02:28:51 💀 03:41:22 Ban the Roby rubber 04:31:41 plowsof: could you flag this as started by monerokon - https://bounties.monero.social/posts/88/10-500m-btcpay-server-additional-optimizations 04:32:27 We will add it to the hackathon as a bounty and promote it 04:33:32 This one as well https://bounties.monero.social/posts/124/0-100m-btcpay-server-allow-syncing-via-remote-node 04:33:46 Since they overlap 05:35:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/KKjNfyQIxXGvhgGsEwgYYcQP 05:36:38 Hi, I want to submit an idea in CCS proposal, however it shows error when forking the project as instructed. Is the fork blocked? 05:37:00 Hi, I want to submit an idea in CCS proposal, however it shows error when forking the project as instructed. Is the fork blocked? 06:04:45 i think it could work if you select something else on project url from the dropdown 06:08:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/iubDTziQIoyqbgppitfQiFRW 06:08:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/aNMYIWsORGsQKyyiTorMGTDE 06:09:31 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/xrmFgysemBqJObfztRBmVDNz 06:11:35 monerobull: thanks for your reply. No luck. In the repository page, the Fork button is grey with click disabled. If click the fork number 200, it switches to the forks list and the Fork button in right top is able to click. 06:11:37 However, after clicking Fork and input information and submit, an error banner shows. 06:12:13 plowsof: should be able to help you once online 06:12:34 thanks! monerobull 06:13:00 Just need the username for manual approval matrix dot org brb 06:15:42 Fengzie Yang: what is your username? accounts can be manually approved 06:16:06 fengzie_mbz 06:17:09 I'm trying to register with some other email address, but no confirmation email received. After trying with a not frequently used github account, the registration works. 06:17:38 plowsof: Please help check if this user name works: fengzie_mbz 06:17:42 should be fixed now 06:17:57 Thanks! Let me try. 06:18:32 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/hsEMKEJaxXZBoyjwkxXaRgtk 06:18:36 Fantastic! It works now. Thanks! 16:23:15 another shitcoin bites the dust 16:34:58 kaya removed privacy from dero 16:35:37 I think its more reasonable to say dero never had one in the first place. Kayaba just *highlighted* this fact 16:38:54 "kaya removed privacy from dero". I don't understand. Care to elaborate, or have a link, MajesticBank? 16:39:43 https://twitter.com/kayabaNerve/status/1791485161013694565 16:39:58 Kayaba disclosed a vulnerability in Dero network 1 hour ago 16:40:09 or the messaging implementation at least 16:41:27 He apparently tried to contact the maintainers, but they were... sceptical. Despite kayaba having write a PoC confirming the vulnerability 16:42:50 All I know about Dero is that some bots on r/monero were claiming Dero to be superior to Monero in terms of privacy. 16:46:09 Uh, that's pretty devastating. Oh my. 16:46:35 "We take no prisoners" :) 16:47:14 **Kayaba be like**: *Tactical nuke engaged* 16:49:20 Dero has an interesting history. I think it was that sole dev that translated large parts of the Monero codebase from C++ to Go, and then a few years later throwing away that CryptoNote derived codebase and coming up with something new. Even if that's broken now, and they did sit on a pretty high horse most of the time, this all has my respect, from one dev to another. 16:52:44 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/ZYhyCvobZLDNzxczwlHfbnkd 16:53:12 :) 17:05:46 Off topic, I know, but so beautiful: A) Somebody challening Luke to deanomize a particular tx and offering a bounty of 10,000 Dero if success, B) Luke can do it, C) that somebody chickens out: https://twitter.com/techleaks24/status/1791513793559715910 17:08:20 1 Dero currently is around USD 3 17:15:01 wow, I saw the kayaba's post just now. thats fucked up lol. 17:16:19 * Firing up my twitter account * 17:18:20 liked kayaba's tweet👌 17:19:36 whats your nick SyntheticBird 17:19:47 https://x.com/SyntheticBird_ 17:20:14 thx bro 17:27:07 https://x.com/kayabaNerve/status/1791519326983630851 17:27:17 god (or any other entity) bless kayaba 17:33:02 now If my reddit account wasn't suspended I would have already farmed karma over this ngl 17:33:45 I didn't expect a bug bounty after I went public /shrug 19:20:16 j-berman full-time development (3 months) is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/j-berman-3months-full-time-7.html @luigi1111 19:28:47 hyped for that one with the FCMPs 21:13:17 this whole chain of tweets is nuts 23:53:07 If it wasn’t for the fact that my Reddit acct gets downvote botted on r/Monero I’d do so too 23:53:34 What I can do with a SIGILL error in monero-cpp ? 23:53:48 It fucks up my builds 23:53:52 (Consider this the weekly reminder that Reddit is a currently exploited attack vector against Monero)