00:37:07 I guess I can come back for a grant once we built some credibility in the space and started a beta. 00:38:35 I have been making monero themed songs with suno ai https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQWEltFdIVk 00:39:01 Theres also magicgrants and monerofund 02:22:51 cuprate's database milestone 1 is complete - ping luigi1111 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/422#note_23548 06:26:45 Hello! a quick question how many gigabytes is using the Monero blockchain right now? 07:09:57 about 193 07:10:25 can be pruned as well 08:42:05 Community meeting this Saturday 16th https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/979 08:45:51 Unnamed Wallet (xmruw) dev has added a comment to their CCS comparing their project with valdracs monero-wallet-sdk https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/437#note_23529 09:05:09 i would also like to make a payout request on behalf of bigmenpixel for the monero-gui flathub flatpak maintenance selsta https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/381#note_23554 09:27:24 orion_midast: Feel free to also post something on r/Monero if you want to gather awareness 12:16:05 Hi guys I opened an issue on Haveno, that I think it's worth it. 12:16:05 github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues/819 12:16:05 If Haveno could support many privacy protocols used in crypto industy, it would fill a big gap in anonynous interoperabity of blockchains 12:17:03 Hi guys I opened an issue on Haveno, that I think it's worth it. 12:17:04 github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues/819 12:17:04 If Haveno could support many privacy protocols used in crypto industy, it would fill a big gap in anonynous interoperabity of blockchains. 12:18:52 The more it's interoperable with theses, the more monero will became an exit-door for people under oppression. 12:18:52 because of our circular economy & resilience 12:25:57 Link doesnt work nononymous 12:29:53 Link gives a 404 16:15:07 well may be shadowbanned again 😞 16:15:37 i tried to use haveno but i cant put testnet addresses for altcoin trading 16:17:37 Ask in the haveno room #haveno:monero.social 16:53:50 just put their mainnet addresses 16:54:07 just put mainnet addresses 17:28:25 I'm thinking of putting up a CCS for statistical research. I still have the OSPEAD CCS with progress ongoing, but the OSPEAD decoy selection changes probably can't be safely deployed before a hard fork. Meanwhile, things that can be analyzed and fixed before hard forks just keep appearing. The recent suspected spam for example. 17:28:45 The first thing to research would be the suspected spam: evidence for and against the black marble flooding hypothesis, potential privacy impacts, and effectiveness of potential solutions. Other research projects would be set by community and Monero Research Lab discussion. I listed some possibilities in my "A Statistical Research Agenda for Monero" Monerotopia presentation https: 17:28:45 //github.com/Rucknium/presentations/blob/main/Rucknium-Monerotopia-2023-Slides.pdf , e.g. ring member binning, Pocket Change privacy, EAE/EABE attack, fee discretization, 10 block lock adjustment safety, etc. 17:57:41 I have only one thing to say here: "Go for it" 17:58:30 Goatskey: I've sent you a DM. 18:00:06 Can we do this but for chainalysis companies https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/2024/03/01/using-open-source-internet-routing-tools-to-monitor-a-sanctioned-russian-bank/ 18:03:28 Possibly. I could crawl the Monero P2P network and look for evidence of spy nodes. Endor and sech have already found some suspicious IP addresses on the network. s.elsta has a block list, too. 18:23:06 Wouldnt dandelion get weaker as well when you send hundreds of thousands of transactions? 18:25:27 If an adversary is sending the txs, I don't think there is any negative effect on Dandelion++'s protection for normal users. 18:27:17 I meant for the adversary themselves 18:27:20 If someone is spamming txs from a single node or a few nodes, D++ would not protect those spammed txs well, probably. You would have a huge splash in the pond that could be detected by nearby nodes 18:27:36 Yeah 18:27:58 There is a paper that I linked in the MRL meeting yesterday about it. 18:29:37 Well, the paper isn't about "that", exactly. The paper claimed that D++ didn't protect txs very well.....but if you look at its assumed tx/second rate, it's huge. So that paper does not describe realistic conditions....unless someone is spamming :D 18:30:10 I don't think it affects non-spam txs. 18:32:51 There might be a small effect on the network privacy of non-spam txs since the spammer could try to learn the D++ subgraph that changes every 10 minutes. 18:37:18 The paper says it simulated sending 50 txs per honest node to try to learn the D++ subgraph. But the subgraph changes every 10 minutes. 18:39:06 So if Monero has 1,000 honest node (real number is probably much higher), you would have to send 1000 *50/(10 * 60) = 83 txs per second to learn enough of the subgraph before it rearranges itself 18:40:18 The current tx volume is about 1.6 tx/second 18:41:03 And I told the main author in #MRL that I thought his scenario was unrealistic 18:42:16 I suggested that he try to reduce the number of txs and increase the share of spy nodes. 18:43:00 I tried his Python code and it seemed to work. We can use it for our own analysis. 18:44:07 AFAIK he presented the paper at MoneroKon 2023: Sharma, P. K., Gosain, D., & Diaz, C. 2022. "On the anonymity of peer-to-peer network anonymity schemes used by cryptocurrencies." https://moneroresearch.info/index.php?action=resource_RESOURCEVIEW_CORE&id=130 18:58:32 1:28 PM I'm thinking of putting up a CCS for statistical research. <> don't think too long :D 20:14:50 BTCpayserver merged something Monero specific. adjusting of confirmations to zero https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver/pull/5807 , how times have changed? Thanks to HenryH. escapethe4ra sgp ajs_ 20:15:04 escapethe3ra 20:17:30 HennyH* 22:26:13 why do i have "failed to fetch alias" when trying to join haveno's group ? 22:29:42 Wanted to say, bigger crypto integration is needed: 22:29:43 • Solana 22:29:43 • DOGE 22:29:44 • AVAX 22:29:44 • TRX 22:29:45 • MATIC 22:29:45 & privacy protocols coming with integrated altcoins: 22:29:46 • PayNym for Bitcoin (recurring trades) 22:29:46 • MWEB for Litecoin 22:29:47 • Aztec/Railgun for EVMs 22:31:07 I was working for an exchange that should have integrated all of that but he decided to fire me because his service is too shitty to be promoted lmfao