06:11:03 It keeps going! 600 XMR donated to GF. https://x.com/WatchFund/status/1779675935819616259 06:11:16 nitter: https://nitter.poast.org/WatchFund/status/1779675935819616259 06:11:39 Lame, they've missed doing an emblematic 420.69 donation twice now. 06:45:32 Amazing 06:50:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> wrong wallet to send too 08:28:51 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> anyone here use 4chan? 08:28:51 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> /biz added email verification 08:29:52 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im building a tech proposal to build a decentralized one without compromising anonymity when hosting p2p 08:29:52 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> would that be elligible for CCS? 08:29:54 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> im building a tech proposal to build a decentralized one without compromising anonymity when hosting p2p 08:29:55 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> would that be eligible for CCS? 09:29:10 If KYC is not a problem there are probably better options to gather funding 09:29:11 I recommend NLnet 09:31:03 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i cant really use any fiat aggregators 09:31:04 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> id do KYC with the core team but would rather stay private for security reasons 09:31:32 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> and i dont know if NLnet would fund somethign as radical as this 09:31:33 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> cause it IS political 09:31:37 Then you can cooperate with somebody to do the kyc for you and transfer the money 09:32:21 sounds like a way to add a weak chain link 09:32:22 They wont have issues with that if the propodal is good 09:32:31 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i cant get fiat in the country anymore except with (((banks))) 09:32:31 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> its complicated 09:32:32 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> but any way to get someting other than fiat is good hence why XMR 09:32:51 ((())) lmao 09:32:53 NLnet dgaf about politics, and when it does it does good shit 09:32:55 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i'll check out NLnet and if they fund with crypto 09:33:00 They wont 09:33:26 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> i'll have to get someone to get the money abroad and send me crypto 09:33:27 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> no one trusts banks especially after the ponzi they did couple years ago 09:33:28 LebAnon: you ever listen to a houthi diss track? 09:33:49 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> no lol 09:34:58 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1T1Em0eOjs 09:35:37 made a diss track on a captured ship 09:36:51 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> what 09:36:58 <4​chanbro:matrix.org> lol 09:37:30 Well yeah? I guesd the EU isn't falling in next year or so, you can easilly grab the funds (and since theg are not taxed) buy crypto and run with them (obviously after doing the work) 09:50:09 look like youtubes been deleting houthi songs 10:00:18 no wayz. is that the real lebanon? 10:00:21 from biz 10:05:15 no he just hides his real identiy - he's lebron james! 10:06:47 it's the realz one. @4chanbro:matrix.org didn't you make it with btc? what you doing here 10:15:26 nvm you switched from btc now i remember. big mistake 10:20:32 someone warn us about inflation bug 10:20:44 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉 10:21:03 turn: FUD. https://www.moneroinflation.com/ 10:22:13 On one hand, due to the fact that the amounts are hidden in a transaction and verifying the equation 'Inputs = Outputs + Fees' is not straightforward then our brain naturally raise suspicion on that. On the other hand, with some efforts on understanding the equations behind it is possible for one to convince himself that this equation is really being obeyed. 10:22:14 from website. no guarantee of no inflation 10:22:39 📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉📉 10:45:06 shkeezy offtopic 11:26:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1c4fvzq/happy_10th_anniversary_monero_for_limited_time/ 12:13:44 why xmr not go solo mining only? 12:13:53 1 cpu = 1 vote was satoshi's vision 12:14:57 solo-mining only disincentivize miners 12:15:14 you may not get any reward for mining months 12:15:20 it disincentivize botnet 12:15:33 makes blockchain more honest 12:15:45 botnet's are not a problem to the monero itself 12:15:50 botnets are not a problem to the monero itself 12:18:43 no botnet mine bitcoin 12:19:28 yeah, because you need specific hardware for it 12:19:39 this is not an argument for monero 12:19:49 monero's main aim has always been incentivising miners 12:19:54 like tail emission 12:20:06 Solo mining does nothing to stop botnets, but it removes small individual miners 12:20:09 you can mine bitcoin with cpu and gpu 12:20:25 you cant 12:20:35 it stop botnet because sync take too long and too hard to infect pcs 12:20:43 technically you can, but you just waste electricity and get no reward 12:21:41 i do not think you understand how syncing works 12:21:44 how tail emission work? not familiar 12:22:45 turn: Check out this video 12:23:06 https://youtu.be/vjn9l3hG4ME 12:23:20 monero's mining reward is not going to zero, instead it stays at a minimum predefined one and continues to be like that till the end. tail emission is defined at 0.60xmr per block. it started in like 2021 and will continue till the end 12:23:41 this is also a great video about it, you should watch it @turn:transfem.dev 12:25:39 https://localmonero.co/knowledge/monero-tail-emission?language=en 12:25:51 so monero have infinite supply now? this very bad... 12:25:53 monero's mining reward is not going to zero, instead it stays at a minimum predefined one and continues to be like that till the end. tail emission is defined at 0.60xmr per block. it started in like 2022 and will continue till the end 12:26:15 did you watched the video, its inflation is lower than gold and will always be lower than gold 12:26:19 nothing too scary 12:26:35 infinite supply only if you live infinetly long lol 12:26:55 reward should decrease with supply. in the future if network used then the fees pay miners. with infinite tail emission the miners keep taking the supply and it inflate like usd 12:27:34 reward in percentage of supply continually decreases 12:27:53 yeah, can you guess what will happen when bitcoin block reward be 0.0000000345, the users have to pay thousand dollars to make a tx, monero blocks this via tail emission 12:28:17 usd inflates at an unknown rate 12:33:15 no the messages came in now 12:33:25 i watch the video now 12:34:26 so bitcoin lying? i thought infinite supply. with 21 million coin it remain scarce and value go up. that's what everyone says 12:34:30 so bitcoin lying? i thought infinite supply bad like usd. with 21 million coin it remain scarce and value go up. that's what everyone says 12:35:20 no inflation is bad, high inflation is also bad. monero balances this via little but non-zero inflation 12:36:04 its value will go up but you wont be able to make a transaction. what is the purpose of it if you cant make a transaction 12:36:23 this good video. i get now. because in the future bitcoin will only have low reward because of halvening? unless millions and billions users use it the bitcoin blockchain stop. but monero use 0.6 xmr forever. is 0.6 enough but or is it too low in the future? 12:37:20 the users will have to pay much more fees to pay miners. monero will always be secured by miners because of block reward 12:38:12 also, bitcoin cant be used by millions of users because it has a fixed blocksize, unlike monero 😉 12:38:17 how long is block in xmr? is it 10 minutes? 12:38:27 2 minutes per block 12:38:36 so 2 minutes per new 0.60 xmr 12:39:26 that make sense. i thought 0.6 xmr per day. with 0.60 xmr per block that means 864 xmr per day forever? 12:40:17 yes, approximately like that 12:41:09 for it to be profitable it still have to increase or stable in price for miners? 12:41:19 even with the 0.6 block reward that is static 12:41:56 its current price is enough to secure network 12:42:15 if price increases, new miners will come and the network will be much secure 12:42:45 but miners if they all use the same pool this is bad? 12:42:54 does monero have decentralized pool to avoid this? 12:43:06 because of 51% attack 12:43:08 p2pool 12:43:27 yes, check p2pool https://p2pool.io/#pool 12:45:48 btc hash rate immensely bigger than xmr in EH instead of GH. if monero stay at GH forever, it still remain secure? 12:46:38 btcs hash rate is "shown" more because it has asics, monero does not have asics, it uses randomx and you can use all devices to mine it 12:47:01 so comparing the hashrates is not a fair comparison 12:47:05 so xmr should have bigger hashrate because all computer and phones can mine it? 12:48:00 it may or may not be, because we dont know the asics randomx performance, like i said it is not a fair comparison 12:48:25 oh because they have different algorithm? 12:48:36 btc is sha and xmr is randomx 12:48:51 yes and randomx is asic-resistant 12:49:06 you cant design a specific hardware for it to be more efficient than general computers 12:49:17 how does it do that? 12:49:30 is the answer complicated because that sound impossible 12:49:39 via memory-limit etc. 12:49:59 it is complicated actually, they did a great job for it 12:50:27 what stop someone from getting the best cpu and making a factory like btc but? 12:50:40 source code is here: https://github.com/tevador/RandomX 12:51:05 you can, but it wont be more efficient than my current phone, it will be same price-performance 12:51:23 They could make more money selling those CPUs than mining monero 😂 12:51:45 amd and intel is already selling them if you think 🙃 12:52:00 there isnt a specific hardware for mining monero 12:52:02 what's price-performance? 12:52:06 all devices are same, just like satoshi wanted 12:52:12 so if i mine on phone it say as epyc cpu? 12:52:18 but the hash rate different? 12:52:40 no, only efficiency of price will be the same 12:53:15 They do 😅 12:53:35 sorry i don't understand. but i put one cpu and it earn more in mining calculate compared to another cpu? 12:54:48 its based on price, for example when you get a 100dollar cpu, it will get 1k h/s and if you get a 200dollar cpu it will get 2k h/s. the numbers are just an example 12:55:11 price efficieny is approximately same for every device 12:55:16 oh like linear relationship? 12:55:32 monero has a adjustable block size and the 0.6xmr tail emission is needed for that to function 12:56:05 yeah 12:56:35 there is no asic because its price-performance relation is the same for all devices 12:57:06 this again seem impossible. how randomx enforce this? it sound like fairy tale 12:57:27 if you have resource to read i can read it otherwise im going to ask more and more question because this is interesting... 12:58:28 i dont know the details, but nothing is impossible in computers. you can check the readme in github repo 12:58:39 it also has many audits so we can say it works 12:59:05 https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/blob/master/doc/design.md 13:00:02 monero very complicated compared to bitcoin 13:00:24 maybe this why it's hidden. i don't understand many things 13:00:43 making the true digital cash is not easy 13:01:10 i heard there was attack against monero? so it still not perfect even this complicated? 13:01:13 bitcoin cant even fix the high fee problem 13:01:42 there are solutions but they are all L2 or out of bitcoin. not on the main blockchain 13:02:06 it can be discussed if it counts as an attack. nothing is broken via tx flooding 13:02:46 lightning or other l2s are already broken, you have to run your node or pay fee to get liquidity etc 13:05:53 does monero try to be like bitcoin, trying to be a reserve currency? 13:06:31 no, it is only trying to be a digital cash. 13:06:45 this does not mean it cant be used as a store of value 13:07:26 against kyc like venmo, cashapp and other alternative? 13:08:24 yes, monero has very privacy-focused community. you can check out https://monerica.com for markets that accept monero and https://kycnot.me for no-kyc exchanges 13:10:10 is site like https://spendit.finance and https://stealths.net legit? look too good to be true. convert from xmr to giftcard without kyc up to 10k 13:10:16 i found it on monerica 13:10:35 yes, if there is a tick near them that means that someone used and it is legit 13:13:13 do you think monero will ever be able to buy a house with it or car? now it only looks like small items 13:13:39 why not, monero community grows over time 13:14:31 i will keep focus on monero 13:14:43 ty for answering my doubts 13:15:17 you are welcome, have fun 13:25:26 Buying a Car using Monero w/ Monero Mac, Monero Price, News & MORE! | EPI #149 13:25:27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAFRxtPoCVg 13:34:20 i think i heard there was a brazilian house on moneromarket.io 14:16:51 sorry i reread this and realized how wrong i was. i was FUD because i didn't have the knowledge. it's easy to check for monero inflation bug and it doesn't have one now... 14:27:58 Dollar Vigilante claims to have sold his house in Mexico for XMR. 16:28:37 and consider that invoices in crypto may need to be hastily paid ? 16:29:12 delayed message ignore 16:31:17 just put all matrix dot org accounts on ignore ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 16:35:14 But he will shill scam coins 16:45:03 Piratechain, Dero.... 😂 16:45:19 Almost never talk about XMR but sell his house in XMR, that say it all 16:46:03 List goes on, must have shilled every coin listed on Tradeogre at some point 17:49:11 Hello! I am new. I am searching for support regarding some xmr tx that is faulty. Where is the right place to get support? I was using gui wallet. 17:49:14 Group opinion on Tree.market ? Derrick Broze shilling it. It's got XMR on there, and uses Dero I believe. he's doing a big capital raise. I won't bias with my opinion 17:55:00 phobus try #monero-gui:monero.social or #monero-support:monero.social 18:45:35 He does mention Monero, a lot actually. 18:46:04 But yeah, Crypto Vigilante is pure pump and dump. 19:14:28 I am interested in learning how to run a Linux node using CLI.... already downloaded and installed, but I am not familiar with the commands and how to make things work... any good place to discuss or learn about that? 19:14:44 I am interested in learning how to run a Linux Monero node using CLI.... already downloaded and installed, but I am not familiar with the commands and how to make things work... any good place to discuss or learn about that? 19:17:45 Seth's guide is great: https://sethforprivacy.com/guides/run-a-monero-node-advanced/ 19:20:39 Thanks - I will review that. I am using Ubuntu on a home server not VPS, but he says the instructions are comparable. 19:21:01 I run this very setup at home on ubuntu 19:32:03 do you need the UFW? or is that just for VPS? 19:32:37 do you need the UFW? or is that just for VPS? 19:34:11 in general its best to limit access as much as possible, so I'd recommend using it (or some alternative firewall tool) 19:36:50 Is there a way to determine the public ip of our node(s)? 19:39:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ip address 19:40:43 curl ifconfig.co 19:41:09 There is no complete list, but you can "crawl" the network over time and get an (somewhat incomplete) list that way 19:41:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The ip of the vps is the public one 19:42:00 If you want to hide your IP, you can run your node over tor 19:46:28 image.png 19:46:30 Thanks -- I am supposed to be using Tor, though I am not 100% confident in anything I am doing as I am just trying to get my bearings as I get started. 19:46:31 I obtained an IP with the command you suggested, but Seth's guide provides instructions from Digital Ocean, and when I followed their instructions, the connection just times out: 19:46:34 * plowsof thanks people for reporting spam comments on the ccs' gitlab 19:47:27 Do you use the "Droplets" service they suggest? 19:49:21 no, never heard about droplets 19:50:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Isnt a droplet an application? 21:11:59 There is an 8 hour backlog in the mempool/txpool. Am I reading `print_pool_stats` right? A huge number of 150input txs in the mempool. 21:16:18 If you have a linux machine you'd want to run a dedicated Monero node on but want to learn in stages have to heard of PiNodeXMR? 21:16:18 It's supposed to be designed for beginners so it self installs and has a bunch of common default modes pre-set. In your case it's easy to see how those monerod cli command are configured. 21:16:19 The project github is here: https://github.com/shermand100/PiNodeXMR 21:16:20 And runs on most hardware, minipc, laptop, most single board computers (hence the pinode bit of the name - it started on Raspberry Pi but grew). 21:18:03 rucknium you will be happy to know that they are paying the second tier fee :D 21:19:58 Lol. That's actually not good for other users' UX because the auto fee for CLI/GUI will also put those tx in the second tier. They will be put in the queue. If users manually selected the 3rd or 4th tier, they could be confirmed in the next block probably 21:20:16 2 is the new 0 21:21:21 At what fee level do txs pay for the block reward penalty so miners can include their txs by raising block size? I need to figure that out. 21:24:23 since the backlog is the min fee txs the blocks should expand faster 21:24:35 *is not the min fee 21:25:11 *faster than last time when the txs were min fee 21:25:24 If you have a linux machine you'd want to run a dedicated Monero node on, but want to learn in stages, have you heard of PiNodeXMR? 21:25:25 It's supposed to be designed for beginners. It self installs and has a bunch of common default modes pre-set. In your case it's easy to see how those monerod cli command are configured. 21:25:26 The project github is here: https://github.com/shermand100/PiNodeXMR 21:25:27 And runs on most hardware, minipc, laptop, most single board computers (hence the pinode bit of the name - it started on Raspberry Pi but grew). 21:25:29 my excuse is I just woke up from a nap lol 21:25:51 +1 pinodexmr 21:26:43 the race for mining a block with zero block reward because too many tx's is included is still on? 21:31:22 does p2pool have any logic for saying 'ok that fee is high.. i can add it to my full block template and not worry about the penalty' or does that high fee tx replace one/many tx's in the template sech1? (ruckniums question above related) 21:34:49 it includes a tx if it increases the total reward 21:37:01 90 MB mempool, wow 21:37:41 plowsof when you can, please restart your mempool archiver. It crashed because I set some unnecessary(?) extra parsing option that gsub() couldn't handle with a 50MB txpool. 21:38:22 First, you need to go to the `misc-research` git repo directory and `git pull` to get my fix. 21:38:45 90MB = ~10 hour backlog at the moment 21:38:50 I think. I'm not sure how you got my script. If it was from the git or manually added. 21:40:48 Someone is consolidating 130k inputs. I guess the same spammer that used to spam them 21:42:04 Maybe. At least the black marble impact is low since the consolidation txs have 2 outputs each. 21:44:22 ack rucknium 21:47:46 Thank you! 21:51:04 does 10 hours backlog mean we can sleep and enjoy a breakfast then everything will be fine? 21:53:54 Large consolidations are unsustainable. Eventually the consolidator runs out of outputs to consolidate. 21:54:43 Are there any cool visual indicators for the current mempool status? Number of transactions for each fee level, etc. If nothing exists, I can whip something up pretty quickly 21:55:10 ravfx shares nice graphs ^ 22:00:02 i really wonder why someone consolidates at a higher fee level 22:00:11 it's not like they are in a hurry with so many outputs 22:01:07 It might be a payment. Though probably not at such large scale like this 22:01:19 it will be annoying for users but resolved tomorrow so there is not much to gain for them 22:02:40 Won't the higher fee happen automatically if they are using the latest CLI/GUI? The first few txs would be low fee, but then the txpool would be full, pushing the auto fee into the 2nd tier. 22:02:59 true, if they created so many tx manually yes 22:03:23 not sure about monero-wallet-rpc 22:11:16 are the fees custom if i understand this comment(s) correctly https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20240415#c365366 22:12:02 if true then it looks malicious.. slightly above fee level 2 to annoy? 22:13:20 It could be just some weird wallet2 fee calculations when the input number is very high 22:13:33 Monero doesn't strictly use size as the weight, as Rucknium said also 22:14:11 weight == size when number of outputs is 2, I am pretty sure. 22:14:18 if they start using custom fees it should be easy to track them in the future 22:14:19 Monero uses a quite complicated formula, so you'd need need more information to see if the higher-per-byte is the same behavior 22:14:59 But all the "onion" block explorers like xmrchain use the base-2 definition of kB instead of 1,000 bytes by the way 22:15:29 1024 bytes 22:15:45 Which will be the first thing I change if I make a fork of it. 22:16:13 Ruckunium. Do you still need people node log 22:16:43 Do you wish to wait the end of the week to collect them or asap 22:16:56 Yes. Here are the instructions: 22:17:05 If you run a node and want to share data with me later, please input `set_log net.p2p.msg:INFO` in your `monerod` console. Or if you don't use `monerod` in interactive mode, you can restart with the `--log-level=net.p2p.msg:INFO` flag. 22:17:36 ASAP is better since this is possibly spam related. Or the spam can return at any time. 22:18:42 all the tier 2 are at 82 per_kb, does this mean that tier 1 is close to 20.5_kb and therefore some can be shown as 20 while other are shown as 21? 22:19:02 I have a peer pinger script that you could run too if you are feeling more ambitious. It calculates the network latency to your peers so that we can compute exactly when the peers are sending tx data. 22:19:03 My node has been running with long break between uptimes. It was down the last 24 hours. I'll make sure to keep it on so I can give you the full log file 22:19:35 I'm all in. give me that spammer detector v30 22:19:49 Thank you. The log will grow at 1-5GB per day depending on the number of peers you have and the tx volume. 22:21:59 Thanks, that sounds like a great project. I will check it out. 22:22:13 Ok. I will give instructions in this channel in case others want to run it too. It only works if you set the log to `set_log net.p2p.msg:INFO` like I said above. 22:23:25 1) Install R. If you are on Linux you want to install the `r-base-dev` library because you will need the capability to compile packages. 22:25:10 2. Start R from a terminal that will persist. You can use `screen`. The script can be run non-interactively, but it is easier to check its status if it is run interactively. The shell command to start R is just `R`. 22:26:02 3) In the R console, input `install.packages("remotes")`. It will ask you if you want to create a personal library directory. Say yes. Wait for the installation to complete. 22:26:56 4) Then input `remotes::install_github("Rucknium/xmrpeers")`. Wait for it to complete. This will install my new package: https://github.com/Rucknium/xmrpeers 22:29:09 5) Remember to set log to `net.p2p.msg:INFO`! Otherwise, this next step won't work properly. If your Monero directory is `~/.bitmonero`, input `xmrpeers::ping.peers()`. If not, input `xmrpeers::ping.peers(bitmonero.dir = "")`. It may take a few minutes to print the first message since it is pinging all peers in the log file. After the first loop it will just ping ne 22:29:09 w peers that appear in the log file every 10 seconds by default. 22:30:32 6) Once the first iteration is done, a CSV file without column headers called `monero_peer_pings.csv` will appear in the .bitmonero directory. It contains the ping times, in ms, of 5 ping attempts to incoming and outgoing peers that send you txs. 22:43:04 Working great 👍. Since it was launched by systemd I had to rename my log file (from `monero.log` to `bitmonero.log`) in `etc/monerod.conf`, otherwise the script crash. Set `bitmonero.dir = "/var/log/monero/"` and also had to `chmod 777 /var/log/monero/`. 22:45:45 Thanks for the bug report! I will edit `ping.peers()` to get `monero.log` or `bitmonero.log`. Of course I cannot do anything about file permission issues :) 22:47:34 Just to be sure, this R script is just waiting for NOTIFY from peers (by looking at bitmonero.log), when it sees one it ping 5 times and report these times in the csv ? 22:49:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If we had a functional multi sig. the MRL could hold lukes 2120k jetfund 22:50:07 Yes. `Received NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSACTIONS` is the line where it says the peer you received new txs from. If it already tried to ping that peer, it won't try again because it already has the latency estimate. 22:51:45 plowsof plowsof can you host your XMR fund watch on different social media sites? like mastodon or lemmy 22:52:11 But wouldn't it be in the spammer intereset to send normal/average transactions to appear like a normal node and then start spamming and therefore appear as a simple relay ? 22:52:56 In this case, the latency estimate wouldn't be trustworthy ? It assume the spammer node only send transaction for spamming 22:54:18 3​21bob321 Seraphis will give a good functioning multisig, join the team!!! 22:56:15 hardenedsteel it was on mastadon (somewhere) and i got banned for spam lol 22:56:37 that was my introduction to mastadon 22:58:01 SyntheticBird: I don't know how successful this data analysis will be. But in theory the spammer's node broadcasts the spam transactions _first_. The log data has the time that you receive each transaction from each peer. 22:58:49 you can host on different instances or lemmy is also option 23:04:15 thanks for the tip, i need to look into it again (it was very simple to set up a mirror) 23:13:06 yeah i was using "toot" hardenedsteel, but i got banned by some guy https://github.com/plowsof/monero-fund-watch/blob/main/monero-fund-watch.py#L336 23:15:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If you put the account as “bot” should be fine 23:17:39 He said something like 'no bots spamming on my homeserver' , rude! 23:19:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wanker 23:19:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero.social mastodon when? 23:30:20 mastodon in federalized, you can use different instance 23:41:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah 23:42:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> See meetup one uses type as event and appears as bot account