00:47:45 What chain was it that recently added that as a "feature"? Bch? 00:48:49 Let me rephrase: 00:48:49 i dont remember where i read about it. Maybe its a monero pr. Maybe is old news. 00:48:49 but i do remember that some chain'a feature was to spend before sync 01:35:16 Boog900 full time work on Cuprate (3 months) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/boog_3_months_cuprate.html 12:47:05 "...work on the protocol ..." 12:47:05 hahahaha 14:31:28 How can I contribute to the Monero project 14:37:10 hi there, many different ways to do so :) 14:37:14 can you code? 14:37:45 a good place to get started might be https://bounties.monero.social/ 14:44:31 I can code a little but I'm guessing the bar is too high for me to be of much use 14:44:58 Ill start running a full node 24/7 and look at the bounties I do know a few languages 14:46:02 full node is already a great first step, also better for your own privacy :) 14:46:20 be sure to open ports if you can 14:46:29 helps make the network more decentralized 14:46:38 which ports 14:47:04 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/uEecPHyxsgwQTBWfwfiJicOG 14:47:11 18080 & 18089 14:47:29 Actually I route my 18081 to internet 18089 14:47:46 18089? 14:47:49 and 18089 to 18089 14:47:49 I use 18081 for unrestricted rpc 14:48:08 Alright ill do that 14:48:20 Actually I route my 18081 to internal 18089 14:48:37 dont make unrestricted rpc public though 14:48:40 im pretty sure someone could set your node to mine xmr that way :P 14:48:50 Or shut your node down 14:49:09 im using https://github.com/lalanza808/docker-monero-node 14:49:11 its very nice 14:50:18 I want these stats without installing the docker thing 14:51:11 This looks great Ill definitely use it 14:52:24 What linux distro should I try next? 14:52:27 And dont say Arch 14:52:39 Alpine 14:52:48 i think you can manually install it if you set up everything yourself 14:54:34 I seam to use many stuff (prometheus, Grafana and nodemapper) 14:54:34 Have to figure out how to use that stuff or just switch to the docker thing (I can probably do it while keeping the lmdb I already have) 14:54:35 Looks sweet thanks 14:57:49 yeah 14:58:01 you just need to tell it where the chaindata is 15:17:23 Anyone have any idea of what’s the deal with the recent transaction influx 15:18:52 could be binance 15:19:17 Market makers making the markets? 15:19:48 more like shutting down shoü 15:19:49 more like shutting down shop 15:40:31 On that topic, does anyone know if xmr is affected by the “gamma squeeze” nonsense happening with Bitcoin? 15:41:42 the what 15:42:36 isnt bitcoin gamma squeeze resistant? 15:42:50 i thought it could resist all teh things? 15:46:11 Did the "peer map" loaded initially or it take time? 15:46:11 Or it's broken... 15:46:11 top section have nothing in "peer counts" yet I have uploaded more than 1GB in 5 minutes... 15:46:51 Is you node public? 15:46:58 Is your node public? 15:47:07 yes of course 15:47:41 my non docker node hade like 12(out)+149(in) or something like that 15:48:28 It uses rpc to get the data, didn't you say you changed some ports? 15:49:48 I used the normal ports, that one use different one (unrestricted on 18083 and restricted on 18081). That should not matter as it's all configured in the docker stuff. 15:49:49 I just adjusted my firewall to redirect all incoming (18081/83/89) to 18081. 15:49:49 18080 is also forwarder and did not touch to that one as it's not changed 15:51:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/xyyTshynJuvvbZeTSIqukKAP 15:51:15 I think the GEOIP stuff is broken 15:51:16 or something 15:51:28 probably why the peers don't show up in the dashboard 15:51:47 You may have to generate an API key 15:52:13 It's been a long time since I've set mine up 15:52:26 I see, will take a look 16:09:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/nwLzqsQsXkwonpManvclPMiW 16:09:50 Something definitively broken 16:11:00 I'm going to keep it as other metrics do work (except the map and peer list) 16:12:29 Cool 16:12:56 Good luck figuring out the issue if you're going to pursue it 17:16:29 The geoip database it's trying to query is down. 17:16:59 Many things are down, could be that the geoip api was hosted on AWS. https://downdetector.com/ 17:17:11 Python developers are great as usual 17:17:46 Something as minor as displaying a country flag can break your whole program, lovely 17:19:22 lol 17:19:24 internet gone again 17:20:01 Only the shit parts of it :D 17:36:21 Maybe it finally happened https://techcentral.co.za/fears-red-sea-attack-on-internet-cables/239195/ 17:42:23 There is a large backlog of Monero txs now. Try `print_pool_stats` in your monerod console, "estimated 14 block (28 minutes) backlog" 17:43:03 Increase your fee if you don't want your tx put into the backlog. 17:43:08 https://p2pool.io/explorer/txpool 17:46:52 sech1 it did 17:47:08 there was a cable blown up i believe last week 17:47:27 but that was where the rebels fight the US right now 17:48:06 theres also that retard trying to reuse zeph hashrate 17:51:13 monerobull: Do you mean the monerod messages that say you are years behind in the blockchain? Probably not related to ZEPH. Their blockchain height is much lower than Monero's now. 17:51:27 yeah those 17:51:45 anyways, why do my rpc requests fail when im INSIDE THE DOCKER CONTAINER 17:51:46 root@1e760f5471d3:/# monerod print_net_stats 17:51:46 2024-03-05 17:51:07.323 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.3.1-release) 17:51:47 Error: Unsuccessful-- rpc_request: 17:53:15 Because Docker is hard to debug. I never really try to send those commands to monerod like that. I just keep the monerod console open and `screen` into it to ask it what is happening. 17:56:15 sech1 jeffros deduct tx fee from output makes spamming the chain 50% more convenient and probably cheaper 17:57:23 seems like some nodes are falling a-3 blocks behinds rn 17:58:08 including mine 17:58:46 plowsof sweep_single does exactly the same (deduct fee from output), and it also creates 1/2 transactions 17:59:38 ah good point, i should have mentioned "for a pleb like me" lol 18:08:11 has p2pool been getting any luck with mining these full blocks? 18:09:24 https://p2pool.observer/ xD 18:17:49 nioCat: my nodes so far have been fine 18:19:55 Because the thing don't use the normal port 18:19:55 unrestricted is 18081 normally while that docker thing put it to 18083 instead (and put 18081 as the restricted one) 18:20:16 selsta: all are good now but wasn't when I posted, I was checking sync_info 18:20:36 nioCat: hmm i'm not sure but i think sync_info is sometimes delayed 18:20:42 So it work fine for the container ecosystem, all the stuff configured to use 18083 for restricted but yeah, if you use monerod commands it will try to use 18081 18:20:57 the height of the other nodes in sync_info 18:21:25 I was getting messages that I was 1 or 2 blocks behind for ~30mins 18:22:00 same time that I checked sync_info 18:22:09 i'll keep an eye out on my nodes 18:22:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/OFwlTnpeMVUDZSflTzNEBbKu 18:22:20 mine didn't have any behin messages 18:51:20 Can you speak Chinese here? 18:54:03 English only please 19:05:20 how do i run them then? 19:11:38 ./monerod command 19:11:58 1> It's probably possible to tell monerod to connect to a different RPC port, in that case specify 18083 (don't have the parameters in my head 19:11:58 2 > You can edit all the containers stuff so it use 18081 for unrestricted and 18089 for restricted (the normal ports) 19:11:58 Then route you're port appropriatly (internet 18081 -> local 18089, internet 18083 -> 18089... etc etc) 19:11:59 Then you will be able to run monerod command 19:11:59 3 > You can probe the methodes manually (wget (or whatever command) then decode the json with your brain 19:12:00 monerobull 19:12:03 Selsta - my node too, has not fallen behind or had any reorgs 19:13:03 And yes, its better to _add_ restricted rpc binds, not to restrict the unrestricted 19:13:19 Else you lose the ability to _use_ the unrestricted... 19:14:33 It's just that the monero docker node decited to put restricted on 18081 😂 19:14:50 yes 19:14:53 Most configs are bad 19:14:55 Like that's the default 19:14:56 I assume it's fine for like if you install that on a VPS that is directly connected on the net or something 19:15:09 nah its still silly 19:15:25 You need unrestricted if you want to talk to the daemon 19:15:48 Sorry, I ment, they pur unrestricted on 18081 and restricted on 18083 19:15:49 While all tools normally expect unrestricted on 18081 and restricted on 18089 19:16:25 Sorry, I ment, they pur restricted on 18081 and unrestricted on 18083 19:16:25 While all tools normally expect unrestricted on 18081 and restricted on 18089 19:17:24 Lalanzas? 19:18:10 yes 20:10:15 Boog900 full time work on Cuprate (3 months) is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/boog_3_months_cuprate.html @luigi1111 20:16:32 With the high amount of transactions, it looks like we've had a hundred full blocks. Is the block size likely to expand? And where can I see the Monero Mempool? 20:17:06 .mempool 20:17:21 try xmrchain.net for mempool and related info 20:17:43 Thx 20:21:19 wow, thank you ❤️ 20:28:28 block size is already expanding 20:28:47 median block size limit is up to just over 300kB up from, what was it, 297? 20:49:42 I wasn't aware the blocks could shrink to anything under 300 kilobytes. 21:07:23 Median block size limit: 300.57 kB 21:07:37 300.57 kB = 307783 bytes 21:07:51 normally it's 300000 bytes = 292.97 kB 21:16:45 So blocks over that dont get the full .6xmr fee correct? 21:17:25 The tx fees have to be bigger than that loss 21:50:30 yes 21:54:02 Monerobull was mad i didnt know that.. i dont think ive been forgiven 21:55:07 lol 21:57:13 Definitely not forgiven^ Tail emission video if youve not seen shortwavesurfer2009 https://yewtu.be/watch?v=sRwSqM0YBto 22:03:56 Thanks, does that kick in at the median like right now or is there some higher limit 22:04:44 I think 18081/get_info said something about something over 600k bytes 22:12:17 <0​xfffc:matrix.org> Honest question. Does anyone in entire cosmos use this? https://github.com/mj-xmr/SolOptXMR 22:17:15 Once it's finished, I hope so 22:19:08 Currently working on the energy redistribution algorithm (i.e. prioritize mining during the most profitable hours within the predicted timeframe, while keeping the battery charge above a given threshold) 22:21:09 Getting the implementation right is a pain in the ass, so I'm in the process of rewriting it with heavy testing to ensure that everything is consistent 22:22:33 I was able to just tie miners into home automation software. can start them, stop them and change cpu #'s. just this alone can allow an infinite number of usages 22:23:30 Xmrig has a nice http api. That all is needed. No need for package, though I like people tinkering 22:24:46 I was able to create a custom thermostat automation in home assistant that turn my miner on and off if temp gets too high or low depending on temp sensor in the room 22:25:38 i can even pull in hashrate data- if it goes undetected, i get a notification. 22:27:31 battery pack status can easily be pulled into automation by a simple arduino / voltage sensor. 22:29:21 Yeah, the automation part is not that complicated 22:29:58 What you're missing is a smarter criterium to choose when to turn your miners on for maximum profit 22:30:49 While also looking at weather forecasts to estimate solar energy production, and combining these two in the most efficient way 22:32:02 Otherwise you can end up mining when the difficulty is higher, and then your battery is drained just when the diff is starting to drop again