08:04:57 Live stream: https://youtube.com/live/oPOECPKAqSE 09:31:34 Haveno has now had 100 trades 09:32:03 Not bad for less than a month old. 11:45:33 ~240 XMR from May to June 11:46:16 In one week traders did more volume than the previous month with crypto trades 13:14:46 Anyone here at MoneroKon in person? How is it going? 13:17:33 it has been reported the beer is cheap :) 14:06:41 midipoet you not coming this year? 14:11:10 midipoet it has been pretty good 14:23:58 much fun to everyone at the kon 15:01:42 The challenge is to have an easily verifiable proof of sacrifice that can't be faked. 15:01:43 I'm sure that at some time in the next two years an open-source video AI-model will drop. 15:01:45 So maybe just skip physical objects and use digital objects (in this case AI-generated videos) as "sacrifice". 15:01:47 The validator lays out the details of the video and the user sends it to the validator once it's finished. 15:01:49 Just like crypto mining is all about finding the nonce, here it would be about finding/generating the video. 23:04:59 rottenwheel: unfortunately, no. Like nioCat, i have family commitments this year and have to travel elsewhere. Feel like i am missing out though, to be honest, let alone missing seeing all the monero peeps.