02:56:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bpaPOmmSMWxfCqoGZbaXgbIv 02:56:18 🤔 03:20:22 tl;dw? 13:37:45 privacy is priceless, dont worry about red candles 13:46:48 Off topic : https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/bitcoin-developer-mailing-list-migrates-to-google-groups 13:46:48 isn't it weird ? 13:51:59 i dont like this guy 13:52:50 Who, Jack? 13:53:23 yea 13:53:55 anyone from bigtech is trash 13:54:15 He’s mediocre. 13:55:13 my confidence with Monero started to grow when I saw all these type of people shilling btc 13:56:07 i hold some btc, not gonna lie, but i feel it lost, almost completely, that cyberpunk vibe from 2014, 2015 that I had 13:56:33 then I met Monero, and that vibe was restrablished again 13:56:42 then I met Monero, and that vibe was restablished again 13:57:54 i hold some btc, not gonna lie, but i feel it lost, almost completely, that cypherpunk vibe from 2014, 2015 that I had 13:58:15 anyone felt the same? 14:07:57 I feel like Monero helps us regain what little precious sovereignty we still have. 17:44:32 gets culty sometimes, not gonna lie 18:00:13 He cuck 20:10:55 Kowalski: Same here. Bitcoin is not fun anymore. And an incredible waste of time and energy, because it cannot solve the problem it is supposed to solve, State coercion. 20:12:22 Privacy is not a "nice to have". It is absolutely mandatory. 21:27:46 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFm1_UJtGlc 21:43:41 This bitch of Snowden didn't have a word for Monero. He is just interested in Bitcoin price now, like most people 21:44:28 This bitch of Snowden didn't have a word for Monero on Twitter. He is just interested in Bitcoin price now, like most people 21:44:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Think hes ztrasher 21:44:53 Also yes 21:45:19 We are surrounded by controlled opposition... 22:03:50 Once CIA, always CIA. 22:23:40 what a bitch 22:24:15 this whole bitcoin maximalism thing is a psyop imho