00:04:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If i say https://docs.keydb.dev/ will i be excommunicado ? 00:29:41 //ban 02:47:22 01:02:59 <*status> Error from server: Closing Link: user/meow/DataHoarder (Excess Flood) 02:47:24 Excess flood strikes again 02:50:32 see if that works out across channels now, happens each time connection is lost due to Excess flood 07:31:08 another 100 to the general fund escapethe3ra https://twitter.com/WatchFund/status/1775347603825103151 07:31:29 the spam donation attack continues 07:36:41 lmao just scylladb at this point 07:40:43 plowsof unfortunately the spam donation attack has ignored the P2Pool donation address so far :D 07:41:08 :( 08:00:13 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/lARuaVwRqipebLdtzuAWhNVH 08:00:51 69 wins 08:01:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> winrar 08:01:21 hope this makes you feel better sech1, one of the 100 xmr donations was barely looked at 08:03:15 not many people click the actual p2pool explorer link, thanks btw for keeping a reliable explorer up (which also has a tor url). maybe a home button to take people to the p2pool dot io page could help from the onion explorer? 08:04:54 I just added the donation addy to page footer on p2pool.io/explorer 08:46:18 > I'd hope for, in the best case, development + review/audits of the building blocks in 3-6 months, targeting deployment in ~12 months. 08:46:22 https://gist.github.com/kayabaNerve/0e1f7719e5797c826b87249f21ab6f86 08:47:58 bullish 0.o 08:49:33 *Monero Just Admitted Being Insecure. Developers Are Under Stress For Next Hard Fork. Community Splitting!* 08:50:06 Such media title would be funny 08:57:41 I would prepend this with *Spam attack aftermath:* 10:38:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://monero.town/post/2698370 10:38:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> made nioc famous 10:59:40 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup 'The application used is to host this is Gancio' typo: remove first is. 11:01:16 I'd hyperlink both mxorg and social matrix handles. Upvoted. 11:01:41 Someone should crosspost to /r/monero. Hopefully this initiative takes off. Nice domain and great to have a Gancio instance. 11:01:57 Just before Binance settlement 11:02:05 monero is the most self-aware crypto community there is 11:02:33 i cant imagine r/bitcoin ever doing something like a weekly criticism thread lol 11:24:11 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> They argue all the time 12:17:40 dan bob *you're 12:17:42 <3 12:47:10 dan certainly you know that both your matrix accounts display on irc as bob 14:21:37 one day the severity of arguments will be measured in chainsplits 14:26:38 Oh, what did I miss? 15:10:27 Monero node? Storage space will be an issue 15:11:42 It gets spent at the same rate? 15:19:53 No 15:20:28 General fund pays for some infrastructure and tops up important ccs proposals from time to time 15:21:32 I'd say you'd have to spend about $30 per month if you want to run a cloud node 15:22:00 A bit cheaper if you run it pruned 15:39:34 10$ buyvm.net 15:39:39 Incl 1tb storage 16:02:57 I did hear to do CPU steal, but did not test myself 16:46:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Found me! 17:06:29 Meeting now? 17:09:36 plowsof: where is the MRL meeting? 17:10:00 #monero-research-lab:monero.social 17:12:59 Thanks! 17:19:06 Aremor please follow on monerologs.net , matrix dot org clients receive messages several hours later 18:19:42 Thank you 18:59:53 Diego Salazar: element x might be better for your mobile matrix needs. 20:55:15 Thats true. I think bitcoin protocol was coopted by greedy miners. They don't care if the coin will be usable or not. Right now its only use is speculation. I cherish for the monero community because its the only one on the crypto world that actually tries to make it usable in real life. Being able to pay for products and services with crypto is the way to go. We don't need whales 20:55:16 hoarding all for themselves just to die and let those coins rot 20:55:50 its hilarious how asic manufacturers tried to keep monero forks going 20:56:05 fuck them, really