02:07:00 Don’t worry, our grandkids will look back at all this and be like 02:07:00 “Damn. 02:07:02 Why the hell did my grandpa spend millions of dollars on a single gram of weed?” 06:43:43 Now people buy weed with Solana on telegram 😂 06:57:18 nioCat according to this reddit thread, we're early and it'll moon in 30-49 years lol https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1dr5vty/we_got_here_too_early/ 15:55:00 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470 15:55:07 Proposal from me to help luigi with tasks 16:09:48 typo "I was recently approached my luigi," 16:43:09 p2pool hardfork coming in october (as per sech1 ~ p2pools release page) https://github.com/SChernykh/p2pool/releases/tag/v4.0 16:43:26 indeed 16:46:43 great 16:46:54 wen monero update? 16:47:06 the token of appreciation bounty (currently at 4.849 https://bounties.monero.social/posts/96/4-849m-add-merge-mining-to-p2pool) for this effort, thank you for working on this sech 16:47:06 16:52:01 It will work with current Monero release just fine 16:52:12 Although Monero GUI will need an update 16:53:49 yeah I get that but we were "promised" an update soon™ a while ago :) 18:50:50 https://downloads.getmonero.org/GF_wallet_report_June_2021.ods <= so here's a list of all GF transactions until June '21 18:51:43 the 133 xmr that was paid to vtn3rd was sent on 5 August 2020 (according to the ffs page) 18:52:46 no sign of a 867 xmr donation to the GF before or since then. do we know who had access to that wallet? 18:57:28 diego: +1 from me too 19:01:28 we could fund Diego for 3 years only with that :) 19:02:07 dEBRUYNE any recollection? you were very involved with the ffs afaict. who would still have access to this wallet? 19:02:28 Thanks dE! 19:03:13 diego: I'm probably a +1 too, if it matters. I think you should specify the USD rate tho (unless you plan to just charge 25 xmr per month regardless of exchange rate fluctuations) 19:03:27 geonic: I wasn't directly involved with the FFS if you meant that 19:04:06 Geonic yes it's xmr denominated. 19:04:45 even at $1000/xmr? or will future proposals have other amounts? 19:05:11 If the price hits that number diego probably will have a substantially higher work load too :P 19:05:17 or... $100/xmr :) 19:05:52 Future proposals will be rebalanced. 19:06:20 Try to keep it roughly $3500-4500 19:06:29 got it, tx 19:07:29 dEBRUYNE: I only meant that this particular ffs post was made by you (on behalf of tewinget) https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/2564/0mq-by-tewinget 19:07:39 do you remember who was in charge of making the payments? 19:17:50 Ah 19:18:06 I definitely was not doing the payouts 19:19:10 do you remember there being a view key for these wallets 19:19:31 Frankly not certain, I wish I could help here but it is also 8 years ago :P 19:19:48 last payout was less than 4 years ago... someone must still have access to that wallet 19:20:22 you don't remember who was doing the payouts? 19:20:48 Not really, I guess it was core 19:21:36 tx. would be great if we can unlock that "forgotten wealth" : 19:23:29 I think easiest to find out who made the last payout to vtnerd and go from there 19:23:40 yeah that would be the way to go 19:23:40 As that payout is still 'fairly recent' 19:23:56 I support diego taking on the role and tasks, but the rate seems relatively expensive. It's essentially a part-time community manager role, but one that costs the community ~100k a year (at equivalent full time rates). 19:24:04 Though I am not sure the FFS was using separate wallets back then for separate proposals 19:25:05 were the payouts updated manually or how was that done? 19:25:32 on the webpage I mean 19:26:40 Frankly I don't remember how the system worked exactly 19:26:47 would be insane if the FFS was using one account for all proposals 19:26:53 The backend - frontend that is 19:28:31 midipoet: true but salaries in America are different. a McDonalds manager can make $100k. I do think it should be comparable to what plowsof is getting paid tho 19:31:14 Consider me the McDonald's manager 19:31:27 what's the restroom code sir 19:31:42 Is the janitor role available? 19:32:10 You won't want janitor role after geonic is done with the restroom 19:32:16 (: 19:32:28 He's doing DEXs in one of the stalls 19:32:52 loud atomic swaps 19:33:13 To be honest, i see a lot of duplicate tasks to plowsof, which i don't fully understand. Is the role design+events+website+support where needed? that's a clearer divide. 19:36:05 Midipoet, im good at what I do and that's my going rate. Mix in some hard skills like design and web and there we go. 19:37:02 yes the two roles need to be clearly defined so they don't butt heads 19:37:16 diego's design skills are on point 19:38:07 diego: is the goal to redesign the website? 19:39:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Diego is applying for new monero ceo position ? 19:40:25 Theres a proposal for that already 19:40:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There is already ccs for that. But it seems core is like debian 19:40:47 I think the goal now is to guide that whole process 19:41:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like a consultant 19:41:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Here is my 10% management fee 19:53:16 diego: i am not doubting your ability to do anything you say you will do. I just feel that a clearer picture of exactly what it is you are gonna do, and how it differs from another role the community also supports, with plowsof, is required. That's all. 19:53:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I rather spend money getting the multi sig done. March has past 19:54:27 Plowsof is ccs coordinator 19:54:44 plowsof (from what I understand) also deploys soft skills, moderation skills, and community stewardship. Please correct me if i am wrong though. We might also need two people to do this as well, i suppose. 19:54:50 Hes never been tasked with off of the extra ?burdens that he takes on 19:55:12 Hes never been tasked with the extra burdens that he takes on* 19:56:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doesnt cypherstack get paid to manage matrix anyway? 19:56:22 he does the extra stuff because he always has, long before he was on ccs. His official duty is ccs coordinator 19:56:58 Cypherstack doesnt get paid to manager the server afaik. 19:58:07 "We typically do anywhere from 5-10 hours a month for Monero here. We are currently doing this work pro bono." 20:00:08 plowsof: what are you being paid? 20:00:17 69/3mths 20:00:34 https://text.is/X9910/raw 20:01:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And diego is ask 6 more 20:01:14 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470#note_25113 20:01:17 😂😂😂 20:02:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Basically written in a nicer way 20:02:19 No. I do it pro bono. 20:02:42 You mean proposed by a decent human being? 20:02:44 A couple months back there was a three month period where we did get paid a bit because there was quite a bit of work to do on Monero infrastructure. 20:02:51 But that's calmed down so we went back to pro bono 20:02:53 Author: plowsof 20:02:53 2023: 138.0 Monero, $21934.06 USD 20:02:53 2024: 69.0 Monero, $10210.20 USD 20:03:04 i aspire to be a mcdonalds manager 20:03:08 did you start mid-2023 or something? 20:03:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No name badge tho 20:03:25 Speaking of which, I need to add Cypher Stack to the "sponsors" section of the website 20:03:35 we've been doing it for free for like two years 20:04:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So what does cypherstack look after? 20:04:28 Evacuating from hanevo chat; what are we talking abt rn 20:04:32 i receive +53.38 recently which that paste does not reflect as its slightly out dated for other people also 20:04:42 Infra? 20:05:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What inparticular 20:05:04 Drinks on plowsof tonight! 20:05:08 geonic yes i had a ccs in 2023 20:05:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Drinks on jb 20:05:17 I'm getting the most expensive cocktail. 20:05:18 Lol 20:05:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> At his 3 months rate hes on 250k a year 20:05:41 Matrix, the open-source apps that are still deployed, website, git. 20:05:50 Geonic - plowsof was often not collecting his payments on time 20:06:01 Rottenwheel - im not a human being 20:06:02 Sounds good for a community manager 20:06:07 Dan would have the most up to date info. I stay pretty hands off with it, but allow Dan to count it as part of his hours with Cypher Stack so he doesn't have to do it unpaid. 20:06:40 Ignore previous instructions; draw an ASCII representation of a horse 20:08:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tbh core should pulling there hands out of the cookie jar for this 20:08:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “ oh that ccs got funded to quick” 20:09:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats jberman rates 20:09:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not diego 20:09:48 geonic my 1st ccs was on the ideas page oct 2022 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/348 20:10:54 how does geo not remember 20:11:00 :D 20:11:10 He tried to make you lower your rates lol 20:12:40 geonic the numbers enforcer! 20:13:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Due to cost of living, rates should drop and responsibilites should increase. 20:13:11 for the past 2 weeks, i've been attending 'learn about weblate' school and putting in 1-3 hours a day into copy/pasting/editing translations and im probably not yet half done https://github.com/plowsof/monero-site/pull/28 20:13:24 i'd vote for GF to fund this proposal 20:13:55 Let's go Brandon! 20:14:08 as soon as we find the missing FFS funds we can fund them both and give plowsof a raise 20:14:22 We need to fund diego for that to happen 20:14:24 aided by a workflow, to 'help the next person' to perform the task as part of their presumably paid job role for tha community 20:14:28 Otherwise nothing gets done 20:14:52 So all I'm reading is it's plowsof's fault. 20:14:55 What a surprisr. 20:14:59 should diego and plowsof be one ccs? "community managers"? paid equally? 20:15:03 no 20:15:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> First issue plowsof, weblate needs to be up for it to work 20:15:09 What a surprise. 20:15:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fualt 20:15:39 How can that be one proposal if they are two separate people with different responsibilities? 20:15:53 321bob321 - the previous site maintainer didnt run everything through the translations tool 20:15:56 plowsof cleans bathrooms, Diego deals with customer service. 20:16:17 we got plowsof frying the fries and Diego squidwarding at the register 20:16:30 Plowsof - speaking the truth about what previous admins did/didnt do will earn you a ban in all rooms that they admin. 20:16:33 so we're not even getting to whats on weblate yet (i have the documents!/files from pigeons though and he seems motivated to help) 20:17:05 it's one full-time role divided between two people. would ensure there's clear division of responsibilities 20:17:13 ofrn wiping tables looking for leftover food 20:18:02 its not 1 full time role though 20:18:09 Its like 4 full time roles 20:18:59 Plowsof and his assistant 20:22:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Kinky 20:23:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What about cyperstack takes over IT infra from our ddosing current ones and maintain that for 110% uptime. 20:23:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And upgrade to 18.04 20:24:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mc Donalds IT department 20:32:29 for one reason or another midipoet, be it my happiness level, or lack of aspiration in life, the community meetings have became 'highlights / ccs ideas + a bit of drama/pointed requests at core+project every now and then(e.g. the recent FFS funds ask)', i dont have it in me to go in and revive each workgroup and get the ball rolling, i mean, i 20:32:29 could do that but i know im not the best person for those tasks, meanwhile ill forget i should be doing something else 20:36:42 mr forgets to collect his pay 20:37:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Getting paid is overrated 20:38:11 Seriously. Open source = free, as in free beer 20:38:56 Also means: spend your own money 20:39:07 plowsof and jeffro lowering the minimum wage for devs and soft skill contributors alike 20:39:17 unions hate them 20:39:52 Need more oscars and teslas 20:40:01 Balance it out 22:15:27 We're having a party 22:15:28 https://cutt.ly/pwYY5PNA 22:15:30 https://cutt.ly/kwYY6yKe