00:57:57 no_2 What do those two other shitcoins have to do with monero, sir? 01:19:06 ofrnxmr got made because xmrscott pussy and decide to support shitcoin now 01:19:09 ofrnxmr got mad because xmrscott pussy and decide to support shitcoin now 01:29:18 xmrscott control it. he control everything and ruining xmr. he needs to unban ofrn 07:22:57 no_2: Have you they put out a blog post regarding their interface overhaul etc.? 08:34:25 Another 100 xmr to the general fund :-o https://twitter.com/WatchFund/status/1776830956634005913 13:07:53 do you run this account plowsof 13:15:49 Wonder how these funds will be utilised 😅 14:00:14 The twitter account? @watchfund? Yes 16:08:34 Goes the general fund publish view keys? 16:11:24 I believe so 16:11:57 but again you can't really get a balance from view keys 16:12:09 Seraphis fixes this 17:30:09 detherminal @watchfund account? yes. aremor yes they can be found in the most recent transparency report https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/11fslu9/monero_general_fund_transparency_report_march_2023/ 17:53:47 Thank you. Core team chooses what gets merged right? And how to spend the fund? 19:39:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Well 19:40:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Selsta goes 🗣️and luigi merges 19:40:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gf is “meant” to be rainy day fund 19:47:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nvm matrix user, nioc