:46:06 Meeting* 16:47:49 maybe someday cuprate will stop being... "the alternative", so it's a (in hindsight) direct benefit :) 16:48:22 i worry for the future poor soul who will read my code not knowing what the hell is going on 16:59:09 dsc_ dare i ask for a roadmap of feather desktop? <== The device doesnt have a name yet. Ill post a devlog on monero.town, to follow progress for those interested 17:00:16 We will have docs so it should be easier to understand than monerod :) 17:01:13 Boog, are you guys doing seraphis in parallel 17:01:26 Or rather, would it be a good idea to? 17:01:57 Hey everyone, PLEASE do this! Thank you! 17:02:00 "cuprate releases the First testnet daemon for seraphis" 17:04:48 AFAIK some important things are still in discussion? so I would say now is not the right time for us to start this, monero-serai would need to be updated first 17:07:59 Seraphis, i think, should be your focus (unless were _not_ doing seraphis, it doesnt make sense to implement an EOL protocol) 17:09:57 Good point 17:10:18 and as far as in discussion - this is your chance to help decide how things are going to be implemented, and to do it first 17:10:36 cuprate has to implement all the EOL protocols because it has to sync from genesis. 17:11:03 Most of Seraphis code work is in the wallet, not the daemon AFAIK. 17:11:50 But who's working on thr daemon.. 17:12:31 no daemon left behind 17:13:15 And yeah, i dont mean "you can skip the whole blockchain and just do seraphis" i obviously meant "dont recreate stuff we arent going to be using down the road" 17:13:52 Like, if wallet 3 is replacing wallet 2, dont bother rewriting wallet 2. Just go straight to wallet 3 17:14:37 I'll send a voter application, as I cannot commit to being a committee member this year. 17:14:37 I'm unable to access the questions because it is on google forms (seriously?) 17:14:38 Could someone send a screenshot of them? Thanks 17:14:45 I'll send a voter application, as I cannot commit to being a committee member this year. 17:14:45 I'm unable to access the questions because they are on google forms (seriously?) 17:14:46 Could someone send a screenshot of them? Thanks 17:16:39 Google forms is not my fault. The committee doesn't run its own elections to avoid conflicts of interest 😅 . (I knew you weren't blaming me, recanman.) 17:17:07 The committee uses Cryptpad internally 17:17:08 Good to know. Who runs the elections? 17:17:37 sgp is one of the people who runs the election. It's the board: 17:18:17 https://magicgrants.org/about/ 17:18:34 Oh, great. Thanks 17:20:40 > Like, if wallet 3 is replacing wallet 2, dont bother rewriting wallet 2. Just go straight to wallet 3 17:20:40 Daemon code and wallet code is different the code I write to handle txs now will still be used to handle old txs after the Seraphis hf and it may still be needed if we need to do 17:20:41 "transition" txs to turn "old" outputs into seraphis ones 17:20:41 > and as far as in discussion - this is your chance to help decide how things are going to be implemented, and to do it first 17:20:42 I think that would be too much for me at the moment 17:22:51 I would still like a screenshot/copypaste of the questions if I was unclear. Thanks 17:57:44 Me too! 19:38:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 16.04