11:10:56 Hi plowsof - thanks for the ping - that's now fixed. 11:11:03 I'm guessing this is for the Monero "timeline" page. I've now updated it's CSS layout + fixed the 404s in the sources section. 11:16:01 Thanks john_r365 11:23:17 plowsoff - if I want to ping you separately with a question (am on Matrix not IRC) - which ID to use? I'm seeing 3 plowsof nym options in this room; matrix.org / monero.social / libera.chat 11:23:36 *plowsof 11:43:18 kayabanerve: Would it be worthwhile to write a brief update for the community regarding FCMP++? 11:43:38 It can even be a Twitter thread of, say, 5-10 tweets 11:59:58 John_r365 plowsof monero social would be best 12:11:37 https://matrix.to/#/!cSwJDzxRuWndmFUZTd:haveno.network/$AKHAc0affXp4fCaoyhB065cxUx3uvgElujQnz1FVH7o?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=bitcoinist.org 12:11:54 Haveno is growing...! 13:04:06 Is Haveno usable yet? 13:04:36 Yes, it's been running for the last week. 13:05:01 https://github.com/retoaccess1/haveno-reto/actions 13:19:40 Yes 13:20:32 But still early and some bugs. But you can make trades. 15:24:56 I'd want another month or so dEBRUYNE 19:21:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fck twitter 19:21:28 no, fuck you! 19:21:54 Haveno hit 40 offers for Monero 19:22:11 Top two markets right now are Euro and Litecoin. 19:22:14 Ackchyually its called X 19:24:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> When critical bug in haveno cause of no audit? 19:25:31 No clue 19:25:59 But when it happens, user's funds won't be at risk. 19:26:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hmm java based 21:31:17 What's the total amount up for sale? 21:32:16 It doesn't distinguish between how much is up for buying and how much is up for selling, but the entire amount on the entire exchange is around 150 Monero 21:32:24 I think it's like 145 or something. 21:32:48 You know what I mean. That's decent. Haveno's been out for what, a week? 21:33:10 One week and one day. 21:33:33 Nice. 21:34:20 Right? And most of that time was spent getting the initial people. 21:34:26 The snowball effect has already started. It seems. 21:35:46 So what happened, Haveno got re-launched by a different team? 21:37:35 It's really nothing more than a fork to add the proper configuration files for a mainnet network. 21:38:38 Like the developers are still working on it, but they only have configuration files for the test network. And so this one, forked off, added the configuration files for mainnet and then launched and integrates the changes from the upstream each release. 21:57:55 I just hope that we are able to add 2:2 into Haveno before it’s too late 22:35:57 wym before its too late' 22:38:14 2/2 multisigs ? 22:39:43 Problem is on kamikaze moves, someone could take an order then funds are locked and then you disappear leaving the maker at loss 22:42:22 How so you would just open a dispute after 24 hours show that the Other peer has not been online and you would get your money back and They would get a penalty 22:45:46 You need a 2/3 multisig for that 22:46:44 Oh, I see. You were talking about the two of two multi-sig. Got it. 22:50:16 v1docq47 - monerotopia 2023 (part 3) and monerokon 2023 (part 2) voiceovers and working on xmr.ru has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/v1docq47-monerotopia-2023-part-3-and-monerokon-2023-part-2-voiceovers-and-working-on-xmr.ru.html 22:54:37 Nice 23:34:21 Yeah, that’s rly the only potential risk I see; although admittedly the risk of that vs an arbitrator kind of makes things muddy, even excluding all the extra risk that arbitrators take on themselves for existing 23:35:12 So long as you can determine a proper proof of sent/receipt ofc; though that’s true of all transactions 23:37:32 I think as long as arbitrators exist outside of the grasp of US LE, you should be okay. 23:37:54 So if you want to be an arbitrator, best to move to Russia. 23:42:20 Only way I could see that work is like atomic swaps for crypto-crypto