00:03:50 gf got enough donations today to fund all of the proposals + surplus (i didnt count, but im pretty sure it did) 00:04:19 Matrix federation ruined the meeting 00:04:35 (Nah, my bans did, but hey) 00:04:53 We'll be back at 100mph in a sec 00:05:23 gf got enough donations today to fund all of the proposals + surplus (i didnt count, but im pretty sure it did) <= irrelevant 00:05:32 how so 00:05:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip voting <= there was a whole lot of voting 00:05:45 If proposals were open, funds would have went there 00:05:50 ofrnxmr you have an uncanny ability to understand only things you want to 00:05:58 you have no idea if that is true 00:06:13 Im yet to be off target 00:06:45 twist truths too. 00:06:46 ofrnxmr> Again, whata with this faggot bullshit <= also this language is unwanted 00:07:19 so is what responded to 00:07:39 Maybe some moderate of socks is warranted 00:08:42 dont play the homo card, as if i was speaking about gay ppl 00:09:49 but sure, the language is bad regardless. 2 wrong dont make a right but if nobody will challenge wrong #1 im willing to expose the hypocrisy 00:10:23 can s/faggot/insert_nasty_word = reeeeeeee 00:11:03 "be the bigger man and walk away", and then you guys have a party 00:11:05 ofrnxmr> dont play the homo card, as if i was speaking about gay ppl <= libera policy 00:11:23 you need to choose nasty words that aren't slurs 00:11:39 The f word isnt about gay ppl 00:12:29 I'm not arguing this with you, just giving you a warning 00:12:32 "what ia this homosexual bs" seriously? Thats not what i said, and wouldnt make sense if it was 00:13:29 But ok, ill use a different word. Dont want anymore alts whining like a bitch (female dog) 00:13:54 https://nitter.poast.org/ofrnxmr/status/1775034577196560643 [ xmrscott] 'This shithead is why we lost 2 devs this week (no, not me. 0xfffc and perfect-daemon)' 00:14:09 0xfffx is back, ty ofrn 00:14:16 Perfext daemon t-minus 4 days 00:14:19 TIL xmrscott is a 0xfffc's relative! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/438#note_23760 00:19:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip 00:21:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Voting on mrl yeah, not in community meeting? 00:23:23 'After the Core Team has determined that the community has reached loose consensus, the MR is merged, and funding begins.' 00:23:27 no, voting on the CCS, though with approval from MRL 00:24:12 community meeting is not a hard requirement especially for something with such overwhelming support 00:25:06 I voted on the proposal 00:29:44 So'k 00:30:06 This is sarang 00:30:42 dukenukem> TIL xmrscott is a 0xfffc's relative! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/438#note_23760 <= learn something new every day 00:31:00 Learn? Whattd you learn 00:31:48 That im xmrscott? Maybe im 0x's son 00:32:15 If you dont want him back, say so 00:32:25 Go downvote his proposal, idiots 00:33:04 Nobody is begging for rottens approval (or luigis) 00:35:17 0x left cuz yall suck. Same as PD. 0 confidence in you 00:36:09 you aka leadership 00:50:24 right, cuz luigi didnt lost 2600 XMR recently 00:51:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We got interest on our investment 00:52:30 you sound like an idiot 00:53:57 R4v3r23, dan i joking with you :D lol. Seriousky tho. March ended . Luigi's time with wallet is past due 00:56:23 is next wallet gonna be secured with airgapped QR? 00:56:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Multi sign soon 00:56:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I thought they were using your one 01:06:17 is next wallet gonna be secured with airgapped QR? <= it is currently 01:10:23 GF could send anonero a lil thank you methinks then 01:26:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Selling point 01:26:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The wallet that helps people with bad opsec 01:29:17 its literally designed to prevent shit like that from happening 03:40:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gave you a tag line for your wallet 10:05:25 monero.social is completely messed up 10:05:28 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qzuqVztJYhPeBGvVUeaTCfWe 10:05:32 stuff is just vanishing 10:10:04 I can still see all your posts in the wallet thread 10:32:56 You can thx matrix.org that is batching monero.social messages, ignore some and forget some 10:33:31 Result is that monero.social perfectly see matrix.org users messages, but matrix.org users can't see anything coming from monero.social users 10:50:28 The issue is matrix.org. use monero.social or literally any other homeserver 10:57:19 plowsof: can you please moderate the comments on CCS. It's out of hand now. 11:01:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Meanwhile i cant register with email alias 11:01:43 except the trolling of @banofrn I don't really see what comment you want to moderate 11:02:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gitlab 11:32:08 It's happening. They're coming. SEC released a Wells notice against Uniswap and the some senators from the Treasury department in the US are requesting all validators for any cryptocurrency to have KYC. 11:32:09 Warren (senator): "So Iran, which is subject to all kinds of sanctions, are making millions of dollars validating transactions all because we don’t have the tools to stop them?" 11:32:10 Warren said there needs to be a regulatory framework in place for stablecoins and nodes that will subject users to AML laws. 11:32:11 Monero is winning. 11:33:30 It's happening. They're coming. SEC released a Wells notice against Uniswap and some senators from the Treasury department in the US are requesting all validators for any cryptocurrency to have KYC. 11:33:30 Warren (senator): "So Iran, which is subject to all kinds of sanctions, are making millions of dollars validating transactions all because we don’t have the tools to stop them?" 11:33:31 Warren said there needs to be a regulatory framework in place for stablecoins and nodes that will subject users to AML laws. 11:33:32 Monero is winning. 11:40:25 fuck SEC, you cant stop a decentralized infrastructure 11:40:53 these mfs want everything to be traced 11:41:13 so they can use the data against their own people 11:41:29 They can for Ethereum. A public ledger is vulnerable. Nodes that don't comply get fucked 11:41:45 not really, what will happen if i run my node in afghanistan 11:42:30 There will be a US chain for US users. Like Binance US. If you're caught using an afghanistan node you're labelled a terrorist and will face "AML laws" 11:43:11 i will get 80 years for pinging afghanistan lol 11:43:12 I'm only assuming here. Don't know what they're actually going to try and do 11:43:22 Midipoet will have time later today (on gitlab itself yes?) 11:45:12 @plowsof:matrix.org https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/444 11:45:23 I think midipoet is talking about this 12:26:29 Haveno is almost out. Really close to releasing. Keep an eye out for the release: https://haveno.exchange & https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno 12:34:36 duality.cleaned.png 12:35:18 Thanks, this looks promising 😀 12:37:54 It really is. Best thing about it is that the code is already out for mainnet testing. The binaries (so you can install and use it) are pending still but these are expected to release soon. I'd estimate within a couple of days at most. 12:37:55 Adding on, if you haven't heard about it already there is another DEX called Serai that may come out this year. It will allow crypto-to-crypto swaps without KYC and with full decentralization (low fee of 0.6%): https://serai.exchange 12:37:56 Monero will no longer need a CEX soon 12:50:40 I just wonder how noob friendly the DEX platforms will be. 12:56:51 Serai will be noob friendly because it will be possible to create a frontend with the tools they give. Haveno is similar to Bisq/Localmonero which are not the best in terms of friendliness but with enough guides and tutorials I think they should be 12:58:50 haveno-ts exists nvm! 14:15:03 +300 xmr to the GF 0_0 14:15:39 Someone is watching closely 14:16:23 When do these funds get used? 14:19:28 Maybe the person who took the CCS money longed btc and now is taking profit in the GF, can only speculate 14:20:39 A good way to finance monero that would have been refused if he did ask instead of do 😂 14:21:20 From the start of April until now 1231 XMR has been donated. Most I assume are coming from this generous person. Almost $170k USD 14:22:38 I'm not counting the smaller donations. Total amount is slightly larger than this. 14:22:57 what does a typical month of donations look like 14:25:29 Nothing like this. What we're seeing here is special. A very rough estimate for March is 384.02 XMR 14:25:49 March also included 100 XMR donations similar to the ones in April though 14:28:10 Does anyone have logs for the offtopic Monero channel? 14:29:07 yes, it's offtopic 14:29:19 Won’t be surprised if these donations are coming from instant exchangers like exch.ch who is making a killing with fees 14:29:57 @datahoarder:monero.social Where? I can't see anything on monerologs 14:29:58 Won’t be surprised if these donations are coming from instant exchangers like exch.cx who is making a killing with fees 14:38:30 exch dot cx do not trust the release binaries. so i doubt they would be doing this. Although they are a sponsor of monerokon 14:40:29 Surely these can be used to fund FCMP and Seraphis? 14:45:07 As mentioned in the last transparency report, things often get funded by the community too quick before the GF can make a contribution 14:46:37 Core decides what/how much/when to disperse funds from the GF 14:48:28 If a situation happens where the GF is given an absurd amount of XMR like 10K, is core still allowed to use this or are amounts like these seen as suspicious? 14:50:35 Sometimes, people accidentally send funds to the GF , and if they ask for a refund quick enough/provide evidence then theyre returned. Other than this i can only speculate what they would do with a massive donation like that 14:51:36 I would assume there would be a 'who did this? Have they asked for something to be done with the funds? No? Its been x months.. ok theyre ours now' 14:52:07 Used for recurring infra costs 14:52:11 as in, personal IRC logs. monerologs logs a small subset only 14:52:45 Okeydokey 14:56:09 Fluffy has a general fund work group suggestion in his disband core issue. I had mentioned that this group would suggest pre funding x% of proposals from the GF before theyre put to the community but the sentiment wasnt in favour of this. Recently some MRL members mentioned controlling a slush fund. Seemed similar 15:02:19 Gf voted against funding fcmp 15:02:40 And keepofrnbanned > how u gonna get haven( without me? (tldr: youre not) 15:04:19 core / binartlyfate does whatever he wants with gF. Usually subsidizing core dev ccs proposals (byt fcmp was the opposite. Was given stipulations aka a timeframe to gather funding, was not funded by gf) 15:04:30 And i had to argue w luigi to even get it merged 15:05:34 why is keepofrnvanned allowed in here> 15:06:10 Wtf kinda bullshit handle is that,. Can i make one that says "suckmydickloser" 15:06:18 Double standard much? 15:07:45 "When do these funds get used?" When binaryfate decides to be active 15:08:08 Or when he needs to reimburse credit card 15:08:21 (tldr: read the transparency reports) 15:08:31 Its not _our_ fund, its his 15:08:47 Ive not got to the ccs comments yet. Keepofrnbanned appears to be trolling id just ignore / be proud an account was made for me 15:09:42 Keepofrn, are you going to boycott haveno due to my involvement? 15:10:00 Ofrn everything is banned 15:10:20 Id be flattered if my matrix accounts were given similar treatment 15:10:27 But this is #1 bullshit 15:10:53 The onky ofrn allowed in here, is someone who wants to slander MY NAME 15:12:41 GF didn't have time to fund the FCMP CCS as it was insta funded with 1 donation 15:13:17 they tols fcmp "you have 8 weeks to raise funds take it or leave it" @niocat 15:13:28 there was hesitation from many to merge it including some MRL people 15:13:41 Rucknium only 15:13:53 Many = midipoet 15:13:55 koe 15:14:19 i was on call with koe and kaya 15:14:48 I just read what koe wrote in MRL 15:15:18 I don't have a bat phone 15:18:00 but yeah, now rucknium has a ccs for resident statistician (merge) 16:05:09 Doesn’t fluffy/mymonero keeps paying those bills ? Hence the honeypot is still on getmonero 16:24:14 plowsof: who decides what gets merged? 16:28:34 diego: are you purposely being a cuntbag? 16:29:06 Wtf kinda bullshit handle is that,. Can i make one that says "suckmydickloser" <= A little vulgar. You could try "bankeepofrnbanned" 16:29:35 GF didn't have time to fund the FCMP CCS as it was insta funded with 1 donation <= +1 16:30:11 luigi1111: oh only now we are calling out th3 cuntbags 16:30:16 Doesn’t fluffy/mymonero keeps paying those bills ? Hence the honeypot is still on getmonero <= I don't think mymonero sponsors anything anymore 16:30:22 Good we have some spine here still 16:31:04 what did diego do 16:31:50 He is a cuntbag 16:34:40 what is the context for your statement? 16:35:37 doesn't matter. You're just as much a cuntbag as him 16:41:28 mymonero isnt necessarily a honeypot - although it's a nice explanation, people also act viciously towards others to prevent themselves from having to become aware of their own subconscious. a control mechanism, projected outwards. cluster b stuff 16:41:46 fame, grandiosity, power, money, and who knows what else 16:42:49 just saying, remember i gave 4 or more years of my life to the same infrastructure and i saw / heard about zero sale of the keys - although that may just be because i'm obviously motivated by my conscience and rightness instead 16:43:14 but remember y'all: you also all let this happen 16:43:21 you sat in comfort 16:43:48 i did tell you something was seriously wrong and got thrown under the bus even by hy c for it lol 16:43:58 "that's not how business works" el oh fuckin el 16:44:07 thot this was a freedom project for humanity 16:46:39 a dedicated member of your community was literally blackmailed in your ccs while standing up for you 16:46:47 4 years have passed 16:48:06 LUIGI BRO 16:48:11 Fuck your double standard 16:48:31 CUNT is as vulgar as N***er or FAGGOT 16:49:06 midi gets free pass but never done nothing to contribute. Votedagainst fcmp, tried to cancel plowsof 16:49:10 Bad actor all day 16:49:53 Gets to say crazy ass insults, but bcuz midi is generally a pussy, its ok. I really dont take offence, but fk your doubke standard 16:50:03 it wasn't my standard, and I also disagree, though do not prefer that language 16:50:08 prefer? 16:50:14 Its as bad as faggot 16:50:20 Wheres the warning? 16:50:39 Rules for ofrn, not for anyone else 16:51:25 Ill be happy if you say "midi, dont say that. warning" or some shit that makes you sound at least a tiny bit impartial 16:51:34 Nit "how is diego a cunt" 16:51:36 tf???:? 16:51:45 ofrnxmr> Its as bad as faggot <= I disagree. I don't have a list of approved words. It might be easier if there was. 16:52:10 you dont have to agree. Ive watched peopke get stabbed over goof and cunt 16:52:52 im telling you, cunt is as bad (worse) than faggot 16:53:23 Faggot meant cigarette at some point. Cunt is one of the worst things one can say 16:54:49 midipoet please use better language 16:55:01 Nono 16:55:03 Warn 16:57:24 actually let's just mute you both for awhile 17:02:30 endogenic you speak in riddles. I'm afraid none of us quite understand you now or then 17:03:00 yeah, maybe that's because people can't speak freely when their lives are threatened 17:03:07 not that you would know anything about being a victim here 17:03:19 don't worry, big guy, I was just trying to give you a chance 17:03:40 and actually, you don't speak for everyone, I know very well by now that plenty of people know exactly what I'm talking about, and it's clear that you know what I'm talking about as well but that you're actually corrupt 17:03:45 I know that you're corrupt simply by what you just said to me 17:03:57 good luck trying to manipulate everyone. They're going to figure it out eventually and you're only hope is escaping in time. 17:04:13 unfortunately, it does work to manipulate people and all you have to do is fool them for long enough so that you can perpetrate your plan and escape from responsibility 17:04:32 It's not a riddle to say that crimes have been perpetrated. It's a simple fact. Blackmail is not a matter of opinion. 17:04:39 and you should honestly be ashamed of yourself, and you barely deserve the life that you have 17:04:44 enjoy it while you can 17:05:05 sociopath 17:05:48 is there playbook not obvious to everyone by now? Their whole point is to upset people who still have any shred of humanity left and drive them away so that they can continue. 17:05:51 their 17:06:00 that's the external locus of control 17:06:06 because inside they're actually insecure 17:09:48 and it's clear that you know what I'm talking about as well but that you're actually corrupt <= news to me 17:11:04 who is they? 17:12:15 anyone know how to block ? 17:12:28 some other user keeps pestering me 17:16:27 there's this funny thing that happens where codependents dont know what narcissism is and they fall in with a narcissist, not knowing their attempts to impress the narcissist are actually causing the codependent to become narcissistically abusive to others too 17:16:30 do some basic research lol 17:16:34 I have heard the my life's been threatened and I have tons of code ready to be shipped since about 2017. 17:16:37 cant receive OLD news if you already lost yourself 17:16:43 Either show us the goddamn code or stfu. 17:16:50 no? 17:16:57 get your facts right at least 17:17:03 so who the fuck are you to demand anything from anybody. 17:17:07 lol. 17:17:14 you're obviously a bad act 17:17:15 or 17:17:20 Obviously a CIA agent. 17:17:31 only a dumbass would speak without knowing the facts. Or someone who actually knows the facts and is intentionally trying to conceal them in order to manipulate people. 17:17:41 are you even able to program? Maybe you're just upset that you can't do anything 17:17:41 Idk, you started posting 100 messages in a row. Don't dish it if you can't take it. 17:17:57 OK, be the impression that I can't take it? I'm just tired of listening to your nonsense. I'd rather put some tape over your mouth instead. 17:18:03 what gave you the* 17:18:09 anyway see ya, idiot 17:18:11 Admit you've been saying mUh LiFe hAs BeEn tHrEaTeNeD fOr YeArS. 17:18:16 Way to act in your own disinterest 17:18:25 actually dip shit it was, and I did it all for you too 17:18:35 for the sake of your own dignity, I'm just gonna stop there 17:18:40 I have better things to do anyway obviously 17:18:43 and you don't 17:18:46 ok, but finish it with .bbl 17:18:48 lol 17:19:02 < endogenic> OK, be the impression that I can't take it? I'm just tired of listening to your nonsense. I'd rather put some tape over your mouth instead. 17:19:08 look who's talking about nonsense! 17:49:18 Across the pond, 'see you next tuesday' is less of an offensive word, and more of a greeting but if we're being fair then no, bad midipoet! 17:50:58 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> No fckn way 17:51:05 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> What is this cia 17:56:59 damn. so much insults. Average IQ in this channel has dropped below 60 because of a small subset of mentally ill persons. 17:57:35 let's move on 17:57:45 alr 17:58:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So you think a lush fund is ok? Bascially do what ever the fck i want. 17:59:03 you have one? 17:59:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No endless money pit here 18:00:18 Revuo Monero. Issue 192: April 4 - 11, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/issue-192.html 18:10:34 May I propose something that hopefully will lead this channel into the right track. Read out, tell me if I should stfu or elaborate. 18:10:34 Monero is a community-driven project, and therefore the cryptocurrency development, activities and health is based on its underlying community. One thing I observed from over a year now, is that we're all here for our passion for Monero, but beside we're very different a broad range of topic. This make sense as Monero's reach is world-wide. This also difficult, because by the natu re of its use, we're all kinda opinionated/hardened. 18:10:36 While I don't agree with ofrnxmr, the involvement of its friends and supporters for defending a clearly out of the rules CCS, we have to admit there exist a clear division in people's thinking. At least in the matrix community. When we have a community that is both different but still have the same goal, we need rules. But now authoritarian ones for say, but guidelines. 18:10:37 I don't know what happened for Meta and MRL repo to be closed, but I propose we discuss next meeting the creation of a community guideline, that would cover both CCS, Moderation and other topics the community might wish. The goal isn't to create a law book, it should defend a certain flexibility in some cases. But the goal is that whenever something is going out of reach, we based ourselves back on the guideline. 18:10:39 To be clear, everyone could participate by making PRs, discuss about it and at very specific periods of times/window, make the community vote each opened PRs (maybe using ring ??). The moderation rules between matrix channels/IRC and the repo would be different, such that even banned people can express their voice 18:10:51 Again, read out when you have time, and tell me If I should stfu or elaborate 18:12:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ofrn and friends sound like a tv show 18:14:18 > But now authoritarian ones for say, but guidelines. 18:14:19 But not* 18:16:04 the following book should be required reading "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" 18:18:34 thanks for the reference. TIL 19:31:19 1 hour later: seen by 8 people on matrix, probably a little more on IRC. I don't want to misunderstand that silence. Should I open a github issue on meta repository ? Or even a repo ? So that anyone can come discuss their ideas at their own rhythm ? 20:06:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/899 20:06:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like this? 20:07:41 This is unfortunately too specific and prone to contentious. 20:23:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sure 20:26:05 Alright, I opened a repository: https://github.com/SyntheticBird45/monero-community-guideline 20:26:30 When you have time, you can come in, open an issue and talk about an issue, and propose a solution 20:26:42 When you have time, you can come in, open an issue and talk about a problem, and propose a solution 20:27:15 I mean you're not obligated to propose a solution 20:28:09 I've a life so volunteers to be moderator can dm to discuss access 20:29:05 to be moderator are appreciated and can dm me* 20:29:13 I hate phone keyboard 20:39:30 What dimm 20:40:26 You think what's more anonymous paycash in person or pay cash by mail 20:41:57 What do you think 21:03:00 syntheticbird: volunteers to be moderator of what? 21:03:14 Ja 21:04:10 oh the repo ok 21:14:20 Right, so we have established there is moderation 21:15:21 Now, is it possible to establish general rules/guidelines, or are we still figuring that out? 21:19:20 seems like synthetic is trying to organize something 21:19:37 It's a bit late, don't you think? 21:19:49 I'd prefer it to be a monero-project repo if it's to govern monero community 21:19:51 why too late 21:23:25 Fair enough, you're right. It's not too late, and we haven't wasted far too much time and energy on what should be a pretty simple mod policy and pretty simple enforcement. Let's instead now see how long it takes for the community to form consensus on the rules, and praise leadership for the stewardship shown so far. 21:24:41 no need for the last part. Rest sounds reasonable 21:24:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Could of made an issue in the actual monero meta that it needs to be applied too 21:26:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Consensus will be met at the same time as the disbanding workgroups are made. 21:26:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Soon™️ 21:26:56 luigi1111w: sorry, there absolutely is need for the last part. Either we have a mod policy or we don't. Either is fine. Just decide. The in between is purgatory, born from a third indecision, a third ignorance, and a third sloth. 21:27:44 "and praise leadership for the stewardship shown so far." this part 21:27:59 He was being ironic 21:28:33 I would say sarcastic 21:28:41 Yeah that 21:29:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like irc nothing will change 21:30:45 321bob321: we can't form workgroups, because nobody has pushed the existing issue that is on meta 21:31:04 If someone pushed that forward, we might get somewhere 21:32:16 I would be okay with it. If you have the right to do so 21:32:44 is that to me? 21:32:57 ? 21:33:25 like. I meant, if there is a way to migrate this repo to monero-project organization 21:33:46 idk I thought you proposed to migrate it. It doesn't imply you being mod of anything 21:34:52 yes that should be easy, I think 21:35:02 I suggested a first step, which was that existing members of Core (all of them) outline which workgroups they want to be part of (if any). That would help the rest of the community understand where support is needed, and what exact tasks need to be taken on by other community members. 21:36:02 well, i agree with that. please add it to the repo so people start having topics to eat up 21:36:17 or I can open an issue for you 21:38:12 I forked it and made you maintainer 21:38:41 Thanks Luigi. Core team is also invited to open issues, just in case 21:39:47 .bbl 21:41:24 ah. issues are disabled 21:41:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You are incharge of monero HR 21:42:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Gl 21:42:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You’ll need it 21:48:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Can i say that the fastest i have seen core move. Like it was planned 😉 21:50:40 Confirming: I am 100% sloth 21:52:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ccs inbound for maintainer ? 21:53:54 sloths don't need much maintenance, except they can sometimes get a bit stinky if they don't wash, as they aren't like cats that clean themselves. 21:55:18 I'm unsure the definition of on call. ofrnxmr did reach out. I did not assign weight to that professionally. Solely as anyone could reach out, check, and express their opinion. 21:55:38 If you have to censor one of those three, it's the worst. 21:56:53 I'll repeat I stand against the CCS so heavily under discussion so long as it ascribes itself the roles it does, as it shouldn't. 21:58:46 Regardless of if ofrnxmr is right or wrong, it's clear it's far too contentious and not moving forward to merge a document on a platform managed by core requesting such membership. That'd imply it's a legitimate request actively under consideration, or even that funding the CCS will grant them that position. I do know that specific request has its own wording caveating there, yet 21:58:47 the spirit of my words applies to that and the rest of the requests. 21:59:49 Given the lack of milestones, and the requests, I'd want severe editing at least, and ofrnxmr soliciting donations in general (not CCSs). 22:00:18 Also, in retrospect, the main issue with my CCS delays was it being hacked IMO. I'm not requesting anyone be mad on my behalf. 22:13:32 Also, Monero does have a CoC. 22:13:33 > Administrators SHOULD block or ban “bad actors” who cause stress and pain to others in the project. This should be done after public discussion, with a chance for all parties to speak. A bad actor is someone who repeatedly ignores the rules and culture of the project, who is needlessly argumentative or hostile, or who is offensive, and who is unable to self-correct their beh 22:13:34 avior when asked to do so by others. 22:13:35 would be the section arguably justifying mods who prior advocated removal of ofrnxmr. 22:13:41 kayabanerve comment in the MR wen? 22:14:29 I say arguably because I really don't want to get involved with this. I do believe ofrnxmr qualifies as offensive, and I believe not only have many people agreed, they've personally stated they themselves are. 22:15:38 I just got all the monero.social messages, apologies for talking potentially independently to the active discussions. 22:15:51 When I remember to log in to GitLab. 22:34:58 No need to apologize; shouldn't be an expectation for a 24/7 online presence to engage in a conversation right as it happens. Matrixorg's application firewall induced latency is a mess anyways and I've seen within my client a striped pattern of Today | Yesterday | Today | Yesterday | Today timestamps which makes following conversations less than ideal 22:47:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So the issue here is you say something you get muted 22:50:58 yeah, and luigi's been doing that consistently too much over the last 10 years. i don't understand why we put up with it. maybe his pay should be reduced or eliminated to punish him 23:00:16 Rucknium Statistical Research is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/Rucknium-Statistical-Research.html @luigi1111 23:05:09 w0w :D 23:05:21 Thank you all donors! 23:25:15 Generalized Bulletproofs Security Proofs is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/cypherstack-gbp-security-proofs.html @luigi1111