01:57:15 Wait what, was this something that actually happened? I’ve never heard of this… 01:57:15 The Monero community actually got npm’d once? 💀 01:59:22 Nop, monero did not get npmed ;) 01:59:22 I just used monero as an example of wtf npmers still trust guy who weaponize there own repo 02:13:10 Excuse me, good Sir, but I just validated here with my dictionary and there is no reference to any verb "npming" or similar. 02:13:10 May I suggest you stick to formally approved words in this room? 02:13:11 Thank you, very very much. 02:16:25 Give it time, it will become a word, eater that one or whoever thing get the most supply chain attack in the future 02:31:03 Fair enough ig