10:27:11 make an offer below market rate so people your "A" has a little weight (like 5 euros or so) and you'll have proof that the homework was actually done :) 10:27:24 make an offer below market rate so your "A" has a little weight (like 5 euros or so) and you'll have proof that the homework was actually done :) 11:00:44 scammers 11:01:06 I did this 11:01:09 I have offers 11:01:21 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FwTdZWggfRQLNmlHjyWHKELT 11:01:58 Dero was not deanonymized. 11:03:01 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/PwHhDaWfKpWDzLtbmsSekgRi 11:04:41 Enjoy your "A" 11:05:04 Create offers for Dero instead. With perfect homomorphic encryption, Dero is superior to Monero. Read more here 👇️ 11:05:05 https://medium.com/@thecryptoanalyst/deros-fhe-privacy-paradigm-vs-the-chain-anlayzable-l2-fhe-institutional-scams-9207bc49b214 11:05:55 Homo 11:06:20 No. fuck that 11:06:27 Your developers for Monero are scammers and had they not spread lies, you could have trusted them, but they are scammers. Buy Dero before you get rugpulled by the slimeball Luke Parker and his friends. 11:06:56 I did this... pastebin.com/svMcfCzM if you wanna tip me ;) 11:07:27 How about you go and handle your community and stop spamming your shitcoin here ? 11:07:39 Enjoy the rugpull that will happen soon. Luke Parker is a fake and is misusing funds. He will run off with the funds instead of using them for Fcmp++. Luke Parker uses fake math and is no cryptographer. Run while you can. 11:08:07 plowsof: wen hammer 11:08:12 Luke Parker has no reputation outside this cult of idiots. 11:09:05 techleaks24: so why are you here ? go play with your crowd 11:09:21 I blame Doug 11:09:48 I had to make it known for Monero cultists who were not aware of the scammer Luke Parker and the rugpull that will happen soon. 11:10:29 Monero, contrary to Dero, has been properly compromised and can be traced back to your bank account. 11:11:30 😂 take your pills 11:12:10 This is just spam now bye 11:12:19 I ate the red pill while you ate the blue pill. You are stuck in the Monero cult and need help. Come buy Dero instead. 11:13:06 If you have to ask someone to buy your coin, imagine what kind of shitcoin it is 11:14:51 Monero is the shitcoin. Had Luke Parker not manipulated the price of Dero by lying on Twitter, I would not be here. Had Luke Parker responsibly disclose a small vulnerability, I would not be here. Blame the scammers from Monero, not me. 11:15:29 😂 now go back the cave you came out from 11:15:46 Or go spam lukes inbox 11:15:50 Monero is the shitcoin. Had Luke Parker not manipulated the price of Dero by lying on Twitter, I would not be here. Had Luke Parker responsibly disclosed the small vulnerability, I would not be here. Blame the scammers from Monero, not me. 11:16:09 Dude chill 11:16:45 Luke Parker is not only at fault. I was on Monerotopia recently and almost the entire community needs help. 11:17:52 Do not ban me. I must keep my eye on Monero. I want to witness the rugpull live when it happens. 11:17:58 Go to monerotopia, this isn’t their channel 11:18:16 You can always see it on charts 😂 11:19:08 I already know what the price will be. What excites me is the eventual reaction from community members who refused to listen. 11:19:55 Okay now mute yourself and just read the reactions 11:23:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please look up what dero mean’s in aussie slang 11:38:11 Can you prove you're really techleaks24 or yet another fed here to stir shit? 11:39:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VPjrvPeIGYWtTvoRQxKcObWR 11:39:57 Now how the fuck is that proof, go post on twitter 11:41:07 Doesn’t matter motive is same 11:41:09 Fuck you. I have nothing to prove to a slimy Monero cultist. 11:41:13 Doesn’t matter, motive is same 11:41:34 it doesn't even matter if it is deanonymized 11:41:40 the whole thing is a scam already 11:41:46 and it's off-topic here 11:42:21 And who are you ? Dero Cultist? 11:42:40 launch closed source and call it testnet, emit more than half of supply, then migrate to "mainnet" thru centralized swap process handled by single anon dev that runs the whole show known as "the captain" 11:42:43 cmon man 11:42:44 lol 11:42:56 gtfo here with that scammy bullshit 11:43:11 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: can you ban this sus impostor? 11:43:18 https://media1.tenor.com/m/zvFGZlR8-iQAAAAC/eww-brother-eww.gif 11:43:30 Not worth engaging as it's not the real person 11:43:40 oic 11:43:43 Exposing bad actors. One man at a time. It all began with Kaspa and now its time for Monero. 11:43:47 They DMed me saying it's because 2 days is unfair in their opinion for my disclosure (unrelated to this room other than my presence here) and I should've waited 5 days. FWIW, it's been 4 and still no response from Captain Zero or Dank. 11:43:48 prob not worth engaging anyway 11:44:11 😂 good luck 11:44:13 Because it's unfair in their opinion, they've decided to spend their life doing things all about me. 11:44:21 captain awol 🙀 11:44:38 Idk I guess I have a follower who I dominate the mind of or something. 11:44:48 Best of luck to them with learning to move on. 11:44:51 Not even business days. Shady practices. 11:45:17 It's a dick thing of me to say but they legitimately just need to realize they need to move on themselves. 11:45:47 I disclosed on a Friday, they were business days. 11:46:00 Literally. Unless my count is off, it was Wednesday and Thursday 11:46:09 Where are those not business days 🤔 11:46:17 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DDaChqATmkxpJhwrmhqDZVon 11:46:33 Ignore button ftw 11:46:37 Anyways, sorry my independent activities have caused spam here. I'll stop participating. cc plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org: plowsof @plowsof:monero.social: 11:46:42 Ignore this person. It's the same guy as the ofrn/ccs spammer. He grabs whatever topic that can potentially cause drama and spams matrix chats. 11:47:09 Plays good cop bad cop sometimes with multiple alts. 11:47:33 Ban me here and I can return to tweeting where more people can see your scam practices. 11:48:10 Typical Monero cultist who believes in fairy tales. 11:48:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So whats new 11:48:40 tecnoleaksvert24AnonSupporter 11:53:51 I will leave it with this. Luke Parker lied. "Deanonymization of the Dero Network" was a mischaracterization of this small bug. I claim he is a scammer because the price of Dero was manipulated in his favor. We do not know if he opened a short on Dero or had any nefarious plans in mind. His bug did not danonymize anything and only reveals the amount spent for a transaction. Monero 11:53:53 has faced worse bugs, but this community chooses to manipulate Dero and attempt to shut it down. 11:54:15 I will continue to expose Monero on my Twitter account. 11:54:28 So go there get more exposure, stop harassing us with your drama 11:54:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thank you come again 11:54:36 You messed with the wrong person and the wrong community. Dero is stronger than ever 💪 11:54:53 meow 11:54:55 Cult 11:55:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Dam it matrix user 11:57:36 Monero has audits, and bounties / respons. disclosure via hacker one , not sure if that was mentioned during the audits are for the weak / bounties are for the stronk 12:00:50 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Bbs 12:34:14 👍 14:29:33 gmgm 14:42:05 Captain here, I'd like to Apologize for my excessive absence and TL24's constant whining--hes always like that sadly 14:42:33 Here's my proof I have double his dero 14:53:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/yMddWGChmsYcebKwAgGHDpZm 15:00:50 forgot to double the usd amount 15:01:17 plowsof: also need a hammer over here 15:05:43 I think its important to talk about some of the rules for haveno. I brought it up in the haveno room but since this room has more people I wanted to post it here. Currently trading rules/penalties include bisq.wiki/Table_of_penalties This brings into question can haveno prevent fraud & money laundering? or even if it shoud 15:10:20 It's good enough to intervene when you see "guns", "drugs" or "laundering money" in the payment reference. That's what they do to prevent fraud & money laundering at Western Union. 15:11:33 "AK-47 rifle & 9mm ammo." 15:11:56 Memo note when I purchase XMR off of my buddy at the dive bar by the corner. 15:12:26 I think its important to talk about some of the rules for haveno. I brought it up in the haveno room but since this room has more people I wanted to post it here. Currently trading rules/penalties include bisq.wiki/Table\_of\_penalties This brings into question can haveno prevent fraud & money laundering? or even if it shoud https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno/issues/940 16:40:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/LQplJhCjkNSIQdjSYwVCqpzN 16:40:42 Sorry that was bugged screenshot, 16:40:43 Realreal: 16:42:09 Moooods!