02:29:23 SchildiChat has entered the room... Lol 02:39:14 yahoo messenger 03:25:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> AOL or gtfo 05:36:27 bbs'es 06:52:35 when? i updated milestones like we said, and cleared the rest with plowsof in DMs.. anything else? 06:53:30 got full support at the meeting + more in the propsal 06:53:34 i wanna get building 14:00:17 ANONERO version 1.0 has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/r4v3r23-anonero-v1.html 14:00:18 dangerousfreedom - seraphis wallet work until regtest has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/dangerousfreedom-seraphis_wallet_until_regtest.html 14:23:36 would Czarek Nakamoto's proposal not benefit from concrete tasks to achieve in the milestones and not moving targets? it would clear some confusion for me personally https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/437 14:25:39 i also left some feedback about deleting the "About" section to condense the proposal / detail things in milestones, partly subjective but would also help the other 14:27:33 fwd above for homerver issues https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20240421#c367510 14:43:51 Plowsof did you just recommend Czarek to go to Cake for a job? 14:50:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/nmgzLCeMQKaJIKiDAEJYPwHH 14:51:02 Of all the options for a mobile wallet developer who needs funds / and has already worked with cake in the past, yes diego i mentioned it as an option 14:51:35 Stack also* 14:53:14 And it was mentioned not just now, during the lul in engagement at the beginning of the proposal 14:55:02 If the ccs falls through he has options to contribute to monero is the gist of it (i listed 3 iirc privately) 14:55:48 Why should it fail ? Why are we turning away people who want to build open source tools that benefit everyone in monero world? (Cake is always ready to share what we build or hire him, but that’s a different issue here. ) 14:56:21 1 of 3 ish options IF it didnt go through 14:57:12 I see 14:57:18 Hey work for cake dont use the ccs is the insinuation and that is false 14:58:16 Maybe many saw it that way. Thanks for clarifying 14:58:50 Cjanel has ACK'd atleast one comment in the proposal yesterday 15:00:29 Cyjanek* 15:01:15 Yeah but his former partner/employer is just bashing it due to their past relationship and that guy always talks shit about other wallets. So that commenter’s concerns are not genuine. 15:01:32 So “ack” is probably correct reply to bullshit. 15:01:46 Yeah but his former partner/employer is just bashing probably it due to their past relationship and that guy always talks shit about other wallets. So that commenter’s concerns are not genuine. 15:02:03 Yeah but his former partner/employer is just it bashing probably due to their past relationship and that guy always talks shit about other wallets. So that commenter’s concerns are not genuine. 15:02:19 His comments are not for the good community but for his own agenda. 15:02:41 His comments/concerns are not for the good community but for his own agenda. 15:03:38 His comments/concerns are not out of the good community but for his own agenda. 15:04:01 Yeah but his former partner/employer is just bashing it probably due to their past relationship and that guy always talks shit about other wallets. So that commenter’s concerns are not genuine. 15:04:20 His comments/concerns are not out of good for the community but for his own agenda. 15:04:35 Sorry i can’t type anymore. Lately I always have to go back and correct my sentences. 15:04:49 Must be cause I’m oooooooold 15:05:07 Yeah but his former partner/employer is just bashing it probably due to their past soured relationship and that guy always talks shit about other wallets. So that commenter’s concerns are not genuine. 15:05:39 IRC asks to please read and correct b4 sending :) 15:06:15 IrcChat for cloud is so confusing 15:06:41 IrcCloud 15:07:08 Test 15:07:22 Oh cool. Still works 15:07:26 welcome old man 15:07:31 Alright alright but vik (Cake) let's talk seriously, anyway we see a gif animated cat inside Cake wallet next update ? 15:07:46 a whole section in settings dedicated to a cat 15:08:02 If that’s what our users want 15:08:15 Will try this for a while 15:08:45 you should still edit b4 sending lol 15:09:03 Like this 15:09:14 Just use sed syntax to edit after send 15:09:33 How do you do that? 15:10:08 s/tyypo/typo/g 15:10:10 Here or in irc ? 15:10:53 Like i know how to use that 🤷🏻‍♂️ 15:11:26 on irc lol, just a way to let other know your intention of editing it without being able to edit it. Some IRC have bot that auto translate sed syntaxt, no idea if monero have it, I think some channel do 15:11:41 Back to the ccs.. i head from several people that cake was mentioned. Thanks for clarifying plowsof 15:11:49 Back to the ccs.. i heard from several people that cake was mentioned. Thanks for clarifying plowsof 15:14:14 The CSS look fine, we need more opensource alternative. 15:14:15 Id like an extra SDK. 15:14:38 I would starve for a Rust SDK 15:15:13 simply false. read the comments and youll understand 15:15:30 We were working on rust libs but then abandoned it due to czarek’s work 15:15:48 i have no agenda, so watch what you say 15:16:25 Yeah everyone has seen your bs 15:16:27 you and stack are sponsoring his work, jeffro made a comment about owning up to it, and i agree 15:16:30 im not against the ccs itself 15:16:32 whatever yo usay 15:16:50 youre the one causing drama here by throwing baseless accusations 15:17:06 Yes we are working with him to get his work implemented in cake/stack jointly 15:17:09 one could say you want the CCS to fund work that you benefit from 15:17:12 yet you choose to start drama 15:17:24 exactly. there is no "agenda" in making that known 15:17:32 you or deigo havent said a word until now 15:17:37 Like i need the ccs for anything. I can find things myself. Thank you z 15:17:39 so again, watch what you say and relax 15:17:47 then whats the problem? 15:18:25 i know i trigger you, but nows not the time for it 15:18:52 Was I required to say something? 15:18:54 You triggered Me? That’s a laugh. You blow a lid every time cake is mentioned. I don’t even come to this room. 15:18:56 we can clarify things at the next community meeting, my feedback is simply procedural. what exactly is being promised / will be achieved at the end of each milestone 15:19:18 Exactly, why are obligated to announce anything 15:19:31 throughout the whole process nobody has questioned Cyjaneks talents 15:19:38 you are now all of a sudden, and making bullshit accusation on top of it 15:20:06 right. if vik bothered to read my comments, hed know that 15:20:15 I’m saying something because cake was mentioned. 15:20:23 That’s it 15:20:34 Wait what accusation did I make? 15:20:48 that was meant to vik 15:21:36 Not accusation, but his comments should be taken with a grain of salt. He always has an agenda. 15:21:49 cyjanek;s ccs has nothing to do with me and (unlike others) i dont see it as competing in anyway 15:21:54 Not good for the community at all 15:21:57 again, baseles bullshit accusations 15:22:01 be professional vik 15:22:03 youre a ceo ffs 15:22:18 horrible. thats why i changed the mobile wallet game 15:22:21 If I was a smart business man I would be against merging this proposal because it's another wallet competing for limited users 15:22:26 dont start picking fights vik 15:22:28 not a good look 15:22:31 Yep. Thats why i can see bs. I have to deal manage 2500 people everyday. 15:22:36 sure buddy 15:23:06 lets focus on being mad at plowsof instead please 15:23:10 Not picking a fight. I was replying to plowsoff “ack” comment. 15:23:13 you'd love to have anoneros features, you said it yourself so just drop the act 15:23:24 Please follow the flow of communication and not jump in the middle 15:23:25 no need for any of this drama 15:23:28 yeah. you still didn't answer my questions in dm 15:23:50 Yes i complimented you on that. So? 15:23:51 then dont accuse people of shit you cant back up 15:23:53 how do you want me to ban these three if I can't make a dictatorian CoC 15:23:55 thats called talking shit 15:24:00 i wont stand for that 15:24:02 All this said, I don't care for the insinuation that because I didn't say anything initially that something is afoot. 15:24:11 right so im horrilble for the community then right 15:24:50 👍🏽 15:24:57 nothings "afoot" poeple asked for some clarity and now all were seeing is "why do we have to say anything" 15:25:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/nqKFiVzFpFmsRzUZozSXNnZy 15:25:11 epic 15:25:29 SyntheticBird: plowsof 15:25:35 Clarity for what though in regards to the CCS? 15:25:40 mfw theres no middle finger emoji on matrix 15:25:48 That his work is being used in other wallets? 15:26:05 Clarity in why he doesn't get a job over there instead? 15:26:22 Clarity for his talents? 15:26:27 idk anything about the job comment 15:26:36 all i know is that vik is talking shit 15:28:06 Anyways, vik and diego have slight COI, and r4 has slight COI. Whether that COI is affecting any person's judgement is up to the reader. 15:28:15 whats my COI? 15:28:18 i have none 15:28:25 cyjaneks proposal has 0 affect on me 15:28:30 Prior working relationship and competing wallet. 15:28:31 Hello people, would anyone be interested in buying an open source Monero ATM machine if we were to auction it at Monerokon? 15:28:36 its not cometing 15:28:40 competing 15:28:56 i said that before 15:28:58 My guy, don't be obtuse. 15:29:03 Can it work in the usa? Do we need licenses? 15:29:05 im not 15:29:09 how is it compettion? 15:29:11 I know you said that. You are incorrect. 15:29:21 no, im not 15:29:30 You don't just get to say when something is a COI or not and have it be true. 15:29:33 he cant compete with anonero, nor does it 15:29:50 you cant just say i have a COI and have it be true 15:29:54 youre both just deflecting now 15:29:57 Otherwise I merely state there is no COI also. Boom. Done. 15:30:14 you both are wrong 15:30:25 but thats ok 15:30:29 you do you 15:30:30 No. It's just impossible to have any conversation when we can't even agree upon a common baseline here. 15:30:42 no, youre just making baseless accustations 15:30:46 No sir. 15:30:51 anonero isnt for-profit 15:30:55 stack and cake are 15:30:59 I have not made a single accusation. 15:31:03 i have 0 COI in an other walelt oming on the scene 15:31:19 yes you have 15:31:21 It can but you probably need licenses 15:31:23 you just think its a fact, when its not 15:31:58 Lol. It's clear we're not going to see eye ti eye here. 15:32:00 since you say stack and cake have a COI, why dont you explain more 15:32:17 buddy, youre talking shit. back it up or fuck off 15:32:25 anonero isnt a company 15:32:28 No u 15:32:32 the wallet isnt for profit 15:32:37 now explain my COI 15:32:40 please 15:32:44 enlighten me 15:32:54 Ok 15:32:56 and after that 15:33:00 explain stacks 15:33:04 and cakes 15:33:33 next community meeting on the 27th April https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/994 15:33:44 There's a general assumption of limited community funds that will ever be donated to the CCS. 15:33:46 such a corporate mindset ffs 15:33:48 We'll bring it and have a stand for ATM project either way. 15:33:48 assumption 15:33:50 By solicitting community funds, you are taking a portion of that. By soliciting community funds, so is he potentially. 15:33:53 shit gets funded all the time 15:33:54 but please, project more 15:34:00 we need to look at syntheticbirds CoC (also linked) 15:34:07 Yes, I am operating under this assumption. 15:34:18 so youre already wrong 15:34:24 people will fund what the want 15:34:30 this isnt a guarantee of money 15:34:39 Under this assumption there is a COI. If my assumption is wrong, there may no be. 15:34:52 But given that I hold to this assumption, I hold that there is a COI. 15:34:58 can say that cyjans OCD rant on a polyseed bug in my proposal was also COI, but im not hte one here talking shit 15:35:17 ❤️ love u plow 15:35:19 fact is both you and cake benefit from this ccs, yet you chose to say that IM the one with COI 15:35:36 so please, explain stacks COI now 15:35:42 my guy, I said I have COI also. Don't frame it as if I said ONLY you do. 15:35:47 what is it? 15:35:50 I literally did in my comment on the proposal. 15:36:19 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/437#note_24217 15:36:24 Stack will benefit from his work, since it's open-source and we're using his libs. And we are currently paying him for integration of his lib into Stack Wallet. 15:36:43 And Cake and Stack are co-sponsoring an audit of the lib. 15:37:06 cool, didnt read it 15:37:14 vik started talking shit 15:37:18 reading it now 15:37:50 * And then the drama ended. Diego Salazar and r4v3r23 became best friends * 15:38:08 "And if the argument is that one already exists with Anonero, well, see above for my reasoning. There doesn't need to just be one." - this is how i see things too. now tell me how i have a COI 15:38:39 i created the offline airgapped thing with the hope that ALL the wallets in the space will adopt it 15:38:42 and make coldstorage easy for EVERYONE 15:38:48 worked with feather dev on it 15:39:05 Again, I am operating under an assumption of limited donated funds to the CCS. Under this assumption you would have a very light COI. I'm not even claiming you have massive COI here. 15:39:06 dont fucking tell me i see other projects as "competition" 15:39:15 I am not saying your comments should be disregarded 15:39:19 I'm not saying your concerns aren't valid 15:39:39 I'm saying you have light COI and it should be taken into account. I would agree with your milestone concerns even WITH light COI. 15:39:45 thats why vik came at me and my proposal then? 15:39:49 You are taking my holding that you have COI to mean you should be dismissed, and I'm not saying that. 15:39:56 I'm not Vik you dingus 15:40:09 leave your beef with him out of your conversation with me, eh? 15:40:11 thats how this whole convo started 15:40:34 Yes, and you easily let your vitriol to others spill over, I'm aware. 15:40:42 cc jeffro256 for diegos comment 15:41:06 fwiw, I support both Anonero and Czarek proposals 15:41:25 I didn't comment on either. And Anonero is now merged. 15:42:04 I didn't see any major concerns with Anonero, and thought it would be merged. And it is. 15:42:11 I see a few concerns with Czarek's, so I piped in a bit. 15:42:40 I'm sorry if this seems unfair or playing favorites. Especially cuz we're working with Czarek I can see how it can be a bad look and put a bad taste in your mouth. for that, I'm sorry if that frustrated you from my side. 15:43:36 that's wholesome 15:44:11 All this said, it's quite silly to me that Anonero and Cake, both of which have contributed a lot to the Monero space, can't at the very least hold a begrudging respect for each other. ;) 15:44:19 But that's moving into territory that's not my business, so I won't comment further. 15:45:36 come and apologize whenever you like 15:46:06 And from you as well to me, right? ;) 15:46:34 guys this is the occasion 15:46:37 go on 15:46:39 make peace 15:46:41 you got caught in the cross fires. he literally let you take the heat 15:46:50 my anger wasnt directed at you 15:47:08 Wasn't initially directed at me, no. But still came at me all the same in spurts. 15:47:17 vik can come out of hiding now and apologize 15:47:24 Dude there is literally nothing on TV. wtf do you expect us to do on a lazy Sunday? 15:47:47 i didnt appreciate the COI comment, because i dont see it that way 15:48:17 for real. I finished almost 3 popcorn buckets 15:48:23 I understand. We have two slightly different points of view. My view is consistent with my assumptions, and your view is consistent with your assumptions. 15:48:39 Popcorn is the best thing for breakfast! 15:49:02 I'm gonna call 911, who tf are your parents bro 15:49:42 I'm not asking for you to apologize for disagreeing with my COI comment btw, obviously. 15:50:15 Merely for the fact that you let your heatedness spill over to what is merely a difference in point-of-view. 15:50:21 "Be excellent to each other." 15:50:44 There's a lot of concerns these days about a CoC or lack thereof. But come on, guys. It shouldn't be needed at all. Are we adults or aren't we? 15:50:58 are there any real blockers for my ccs now? Or are we good to merge? 15:50:58 what are we looking for at the meeting? I have no downvotes and am already working. Today would be appreciated. Another meeting is a bit discouraging and seems arbitrary.. @luigi1112 15:51:10 Sorry for getting on a high horse/soap box here, but let's stop being children, yeah? 15:52:35 children would be offended by that comparison! 15:52:40 mrcyjanek, are your milestones time-based or accomplishment-based? 15:53:08 This is specificly because at a certain treshold, community is so big that common sense start to be different among individuals. At that point, society, have decided to build rules to help people live together. I would say for drama purpose: *No we aren't adults, and we'll never be* 15:53:19 Time based 15:53:27 As it looks now, the milestones are indeed unclear and payout becomes nebulous. I'm happy to work with you to get it to a mergeable place. 15:53:50 thanks Diego 🙏 15:54:15 Viewpoints are different, yes. But we can still disagree and be excellent to each other. I'm not so naive as to think no rules except that are needed, obviously. I ran this community for several years, after all ;) 15:54:55 dming you Diego Salazar: 15:55:07 finally some ccs coordination around here 15:55:10 Sorry to be a hippie about this, but the stakes are too high. The benefits that the powers that be have from us not all being "peace and love" hippies are massive. 15:55:16 Discord will further hollow out this project 15:56:06 Why are you talking about Discord 15:56:22 did I miss something 15:56:24 are we bridging ? 15:56:42 Not the discord platform :P 15:56:46 it is read only discord side 15:57:15 Diego. There is no second best. ;) 15:57:24 Except plowsof. He's just the most best. <3 15:57:26 TIL *Discord* isn't justa brand but a word with a sense 16:00:24 right, so dont project your assumptions on to me. like i said, i have no COI or "agenda" 16:00:55 It's not a projection. That's not what that word means. 16:01:57 yes it is, and im not gonna argue a petty point 16:02:01 my beef is not with you 16:02:17 the one who started all this came apologize at any time 16:02:21 ive said my piece 16:02:31 I hold to my assumption, and I hold that there is a COI given that assumption. I am also free to state this opinion. 16:02:50 I also hold to the assumption that that apology to you from Vik, and the one to me from you are not forthcoming. 16:02:54 we dont need to get philosophical diego 16:03:49 This is literally not philosophy. I said an opinion and you got mad. I defended my opinion by stating the assumptions that led to said opinion, and you're still cranky. 16:03:59 Nothing less than me retracting my opinion will please you here. 16:05:44 weve agreed that there was a misunderstanding, right? 16:05:55 so lets squash it and be done with it 16:06:22 I mean, you got an apology out of me. ;) 16:06:56 Either way, sure. Let's move on. 16:07:13 did i? im not scrolling back to check but ill take your word 16:07:31 ^ 16:07:32 apology for misdirected anger towards you 16:07:44 Hugs and kisses all around then. 16:07:54 the COI and agenda accustations got mixed 16:08:03 We gucci bro. 16:08:09 I sincerely appreciate this. Thank you. 16:12:08 🎉 16:14:23 and vik ill take your apology in the form of a contribution to anonero ccs ✌ 16:20:06 I’ve donated to you guys before. 16:21:11 And have complimented you in public many times (Twitter) 16:31:01 looking forward to your continued support then 👍 16:39:49 Hiding? The handyman came and then the car washers showed up. Sunday home stuff. 17:08:17 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: - updated ccs with diegos help. Let me know if any further blockers. Thanks everyone 17:14:02 Sorry I'm confused plowof. Which comment am I looking at? 17:46:26 Like i need the ccs for anything. I can fund things myself. Thank you. 18:35:31 Thanks for the requested changes mrcyjanek. Jeffro256 comment at https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/437#note_24217 19:34:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I thought it was a no for new wallets? 21:10:09 @Diego Salazar adundance 😉 21:11:18 ? 22:11:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bff now? 22:12:37 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/feYboPoYBtOrCHjTHTPAlGow 22:13:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Diego got memed ? 22:14:02 I'm the official monero memer. I can meme anyone, including myself