01:45:47 I mean these guys, the competition? 01:45:48 https://www.binance.th/en 04:22:53 Someone in here was talking, last year??, about running Oracle OCI Always Free Tier, with custom image. 04:22:53 I'm trying to do the same, but could use some hand-holding. 04:22:54 I have to migrate some critical services, like mail and DNS, off my own server, and as I'm using non-standard software, I can't use packages available on their standard images. 04:22:54 Anyone? 05:38:10 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I had a look at there privacy policy before and ran away 05:43:24 You realize in most industries a lot of the cool kids on the top sometimes work with each other. 05:45:33 The Thai market isn't that big, so they are in direct competition. 05:45:34 Binance TH is Gulf (Oil'n stuff) 05:45:34 Orbix is Kasikornbank (K-Bank) 05:48:23 Binance, and Coinbase are the big players, I would at least say in Western markets which control most of the crypto purchases. 05:48:24 And with entities like Swift being primarily European. 05:48:24 That means smaller countries rely on Western countries, specifically The U.S. to provide global liquidity. 05:48:25 The same would presumably be true in The Crypto space, no one is competing against Binance, and Coinbase, not even Bisq, and Agora desk combined can compete against either or. 05:49:45 Hate to say it but a 23 year old selling crypto from his ten year old rig for $150 doesn’t compete against a multi-million dollar entity that gets more buy orders a second than entire transaction of small countries. 05:49:54 How so? The idea of a custom image is that you can lock it down. 05:50:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I mean the info they require from you 05:50:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> And also the data they link with others 05:50:43 Most people buying crypto are normies speculating on value. 05:50:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Cant remember exactly but it was wtf 05:53:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I wait for niocgpt to give me info 05:53:45 As I'm already KYC'ed by way of domains and registred DNS servers, it doesn't really make a difference what they require. 05:53:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Then buy 05:54:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They found you! 05:54:34 Buy the "Always free tier" :) 06:00:20 Was it niocat who was talking about the custom image thing? 06:02:38 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe rav? 06:06:25 that reminds me I think I left a bitcorn on a kyc exhange a few years ago 🤔 06:22:13 RavFX 🤐: Was it you that ran custom image on the Oracle OCI Always free thingy? 06:31:22 So, about 10 minutes after register a phone number on Binance TH, I received the first phishing SMS 🤣 06:31:22 Also, half way into their KYC nightmare, they tell me that they only accept Thai National ID. Maybe they should have started with that information 🤬 06:33:28 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Yeah they do that. 06:34:23 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I’ve seen vps go we accept xmr and you create an account with no info and they ask for name and address.bitch give me vps! 07:30:07 https://youtu.be/dAGbivYUxaA 07:31:36 Plowsof 07:35:15 Uh oh. 8:20 is incorrect. Says xmr is 18.4m fixed supply 07:35:25 Last coin was created in 2022 07:37:03 Nvm. Its a gotcha. Corrected at 10min 07:58:31 video_3736f7a.mp4 07:58:41 Seems like a perfect use case for Monero. 09:11:31 MoneroKon submission deadline is 15th March - https://x.com/monerokon/status/1758780130413904191?s=61 09:11:55 https://apply.monerokon.org 12:49:43 Non 12:50:33 t​rasherdk I wasn't talking about the custom image thing and don't remember who it was 12:51:24 I can't remember who it was, talking about it last year 😟 13:08:50 It was 13:09:15 Busyboredom who announced its closure recently 13:24:52 Closure by Oracle or by Busyboredom? 13:25:56 By oracle .. 2 ish years run time iirc 13:26:55 2 years is a little short of "Always" :) 14:22:10 Community meeting in 38 mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/968 14:25:21 Anonero wallet having some internal issues? is everything ok @r4v3r https://monero.observer/anon-v1.0-release-postponed-internal-issues 14:27:29 Haveno will be on mainnet soon? https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno 👀 15:00:15 Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/968 15:00:19 Greetings! 15:02:26 Hello 15:03:09 with haveno on the horizon, and usable peer to peer atomic swaps @ #basicswap:matrix.org the future is bright 15:04:23 hi ajs_ how is the call for presentations going for monerokon? i believe Dr Aaron / Sarang has already signed up? Luke parker too. is there a page where can see the currently accepted ones? 15:05:27 https://cfp.monerokon.org/2024/cfp submission deadline 15th march tweet @ https://nitter.esmailelbob.xyz/monerokon/status/1758780130413904191?s=61 15:06:37 donations are coming in for vtnerd still, now @ almost 26 xmr https://monerofund.org/projects/Q1Q2_2024_dev_vtnerd 15:09:11 Hello. 15:09:31 xmrscott and i have agreed to help with the weblate (localization) issues. ive/scott gave my ssh keys to the back end admin and await an onboarding of sorts 15:10:50 escapethe3ra has a nice summary of the previous MRL meeting that discussed unlock_time (which Rucknium shared some new usage data for it during) https://monero.observer/meeting-log-summary-monero-research-lab-meeting-14-february-2024/ 15:12:45 any other highlights people want to raise? Binance's official delisting is in 3 days woohoo 15:13:59 woodser where is the best place to catch the upcoming announcements for haevno? 15:18:11 we can move on if nothing pops up, https://monero.observer/ full of recent content 👍️ 15:18:46 Monero Observer is great yes. 15:18:54 where are we at with rates selsta / boog900 for your ccs proposals? 15:20:33 i updated it once but will update again if the price changed noticeably 15:21:02 ok thank you 15:23:35 a. [Boog900 full time work on Cuprate (3 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/431) 15:23:50 #Haveno is best place for the latest news on haveno, and we'll make any major announcements on reddit, etc 15:25:01 thanks woodser #haveno:monero.social 15:26:36 if anyone has comments on boog900's proposal, please share, it has 3 updoots and presumably has/will receive same support as hinto who was recently merged/funded for cuprate work 15:27:58 plowsof ccs too 15:28:24 Gm 15:29:24 i have a merge request open for a bit of spring cleaning we can look at later 15:30:29 👍 15:30:31 we can wait for boog900 to comment on his proposal / rates if requried 15:31:03 selsta has is at this moment ok with them: 15:31:05 b. [selsta part-time monero development (3 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/433) 15:31:06 Not much going on. No new exciting development? 15:31:35 adjustment of 124 to 153 to reflect market changes 15:31:41 Sure there is 15:32:10 +1 for latest rates 15:32:46 -1 15:33:01 Should have been adjusted and merged already :P 15:33:40 I swear selstas ccs should be merged already. Imnot voting now so we can redo this in 2 weeks 15:33:50 I already voted "give raise and merge" 15:34:14 luigi likes to was 1 week for good luck 15:35:27 1week+3days (tuesday) 15:35:30 latest development on monero core @ https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pulls , some interesting things from jeffro256 / vtnerd / 0xFFFC , and tobtoht working on his bootstrappable builds PR / fixing problems. Koe is active ATM 15:35:36 Bf deploying site?? 15:35:39 Binaryfate 15:36:06 no response yet on that front ^ 15:36:30 Yet haveno wants core involved in haveno 15:37:12 'Dad can we deploy site today' .. 'Son, ive just got home from work can we do it tomorrow' 15:37:56 is he.. ok? 15:38:05 Is gf ok? 15:38:30 yes he performed usual duties a few days ago, assuming availability problem 15:39:00 Ok 15:39:08 haveno are building their council currently 15:39:44 Ofrnxmr and his alts will choose arbi-traitors 15:40:18 Are they still getting 50% automatic fee kick backs? 15:40:35 yes 15:41:10 But "its not for profit" - erc 15:42:05 iirc nothing had changed, the structure remains the same for the council woodser 15:42:27 finding the image (but does that detail the % fees / where they go?) 15:44:05 https://haveno.exchange/blog/haveno-structure/ 15:44:10 sorry was busy serving cat2 15:44:12 when will selsta's new xmr requested amount change? 15:44:28 welp luigi just merged it 15:45:04 "The idea is to send 100% of the fees paid by users on Haveno to a CCS system, that from now on we will call Engine." , so it requires some digging to decipher the fee %'s 15:45:28 congrats selsta xD 15:45:36 i wanted to update it one more time 15:45:41 Congrats selsta :P 15:45:58 Its ok, ill update the price of monero 15:46:28 selsta plowsof I don't see selsta's CCS in either ideas or funding 15:46:31 After the events of Tornado Cash, I hope they seriously reconsider the proposed structure 15:46:40 It is flawed imo 15:46:57 i had to change wip to fr 15:46:58 Ajs - we agree lmfao 15:47:07 I will open a PR to fix it 15:47:13 ok well it error'd / didnt go to funding 15:47:20 Supposed DEX is defacto centralized with extra steps 15:48:29 I 100% agree ajs. Thats probably why erc dumped haveno so fast 15:48:41 yes the tornado cash thing happened after the structure of haveno was proposed 15:50:40 its been 2 years and yep 15:50:58 selsta what is happening btw 15:51:14 not just "centralized with extra steps" but supposedly that is why its not mainnet 15:51:18 Politics 15:51:52 it is up for funding selsta, we need to wait for nioCat to login to n1oc to announce 15:53:13 selsta's CCS has been moved to funding https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 15:53:14 selsta part-time monero development (3 months) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/selsta-12.html 15:53:30 ha ha thank you 15:53:42 for the correct amount 15:54:32 n1oCat 15:56:15 vtnerd 15:56:21 ajs have you brought you questions about the structure of haveno to the haveno channel? 15:56:35 Yes he did 15:56:40 thx 15:57:08 I seem to have missed that discussion 15:57:18 "imo the safest bet against running a foul with regulators is to make Haveno a purely non-profit, donation-based software development company and just put the code out there" 15:57:25 Nov 9 2022 15:57:30 Ruins everything 15:57:57 Re vtnerd - prevote 15:58:20 Just send it all to general fund until council is ready and let it go live on mainnet 15:58:28 Vtnerd has a MAGIC proposal open which is may be funded in like 2+n years (jk, but seriously) 15:58:28 what if a non profit forks haveno and receives community funding 15:58:57 Is anybody against vtnerd opening a ccs here and shifting magic for a later proposal 15:58:59 I tried to force it to main and got 3/4 the way there, but no seed nodes 15:59:08 also possible depending on the communities feelings toward the structure (which i asked for a refresher/onboarding for as i am confused still) 15:59:49 haveno core for code is woodser and vik (cakewallet) 16:00:26 3 days til delist 16:00:30 maybe the general fund could donate to vtnerds magic proposal? it would be a good use of funds 16:01:07 Wouldn't it be beautiful to have it on the day of de-listing launch? 16:01:25 i am not against vtnerd opening a concurrent CCS. to make it fit any duplication rules it could be for his monero-core contributions on github 16:01:39 At 03:00 utc on the 20th right when binance delists 16:01:53 I dont see any problem with duplication - as hes not working for magic 16:02:10 selsta: the GF has been asked if they would do so, I believe 2 weeks ago 16:02:14 no response yet 16:02:15 Magic cant pay for the work in scope, they have to pay for whatever will be in scope in 3 months 16:02:35 GF donating to vtnerd for magic is, as ruck woukd call it, unorofessional 16:03:09 Vtnerd could have had 100% funding from community in minutes/days, but instead magic wants to backdoor generalfund to oretend magic raised money 16:03:33 shortwavesurfer2009 at this point, any time before the delisting is good enough but that would be very poetic 16:03:34 i just want to see vtnerd funded 16:04:21 +1 important dev (even if we remove monero-lws from the picture) in my 'i look at github comments/Prs but understand not much' opinion 16:04:27 I would jump for joy if it went live right now. 16:04:36 same. So lets open him a ccs here and merge it 16:04:37 Can't vtnerd drop that other thing and come back to CCS ? 16:04:54 Yes he can. But MAGIC would like him to believe its a bad idea 16:05:13 vtnerd himself has some hesitations / or wants to wait for.. something. lets wait for him to comment after this feedback 16:05:22 vtnerd had his reasons for going thru magic 16:05:33 for everyone ive spoken to, it seems MAGIC are the only people not ok with allowing vtnerd to move magic to proposal 2/2 and use ccs for 1/2 16:06:25 and i never proposed he close one, i proposed he raised 6 months worth of money instead of 3 16:06:41 123 ccs 456 magic (since magic isnt capable of making 123 deadline) 16:06:45 a CCS proposal for different quarters of the year xD 16:06:55 Right 16:07:53 Maybe haveno can donate to MAGIC 💀 16:08:20 anything else to close this meeting out (as we're over the hour) 16:08:27 So much politics for a solution so simple 16:08:48 ty plowsof 16:09:02 lastly 16:09:11 a spring cleaning merge request to clean up some wip proposals https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/434/diffs 16:09:16 3 days til delisting from binance. Have a good week guys 16:09:39 not that "returned to the general fund" on some has "happened" already (as they literally sit in the general fund at this moment) 16:09:45 s/not/note 16:10:03 thank you all for attending 16:10:18 Ty for chairing 16:10:31 events meeting in 50 minutes (niocat?) #monero-events:monero.social 16:11:04 probably :D 16:12:15 Dankon very much for the good meeting and moderation plowsof. 16:12:17 https://matrix.to/#/!cSwJDzxRuWndmFUZTd:haveno.network/$GC_z8Ku5m-N53CbeuQXp3jOF6LRAJrh3MGwz1XKfy2A?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=tchncs.de 16:12:18 Re haveno structure 16:27:29 This was my first community meeting, and honestly, I kind of forgot that it was going on, so hope I didn't disrupt anything, because that was not my intention. 16:29:59 I was late and forgot that my 40mins was everybody elses 1:10 16:32:27 Normally, at this time of morning, I am listening to Monero Topia. 16:45:47 we're open to any suggestions. best we can do as far as we know is forego any trade fees and be purely donation-based. then the council is an independent entity, separate from software development 17:12:20 Sorry I wasn't in the meeting, I've updated the rate 17:40:22 speaking of haveno, is the matrix channel still operational? I tried joining earlier and got a spinner 17:40:36 #haveno:monero.social 17:44:10 ah, thanks. at the bottom of the official haveno site, it is #haveno:haveno.network 17:44:33 thanks for pointing that out, will get it changed 17:46:18 no, thank YOU for all the work you do :) 19:24:59 I honestly can’t take much of Douglas Tilman (sp?). “So why not Monero?!” 19:26:47 him asking the question has done more for monero adoption than monero-outreach did 19:29:27 notofrnxmr: crickets eh? 20:21:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Whats the status with multi sig dev? 21:42:27 Isn’t that the endocentric guy from the other room? 21:42:53 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> dont think so 21:43:12 The 🔜 guy 21:49:41 No 21:50:02 Tobtoht of featherwallet is working on multisig 21:50:22 Endogenic is working on lightwallet stuff 21:51:22 were you asking me to respond to that? 23:53:09 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> Hello sorry for bothering Y'all, just wanna find out if anyone interested in cannabis and psychedelics products? 23:53:10 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> I’m a supplier of quality cannabis and psychedelics products like shrooms, DMT, Lsd, Mdma, ketamine, chocolate bars, cart vapes,Clone cards, buds, wax, shatter, Edibles,distillates and some chill pills, Cashapp flip and many more products prescribed for patients as well. Let me know if you’re interested by DM🔥🍁 see products in our channel 👇👇👇👇 23:53:10 <+​tommy_plug:matrix.org> https://t.me/hightime_markert 23:58:12 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CVpcqGJMJVcquiRQsgLPHJKD 23:59:05 Tommy: make a website, please. Telegram sucks.