00:55:10 Monero down on War. Should be up .. 00:55:11 Iran Launches Major Drone Attack on Israel: 00:55:12 https://linked-out.me/news/4192f3b6b3d3dc1b7b8a 01:10:45 everything nuked 01:10:46 Monero nuked less than most things 01:51:01 Someone just donated 500 xmr to Gen fund 02:31:47 They stil ddossing general funds with XMR, noice! 03:01:58 plowsof: luigi1111 I split the two CCSs. They are on the same PR still. That means the community may decide not to fund audits via this earmarked fund, yet at this time, they do have to be merged together (making the community have the option). If the push back is over the merits of the earmarked fund in general, I'd request talking that through before I make two distinct PRs. 03:03:07 The proposal, on the CCS, still sits at 9+, 0- from before I split it so I don't believe there's much push back to the idea of the earmarked fund. I believe the most I've heard here is from Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup, who I invite to read the reasoning in the now split CCS. 03:07:24 Also, clarifying, the work which doesn't apply to Seraphis is the GSP and the curve cycle if Seraphis moves forward with the curve cycle change (and technically, the very literal circuit. Seraphis gets away with a simpler one, though the premise and composition is the same except for the very first layer. Those are minority parts of the CCSs. 03:07:39 thanks kayaba. I think community definitely wants to see this funded. My primary question is around timeframe and if we're raising ~2k xmr that is going to be "sat on" for a long time? 04:10:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> create proposal for the r&d and then create a new proposal for audit funds with quote <=== agree 04:40:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> O M G ^ 04:41:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bff now 04:43:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I need to register on gitlab without giving my blood type 04:43:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXWhbUUE4ko Australias parliament... 04:45:23 You really want that to be your bff? Lol. 05:09:54 I agreed with the statement, not with you :p 05:13:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/gmPeWbSzCeqZMuqrPOjmMVfP 05:14:39 +500 and +100 to the GF *rubs eyes* 05:28:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hmm 05:36:27 Buy the XMRs you're going to donate to CCS now when price is low😁 05:47:08 do we know the current balance 05:54:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ignore rotten, bestie 06:09:05 what's a rotten 06:22:53 kayabanerve we're pushing the limits of the advanced ccs ideas page with 2 files in a single merge request, they'd have to be separate to each display (albeit it with a requires #number) the updoots would carry over to both as they where given when the proposal was whole. also luigis comment about sitting on 2k~ xmr for how long? and have we thought about how invoices (if any) wi 06:22:53 ll be paid in fiat? also, has the speed of the GBP proposal being approved and going to funding, receiving also a contribution from the GF changed your opinion on needing a large amount of monteros to use quickly? 06:23:55 luigi1112: Presumably not more than 6-12 months. I've already met with one group re: some of the tasks. 06:25:06 Fiat payment would already be ineligible for CCS proposals, so any auditors demanding fiat become irrelevant regardless (unless this was sourced through MAGIC). 06:25:54 plowsof: Re: speed of funding... somewhat? Yet not re: the amount of paperwork. I don't expect every proposed auditor to be so quickly agreed upon. 06:31:27 review scope of works provided by auditors OR create the SoW yourselves and distribute, wait for quotes, share them with MRL and find a loose consensus on who to go with, then merge the proposal 06:31:38 will there be any less paper work if you have 2000 monero 06:32:57 or 1 million monero even xD 06:35:59 "it'd risk being unable to contract certain auditors" you mention but now they must only accept monero? 06:37:20 "and a general agreement within MRL that the proposed expenditure is reasonable. " seems to be the standard flow of a ccs, but now, MRL has been given more autonomy to get things merged quicker 06:40:15 pretty sure we've fundraised for audits paid in a currency other than XMR using the CCS before. not sure why we need to limit ourselves in such a way. an intermediary company can be found with a few calls if required 06:41:16 "This CCS is to prove, review and audit" - let's prove first. horse before the cart, etc 07:18:30 It would not require it go through the CCS process, which is a notable amount of the paperwork is. 07:18:42 MRL actually has limited autonomy. They have to certify it's reasonable, not optimal. 07:19:45 Actual question. Were auditors who wouldn't accept Monero ever be eligible for discussing contracting via a CCS? 07:19:56 I believe no matter what, this entire process is always discussing Monero-accepting auditors. 07:36:34 We can go back and check. I doubt they all accepted XMR, but would need to verify. 07:37:01 If the idea here is to establish an MRL fund then that needs to be more clearly defined imo 07:43:59 CypherStacks BP++ peer review was settled in a fiat amount. They do accept xmr directly. I felt comfortable setting the fiat amount because there was uncertainty about the completeness of the paper and it could have been a long/drawn out affair. At the end, it required a top up from the GF (other factors such as a new paper effected the end price 07:43:59 mind) 07:45:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> so can cypherstack do the audit for luke? 07:47:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> if the reason is to have spare funds is cause you need fast auditing cant you ask for hourly rate? 07:53:05 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/RandomX-audit.html 07:53:30 We are working with the Open Source Technology Improvement Fund (OSTIF), which has generously offered to manage the exchange of XMR to fiat to pay the reviewers. 07:55:17 I miss Howard. 07:58:11 He strikes yet again! 07:58:38 lol nice 07:59:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> cant see lukes proposal on ccs? 08:00:36 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests (ideas page doesnt like 2 files in the merge request) 08:04:26 @plowsof are you dms working 08:04:28 We all miss Howard. 08:04:59 Ah pls message my plowsof:monero.social account 08:06:02 can you dm me? 10:27:28 You can read it here: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/448 10:52:01 In that case, I guess we can do fiat proposals. Neat. That makes things easier on my end 😅 10:55:45 New money laundering technic unlocked folks 11:14:47 If OSTIF can get on board ofcourse.. there are also another option of "the open collective" who ive heard of handling crypto<>fiat (but at cost) , Twisted Edwards monerokon have mentioned willingness to help MRL.. id explore those crypto<>fiat options 11:17:08 BP++ fiat was handled by binaryFate, as a favour to the project/at his ownncost as i understood it, that option might not be feasible for each audit but worth mentioning 11:19:16 Separating the proposals, to where the audits are under "MRL" umbrella could remove the conflict of interest clauses for magic , i dont know 11:42:49 Just some pocket change. 11:50:53 I think that the reservations brought up by jeffro256 should be addressed before any decision is made 11:51:53 I assume that there will be discussion regarding this at the Seraphis and MRL meeting this week 11:52:46 the recent flood was only this guy consolidating to donate lol 11:57:03 agree 100% 11:59:22 Buy the Dip?! US won’t back Israeli response to Iran 11:59:23 Monero is actually the quickest to rebound! Huge moves down to 106 now 120. 11:59:24 Get the full scoop: 11:59:25 https://simplifiedprivacy.com/buy-dip-peace-news/ 12:25:49 mempool empty again :D 12:32:48 Seems the drones hit the target 😂 12:34:46 Is he not around 12:35:56 pardon my ignorance. who is Howard ? 12:36:01 hyc ? 12:36:48 It has been a long time since there was any noticeable action or communication from Howard. 12:38:15 Howard helped develop RandomX. 12:39:14 plowsofcan you explain what happened in this CCS: https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-to-the-oscars.html ? 12:39:43 looks like some ones first CCS asked to get paid 50% upfront and it was agreed to 12:40:06 o​miomi howrd is still around 12:40:19 also howard 12:40:44 Where is he active? Matrix? Reddit? X? 12:41:22 IRC which is bridged to matrix but not much 12:41:40 probably github as well 12:42:29 now longer on X, mr free speech banned him 12:42:40 *no longer 12:43:08 ☹️ 12:47:20 Yes r4v3r, 1st ccs upfront funds is OK i was wrong, 50% for a certainty happening in that case where a real person with a movie already made wanting to advertise seemed low enough risk to not cause an issue 12:51:49 and funding an existing project isnt a certainty? 12:53:13 What if you fall out with another dev and the project is in dissaray? And 1.0 doesnt happen. Thus the reduction of 50% 12:54:33 that oscar ccs seems scammy as. just so you know for future ccs that ask for upfront and have actual cause 12:55:03 and the falling out was mutual, it wasnt just because of me 12:55:23 so id appreciate not being blamed for it, thanks 12:56:09 Why would iranian rockets effect the price of crypto 12:56:51 domino effect 12:57:06 most of bitcoins are hold by companies 12:57:20 if companies fear, they sell in fiat to reduce investment risk 12:57:37 r4v3r23 calling geonic scammy is not nice 12:57:41 when bitcoin market collapse quickly, so does monero because of the arbritage 12:57:55 panic that global money flow will be disrupted 12:58:29 im saying the ccs, and just repeating what ive heard from others. and blaming me for a fallout isnt "nice" either 12:58:46 I expect that iran will get sanctioned but i don't see why that would effect crypto 12:59:38 as if they dont have any sanctions lol 13:00:10 market has always been psychological. There are no direct and mechanical consequences to rocket hitting Tel a viv and th global money flow 13:00:48 Market are governed by the humans, and so does behavior 13:01:12 It doesn't 13:01:23 It doesn't. 13:01:35 Humans prefer simplicity. Cause and effect. Price went down because of X. 13:01:53 True reasons are obscured. 13:02:36 Tbf, If I didn't value Monero principles, if I hear that war is incoming, I will quickly get that investment out into some gold or fiat to prepare in case the worst happen 13:02:49 plowsofcheck DMs 13:04:00 plowsof, I know I may have little input or influence but I did take a quick look at ANONERO and the wallet is amazing. Nothing else to say besides that. 13:05:04 great, now ill be accused of another sock account 🤣 13:08:26 Biden has alleviated some sanctions during his term to my knowledge 13:12:03 Offtopic 13:12:44 Please discuss this in #monero-offtopic:monero.social as I'm lonely in this room. 13:13:02 Talking to myself over there. 13:23:53 Can check PMs again later today r4v3r23 15:13:21 I'd advocate strongly for keeping it 50/50 16:59:03 Ye 23:54:06 CS has actively declined some of the work already and accordingly is not expected to do some the audits (plural). 23:54:38 I also personally have to note CS has to be reviewed themselves by outside parties. 23:58:17 geonic: The idea isn't to establish a MRL fund. If this fails, it becomes one. Accordingly, you, asking to prove first (when this CCS covers proving), have this proposal fall back as such if so putting the cart before the horse fails. I'd hope that be of significant benefit to Seraphis, not that MRL/Seraphis couldn't so do a CCS themselves.