00:01:12 is it possible to quickly running a node? sync from start make hours to a day 00:01:38 if you already have a synced node yes 00:01:41 just copy the blockchain 00:01:50 if not ? 00:02:28 otherwise not really 00:03:00 if you need instant access you can use a remote node in the meantime while your node syncs 00:03:17 thanks 00:03:52 why is it so long? 00:04:17 because downloading and verifying 10 years of blockchain history requires time and resources 00:04:34 it's not like you are just downloading a movie 00:06:11 https://www.getmonero.org/downloads/#blockchain 00:06:14 You kinda are downloading a movie. 10 years of continuous footage 00:06:50 importing the blockchain is very long too 00:07:13 not about internet speed 00:08:42 why it's necessary to verify everything? 00:08:49 Might be about your peers' speeds. But also verifying is expensive if you don't have hashes and fast "verification" 00:08:59 It's not if you trust the hashes 00:10:01 ok thank you, an option to bypass verification ? 00:16:26 monerod already skips part of the verification for known hashes by default due to the fast-sync flag 00:18:42 around 50% 00:18:43 ? 00:22:53 most of the blocks 00:23:57 fast-sync flag is necessary? 00:24:47 because by default, it's quick to around 50% and after it's slow 00:25:52 it is set by default yes 00:26:18 ok thanks a lot 00:28:21 it is more than 50%, it is up until 2 weeks ago 00:28:59 strange 00:29:53 so I just sync from bottom now with --fast-block-sync 1 manually to see 00:30:54 which version do you use? 00:31:05 only v0.18.3.2 has the recent fast sync checkpoints 00:31:22 18.3.2 00:31:36 but even with fast-sync it will take 12h+ 00:33:48 is it because there is a verification of transactions? That could explain why it's quick at the beginning and becoming slow as the sync go to now ? 00:36:12 i honestly don't know how much of the verification process is skipped with fast-sync, a large amount is skipped 00:36:49 over the years monero's usage increased so it also takes longer to verify the further you have synced 00:41:57 thanks 00:42:41 around 35% it's going slow 00:44:22 when bitcoin ponzi will collapse, do you think monero will go to the ground? 00:44:30 ^^ 01:04:12 honestly I don't care, I prefer own 1$ of xmr instead of 100$ of cbdc 01:05:45 at this point, the price is not important because like schwab said "you will have nothing and you will be happy" 01:06:10 sorry for the wef, monero is here to fight you ;) 01:06:52 sorry for the wef, monero is here to fight you ;) 08:28:22 I think this is the problem. You are using the dollar as unit of account for Monero. I do my best to price things in Monero. My phone bill is 127mXMR or my internet is 330mXMR. As you price more of your life's things in Monero you come to intuitively know when something is cheap or expensive without needing to go back to a fiat currency. If someone offered me a hamburger for 100mX MR id tell them to fuck off because i fully know that is expensive and don't need fiat conversion to determine that. 08:35:54 Now, offer me that same burger for 65mXMR and i would be willing to take it 08:54:10 plowsof: Perhaps worthwhile to update the roadmap on Getmonero.org? 08:54:26 Various users have requested it, as it is somewhat outdated currently 08:54:41 *at a sit down restaurant a McDonalds type would be about half that ~35mXMR 09:50:02 dEBRUYNE thanks yes, will get an open PR merged and move from there with updating roadmap 12:38:09 Median block size 400kb 12:38:55 yay 13:54:27 Yeah, ideally you do the unit of account in Monero. I do that too. (I got to get to do accounting in Monero, USD and my local fiat so when I see price I can convert from one to another real fast) 13:54:28 Time to go breakfast out (something very complete and nutritious), 23mXMR 13:59:06 What are you getting for mXMR at a restaurant? 13:59:27 That seems like Mcdonalds levels 13:59:55 What are you getting for 23mXMR at a restaurant? 14:00:20 That's pretty local 14:00:20 Can't say, that could dox me. 14:00:20 I don't eat Mcdonalds 14:00:43 Ah olay 14:00:45 But I can say that it is exponentially better than clown sh1T 14:01:11 Ah okay 14:01:58 23mXMR here would get you laughed at 14:06:09 Here even a soda costs ~13mXMR if u go out to eat. 14:07:04 a Cafe for my breakfast add ~4mXMR 14:10:47 Gov mandated minimum wage here is ~50mXMR/hr 14:11:48 And a lot of places pay 80-100mXMR/Hr 14:14:43 People are slave here :( 14:14:44 A lot of them get paid like ~30 to 50mXMR / hr and often work 60 to 72hr a week 19:31:45 xmrscott you dumb cuck bitch 19:31:57 Who tf do you think you are? 19:32:23 you just banned me in #monero-beef 19:32:57 plowsof luigi1111 rucknium - what is this bullshit 19:33:59 I thought you were banned before or something 19:34:08 i was unbanned by rucknium 19:34:19 im at walmart 19:34:29 Ah. 19:34:34 Getting dms about how ive been banned again 19:34:40 luigi, I had a discussion with ruckunium about the merits 19:35:31 I was unbanned yesterday on irc 19:36:07 Fuck dickrator 19:36:07 Indeed, by abusing people not talking to each other before taking action, which I addressed 19:37:25 wtf are you talking about you fkn idiot 19:37:54 ofrnxmr you're not really helping your case 19:38:15 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Its like having a criminal trial, but cant enter the court house 19:38:17 i really dont give a fk, telllllll this pos to ban me everywhere 19:38:48 Fuck anyone who stand with this slimy little fuck 19:38:57 Im going back to shopping 19:39:08 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> It was all good before the retro active banning 19:39:22 Mute dan pls 19:39:26 Hes talking too much again 19:39:43 FWIW, I don't agree with ofrnxmr being banned in -beef. But I'm just a mod there, not admin of the room. 19:40:17 I'm not going to play click wars with scott. I don't have time for that. Plus, he can remove my mod status 19:40:27 scott, please unban him 19:40:28 Thank you rucknium. but I'm angry, so sorry for being angry rn 19:41:02 Didnt even do anything. Scott just being shameless af 19:41:13 oh -beef on matrix? 19:41:19 and irc 19:41:23 you are in the irc one 19:41:24 He banned me again on irc too 19:41:55 power tripping while i sleep 19:41:55 I see you there? 19:42:21 Luigi, let's talk privately where one can deal in merits, not emotions 19:42:28 Cannot send msg to roon (on banned list) 19:42:35 Shutup scott 19:42:39 U emotional fk 19:42:41 Go away 19:42:42 Pwriod 19:42:51 Nooooooooobody needs or wants you 19:42:53 Bye 19:42:58 Fifo pos 19:44:54 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Either banned in all rooms or no rooms. 19:45:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Not this half assed shit 19:59:25 I can't post on reddit (shadow banned for some reason) so I post here, tell me what you think 19:59:33 Subject: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1bd34yu/theories_and_discussions_about_the_ongoing_attack/ 19:59:42 I agree with ArticMine on this one, it's natural and we have seen this happen many times before but now we are scared more than ever for being attacked and can't agree that this is natural. 19:59:42 This is about 82% increase from average tx per day, if you zoom out on charts you can see we had plenty of situations like this - a spike in tx for a few days then a bit of a drop and sustained new higher average tx per day. 19:59:43 Monero is the ONLY cryptocurrency that's being USED, we don't need speculators to artificially drive our average tx per day and I don't see any reason to believe that tx count will mimic price stagnation. 19:59:43 They can manipulate the price but can't stop people from using Monero. 19:59:44 And if analytic company wanted to test behavior, they would do it for free on their own testnet. 19:59:44 Let's not forget that the more people use Monero, the faster it spreads due to simple "spread of the word" / "pass around" so we should see avalanche effect. 20:19:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Now banhammer is in a dispute room.. lmao 20:19:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Shit show 20:24:14 My last theory is that some entity could be moving a large amount. 20:24:15 Normally we can't see where it come from, the amount and where it go. 20:24:15 But what if we don't even see the TX (because of the spam) 20:24:16 What if they increased the TX rate by 5 to 10 % but they don't want us to know that the real traffic increased because of them? 20:24:16 An "attack" like that could be perfect to obfuscate there own TX imo. Instead of seeing an increase of usage, we see intense spam. 20:24:32 Again, just speculating as always :D 20:44:57 Added Cryptomus and ForgingBlock https://github.com/MAGICGrants/getmonero.dev/pull/11 20:47:12 not sure about that 20:47:33 they adjusted the attack after realizing it was causing some small but still genuine issues 20:48:18 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Is getmonero copyrighted? 20:49:02 what exactly? 20:49:08 also, MRL doesnt really try to constantly analyze the chain. with a spike like this, they will be sure to have a look and try to figure out everything they can, see "fingerprinting a flood" 20:49:13 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> I remember geonic saying something about fluffy own it? 20:50:13 what do you mean with getmonero? 20:52:12 That would the meta issue (not for getmonero iirc) 20:52:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> The name is it trademarked or anything? Cause its been used to confuse people to docs website 20:56:06 Getmonero.dev swatter domain 💀 20:56:10 Squatter 20:56:39 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Gives me monero.com vibes 20:56:40 Sgp offered monerocommunity.org and some other, why not getmonero.dev 21:01:40 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> It will confuse people 21:03:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/monerodocs/md/issues/62 21:03:16 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Add this 21:03:24 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Telling people what to do 21:06:17 Matter of fact tone is fkn trash 21:06:55 "youre not a dictator, ofrn. monerokon is taking over prague blockchain week, full stop" < dictator sgp 21:07:56 💢 k need to walk away. Water us wet, the end 21:07:58 Is* 21:25:48 Seriously? What is possibly the benefit for me to con people into going to getmonero.dev instead of getmonero.org. How tf would I even benefit from that? 21:26:24 I don't understand the hate for me setting up a fork of monerodocs. No one hated monerodocs! I only used the getmonero.dev domain since that was the least bad one available, since we no longer have monerodocs.org 21:28:32 jesus. stop with the "justin why are using using google, why are you camping on domains, why are you luring people to a scam site" crap. Do you want external resources or not? 21:29:06 heaven forbid anyone other than luigi do anything #MoneroDecentralization 21:30:08 y'all need a better scapegoat since I'm not in charge of anything here anymore lol. find someone else to be mad at 21:32:17 there's value for external, unofficial documentation as well. For example, a guide on how to accept Monero as a merchant is a great fit for an unofficial site, since then the official site doesn't need to recommend a business that provides these services 21:32:30 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> So why use getmonero and not monerodocs or something else? 21:32:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Same play with monero.com 21:33:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Miss leading the witness 21:33:01 I think it makes sense to put docs (at least core docs, as much as such a thing exists) on docs.getmonero.org. I do not want to maintain the repo though (please volunteer) 21:34:06 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Plowsof 21:34:20 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> and pay less 21:34:26 he might put it on his hours tho, is that really volunteer ^_^ 21:36:34 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Where is it running from, core severs? 21:37:22 same place that hosts getmonero.org surely 21:37:28 Plenty of volunteers, i think plow can maintain 21:40:00 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> You can create the repo and then who/what/when/where & how can be discussed in meeting? Think this week? 21:40:14 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Start ball rolling 21:41:31 "y'all need a better scapegoat since I'm not in charge of anything here anymore lol. find someone else to be mad at" one thing has nothing 2 do with the other. Youre the one using fallacies 21:43:21 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Banhammer is bot with co ordination room? 21:43:26 so gay 21:44:07 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Dont need to be an admin/mod to have access to bot room 22:02:20 Nah, they're respectful 22:02:35 They're not scamming people and they include a link to getmonero.org 22:04:00 #monero-autists 22:06:08 please lower your collective bp by 27mm of mercury 22:06:31 collective what? 22:06:40 Lol 22:06:48 (Blood pressure) 22:07:03 thanks nerd. 22:07:26 Also luigi you may wanna watch out, that’s a pretty specific way of putting it lol, could harm your opsec 22:08:06 hipaa violation! 22:08:42 😂 22:08:44 does Luigi have opsec? 22:09:01 Idk; but he has less of it now if he did 22:09:08 elaborate. 22:09:31 I've been discovered by mmHg 22:09:59 Those statements mean that he has a higher than average knowledge of medical stuff, specifically American medical stuff 22:10:02 Lol 22:10:20 I'm pretty sure Luigi lives in Indiana bruv. 22:10:23 We all know. 22:10:59 Big foot was the CCS thief, he an upper peninsula white boy. 22:11:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Gary? 22:11:15 Well if he doesn’t have opsec then it doesn’t matter lol 22:11:23 Those statements mean that he has a higher than average knowledge of medical stuff, specifically American medical stuff <= would you like to know more/ 22:11:25 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Overrated 22:11:29 ?* 22:11:49 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> What is this “starship troopers” 22:12:01 Sure, fire away lol 22:17:11 some L-Theanine and 1 fewer cup of coffee should go a long way 22:25:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Ty mr/mrs/googl luigiiiii 22:25:47 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero-docs 22:33:11 If you were to choose additional maintainers for this, then I agree! But you would need other maintainers 22:36:35 Fwiw, I only set this up because it didn't seem like it was going to be hosted at docs.getmonero.org 22:41:03 There needs to be a long, hard discussion about getmonero as a brand. 22:41:34 Particularly that it's stewarded by core in theory, but isn't really anymore. They pay the bills, but no real stewardship of any kind. 22:42:10 I agree with sgp that there needs to be external resources, but I also see the skepticism about starting up such "unaccountable" external stuff. 22:42:53 What was that one external xmr site that everyone liked like five years ago? Was linked to a lot. Then the guy sold it to an unknown entity and everyone was pretty miffed. 22:43:08 monero.how 22:43:22 That's the one. 22:44:18 On the one hand, the engine of FOSS is guilt. The monero.how guy should have had the ability to leave at any time without feeling guilty about doing so. 22:45:00 And the irony is the more popular and trusted your resource is, the less you feel like you can leave. Even when the spark has long gone in regards to passion. 22:45:23 This particular discussion is more pertinent than ever given how we effectively have two core team members atm. 22:54:56 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Thats fine anyone can run anything. But using getmonero in the domain. Also getmonero pushes cli/gui and monerod, but doesnt have docs for it?? 22:58:59 Moneroaddress.org 22:59:05 Monerooutreach.org 22:59:44 Monerodocs.org guy asked for help maintaining 23:00:09 Haveno.network 23:00:26 Homeserver killed no wallet left behind 23:01:03 And usually, when someone goes to the source where they download the software, they expect documentation 23:03:26 Not, "let me act like a windows user and google shady websites and try 5 before i realize i made a freewallet.com wallet" 23:06:36 this way, if someone wants to fork the whole suite of _community contributions_, they can. 23:07:00 acting like puttings docs on getmonero is centralized is crazy. Monerodocs.org was a largely one man show 23:07:03 Now it wont be 23:09:58 "There needs to be a long, hard discussion about getmonero as a brand." < as far as im concerned, its a community project from top to bottom 23:12:18 ^^^^ 23:25:47 And, i didnt like monero-ecosystem for the reasons stated by sgp 23:25:57 But "docs" are a no-brainer 23:39:46 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Maybe magic should resurrect outreach instead of docs? 23:41:56 Lol. I can't tell if you're joking or not :p 23:48:55 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Serious like a heart attack 23:49:43 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Good pr for magic 23:51:13 Oh, here its generally 40-45hrs at max 23:52:22 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Rip devs