00:16:31 Depends on how the process will be organized. I think `monero-ecosystem` is a good place for something that is community-driven 00:16:31 >Collection of Monero projects managed by members of the community 00:17:04 If protocol upgrades are in scope, then `monero-project` feels more appropriate 01:06:35 silverpill: do you happen to be running a nostr thingy? 01:07:10 i remember a nostr frontend i dont remember what the proper name is 01:07:16 it was really cool but i havent been able to find it again 01:07:21 and it was made by someone with a 2 word name 01:33:51 I'm working on a social media software with Monero integration, but it's not using Nostr protocol. It's an ActivityPub server 01:34:10 i mustve misremembered then 01:42:31 found it found it found it mitra.social 03:57:44 I wish we could lend and borrow 03:57:44 Monero 03:59:46 You can 04:00:24 I think 04:01:11 not sure if you can withdraw loaned xmr from kucoin, theyre kyc'd now. 04:01:11 RavFX: might know if its possible 04:14:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I can lend, but i break body parts if you dont repay on time 💪 04:15:15 Hello, what do you mean by creative coin issuance? Good or bad 07:21:53 OK 07:24:34 Assembled mining machine mining, judecoin from October 2021 after the main network online, we assembled our own equipment mining, is CPU mining 07:39:01 The first time I heard the term creative coin issue, can you explain what is creative coin issue? I also accidentally saw judecoin, because of the recognition of cryptonote technology, I have XMR, very much recognized, so I have been tracking this chain, so I would like to discuss and understand with you more professional personnel! 07:44:04 Yesterday, someone mentioned creative coin issue. I would like to know what creative coin issue is. 07:50:42 That was a joke of mine about the coin issue that I saw on the Judecoin block explorer, a fixed issue of 120 coins per block for a long, long time (more than 300,000 blocks), and a much much smaller and probably also variable issue of a bit more than 2 coins per block now. That does not make sense at all, I never saw a "real" coin doing this. You have halvings from time to time li 07:50:42 ke Bitcoin, or a smoothly decreasing issue like Monero, or some other curve if you like, but not 120 for hundreds of thousands of blocks which then fall off a cliff. 07:54:20 I usually hesitate to call something a scam, but you can get the suspicion that somebody constructed a more or less fake blockchain here to give the impression that this coin is running since 2021 whereas in truth the whole thing is a few weeks old. 07:55:19 And hey, if we are all shilling things already anyway, allow me to shill one of my short stories that is (also) about a fake constructed blockchain: https://rbrunner7.github.io/pump_and_dump.html 07:57:53 First of all, it does start from 2021, this I just think it is good to hoard some, this from 3 minutes 120 to 2.24, this is also voted by the miners, the so-called several weeks you said this statement is not rigorous 07:57:54 ETA polyseed into monero 08:01:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hKhTHhRqsOHcmhrbWYIBCthR 08:03:16 a: You did not yet answer my question where you get those coins you hoard from in the first place. 08:03:55 Not that I want some, but I saw no way how to get them. 08:03:59 I have replied to you. I stock up on judecoin because I recognize cryptonote 08:04:53 **How** you stock up? Where do you buy or exchange those coins? 08:05:14 We got it from 2021 Miner mining, which is cpu mining 08:07:13 How you stock up? Where do you buy or exchange those coins? 08:07:28 Miners can get it here, and we became judecoin miners in the first place because we recognized its technology 08:09:51 Lucky then that people here will most probably just ignore you, so you can continue to mine in peace: More coins for you :) 08:11:33 Well, there are a lot of people in the world mining, there are some XMR miners also become judecoin miners, I have xmr and judecoin! 08:13:17 Privacy and atomic swap are the basic layers of Judecoin, and Layer 2 will be the application layer based on POS and is currently under development 08:28:42 Ban 08:28:52 Go shill that shitcoin in Wownero 08:29:53 That being said, i'll let moneroocean know about your shitcoin so we can arb the hell out of it into xmr 08:32:28 what is judecoin also ETA polyseed into Monero 08:32:37 im going to ask every day from now on ^^ 08:33:42 i'd like to speak to the manager 08:40:11 judecoin and xmr have no connection, I just said that I recognize XMR, also recognize judecoin, both belong to the privacy coin, I just said that the people around me recognize the privacy technology, so stock up on judecoin, also stock up on xmr 08:40:28 judecoin and xmr have no connection, I just said that I recognize XMR, also recognize judecoin, both belong to the privacy coin, I just said that the people around me recognize the privacy technology, so stock up on judecoin, also stock up on xmr 08:42:32 There are many coins in the world, are there other privacy coins, you are called junk coins? 08:46:51 Day 2 of dudecoin shilling? 08:50:09 Yeah 08:50:11 Wrong room 08:50:19 This is a monero workgroup channel 08:50:29 wownero is a fellow shitcoin 08:50:35 We love wownero 08:50:50 Maybe make a judecoin room, and shill it therrb❤️ 08:51:00 Okay, sorry. 08:51:01 Send doodcoin hashes this way please https://bounties.monero.social/posts/96/3-784m-add-merge-mining-to-p2pool 08:51:22 Poodcoin 08:52:50 Send judes lol 08:54:23 Its a challenge to see how mad they can make rbrunner7 within 5 minutes of clicking your git repo 09:03:30 just ban the guy 09:04:55 or maybe we should fork it again 09:05:16 and then shill for it too 09:05:21 or pretend to be "the real judencoin" 09:41:27 What happened to that version of bisq for monero that was in the works? 09:44:57 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Judecoin maybe Paul McCartney? 09:47:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Judecoin made by Paul McCartney? 09:55:03 https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/blob/master/docs/installing.md 09:55:23 So what’s preventing this from going to mainnet and be public? 10:18:20 aremor: can always ask that in #haveno:haveno.network room for a better response. :-D 11:33:51 This yr 12:49:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/xGxZjjgROQbFMPcjAfadtihA 12:50:18 ima_61a758b.jpeg 12:54:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Also bounty link is wrong on there website 12:54:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://https//github.com/orgs/haveno-dex/projects/2 12:55:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Doubling the tls i guess more secure 13:20:02 haveno is in monero.social 13:20:08 if you have troubles joining 13:20:32 #haveno:monero.social 13:21:05 haveno.network for Matrix .well-known points to monero.social but sometimes that causes issues in some clients due to how the rooms existed initially 13:37:53 i was pinged 20:06:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Pong 22:10:16 v1docq47 - monerotopia 2023 (part 2) and monerokon 2023 voiceovers and working on xmr.ru has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/v1docq47-monerotopia-2023-part-2-and-monerokon-2023-voiceovers-and-working-on-xmr.ru.html