00:01:23 I did make a second PR per koe, tevador and filled out the FCMP++ Development CCS much more. 00:01:23 cc @plowsof for CCS-level thoughts, cc @jeffro256 who I'd appreciate take a second look :) 08:25:11 Are we dropping the ball on Droplet? If abundance is good, surely the ecosystem will benefit from this work? https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/445 08:37:16 All this drama makes it obvious that Monero just won't ever do well. When high-ranked people in the community are fighting over something as basic as wallet apps and trolls like ofrnxmr, how can we think that in time we'll have a general understanding about making major changes with hardforks? This community is pretty big, but if it ever becomes as big as Bitcoin, I think coming t o a conclusion for any hardfork is going to be impossible, threatening the decentralization of Monero. I also question the current decentralization of Monero itself as all consensus mechanisms like the GF are controlled by an individual or a small group of people. Will this problem be solved ever? 08:42:09 Maybe one day it'll get fixed with another thankful_for_today situation, but if stuff like this keeps happenin', I don't know if Monero will be taken seriously. 08:48:13 plowsof: "Are we dropping the ball on Droplet?" Never mind abundance, IMHO some things and opinions that the proposal's author has stated rise doubts whether he is a good person to implement something as big as a Monero wallet basically alone, at least with their current knowledge. 10:19:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> serious as a heart attack we are 11:25:35 tobtohts remarks were spot on here 11:27:01 rbrunner is echoing them 11:27:27 not every wallet needs a new/custom lib 11:27:50 and not every new lib needs a wallet 11:30:34 if author can really deliver on great UX like they propose, then why not 11:31:17 but if author can really deliver on great UX like they propose, thats a plus 12:52:13 Not using wallet2 doesn't mean I am not a good developer, I had a bad DX with wallet2 and I don't also want other developers to have it 12:52:34 > <@rbrunner7:monero.social> plowsof: "Are we dropping the ball on Droplet?" Never mind abundance, IMHO some things and opinions that the proposal's author has stated rise doubts whether he is a good person to implement something as big as a Monero wallet basically alone, at least with their current knowledge. 12:52:35 Not using wallet2 doesn't mean I am not a good developer, I had a bad DX with wallet2 and I don't want other developers to have bad experience too. 12:53:49 You can say anything, but compiling cpp for Android ans iOS is a headachd 12:53:53 You can say anything, but compiling cpp for Android ans iOS is a headache 12:54:05 You can say anything, but compiling cpp for Android and iOS is a headache 14:05:49 detherminaldo you have example of ui/ux work youve done 15:26:32 Hi! I want to start mining, but at home I don't have enough resource to do(without loss). I'm not familiar with the rental services. Is there any CPU rental service what I can use with relative low budget and it's not a loss? 15:30:17 Renting CPU will *always* be a loss. If it wasn't, then AWS would be filled up with mining because it's zero risk, all reward. 15:30:18 The only way you could do this without a loss is if you expect the value of XMR to go up in the future. In which case you can eat the loss now, but recuperate it later. 15:44:06 Just as I tough. Thanks for the info! 17:04:58 https://jls.mises.org/article/116327-privacy-as-a-kantian-misesian-a-priori-condition-for-the-preservation-of-property-rights 17:04:58 Hello guys, I'd like to share an article of mine just published in the Journal of Libertarian Studies. It deals with two topics: 1) In the first part, it discusses the Tornado Cash saga and the Privacy Pools proposal; 2) In the second part, it discusses what type of notion privacy is. The utilitarian (relativistic) approach and the thesis that privacy is a natural right are "disca 17:04:59 rded" in favor of a Kantian and Misesian understanding of privacy. 17:05:00 I will be presenting the article in Prague at MoneroKon. Any feedback (here or in June) would be highly appreciated!! 17:46:17 A bunch of large consolidation txs are hitting the txpool again. 18:06:58 Rucknium: I threw this cude mempool visualizer together in a few hours. I'll keep playing with it if I have more time: https://moonstone-research.github.io/monero-mempool-visualizer/ 18:07:08 Rucknium: I threw this crude mempool visualizer together in a few hours. I'll keep playing with it if I have more time: https://moonstone-research.github.io/monero-mempool-visualizer/ 18:18:34 In the first chart, the size of each rectangle correlates to the gross size of the transaction. The more red the color of the square the higher the transaction fee per byte; the whiter the lower. Quite basic 18:41:42 Currently, there are about 6 full blocks with a fee above 80,000 piconero per byte, so you need to use a faster speed to reliably make it into the next block 19:02:39 normal gets you in the next block again 20:55:18 Graphic designer behind http://monero.graphics, gnuteardrops, is seeking funding to keep maintaining the repository through 2025, consider sending some XMR their way! 20:55:19 + info. at: 20:55:20 https://monero.graphics/about#help/ 21:19:27 **Highlights**: 21:19:28 > - boosting my (currently low) morale 21:20:28 gnu deserve some xmr 23:16:21 I’m thinking of looking into a “sidechain” expansion of XMR; it would consist of there being multiple concurrent blockchain instances, each of which would work separately, but would be able to transfer from one instance to another in a perfect 1:1 instance using [insert technical jargon here]. Nodes belonging to each instance will continually poll other instances to determin 23:16:22 e their overall health, and take proper corrective behavior if anything incorrect occurs on another instance. 23:16:23 Assume that such a thing exists. Think of every possible way to deanonymize, inflate/deflate supply, take control of, or otherwise manipulate the network. Also, it would be helpful if we could determine the minimum amount of nodes, past/ongoing transactions, etc. required to ensure an XMR network is secure. 23:19:04 (Motivation: find a way to make Monero scalable et infinitum, while keeping privacy, ease of use, network security, and resource efficiency [whether financial, time, computational, or storage], at or below current network conditions) 23:39:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ccs inbound ^