00:35:15 dEBRUYNE Yeah, looks like. https://x.com/vikrantnyc/status/1735633242806472834 00:35:34 dEBRUYNE nitter: https://nitter.salastil.com/vikrantnyc/status/1735633242806472834 00:44:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Double spend 02:39:54 Reddit is an unsafe platform. Avoid the Monero group. 02:42:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I avoid monero 02:42:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Bastards 02:45:21 Reddit will no longer work with private email addresses like tutanota.com and/or with comms over Tor/VPN. The message "Uh oh! We have suspended your account due to suspicious activity. Not to worry. You can continue using Reddit by resetting your password". The password reset process will not send an email to a valid tutanota address. Reddit is pushing users towards Google, Facebo 02:45:21 ok and Twitter as sign on solutions all of which require ID for setup. This is an obvious attempt to monetise the Reddit platform. 02:58:12 Reddit displays the following message when accessed over Tor and/or a Vpn. "Uh oh! We have suspended your account due to suspicious activity. Not to worry. You can continue using Reddit by resetting your password". 02:58:12 The password reset process will not send a confirmation email to a valid Tutanota address. Reddit are pushing users towards single sign on platforms such as Google, Facebook and Twitter so as to monetise the platform. This creates a privacy problem because all the aforementioned platforms require account holder personal identifiable information. 02:58:13 Avoid the Monero pages on Reddit if you want to stay safe. 02:58:14 Join us TMR at 11AM-EDT/5PM-CET for MoneroTopia EPI #146! @: 02:58:14 https://monero.town/post/1420469 03:03:42 Potential Privacy Issues with Tutanota Email 03:03:42 ********************************************** 03:03:43 We have encountered several issues when setting up Tutanota email accounts over VPNs and/or Tor. The account setup password confirmation dialog responds with invalid password even though the password is valid. The account login dialog also responds with invalid password even though the password is valid and stored in a password manager. It would appear that the Tutanota servers ar 03:03:43 e sitting behind Cloudfare or a similar network protection layer which is not VPN/Tor friendly. 03:03:44 The account creation/login problems disappear when the Tutanota email servers are accessed using unprotected networks. The same userid/password combination that fails over Tor and/or a VPN works over the unprotected network. 03:03:44 These issues pose serious problems for anyone who wants to protect their identity when setting up/logging into a Tutanota email account. 03:30:51 Test 03:31:05 Test 04:50:30 When ctemplar and elude got shut down, popular emails that are still alive are pretty much just honeypots 05:49:44 Except for gmail 05:49:53 Gmail is safe 05:54:02 Good for backup when your mailserver burn to the ground 😭 05:55:58 15 years of email down the crapper. 10:32:51 mfw people still try to use email and stay anonymous 10:52:15 What would happen if the person who finds the correct hash first includes fraudulent transactions? 11:42:52 hi! 12:53:30 the chain will fork ? 12:54:14 Oh, so it's that simple? 12:54:46 as you need atleast 10 blocks to be confirmed , if the next block is forked to other chain , the previous block becomes useles as we are now on separate change 12:55:24 Are it the nodes or miners who are confirming the previous 10 blocks? 12:55:37 don't take my word for it , i just expect how it to work with my limited understanding 😅 12:56:27 as you need atleast 10 blocks to be confirmed , if the next block is forked to other chain , the previous block becomes useles as we are now on separate chain 12:56:48 NP, makes sense. I haven't used monero in so long, starting to forget things 12:57:06 don't take my word for it , i am just expecting to work this way , on hearing on some podcasts 12:57:13 hmm 12:57:32 i listened to one podcast by howard chu on monero talks channel 12:58:09 you could watch it , in that he discussed about possibility of >50% hashpower takeover 12:58:20 don't take my word for it , i am just expecting it to work this way , on hearing on some podcasts 12:58:51 you could watch it , in that he discussed about possibility of >50% hashpower takeover and its consequences. 12:59:13 miners 12:59:27 right ? 😂 12:59:48 That's the part I am unsure of now 13:00:07 What do you define as "fraudulent"? 13:00:12 Dbl spend? 13:00:35 I guess it's feasible for all nodes to verify and just don't transmit if it's fraudulent 13:00:39 Basically 13:01:19 The ones confirmed in the longest/most difficult chain, _become_ the real ones 13:03:37 Confirmed? 13:05:02 Wallet builds tx > sends to node > node sends to other nodes > all nodes "know" about the tx 13:05:15 has there been ever that there were multiple chains 13:06:07 Miners contact nodes to ask for a list of tx > miners compete to solve a puzzle > once solved, miners put those tx in a box (a block), seal it, send it back to nodes 13:06:08 has there been ever that there were multiple chains created 13:06:18 This is a "confirmed" block 13:06:43 Every new confirmed block attaches to the other one, in a chain 13:06:56 Hence "blockchain" 13:07:24 But in the case of double spending? 13:08:01 the original tx either a) is never confirmed 13:08:12 Who is it that stops it? Does it start a new chain? Or do all notes realize that it's double spending and don't transit further? 13:08:18 Ohh 13:08:20 B) never relayed from the first node 13:08:49 C) gets relayed with a different recipient and gets mined on an alt chain 13:09:02 Who confirms is? 13:09:25 https://youtu.be/SHpYhdMB18Q 13:09:42 Faster to watch this 13:22:03 thanks for detailed explanation. 13:56:49 guys what is "sweep"? is it same like churning? 14:02:17 Sweep_all or single? 14:02:41 both 14:03:16 Churning = 1 to many outputs. Sweep_all os many to 1 output 14:05:01 Sweep single .. you can split a specific output(coin) into many smaller ones 14:10:59 ahh got it, thanks 14:14:43 Churning = 1 to many outputs. <<>> are you sure of this definition? 14:15:38 what about 1 output to one output 14:16:04 To agitate or stir (milk or cream) in order to make butter. 14:16:04 To make by the agitation of milk or cream. 14:16:04 "churn butter." 14:16:05 To agitate vigorously or turn over repeatedly: synonym: agitate. 14:16:05 "wind churning up the piles of leaves. 14:16:35 or sweep_all of several outputs and then more sweep_all of the resulting output 14:16:56 yes I understand the issue with sweep_all of many outputs 14:16:59 yeah, thats a churn too ❤️ 14:17:09 nioCat true (iirc sweep_all allows multiple outputs also) 14:18:07 and ofc nobody knows the correct way to churn :) 14:18:24 Except ofrn 14:18:35 (swap old nero for new nero) 14:18:52 depends on the parameters that you are dealing with 14:19:20 ofrn if we swap will we become each other? o_0 14:20:24 And that, folks, is how nioc became nioccat 15:18:57 Yolo 16:44:43 monerokon planning meeting in 15 minutes in #monero-events:monero.social 16:44:52 agenda: https://agenda.monerokon.org 16:46:03 should be a fun session 16:47:36 Can someone please send a screenshot of the budget (for those people using mobile today, including me) 16:52:28 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/nkKyzthXFtnuWZaqgWtoFdEV 16:53:48 highlighted items are tentative 16:56:52 Ajs kinda fun 16:57:34 Don't get excited. I'm not allowed to speak 17:03:49 Hundreds of deleted messages 👌 17:04:25 Not obly 17:05:14 Not only mine, but like 7 ppl 17:05:20 History rewritten 17:50:03 IRC users still see all messages 18:04:40 Its in events. Yeah, but events isnt logged on monerologs 18:04:51 Monerobull has the messages on the discord as well 18:05:35 literally hundreds of msgs deleted by (a) "telegrambot" (admin) 18:06:37 im banned from there now anyway 18:16:14 When were they deleted? 18:16:20 Recently? 18:20:34 Who knows (probably in the logs) 18:20:50 If you were to volunteer on monerokon, would it include somewhere to sleep or something of the sort? 18:22:51 shadow best to ask in Monero Events. I think franciscom is volunteer coordinator. 18:26:27 Very odd, I can't join the chat, as if it doesn't exist 18:29:44 Vost or dadajo, can you share the link 18:32:00 https://matrix.to/#/!gclBVGbCMQJYuMOAYr:monero.social?via=matrix.org&via=t2bot.io&via=monero.social 18:32:32 Ty 18:34:48 shadow best to ask in #monero-events:monero.social I think franciscom is volunteer coordinator. 18:40:03 Thank you 18:44:06 hello lads 19:07:28 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> hello lad