02:40:04 jeffro256 full-time development 2024Q3 is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/jeffro256-full-time-2024Q3.html @luigi1111 07:12:48 some (many?) fluffypony posts have disappeared from reddit 07:13:09 e.g. https://web.archive.org/web/20210507113332/https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/7hore1/project_coral_reef_furthering_mainstream_adoption/ 07:14:14 I had brought up the overfunding of 865 XMR to fluffy some time back and he said that this would 07:14:31 be going back to the general fund afair 07:14:35 https://forum.getmonero.org/8/funding-required/88459/globee-s-secret-project-fundraiser 07:15:48 hoping to get an update on that before it disappears as well 08:28:49 oh fuck off 08:28:55 also that post hasn't disappeared at all 08:28:59 https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/7hore1/project_coral_reef_furthering_mainstream_adoption/ 08:31:55 When coral reef 2 ? 08:32:41 we're going straight to 3, just like web3 08:33:01 fuck it, web4 08:33:25 That would be Tari 0.1 08:33:43 We one for monero, need those celebs again 😝 08:34:21 having discounts on monero purchases is so cool 08:35:31 Fluffy put a ccs proposal again 08:35:43 2000 xmr for 200% pump 😅 08:56:49 damn, i actually clicked all the way through to a back street boys t-shirt, but the monero option didn't seem available. 10:25:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> coral reef is dying from bleaching 12:21:43 a wild pony appears 14:28:21 Sometimes I forget that fluffypony exists 15:43:49 ah, I’m blocked that’s why 15:45:11 oh fuck off <== this doesn’t explain what happened to the 865 xmr that wasn’t paid out according to the FFS 15:45:28 who has/had access to that wallet? 15:50:42 None of your business. 15:50:57 Where's the grammy scammer? 15:51:05 😘 15:54:50 h'lo 16:01:33 rottenwheel: be nice or I’ll have to speak to Vik 16:02:41 geonic go right ahead, fucker. 16:03:02 Fucking dwarf. 16:03:03 Vik as in Vik from Haveno? 16:04:21 Cake Wallet. 16:04:41 It was a joke. 16:04:42 (https://haveno.exchange/blog/erciccione-leaves-core-team/) 16:05:12 Afaik vik hasn’t done anything, at least nothing publicly verifiable 16:05:24 (If I’m wrong vik can correct me) 16:06:31 Wait f16s shouldn’t be flying out here 16:06:41 I wish I lived where my vps does lol 16:08:53 diego: do you know what happened to those balances after the move to the CCS? 16:10:43 Overfund? No. Though I followed up a few times on the promise of repaying back some portion to the GF from proceeds several times. Got some responses that they'd post a report soon. To my knowledge they made a payment or two but it wasn't much. 16:11:33 865 missing is a good bit 16:14:45 thanks 16:17:47 https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/2564/0mq-by-tewinget 16:18:04 here’s another one 16:18:32 “…. the remaining 867 will be delivered to the General Fund” 16:19:48 guess I’ll have to sync the GF wallet and see if that 867 ever made it there. unless plowsof wants to do it (: 16:21:10 I'm very fuzzy on it since it was a while back but I do recall some other people did work on 0MQ and requested payout? 16:21:50 Oh wait maybe that was a vtnerd one 16:21:57 since watchfund on twitter has been watching, there hasn't been any '867' donations.. nor has it been mentioned in any GF transparency report (that im aware of) 16:23:46 my brain wasn't in the jar back then and i have no idea who has/had access to the FFS wallet(s), no idea 16:24:31 Sorry for the ping vtnerd 16:25:11 Wen meeting? 16:29:51 community meeting next week, ohhh 16:31:28 Oh not one this week plowsof? 16:32:29 true, should be the 6th (allegedly), you are very, very punctual 16:32:55 are there any pre meeting announcements to be made for the other early birds? 16:33:47 yeah, look like vt did some work 16:33:55 “133 XMR of the remaining milestone has been sent to vtnerd for his work on completing this project; the remaining 867 will be delivered to the General Fund” 16:39:50 Ah, got it. I remembered he was in there somewhere. 19:03:32 plowsof: can we add the FFS to the agenda for next week? 20:23:47 Maybe we should all just use Monero as a tool for perfectly hidden inflation. We can share the joy out amongst everyone equally, so we can all have a good life. The only rule is that you have to sell at a slower rate than the demand for DNM currency rises. Deal? 20:24:32 Where'd you get that weed from? 20:24:37 I want some. 20:30:21 Why premine when you can post-mine 20:32:33 what are the demand size? 20:35:15 *what is the current demand volume? 20:41:24 “not enough/won’t be enough/bitcoin is better/Ethereum L2 go brrr/first person wins” 20:41:24 -bitcoinuniversity, 2025 20:56:22 :D 20:58:11 USDT on eth is best, there you can be sure never ever will happen something to your assets. 20:58:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Very special agent geonic investigating the fluffy pony 21:02:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I expect a brief on my desk by next week for the meeting 21:20:28 here’s the report: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 21:55:32 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/998 21:58:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Takes a while to bs numbers 22:03:33 Quarterly > less than yearly 22:04:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 1 quarter = >1 yr ?? 22:05:02 Yes 22:05:09 1/4 decade 22:06:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc plz confirm my maths! 22:06:27 we have decided that our first report will cover the periods of 2019-2020, with subsequent reports coming out every half-year. 22:08:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mr selsta i propose a new github label. “Soon™️” 22:09:33 i can't add labels lol 22:17:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i want to speak to your manager then 22:17:53 dan bob, GF report = current date + 6 months, FCMP = current date + 1 year, Seraphis = current date + 2 years 22:17:59 current date = whenever you ask the question, wen X 22:19:01 need answer to, wen moon 22:21:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> more important