00:01:37 Anyone have the link to the monerotopia matrix chat? 00:07:34 #monerotopia:monero.social Tremor 00:48:03 Awesome. Thanks! 00:56:55 Link working? 00:59:10 Cert expired 00:59:36 Clock mismatch Siren: 02:00:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> expired today 02:00:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not After 02:00:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Wed, 03 Jan 2024 23:59:59 GMT 04:15:45 Works now 04:17:42 Stnby: what happened to your cert automation project? I don't like it when I post a link and shit is expired the same day :D 04:18:17 Well say bye to your clean cert transparency history because I switched caddy on 04:21:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah lol 07:12:45 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> ofrnxmr: what do you mean offended 07:12:45 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im lebanese lol 07:12:55 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im confused 07:13:09 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> thanks for adding me back 07:13:09 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im not the FTX beggar 07:13:10 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> sorry for sending a link that was desperate 07:13:10 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> but dont confuse me with a grifter please 07:13:14 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> god bless XMR for everyone bros 07:14:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> he was joking 07:14:28 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> unkn8wn69: https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/explosion-southern-beirut-suburb-dahiyeh-two-security-sources-2024-01-02/ 07:14:28 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> yes they did sir 07:14:37 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> oh 07:14:38 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> lol 07:20:05 file LebAnon.jpg too big to download (2035476 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:20:05 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> LebAnon.jpg 07:20:17 file xmr beirut.jpg too big to download (1080918 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:20:17 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> xmr beirut.jpg 07:20:22 file monero banker association.jpg too big to download (2179015 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:20:23 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> monero banker association.jpg 07:20:26 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> even with all the shit here 07:20:27 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> I do my part friends 07:20:39 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> someone from germany sent me these stickers a long time ago 07:20:40 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> for free! 07:20:40 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> hahah 07:20:54 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> the 100K bill 07:20:54 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> was worth 66$ 4 years ago 07:20:54 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> its 1$ now 07:20:58 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> thank you 07:38:45 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> someone please add him back 07:38:45 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im not going to be alive for long anyway 07:38:46 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> I'll leave 07:39:38 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i apologized in DM 07:39:39 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> he rejected my invite 07:45:15 Incredibly based 07:45:51 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> thank you friend 07:56:02 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> since ErC decided to spit the dummy (here and twatter) and looks like he has left all the rooms, shouldn't all his access be revoked ? 07:56:42 initiate wipe protocol 07:57:19 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> based 07:57:33 file image.png too big to download (2415294 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:57:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> image.png 07:57:59 that cash looks very cool 07:58:25 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> worst part 07:58:30 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> banks are printing a new one 07:58:40 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> thats smaller 07:58:41 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> cuase we literally cant afford papers for long 07:59:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> value of the toilet paper is? 07:59:24 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> and its same size as the 1,000 bill( as opposed to the 100,000) 07:59:24 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> 1,500 LBP was 1$ 07:59:25 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> 1$ is around 90,000 to 100,000 LBP now depending on risk in the country 07:59:37 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> it was around 66$ 07:59:38 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> now 1 to 1.3$ I guess kek 08:00:09 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i saw twice that people held up banks too get there money out 08:02:05 I finally setup a monero full node with failover and clustered storage on my mini PCs 08:02:32 using Docker Swarm+glusterfs 08:02:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> commitment to HA node 08:03:10 It managed to trigger a weird bug with my interfaces with the intel driver which would make them not work for a while but I finally got it to run 08:03:13 that has to be in the top 10 of most reliable monero nodes now 08:03:17 https://home.ca.varunpriolkar.com/uploads/66572c9865ffa1f8/20231229_223612-1152x1536.jpg 08:03:31 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> yeah 08:03:32 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> more than twize but a lot basically end up in jail 08:03:36 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> do you know k8? 08:03:45 cake, handful of CEXs and you 08:03:51 overkill 08:04:07 Yea I used it long time back, not too familiar with it now 08:04:15 I think I'll try it again soon 08:05:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yeah ...but https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/utxobr-monero-k8s-operator.html 08:05:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> free money for someone who cbf 08:07:09 cake definitely has an implementation already 08:07:11 we could just ask them nicely 08:07:20 That looks cool 08:07:36 but then again, only some corp would really benefit from it 08:07:43 I'm running it with replica of 1. I'm wondering what happens if I set replica to 3 with the same DB/storage 08:07:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> yeah uptime 08:08:01 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> but dockerswarm is pretty close 08:08:03 so i wouldnt blame cake for keeping their setup close to their chest 08:08:12 I'm wondering if it would work at all 08:08:23 > replica to 3 with the same DB/storage 08:08:25 i can tell you waht 08:08:34 database corruption 08:08:44 Yea that's what I thought 08:08:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> need mirror 08:09:06 Seth's guides are great. I also set it up with Tor 08:12:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> i think its one persistent volume 08:12:54 Yea 08:13:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> multiple monerod pods 08:13:29 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> dont need 20 lol 08:14:17 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ok its 1 replica 08:15:59 Config looks like this right now: https://gist.github.com/arhue/b85115560008ccd490f3bad2b010e84b 08:16:44 Only forwarding 18080/18089 08:17:18 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i cant believe erc basically scammed the community out of 150k and had the audacity to come at me 08:17:18 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> lol 08:17:25 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im scouring the CCS 08:17:25 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> maybe theres something I can help with 08:19:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> need this so nothing can escalate its privileges 08:19:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 08:19:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> security_opt: 08:19:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> - no-new-privileges:true 08:19:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 08:21:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> and maybe env for it to 08:21:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 08:21:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> GID: 08:21:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> UID: 08:21:12 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> ``` 08:21:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> so its not root 08:23:13 Yea, it needs better optimization. I'll add no-newprivileges. Currently running as root because I got lazy. I need to add users/provision them. I have my provisioning automated with Ansible so need to add it there 08:23:30 Anyways really late for me. Going to bed, thanks for the help\ 08:25:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> cya 08:25:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> gw btw 08:26:03 Gn 08:51:24 https://dark.fi/insights/development-update-q423.html 08:51:33 they are switching from PoS to xmr merge mining 09:08:35 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Erc is whinging on twatter i see 09:08:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://twitter.com/calciferciccio/status/1742810504844763310 09:10:23 attacking sgp in the process who has done much more for Monero than this clown ever did 09:10:40 lets just ignore and discuss productive things 09:21:27 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> One side view tho 09:27:37 https://pastes.io/jkvio6bvia 09:30:46 https://nitter.net/calciferciccio/status/1742810504844763310 09:31:08 lmao fuck off 09:33:22 To be honest, i wish needmoney90 was still an active mod 09:33:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> There is only one consistent mod on 09:34:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> For a long time i thought plowsof was the only mos 09:35:20 On this matter, who are the actual mods on this channel? (matrix side). There are a few listed, but they don't seem to actively do anything. diego? charuto? anybody else? 09:35:47 sgp can you please confirm? ^ 09:35:48 yes, it is i 09:35:57 i am terminally online 😭 09:36:40 dont think i mod any official channels thouhg 09:37:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Unoffical/offical 09:37:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You can see under members in the room 09:39:21 thanks Dan. I was just asking for confirmation from sgp that the three matrix mods are diego, charuto, and sgp, or if there is anyone else. 09:41:27 Damn holy shit, but is there a better black market rate like in Argentina? 09:54:01 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> what do you mean better 09:54:01 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> a lot still get paid in LBP 09:54:02 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> but banks created something called "banking" USD rate 09:54:02 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> its 10 times less 09:54:03 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> so 1 usd was 1500 LBP 09:54:03 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> now its 15,000 in banks 09:54:04 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> in reality its over 90,000 per 1 USD 09:55:01 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> jesus christ hes delusional 09:55:01 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> to think I tried to DM him to apologize 09:55:02 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im dying over here 09:58:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I just wonder what access he has 09:58:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Hes a admin in some rooms 09:59:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Might want to revoke his access 10:08:15 So you don't use tx-proxy right, broadcast over clear? 10:10:41 I rly wanted to dockerize my node but its on arm so there is no good tor proxy image for it ( 11:02:10 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> I hate ERC so much now 11:02:11 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> he gambled CCS funds and dares talk shit about me 11:20:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Make love not war…. Something like that 12:30:01 MODS? no 12:39:52 Admins 12:39:52 Diego, needmoney, pigeons, sgp. 12:39:53 - admins should only be on monero.social (no custom homeserver admins) 12:39:53 - admins != mod. Some admins _should not_ moderate 12:39:54 Active mods: 12:39:54 banhammer (via plowsof) 12:39:55 inactive "mods": 12:39:55 banhammermonero (fake acct??) 12:39:56 diego (doesnt moderate - is admin) 12:39:56 sgp (shouldnt moderate for obv reasons) 12:39:57 charuto (...) 14:00:49 The other banhammer can probably be removed. It is a legacy implementation of banhammer that isn't used anymore 14:01:34 We need admins on other servers too, for managing the room names there, for example Monero:matrix.org 14:03:21 People have been able to make their own rooms since forever, with the idea being that anyone can create their own workgroup and then moderate that workgroup as they feel it's appropriate for their community. There are some limits (it can't lead to broader server issues), but there are very few limits 14:04:23 That's why woodser is an admin of the Haveno rooms, tobtoht for Feather, etc 14:13:07 Sgp 14:13:10 Woodser isnt an admin in haveno 14:14:00 (dont worry, im not starting shit) 14:14:01 Do you know if cake has ownership of haveno.network? 14:14:01 The room is broken because the homeserver is down 14:14:38 I don't really follow Haveno anymore, so unfortunately I'm not sure 14:14:46 i asked vik and woodser 14:14:54 Neither knows status of the domain 14:15:14 You were around during those times - do you remember if the domain was transferred to cake? 14:15:23 I thought Cake had the domain but maybe that's changed 14:15:52 They haven haveno.exchange for sure, but im not sure haveno.network was transferred.. 14:16:07 ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ 14:17:42 Haveno wasnt working for new users 14:17:42 #haveno:monero.social does now 14:17:43 cant change main address of room without a)removing blocklist (trying soon) or b) starting another homeserver on haveno.network 14:18:08 https://blog.erethon.com/blog/2023/06/21/what-happens-when-a-matrix-server-disappears/ 14:19:08 The problen with this is homeserver admins can take over accounts 14:19:44 So, sure, need other servers for setup, but no need to maintain admin backdoor for matrix.org homeserver admins 14:20:43 (homeserver admin can hijack any users account) 14:21:13 Any user of their homeserver* 14:21:38 Yeah but they won't have the keys for old messages in encrypted rooms 14:21:58 Still very interesting 14:22:31 Oh, I think you're mixing up server admin and room admin maybe? 14:22:51 server admin can take over a room admins account 14:23:11 So matrix.org server admins have admin access to any rooms admin'd by a matrix.org user 14:23:47 Right, which makes sense. But I'm not a sever admin. The list there is 1 person plus Core I think 14:23:54 I thought you meant room admin 14:24:08 (and no, it's not me) 14:24:21 server admin of _matrix.org_ 14:25:16 Example. 14:25:17 room 1. Admin = ofrnxmr:monero.social and plowsof:matrix.org 14:25:17 = the server admins of matrix.org and monero.social can take over our accounts 14:25:33 And impersonate us 14:25:36 > This is a significant power, but fortunately homeserver administrators can impersonate their homeserver users to get back in control of a room if the user was in fact malicious. 14:25:40 From matrix docs ^ 14:27:46 does anyone here have deeper understanding on how the mempool works? were talking about it in the monero channel 14:30:10 ofrnxmr: are you saying that matrix.org server admins can impersonate monero.social users to other users on the monero.social server? 14:30:24 That also means that if the domain of a homeserver was seized by an agency they can impersonate users 14:30:52 The respective users on that domain, not other domains right? 14:31:00 thats pretty wack 14:31:25 Yeah 14:31:35 Okay, that was my understanding too 14:31:42 This can be used to social engineer users that live on other homeservers 14:31:55 It wouldn't make sense for matrix.org admins to be able to impersonate monero.social users 14:33:54 sgp (New Account: @sgp_:monero.social): wait why are you posting from an old account 🤔 is this an imposter? sussy baka 14:36:36 What siren said 👍 14:36:49 Only users of their own homeserver 14:38:08 Someone can go bid on halogen.city :D 14:39:29 Example: if we bring back haveno.network homeserver, i believe you can hijack woodsers old admin acct 14:39:43 And the haveno rooms he admins 14:42:11 exhibit 1: why admin account should only be on monero.social 14:42:11 Monero Outreach has admins on matrix.org, and we cant fix that without askibg matrix.org server admins to backdoor those accounts 14:43:52 exhibit 2: 14:43:53 No wallet left behind was lost 14:43:53 haveno room was broken 14:43:54 monero-website is still registered using the wrong address (matrix.org as main and monero-website instead on monero-site lolz) 14:43:57 The downside is not having any of the room names on matrix.org, is that desireable? 14:44:09 you can have the room names on matrix.org 14:44:22 Just need to demote the admin after 14:44:45 and then keep demote/promote as needed then? 14:44:49 Admin has to add it, afaik they dont have to remain an admin after adding 15:33:00 Conversely, if your model is more focused on business continuity, it makes sense to have a non-monero.social domain as Admin to perform certain functions in the event of a monero.social home server downage preventing monero.social user authentication 15:37:29 wen getmoner.org homeserver 15:49:55 Lest people forget, Libera.chat has the same basic end risks: any server op can promote whoever they please to channel op via the IRC protocols, and it comes with persistence issues as any future channel would be on the same IRC network unlike Matrix where one could just recreate another room in Monero.social space 15:51:55 there are more active than me, doing great work - for example, there is a semi-regular stream of heinous spam which other mods quickly react to/remove... request homeserver updates to patch cve's etc etc 16:45:26 the haveno.network domain was transferred to cake 17:32:47 at least we're safe from bridgerton spam here 17:40:51 sgp: all the authentication/permissions chat is great, but who exactly are the active mods for this room (#monero-community:matrix.org)? diego and charuto don't seem that active as mods, unless i am missing something (which could easily be the case). 17:41:59 no, I don't think they're that active anymore. plowsof is the most active mod here 17:42:24 O__o 17:47:27 and plowsof (for the purpose of modding) uses one of the banhammer accounts? 17:48:03 Diego Salazar: < admin rehrar: < mod 17:48:21 Generally the mods use the banhammer account because it works across rooms and has convenient features 17:48:33 Speaking on BH 17:48:46 Sgp can you demote BH in Monero Community Dev to moderator pls and thx 17:49:04 (only Banhammer acct can demote itself) 17:49:43 I'll need to ask mumuks to do that 17:49:51 Ok 17:49:55 Ty 17:50:24 asked 17:52:40 The main issue from my own perspective is that mods seem to have taken a very inactive role, which is fantastic for rights, freedoms, inane banter, hurling accusations, and insults, etc, but not that conducive for maintaining the general quality of monero related conversation. Maybe it's just my perception, but keeping the channel on-topic would be helpful, especially when there i 17:52:40 s an off-topic channel for everything else. If you need more mods, i am happy to help out. 17:54:19 Hahahaha 17:54:58 (the last sentence) 17:56:03 imagine being a janny 17:56:14 We dont need "more" mods, especially not any like midipoet. We need "better" moderation, and that goes got overactive, opinionated mods as well 17:56:49 Goes for* 18:03:32 Speaking of which 18:03:48 Erc shouldnt be moderating or admining matrix servers 18:39:12 ErC is not an admin of this monero.social server. He is only a mod of select rooms, and I believe the majority of those are workgroups that they have championed over the last few years 19:23:15 right 19:25:17 regardless, the monero- namespace can be used or it can be abused. 19:25:18 the room should be -site:matrix -site:monero.social 19:25:18 (and not haveno.network, which is was) the main addr shouldnt be matrix.org, and a person who self identifies as not being able to handle public relations should not be in charge of that 19:27:33 Monero-site isnt simple a matrix workgroup, its the namespace for the workgroup that relates to the repo 19:54:04 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Just get a bot and add it to the rooms 19:54:15 I don't see a fabled haveno.network local address 19:54:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/YqAfKdUSpjxMAmaofuuqdgXj 19:55:06 And the main addr isn't matrix.org either 19:55:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Haveno has an issue cause the domain is gone walkabout 19:58:25 Sure. And the issue I understand it from 19:58:25 "the room should be -site:matrix -site:monero.social 19:58:26 (and not haveno.network, which is was) the main addr shouldnt be matrix.org" 19:58:26 was with it being anywhere in the main/published/local address space, which it isn't, at least on my client per above. Nor is main addr matrix.org 19:58:45 Unless my client is cached wrong or something 19:59:55 tl;dr: Can't replicate reported haveno / matrix.org addr issues 20:02:24 Its long gone 20:02:31 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Cant you just tick the toggle publish to matrix directory ? 20:02:44 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And have main address as monero.social 20:02:51 someone needs to create monero-site:matrix.org 20:02:56 As an alt addr 20:03:05 Remove monero-website:matrix.org 20:03:34 And ercs homeserver shouldnt be a main address 20:03:55 And ercs homeserver shouldnt be a published address 20:03:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> If its offcial monero rooms just make homeserver maintainer as admin 20:04:06 That's exactly what is per the screenshot 20:04:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Do you need the other addresses ? 20:04:50 Scott, in the actual matrix space, do you kniw what it shows? 20:05:03 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> More addresses then sgp accounts 20:05:12 Monero Website when typing site < it autofills to matrix.org 20:06:47 From my client any operations around it point to monero.social. For example, "..." > link makes: https://matrix.to/#/#monero-site:monero.social 20:06:50 Not matrix.org 20:07:27 Click that linj ^ 20:07:33 That leads to a dead room here 20:07:39 It *could* be that your client autodefault searches to the :matrix.org namespace 20:08:33 Leads to room: (last 8 hours): "0xFFFC joined the room". Not seeing any deadness 20:09:19 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Should be homeserver 20:09:20 It _could_ be that your client autodefault searches to the :matrix.org namespace, but that in and of itself doesn't mean an issue presently w/ the -site addr'ing 20:09:22 for me (using element web) the link works too 20:09:31 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/EVNmNMQxKOlxqbxiksmRjQGV 20:09:36 There you go, local client error from the sounds of it then 20:09:54 Im banned so maybe thats why 20:11:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Was erc the only admin in that room? 20:12:47 The old default _was_ website (idk when changed), but not the point. 20:12:48 From your screenshot: 20:12:48 main address looks good. 20:12:49 alt addresses don't. 20:12:49 - dont need monero.social twice, as main and alt (a few roons have this harmless(?) Issue) 20:12:50 - website > site 20:12:50 - remove cryptoriot 20:24:35 monero.social isn't twice, they are distinct names, not a bug of a room listed twice. They wanted to claim both the -website and -site namespaces. Non-issue. cryptoriot, also non-issue unless it's a homeserver engaged in anything bordering illicit activity in Finland, US, or Germany. Is it? 20:28:07 It shows 20:28:07 ``` 20:28:08 main addr: 20:28:08 monero-site:monero.social 20:28:09 other published addr: 20:28:09 monero-site:monero.social 20:28:10 ``` 20:29:54 cryptoriot "nonissue" 20:29:55 who's homeserver is that? And why is it a published address? 20:30:25 Noted, fixed. Thanks 20:32:02 And if its available (you need a matrix.org admin to do it obv) but should publish 20:32:02 monero-site:matrix.org 20:33:17 All rooms are consistent except for translations"localizations" and site "website" 20:33:18 (i dont know is -translations was published on matrix.org - im banned there too) 20:34:09 But it used to be 20:34:09 -translations libera and monero.social 20:34:10 -localizations matrix.org 20:34:10 instead of 20:34:11 -translations libera, monero.social and matrix.org 20:34:26 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Who owns cryptoriot homeserver? 20:34:49 You not knowing what cryptoriot is is not an issue in and of itself 20:34:58 like how right now its 20:34:58 -site libera and monero.social 20:34:59 -website matrix.org 20:34:59 instead of 20:35:00 -site libera, monero.social and matrix.org 20:35:49 My point is: haveno.network homeserver is dead and you cant remove the address because of it. 20:35:50 if its ok to just add random homeservers, than why the big chart 20:35:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah ok 20:35:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> By why is it there? 20:36:32 Because ErC put it there? Unless you're assuming they put in maliciousness homeservers? 20:36:54 Regarding -translations, I'll see what I can do given current situation 20:37:26 I assume we follow a light standard 20:37:55 and that erc shouldnt be adding haveno.network as the main addr, messing the room up, losing nwlb, breaking haveno 20:38:03 KISS 20:38:44 I feel like none of these monero- rooms (particularly the ones tied to github and getmonero) are not _your_ room and shouldnt be treated like they are 20:39:27 By "your" i mean, they are "our" rooms 20:39:31 -translations doesn't have haveno as a main addr either 20:39:46 "erc put it there" doesnt work for me. Theres a big meta issue tracking room bridging etc 20:40:14 Does it have translations:monero.social and matrix.org? (jw) 20:40:32 And cryptoriot being a addr in one room impacts bridging to IRC _how_? 20:40:43 What am i saying 20:40:51 Im not jw, im actually updating the chart 20:41:51 I had someone ask me a few hours ago if Monero would be widely accepted to use for purchasing food and other resources and if you could use Monero to purchase food from farmers with it. That was a huge concern for them. Does anyone have response to that? 20:41:57 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/549#issuecomment-780197739 20:42:27 Yeah. A few people can chime in 20:43:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Whoever runs the cryptoriot.org needs to remove 20:43:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> “chacha20-poly1305⊙oc” from openssl config 20:43:57 And no cryptoriot admins either lolz 20:44:31 need god mode to be able to demote rogue or dead admins 20:46:32 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And 20:46:33 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> “server_tokens off;” 20:48:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And remove default html page…lol 20:48:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> 20:50:58 Haveno 20:50:58 anyone not in the room, can you test? 20:54:31 test what 20:54:34 i was able to join 20:57:17 Tyty 20:57:38 Was stuck on haveno.network - other servers banned it, so you couldnt remove the haveno.network main address 20:58:43 monero.social unbanned it and i was able to change the address to monero.social and remove the haveno.network addr. 20:58:44 previously, if you tried to link to haveno it wouldnt work due to the main addr being on a dead homeserver 20:59:38 now need to get rid of the dead admins on haveno.network 22:24:10 mods are officially out to lunch and have made this channel unusable 22:24:36 congrats xmrscott, sgp 22:39:12 Just a quick question. How do we can actually know when a Bug Occurs when having transactions? 23:02:13 Sun Tzu: depends on what wallet you use - typically youll be shown a descriptive error 23:19:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-to-the-oscars.html 23:19:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Your welcome 23:24:24 Lol @ the url and the title of the ccs 23:24:25 url: "monero-to-the-oscars.html" 23:24:25 title: "Help an independent film featuring monero get to the oscars" 23:28:28 (something about a glass house) 23:30:14 Why dont you shit on him for working with firo? 23:30:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> who 23:31:01 Erc 23:31:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> oh yeah last couple of months hes been doing prs 23:31:37 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> probably after jetfund flew off 23:33:54 Or long b4 23:36:36 he's free to work with whoever. just like sarang 23:37:42 and people are free to donate to proposals they like. or are you gatekeeping again? 23:37:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> difference is sarang did shit on people that funded him 23:38:05 did or didn't 23:38:10 small difference 23:38:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> difference is sarang didn't shit on people that funded him 23:39:15 oh ok 23:39:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> up to you 23:40:04 and you shitting on people who donated to my proposal is different how? 23:40:06 what makes you better? 23:40:11 Can we move on to another conversation please, or do we need to have another useless conversation about the same thing for no reason 23:40:24 sgp: you need to start moderating this channel is what we need 23:40:53 or appoint someone who will. like midipoet 23:41:05 geonic ofrn Dan please drop it, you're not changing any minds 23:41:31 what would you like me to drop exactly? 23:41:49 "stop defending yourself" 23:41:56 is that your best advice as a mod? 23:42:07 Sgp - he came to start shit with you and scott. Im not trying to change minds. Facts are facts. Hes a scammer 23:42:20 You came out of the blue to pick a fight, don't play the victim here 23:42:22 I dont know why the opinion of a scammer on moderation is relevant 23:42:27 Scammers should be moderated 23:42:51 I thought he was allowed in this room on the condition that he stop calling me a scammer 23:42:52 did that change? 23:43:17 (that was why i mentioned the ccs - felt relevant to the "moderation" topic that he wants to egg on) 23:43:21 What I'm saying now is to end this discussion here, or whoever continues it will be banned. You've been warned enough times 23:43:37 I was NEVER banned from this room, geodude 23:44:10 you're saying we might finally see some moderation? 23:44:24 https://i.imgur.com/iIGlFF8.png 23:44:32 how are these walls of texts helpful for this channel? 23:46:45 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> baiting a mod is a smart idea too 23:47:27 Everyone can sit tight, working on it. Needs to be from the IRC side, so annoying 23:51:02 endless monologues and calling people scammers = ok; questioning the mods for not doing anything about it = not ok 23:56:11 luigi1111: please check Matrix