00:12:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bot for css funded 00:57:33 Thanks thoughtcrimeboss: . I just opened a PR before noticing rottenwheel also did 😅 00:59:16 Functional lws should hopefully be ready by seraphis release. 01:32:22 plowsof: You didn't read my comments carefully. I was saying that in the future, if monero actually achieves limitless scalability, it may look alien to us. And, I was making jokes about alien technologies. 01:34:48 I expect that in 50 years, cryptocurrencies will look alien to us. Completely new architectures... 03:01:59 50yrs is a long time frame, but for monero it’s not much 03:15:57 No problem 😃 05:54:12 limitless scalability is not a thing 05:55:07 we already have heaps more capacity than what is currently needed, could easily take all of bitcoins traffic 06:51:51 I'd argue that we could take **all** blockchains combined easily, as in every monetery transaction would be passed through XMR 06:52:10 we probably would need a hotfix patch that would make pruning more effective 06:53:19 ffs stop it with the pruning 06:53:32 storage really isnt the issue 06:53:33 its bandwidth :P 06:53:50 maybe? not sure how much USDT on tron is actually being used 07:06:07 After full privacy, i'm sure devs will have all the time in the world to think about scalability and performance 07:06:44 (Supposing FCMP++ and or Seraphis with FCMPs goes flawlessly) 07:14:38 thanks thoughtcrimeboss, do you mind if you are not the author of that fix or mentioned by name as helping us with that typo? 08:36:14 rbrunner7: https://twitter.com/BitcoinNewsCom/status/1784916554598977921 09:19:24 Hi, i am new on myning, and yesterday have start sinchronization , but it still running, and now when i have 90% it runs more lazy, is it ok? 09:32:19 hello 09:32:22 yes 09:32:29 last 10% takes longest time 09:32:41 because most transactions 09:46:24 hello 09:46:25 yes 09:46:27 last 10% takes longest time 09:46:29 because most transactions 09:51:50 thank you 09:52:05 consider mining to p2pool 09:52:12 p2pool.observer 09:55:09 and if XMR was delisted from binance, what can be the good platforme for Monero? 09:55:38 I am in Europe 09:58:37 monerobull: Cool, thanks for the news! Was wondering a long time arlready. Here it is: https://altquick.com/exchange/market/BitcoinTestnet 09:59:18 kraken 09:59:40 localmonero or buy LTC and exchange for monero if nokyc 09:59:42 kycnot.me 10:00:19 yeah it's just like your short story 10:01:31 thank you!!! 16:15:46 Is there any sort of way for Monero to detect whether a miner is solo or part of a pool? 16:18:05 preland: Do you mean a mined block?