07:20:28 Join us today for a Holiday Special @: 07:20:28 https://monero.town/post/1498210 & https://twitter.com/monerotopia/status/1738313082181497273 13:05:50 Meeting here in 1hr55min https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/946 13:15:59 In Cli, is it possible for Alice to view the balance of Bob's wallet, if Bob provides primary addy and secret view key? Or is it necessary for Bob to provide a signed key image for Alice to import? 13:18:03 Private view key shows incoming inputs. Key images then tell you if those inputs have been spent or not. So if you want to know the real balance, you know the key images as well 13:23:21 Thanks the reply. would that better as "so if you want to know the real balance, you NEED the key images as well"? If not, I'm reading your reply wrong. 13:25:40 Using an imported key image is clear for me in Cli. No worries there. 13:27:15 Oops typo - yes, I meant that you need the key images to know the real (unspent) balance 15:00:38 Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/946 15:00:39 Greetings 15:01:01 meow 15:01:17 Hello. 15:01:33 hi 15:02:43 xmas weekend :) 15:03:10 luigi has a gift for us soon, an update from luigi1111 regarding timeline of when temporary CCS wallet is up and running.[here](https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935#issuecomment-1867257410) 15:03:52 Hello 15:04:32 hiya 15:05:06 is the CCS wallet address displayed to donators from monero-site or the CCS frontend repo? 15:05:10 would not have been possible without suggestions/feedback/work from the community. the images of the debian machine are being forensically analysed https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/923#issuecomment-1862024427 15:05:33 🛌 15:05:47 i believe only the general fund address is displayed 15:05:53 Close 15:06:43 Hello. 15:06:55 just wondering which one we have to send a PR to (unless luigi does it) 15:07:04 that would be the ccs front end repo i think hinto 🤔 (which stnby reported that the gitlab instance needed an update, which was swiftly done) 15:07:52 a PR to remove any instances of the old ccs wallets primary address? 15:07:56 pgp signature verifying the address from luigi should probably be done as well 15:08:19 or 15:08:33 Lemme just sync it :P 15:09:06 definitely. the new view wallet will be up and running / ready for merges shortly 15:09:07 now 15:09:15 View wallet is up 15:09:45 running on the backend* 15:09:57 Since last time we were here, midi mentioned meta being neglected 15:10:15 yes, midipoet is raising awareness of the abandoned meta issues https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues. Many have been/can be closed already, although briefly looking, some require updates/further discussion. 15:10:35 seems like selsta/ofrnxmr have closed some 15:10:49 I propose having a dedicated community meeting for open meta issues 15:11:03 Dan r/dark (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate ): has set up a mattermost for -events (and also for community) 15:11:13 would one of those focal boards be perfect to track monero-meta issues? 15:11:19 > I propose having a dedicated community meeting for open meta issues 15:11:19 im against that, as its clear meetings are a waste of time for meta 15:11:27 A massive wasre of time 15:11:37 how is it clear? 15:11:42 example: https://mattermost.monerokon.org/plugins/focalboard/team/7jxzshir6j895kwgu71mdx5xrc/shared/buntcef156pgp7fy6x5oyn33rny/vchn7j3cnkpnmiyczoqcbyizkcy?r=k7drhyrbfygt844ejqb7h58o6dw 15:12:21 You have different types of meta issues. 15:12:21 ideas - these cannot be solved at meetings 15:12:21 -logs 15:12:22 - not relevant 15:13:32 Anyway, about 40% of the issues rhat were outatanding have been deal with 15:13:36 another 15-20% in the worka 15:13:46 The rest are open discussions 15:14:08 Been dealt* with 15:14:09 hello 15:15:17 some are open discussions since 2018. How long should they stay open? 15:16:04 which particular issue(s) need closing/discussion most? 15:16:15 A bunch of them, by reading the issue, seeing if still relevant, contacting those involved 15:16:19 We should have a process for reaching consensus on either a) doing something, b) outlining loose consensus on the matter, or c) close the issue (as it's dead). 15:16:25 alot have already been closed in the space of several days, thank you for shining a light on the issues 15:17:16 A lot of the 3yr old ones are being looked at 15:17:27 What about the ones from 2018? 15:17:39 organising what is what on a focal board first (with any relevant updates) seems a good next step 15:17:41 And revisited by the deva or proposers, a lot of them have been closed as completed or not viable 15:18:08 Example: vtnerd has commented on multiple and closed a couple 15:18:40 midipoet is hard to please. if you compare the -meta issues to before you raised awareness 15:18:43 You have ones where "we dont even use that system anymore" 15:19:39 So can we close them then? 15:19:46 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/310 15:19:46 no wallet left behind / seraphis is renaming a lot of things 15:20:56 i was assuming midpoet would come forward with a list of high priority meta issues but we can work on that instead if you have not much time 15:21:09 580 and 581, ive contacted seth about. Not sure if these lists are being used anywhere, and adoption is much larger 15:21:23 plowsof: why would i come forward with a list at this meeting, when I was told to ask permission for a meeting? 15:21:45 better do as told! 15:21:47 when its time to reach consensus, then we can gather votes at a meeting when a simple yes/no is required? 15:21:49 you said you were going to propose an agenda (but im happy you didnt) 15:22:00 ty for letting me work in peace 15:22:53 ofrnxmr: i said that PRIOR to being told i had to ask permission. So here i am asking permission from the gatekeepers 15:23:17 Ok, no then ofrnxmr the gatekeeper says no 15:23:22 Ty. 15:23:26 Fair enough 15:23:29 Carry on 15:23:30 im going to give midipoet a yellow card for insulting our efforts and calling us gatekeepers 15:23:42 (im joking) 15:23:46 ye are definitely gatekeepers 15:23:58 Just so it's clear 15:24:03 Thanks for your time 15:24:07 How? 15:24:09 asking permission already sets the tone of us being gatekeepers 15:24:17 Yes 15:24:19 Im working 15:24:25 I was told to ask permission 15:24:27 And im asking the people involved 15:24:31 you asked me when there was a day without a meeting.. this meeting runs once every 2 weeks 15:24:36 In what was supposed to be a permissionless environment 15:24:53 there is no spoon midipoet, free your mind 15:24:55 github is NOT permissionless 15:25:08 i cant even close an issue. 15:25:12 Neither can plowsof. 15:25:47 the only thing i can do, is action 15:26:11 this is taking a rather large amount of time and we have much more to do 15:26:27 maybe a meeting is needed where we can talk about action 15:26:36 i would agree. 15:26:37 next agenda item ❤️ 15:26:39 ^ no idea what is happening 15:26:51 @niocat action is actioning with or without whoever 15:27:02 The bus doesnt wait 15:27:57 so meta-issues will be added to the agenda , if midipoet is organising adhoc meetings or a specific monero-meta room amazing 15:28:16 anything to add midipoet? 15:28:33 none. I'll organise a meeting when required 15:29:07 thank you 15:29:08 [Douglas Tuman Working full-time on Monero Projects (6 months) 15:29:08 ](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/250#note_23029) update available for feedback 15:30:14 the full payout amount has been requested with quite the extensive update of Doug/Sunitas achievements 15:31:32 did he quit his job? 15:31:36 no, he came to his senses lol 15:32:30 I was not involved with this originally 15:33:33 shortcomings in areas wihle overachieving in others 15:33:43 i honestly appreciate dougs outreach 15:33:55 Right 15:34:11 maybe off-topic: i think we should start figuring out the community multisig signers relatively soon 15:34:29 He's helped sponsor sports teams, onboard merchants 15:34:54 we have until March 15:35:07 And monerotopia never ccs'd 15:35:24 they did try once 15:35:26 So i also think about monerkon costs vs how much topia saved us 15:36:11 anyway as before I don't have much to say 15:36:21 And i expect there to be a topia 2024 15:36:30 if people haven't had time to read the full update / leave feedback, well, we can give people time as it was posted ~7 days ago 15:36:48 they are trying to make it not conflict timewise with kon 15:36:57 nice 15:37:48 there's 6~8 meetings left to figure out what set of people are responsible for releasing funds for CCS's (luigi said explicitly he doesn't want to be included) 15:38:03 and btw an easy to use airgapped wallet wouldnt have been possible so quick without featherwallet which has a reproducible build process, and requests people to build/sign hashes (much like Monero with gitian) more info here. much appreciated if you have a spare 40gigs of disk space / computing power. https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather-sigs 15:38:17 tobtoht is also working on multisig UX with jeffro256 15:38:27 excluding conflict of interest people, there's almost no-one available :) 15:39:08 Cat has no conflicts of interest 15:39:19 gingeropolous debruyne nioCat 15:39:50 rbrunner7 15:40:07 charuto, perhaps 15:40:15 also good 15:40:34 ofrnxmr as well 15:41:12 *Cat is not the strongest when it comes to tech 15:41:25 okay never mind we have an ample amount of people, but would they take on the responsibility? 15:41:47 just use peer pressure 15:41:51 lol 15:41:55 it'll be fine 15:42:02 congratulate them before theyve agreed etc 15:42:22 congratulations plowsof 15:42:28 ^like that? 15:42:47 y- yes 15:42:49 as things take longer than expected it's not a bad idea to get this rolling sooner rather than later 15:43:21 I am sure plowsof knows :) 15:44:12 it would be nice if tobtoht and jeffro256 could discuss a portential ccs together working on their planned multisig UX upgrades 15:44:24 instead of pulling hours away from their other work 15:44:50 100%. 15:45:37 the open CCS issues have all been voted on bar one, hintos cuprate proposal 15:45:46 which has been updated recently k. [hinto-janai - full-time work on Cuprate (3 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/422) 15:45:55 Lets discuss hinto's 15:46:19 kayabanerve: boog900: someoneelse495495: 15:46:53 do i just leave the room now or... 15:47:42 vtnerd: jberman: jeffro256: 15:47:42 any comments? 15:47:45 will monero-core benefit from this work? 15:48:14 hinto you are free to stay 15:48:35 not immediately, but yes definitely medium/long-term 15:48:49 answer questions and give input :) 15:49:31 boog900 could not get over the hurdles faced when trying to get cuprate work funded. only until he changed the proposal to sponsor work that would specifically benefit monero-sore 15:49:34 after all, we're digging up 8+ year old code no one wants to touch and can relay all the (correct and incorrect) behavior we see 15:49:35 s/sore/core 15:50:17 perhaps boog900's work has changed the outlook on cuprate and it is less of a blocker now? not much feedback has been obtained yet 15:51:08 I had the document in from the start of my current proposal 15:52:40 that seems to be the main issue, obtaining feedback. when luigi handles merges it wont be a needle in a haystack 15:54:52 2 quick news items: sech1 notes peak in tx's "All time high was 62k, but it's when minexmr closed and paid out all pending balance. if we don't count that event, current peak is all time high" [monerologs](https://libera.monerologs.net/monero/20231220#c315161). CakePay returns [reddit post] (https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/18o06fe/cake_pay_adds_over_500_new_xmr_purchasa 15:54:52 ble/) / [monero.town](https://monero.town/post/1494633) 15:55:18 528 hrs is how long in weeks? 15:55:53 40 hours a week would be 13.2 15:55:54 hinto I believe that this has been answered before but does the proposed work still maintain it's relevancy with the intended move to Seraphis 15:56:55 👋 15:57:01 seraphis is mostly changes on the wallet side of things, for now cuprate is just re-implementing the node 15:57:20 This is the wrong question. Will Monero? 15:57:57 While I haven't read up on this proposal specifically, give me a minute and I can, cuprate does benefit Monero *and* monero Core 15:57:59 right, the Monero 15:58:00 ofrn pi weeks 15:58:10 The recent failure in seeds was detected by monero-serai btw 15:58:18 as i thought, it is a needle in a haystack 15:58:49 ofrnxmr: 3 months, 8.8 hours mon-fri 16:00:13 Eh, half and half. Serai implemented a slightly distinct algorithm which had this shared root cause. 16:01:04 if kayaba could review in a more relaxed timeframe and leave feedback that is also fine 16:01:51 although kayabanerve is a savant 16:03:01 I don't agree with all of the comments but the rate seems more than reasonable and I believe hinto can do the work discussed. 16:03:10 I also believe in the value of cuprate 16:03:46 I'll also disclose hinto made a couple minor PRs to monero-serai already so if you believe this CCS will cause more, I have a conflict of interest 16:04:23 thank you for the feedback and openness 16:05:26 we're over the hour but can continue the current topic, is there AOB? 16:06:03 AOB? 16:07:25 (any other business) midipoet travelled 300km~ to sign papers for monerokons "twisted edwards" / Siren has to go to the embassy a 2nd time .. ajs_ will attend at the start of January, thank you to all of them . more info in #monero-events:monero.social 16:07:58 meeting in #monero-events in less than 1hr 16:08:59 thank you all for attending x 16:09:01 A new "monerokon" chat policy will be tabled at the meeting 16:09:20 It hopes to give twisted edwards control over monero-events moderation 16:09:52 seasons greetings / happy new years Monero basados 16:10:38 thanks everyone 16:11:05 merry christmas and all that good stuff 16:11:39 Lets a if santa merges some ccs for christmas 16:11:46 See* if 16:15:40 Good meeting and moderation, dankon everyone. 16:34:57 midipoet if i blindly put all open meta issues into a focal board will that help 16:35:12 No 😂 16:35:25 So they close automatically when they close on GH? 16:35:27 Do* 16:35:35 If not, no. Thats just doubling the work 16:35:41 Need to close them twice now? 16:35:43 i want to use dans cool focal boards 16:35:51 XD 16:36:09 Ive been looking at the.. playbooks 16:36:29 For auto notifying and scheduling of meetings 16:36:40 To close one of the metas :P :D 16:37:56 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/232#issuecomment-395586109 16:38:21 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/206 16:39:22 Might need the paid version of mattermost to schedule recurring stuff 📖 17:02:43 i can close meta issues, i just noticed. now i have zero excuses 17:03:01 luigi to continue as CCS escrow closed https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935 17:03:36 can anyone see this https://mattermost.monerokon.org/boards/team/89jtbrysdj86xyxre15e9zba7o/bh6czw5snotfnzpj5tnqrtm69fr/vo55msy56hjrebba4x18jti5psy 17:04:30 i can close issues i've created* xD 17:05:07 plowsof: asks me to login so no 17:05:32 oops, this one https://mattermost.monerokon.org/plugins/focalboard/team/89jtbrysdj86xyxre15e9zba7o/shared/bh6czw5snotfnzpj5tnqrtm69fr/vo55msy56hjrebba4x18jti5psy?r=ky4ho8sb9huxsft5c5to3txxwjy 17:06:00 midipoet does this 30 ish minutes of slave labour satisfy you 17:06:10 we have movable boxes now 17:06:18 i c nao 17:47:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/rhOVDBwZwShxhzZBlsrFebIH 17:47:32 > A new "monerokon" chat policy will be tabled at the meeting 17:47:32 . 17:47:39 > It hopes to give twisted edwards control over monero-events moderation 17:47:39 . 17:47:44 Lol 17:47:47 "must dox yourself to vote" 17:47:47 lmao 17:47:54 I didn’t vote, but that sucks 17:48:04 vote anonymously 17:48:04 lmao 17:48:16 Monerokon != monero events. The entire policy is a sham 17:48:31 Good point 17:48:40 this is orange card behaviour: ridiculing a workgroup , im writing you up 17:49:00 Can cake wallet hos% a meetup in chicago, go to events and have a "cake wallet policy" then ban people from events for speaking about defcon? 17:49:08 strawpoll does not give out ips. I created the poll, I only see the results, noones ip/name / name of their pet fish is shown 17:49:17 Doesn’t matter 17:49:18 Monerokon isnt a workgroup 17:49:30 Monerokon is in the process of becoming a legal org 17:49:35 Monero-events is a workgroup 17:49:45 I do everything over tor minimum, I didn’t visit the poll, if it doesn’t work, then too bad 17:49:49 3 capital M's in a row.. im warning you 17:49:50 This is not a monero-events policy, it is a monerokon policy 17:50:00 Some people don’t want to reveal IP to straw poll mayber 17:50:02 Some people don’t want to reveal IP to straw poll maybe 17:50:24 Yeah, like, anybody with opsec 17:50:32 Lol 17:51:16 Poll sponsored by moonstone research, the best in chainanalysis 17:51:19 a +1 / -1 could be added to votes as is tradition 17:51:31 No 17:51:37 monerokon can get their own room 17:51:43 but only comradblin can see the results 17:51:45 idiots think they own events 17:52:16 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/pGLRHvoyKbtJpaOrldAHQbEl 17:52:23 this is all I se 17:52:24 see* 17:52:25 Comrade - "monerokon planning meetings" and "monerokon chat policies" have 0 authority over monero-events 17:52:37 Monero-events is NOT monerokon's roon 17:52:43 I know. Some people have stricter threat models, that is that 17:53:10 "you" see. How about the person who owns the site, that blocks tor? 17:53:14 Fuck that guy 17:53:39 And hiding behind an anon vote? 17:53:40 we will vote in matrix then, and find a normal poll site, okay? 17:53:49 Fucking hilarious 17:53:52 Sure 17:54:00 We vote with our handles around here 17:54:14 Vote to create a monerokon room 17:54:33 Where monerkon planning has the authority tk dictate the chat policy of the entire channel 17:54:40 Why not monerokon.org hosts their own matrix server 17:54:47 Never mind 17:54:50 Monerokon has 0 authority to tell me or anyone else about whether i can talk about msvb and defcon 17:55:08 They can 🤷‍♂️ 17:55:21 They xan also just create a monerokon:monero.social 17:55:31 This is what I meant 17:55:36 Can’t type too fast, I’m very busy atm 17:55:51 ofrnxmr, u disapprove, right? 17:56:04 i dont have to 17:56:17 You kon has 0 authority 17:56:29 the vote is toilet paper 17:56:41 Kon is a USER of the room 17:56:52 and not even a "were not a company" one 17:57:10 an org's policies dont apply to monero workgroups 17:57:24 So they can say whatever they want 17:57:33 Vote is toilet paper 17:57:45 Blue cards, pink cards, no cards 17:58:00 Circus clowns and strippers dancing for free 17:58:24 Want an "events chat policy" 17:58:34 Well then have an "events workgroup" meeting 17:59:40 Whatever some companies conference decides, is really NONE of my concern 18:00:24 Ban me from monerkon discussions, ban me from whatever monerokon you want. 18:00:24 dont try to parade around as if monerokon IS monero-events. Monerokon is LESS monero-events than ever, now that they are incorporating 18:01:20 "i, ofrnxmr, am banning my neighbors from going to the public park. Because i hang out there" 18:01:21 I guess so. What’s the legal alternative? 18:01:23 Lmao 18:03:16 Are you banned from monero-events? 18:03:51 Yes 18:04:40 Oh 18:05:17 Was banned for 7 days 18:05:23 But i guess the clocks dont work at kob 18:05:36 They have to have make sure i dont join the meetin 18:06:03 ban me before the last one, and then make a sham policy ABOUT ME and make sure to forget to unban me 18:06:57 Yes you should speak to Dan the server owner 18:07:08 i dont have to 18:07:21 Everybody watched the circus 18:13:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> sgp_ ^ 18:15:42 Hes not the only mod 18:16:07 Youve got like mods in there, active 18:17:02 3* 18:17:26 comradeblin: ? 18:17:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Well yeah 18:17:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 1 week naughty corner 18:17:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Is ovwr 18:17:47 Are you waiting for permission? Or am i getting more time served? 18:18:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/QDJOMJaQInXhDNFSLqauUhxj 18:18:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You may return sir 18:19:01 Ty 18:21:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Green card 18:47:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> On mattermost you can only publicly share the board not the individual cards 18:47:59 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Otherwise you needs to login 19:48:38 plowsof: I am honored by the mention, but don't think I'd be available to do it 19:52:08 Understood debruyne, the one we need but do not deserve <3 19:57:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Alt exposed 20:44:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yeah 10usd/per user/per month for professional. 20:45:03 Per user :/ 20:46:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yeah 13 users currently 21:16:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> so is there a meta meeting? 21:16:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> just reading meeting minutes 23:17:13 We will want a small test CCS to test the new address scanning and such. Maybe we could call it jet fund 2.0 23:22:53 fund-a-mentals 23:40:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> If its small funds has to be yacht fund