02:23:29 Is that a UK market only? 02:29:51 I think it does international (to confirm) 02:35:58 Oh ok 05:36:34 High transaction fees. 07:05:39 nioCat mycelium yes bootstrap in the gui will point you at a remote node while your local node syncs in the background. Because you want a pruned node you have to select the option in the gui during setup or add --prune-blockchain as a custom runtime flag. Your external usb may suffer from slow transfer speeds and thus turn it into a HDD and make 07:05:39 it pretty useless to sync a node on. You could sync it on your local drive, then transfer files.over to the external usb, then the process of syncing once every other day isnt so painful. Ports wont need to be opened to send/receive. 07:05:58 mycellium, also welcome ! 09:17:10 ok great. thanks m-relay . appreciate the support. 09:17:11 been doing more reading up this morning. the github, 'monero-GUI-guide' is very thorough, and pretty much cleared up all my queries. 09:17:11 i'm feeling that setting up in advanced mode is what i'll do. seems are far more features and ways of using monero that would be missing when using the simple mode. 09:18:48 i'm contemplated setting up a new wallet an old ledger i have... but feeling i will leave that, after reading many have problems with the set up process, i don't have so much xmr to store, and i don't trust ledger at all either! 09:18:48 so feel that hot wallet, with own pruned node, using GUI will be more that sufficient. 09:18:58 i've contemplated setting up a new wallet an old ledger i have... but feeling i will leave that, after reading many have problems with the set up process, i don't have so much xmr to store, and i don't trust ledger at all either! 09:18:58 so feel that hot wallet, with own pruned node, using GUI will be more that sufficient. 09:24:57 so, m-relay , you mentioned the download speeds using either HDD, SSD, as well as internal storage. and that i could potentially download the whole blockchain (which is necessary AFAIK, even for a pruned node, no?), onto my laptop internal storage (which u say will be quicker)... i have around 128gb internal storage, so will be tight i imagine... 09:24:57 and then if that is option i go for, i would than be able to just move that blockchain storage over to my ssd? and then each time i want to access the network, send/receive etc, i just plug in my ssd and sync up the chain? 09:24:58 or if just going straight to my 1tb ssd won't be too slow, i'm happy to do that also. 09:26:41 not needed to connect to remote node during process, for making txs. 09:26:41 i will be importing my wallet, using the 24word seed. i imagine i do that after the full blockchain sync? 09:26:42 just wanting to be clear on 'best' practice for process, before i start the big sync . 09:26:42 thanks. and appreciate the welcome.. 🙏 09:31:04 7 - Low network bandwidth 09:31:04 8 - Outdated technologies. His technological stack does not always align with the latest developments in blockchain and cryptography. 13:35:14 escapethe3RA Monero Observer maintenance (2024 Q1) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/escapethe3ra-monero-observer-2024-q1.html 13:40:15 0xfffc part-time C++ development (3 months, February, March, April, 2024) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/0xfffc-2024Q1.html 13:40:16 hinto-janai full-time work on Cuprate (3 months) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/hinto-2023-nov.html 13:42:07 Are you aware of this? https://4rkal.eu.org/posts/feathernero/ 13:53:02 "Your external usb may suffer from slow transfer speeds and thus turn it into a HDD and make" 13:53:28 External is 1000% fine, particularly if its usb 3 13:56:46 Nope. Just FYI, moner.ooo fundraiser has been verified and mislabel removed. https://kuno.anne.media/donate/onml/ cc. rbrunner7 13:58:00 Nope what 13:58:27 Feathernero? 14:04:19 I thought even your matrix account got compromised by seeing that warning xD 14:04:49 thanks for this. looks like a solid set up... yes i did hear about anonero yesterday. 14:04:49 don't have an old computer at my disposal to use just for this purpose, reason i'm fine running a pruned node on my linux laptop, which is very securely set up. 14:05:00 I guess kuno is putting more scrutiny on new fundraisers on the website from now on 14:05:44 Yep, it was trivial to get it rectified though. 14:06:58 kevino thoughts on moner.ooo the website welcome, moner.ooo Luke is in here. Hopefully people like it, support it and spread the word. 👍 I personally find it useful and simple, no JS, no bs. 14:12:18 Screenshot from 2024-02-02 15-11-49.png 14:13:57 ok, will go for the external ssd, with usb3. and get her rolling today. i imagine the less internet i'm using while it's downloading the quicker it will complete? 14:13:58 just did a speedtest on my linux, and come out with this.. i'm not such an expert on internet/bandwidth requirements.. just felt to share this, in case my 17mb/sc was something to consider (it was down to 13.5mb before i closed a couple of apps including Tor). 14:15:52 Network will not be the bottleneck unless it is very bad which is not your case 14:16:48 Mycellium, do you have... any android devices laying around? 14:17:00 external SSD will still be noticable slower than internal 14:17:15 USB has an overhead that will impact random IO speeds 14:17:41 in ping ctrej but cant :( 14:17:46 ravfx too 14:18:56 Ctrej / ceetee. You can use external usb 3.x adaptors for internal drives and afaik they work about as fast as a sata 14:19:22 ok. so u say best practice would be to download whole chain to my internal, then when done move it all over to my ssd? any problems in that approach? happy to go for that if u recommend.. i do only have around 127gb though. wonder if that's enough... and if i am to prune the chain, that adds another 30gb on top of the 100gb for chain (from what i read earlier). 14:19:39 pruned is currently 60gb or so 14:19:41 70gb maybe 14:19:48 Pruned you only need 70 14:19:57 Its close, you get a bit of additional latency. Throughput wise its the same speed at large file sizes 14:20:15 Wow the ping worked? Nice 14:20:39 i may be able to source one.. but would be goolge filled.. and i'm not so confident to carry out a GSI flashing process myself (my phone is degoolged, but with help of a friend.). 14:21:38 but do i not need to download the whole chain first? then prune it? 14:21:39 No problems with download + move approach 14:21:48 No, you prune as you download 14:21:55 I havent done tests on how the drive speed and latency impacts monerod 14:22:10 --prune-blockchain is the flag to add to monerod at (any) startup, and it will prune forever 14:22:38 ok. good to know.. just been reading up on it, but not started going through the steps on moneroGUI. 14:23:37 ok, i do this using the GUI, or need to change manually in the file (not explored that yet). but will do now. 14:31:07 have the monerod file, which is a shared library file, which can open with emacs... it's an empty file. u suggest i just add: 14:31:08 --prune-blockchain 14:31:08 into this file? assume i need to add some " or something. not so familiar. 14:48:35 just been reading up on https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/ 14:48:35 he's got a pretty detailed description on the process... 14:48:36 i'm not familiar with monerod. seems it's quite an extensive set up process... would a process like this be needed/recommended for my use case? seeing as my node will not be online for the majority of the time? 14:48:36 thanks so much guys for help. much appreciated. 14:58:34 You don't need it. You can just run run monerod without parameters and it will start synchronizing 14:58:49 You can run it manually every time 15:08:16 Literally just type ./monerod --prune-blockchain 15:13:21 mycellium will need to add `--data-dir somedirectory` if they want to put it on an external drive. 15:13:28 ok... sorry about all the questions.. just a new field for me. 15:13:28 but do i run this command above after i've gone through the 'advanced mode set' with wallet restoration etc.. ? 15:13:29 and also, on the monerod front. any problem that the monerod file is a 'shared library' file? i've give it permission to run as executable.. 15:14:07 ok... sorry about all the questions.. just a new field for me. 15:14:08 but do i run this command above after i've gone through the 'advanced mode set up' with wallet restoration etc.. ? 15:14:08 and also, on the monerod front. any problem that the monerod file is a 'shared library' file? i've give it permission to run as executable.. 15:14:51 you can run monerod before all these steps 15:14:52 ok... sorry about all the questions.. just a new field for me. 15:14:52 but do i run this command above after i've gone through the 'advanced mode set up' with wallet restoration etc.. ? 15:14:53 and also, on the monerod front. any problem that the monerod file is a 'shared library' file? i've give it permission to run.. 15:15:24 IIRC, when you start the GUI wallet, it will check if monerod is already running. If it is not, it will start monerod if you did not choose to use a remote node. If monerod is already running, then the GUI wallet will use the monerod that is running. 15:20:18 mycellium: You will have to remember to add the --data-dir option every time you start monerod. Else, it will probably start syncing the blockchain from scratch to your device's internal storage. 15:20:28 i've started the process... just so i know.. is this the chain syncing now, wasn't fully clear for me. 15:20:28 so will likely have to leave it like this for couple days? just want to be clear on my set up, ethernet etc.. 15:21:36 You can pause it if you need to shut your computer down. If you have monerod in a terminal window, ctrl-c will tell it to shut down gracefully. 15:21:57 where do i add this? what that supposed to be on the command i just started? 15:22:02 Then when you start it again, it will start the sync from where you paused it. 15:22:09 Yes 15:22:19 Otherwise, you are syncing to your internal storage 15:22:22 where do i add this? was that supposed to be on the command i just started? 15:22:32 You wanted it on external drive, right? 15:23:49 ok. good to know i can pause the process.. as may need to move laptop to another room. 15:23:49 i had thought to sync to external, but seems it'll be quicker, 'better' option to do so to internal, then transfer over after it's done? 15:23:49 ` ./monerod --prune-blockchain --data-dir somedirectory` would be the full command. You need to replace `somedirectory` with your actual directory on the external storage. 15:24:03 Yes, that is fine. 15:25:07 But after you copy it to the external storage, you will have to remember to add --data-dir every time you start monerod. Or monerod will think it has to start from scratch on your internal storage. 15:27:56 ok... well, that doesn't sound ideal. 15:27:56 but if i had added that piece to the command, would i still be able to download to internal and transfer to external after.. but without having to add this new command? 15:27:56 im happy to stop the process and start again, if is a better way. 15:31:36 You can probably add a config file that will store that information. I forget how to do that. monerod needs to find that config file by default and I don't know where it looks by default. And the location may depend on your operating system. 15:33:16 You are going to manually plug in your external storage, so it's not too far to manually remember to add that --data-dir flag. You can put it in a notes text file with "how to run Monero" as title. 15:33:32 https://github.com/monerodocs/md/blob/master/docs/interacting/monero-config-file.md 15:38:27 ok. good to know, that the way i'm going about this set up, is what is recommended... 15:38:27 so basically whenever i plug in my ssd in future to run monerod to sync the chain, i just add: 15:38:28 ./monerod --prune-blockchain --data-dir _somedirectory_ 15:40:04 Yes that should work. The support channel is #monero-support:monero.social by the way. 15:40:38 ok. thanks for this. will explore this when i'm a bit clearer on exactly what the process is im doing. 15:41:07 If you use internal SSD, full syncing may take less than 24 hours. It will look "fast" at the beginning, but then "slow down" since the number of transactions per block is larger. 15:41:17 ok. good to know. 15:41:17 happy to move any further questions to that channel. i wondered if this was the best place. 15:44:20 ok. good to know. it's rolling already at 16%, surprisingly quick.. but will keep what u shared in mind. 15:44:21 best way to pause and restart the sync? 15:44:21 (last question in here, then ill jump over to support). 15:45:23 Best way to pause is with ctrl+c. That will shut it down. Then restart with the same `--` options you had. 15:46:01 you can type directly in the terminal window to give it commands to display info. Try `status` and `help` 15:49:11 You can also type `exit` to shut it down instead of ctrl-c 15:56:36 nice one Rucknium , will take note of all these. appreciate it. 15:56:36 is at 27% already. 16:20:12 Rip monero-support 18:34:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Whats that