06:28:04 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/SPbNCgDutcPcsMMlJzEYfJAu 06:28:06 wow. 06:39:15 Maybe if we lack a suitable person for a particular job, we should plant and rise them in a garden. Or make some woman conceive a baby genetically engineered for the job. Or hey, we could just conjure them up out of thin air with magic. So many possibilities, so many options. In no way we have to pragmatically look at what we actually have in the hard, cold, real world, compromise 06:39:16 and make a reasonable attempt to work with that. 07:08:30 that's what the government does when they are forced to publicly list a position but already have someone in mind 07:09:32 >must have 5 years experience with this specific thing and also be named Jeff from the second floor 07:22:37 rbrunner7: to be fair, the role was not publicly listed, so we don't know who would be willing to take it on for that wage. It was offered to rehrar and he was told to CCS for it. 07:28:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> luigi told diego to create a ccs, that looks similar to ofrn's one 07:29:43 Well, it is similar. However, it's also a lot more succinct, and built on a greater body of established work for the community. 07:30:16 I also think rehrar's soft skills are much more apt for the role than ofrnxmr's. 07:30:30 That's my own perception, admittedly, so feel free to disagree. 07:32:30 what’s with these “soft skills” that are being touted so much? do we need an in-house politician to bring together warring factions? 07:34:24 the job is website maintainer. everything else is fluff 07:34:37 that's also fair 07:34:42 basically what ErC was doing 07:35:10 If that is the totality of the role intended by Luigi, then the CCS should state that 07:35:27 And yeah, 100k a year is ridiculous 07:35:31 that’s the title I used for the monerobull ccs 07:35:46 sure, but you haven't talked to luigi have you? 07:35:51 and it’s the first point and only actionable one from diego’s list 07:35:56 no 07:36:30 Hi Everyone, 07:36:30 So luigi1111 needs to say what tasks they want to delegate and then the proposer needs to link to a CCS that describes those tasks. 07:36:32 We (VOSTOEMISIO) and xenu just posted a new proposal to create a FCMP Animated Explainer Video, please chime in or let us know if you have any comments on it, thanks! 07:36:34 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/472 07:37:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> written in a nicer way 07:38:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> wtf is soft skills 07:38:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you either have the skill or you dont 07:38:21 yeah, ideally he would list the requirements for the job. hopefully they don’t include having experience working covertly for core 07:38:54 I’m still waiting for diego’s final transparency report. that was $330k worth of soft skills 07:39:56 lol. 07:40:07 these hobbits... 07:40:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> that will be after cores report 07:40:40 matrix shot 07:40:55 imo the "secretary" role was so outrageous, it's insane to suggest putting the same person in a similar position again 07:41:22 “Has enough time passed so we can try this again” lol 07:42:07 what if there's nobody that does it as well as he does? 07:42:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> write 0 memory 07:42:26 33 n vcx 07:42:31 cat got on keyboard. 07:43:23 imo the "secretary" role was so outrageous, it's insane to suggest putting the same person in a similar position again 07:43:38 we got it the first time! 07:46:33 ah there it is 07:46:36 7 minute delay 07:46:47 besides, i had already deleted it 07:47:04 mb: how do you envision this job? core delegates and you execute or would you be more of a self-starter in terms of making things run more smoothly 07:47:28 do you see any inefficiencies that are low-hanging fruit right now? 07:48:39 assuming the bridge works 07:49:54 geonic is warming the interview questions, i see. 07:50:03 we should make a panel 07:50:09 Ofrnxmr should probably be on it 07:50:12 what would be of this community without geonic!? 07:50:38 Good test of a person's soft skills. Ofrnxmr can go full scatter gun throughout the interview 07:51:49 fire up 5 different windows (: 07:53:28 well 07:53:33 i already do most of this stuff 07:53:47 event work? yeah we got monerokon 07:54:15 (Which is a whole lot of work) 07:54:21 community? i am everywhere with the exception of the retirement home called irc 07:55:45 retirement home called IRC? 07:56:02 are you implying jberman or jeffro256 are old and decrepit? 07:56:12 last I checked they were youngings! 07:56:36 so i guess the main part that is new is the website maintenance which is really similar to modding reddit if you think about it. check that you dont approve garbage, update outdated things, etc. 07:57:14 boomer is a mindset 07:57:25 ok zoomer. 07:58:02 Asking people to squash also 07:58:46 plowsof: squash deez nutz. 08:04:28 yeah it seems the real job is the website. maybe reviving #monero-site and running meetings… 08:05:05 have u looked at the redesign proposal for the website? what are your thoughts on it 08:05:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> but erc got paid 35xmr for 3 months 08:06:21 and plowsof is getting 69 (when he remembers) 08:11:50 If the job includes a website redesign and redeployment, it should be stated. 08:12:01 diego would probably be good at that 08:12:11 Monerobull might be as well, i suppose 08:12:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> but there is already ccs for that 08:12:19 ah ok 08:12:25 Ignore me 08:12:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> but core i think said no 08:13:05 redesign is not happening? 08:13:25 But yeah, can we please just outline the tasks more clearly then. i feel i am going round in circles. It's fun, as you're all fun people, but i gotta shitty day job to do too. 08:14:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 08:15:45 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450#note_24915 08:17:43 useful comment. so this is a workgroup leader/maintainer position 08:19:07 monerobull I imagine luigi’s first interview question would be whether you have any web experience 08:20:39 see you mañana! 08:20:53 well there is monerosupplies (bad exaple, i started that like 3 years ago with very little experience and monero.town which is more everything around running a web-service, not directly about the site but stuff like certificates, database, etc 08:22:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> dont leaders just point and shout 08:23:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> get the minions to do it 08:23:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> deigo shouts at plowsof to do it 08:26:55 Erc didnt have merge powers, nor deployment powers 08:27:46 Diego's ccs isnt just website maintainer, and its DEFINITELY not "do what core tells him" 08:37:44 Website maintenance isnt a 1 person job. Maintainer != maintenance. Maintainer is in reference to git repo powers 08:38:47 The website is open source , PRs and reviews should be done by community 08:38:55 (as they currently are) 08:41:02 plowsof works on site already, but has no maintainer powers. He can make a list of 20 prs that are reviewed, squashed, conflicts resolved, ready to be merge, but then is forced to wait for luigi to merge them 08:42:52 Loogi are merging powers in -site up for grabs with this new complementary role for plowsof's duties? luigi1111 luigi1112 luigi1111w 08:42:55 LUIGI. 08:43:08 yes 08:47:28 plowsof does the duties largely because slow merges = merge conflicts 08:48:27 "the duties" meaning pulling in commits fron various prs into one pr and resolving all conflicts himself 08:49:53 only core have merge access to our repos. the maintainer creates a merge list. if they look sane / have valid approvals they get merged 08:52:39 ^ yeah. This is what erciccione did as "maintainer" (really just "coordinator"). Diego as maintainer would have merge powers 08:53:29 At least, that's how i understand it 08:54:08 Otherwise hes not taking work off of luigi's shoulders, hes just helping to pile it on faster 08:55:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> can create "soon ™️ " label? 08:56:45 yeah, we'll make the "soon™️" label right after monero-docs 08:57:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> do before and we can label that 08:58:56 soon™️ we'll make the soon™️ label. Only took a year to remove moneroaddress.org 08:59:18 Were only about 6 months into monero-docs. Give it time 08:59:53 dont worry, moneroaddress exists in all of the translated files still 09:00:06 💀 09:02:44 do I get this right that this proposal wants to switch from a static site generator (jekyll?) to another static site framework (astro)? 09:02:57 450? 09:03:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 420 09:04:14 469. 09:05:00 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450 .. 450 09:28:47 the prototype is also broken on mobile: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/450#note_25154 so how can it claim "The website will be designed to be responsive, ensuring optimal viewing and interaction across various devices, including desktops, tablets, and smartphones." the current website is responsive and works on mobile. while the new one is broken 09:28:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/ioczhWPHmDYnMAaCcGlIhsdJ 09:30:00 old one works just fine 09:30:05 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/dAUnPDXIisMsapfegTeGPauV 09:30:25 I also dont get why there is a need to switch to astro? 09:30:57 it will not make a fundamental difference to jekyll and introduce new headaches 09:32:08 for sure the website should be improved. I am all for it. But at the same time it is unclear how this proposal will be an improvement. 09:42:17 "but there are still some tasks to address, such as the mobile menu, the blog page, the documentation, SVG images, etc. 09:42:17 I am not a web designer and I would need one somehow." 09:42:45 did everyone miss that part, or was it addressed 09:50:47 that is not a design problem. They are missing a media query that switches the gridsize to have only one column on small screens. 09:51:28 we can just add a dark mode to the jeykll page if this is what people want 09:51:59 instead of creating a new cluster with this astro stuff. 09:52:25 I am all for trying new stuff and new tech. But it needs to deliver value 09:58:10 I read their sentence as go mean "i dont know how to fix this" 09:58:19 s/sentence/statement 10:42:49 i like the current website D: 10:44:33 finally someone said it 10:45:01 me too 10:50:03 ack escapethe3ra / vostoemisios milestone updates 10:52:43 Lipstick on a pig, amirite 10:53:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I thought it was getting changed cause of translation 10:53:07 Need to fix the content 😅 10:53:39 Nah, it was just a proposal redesign done year(s?) Ago that janaka deckded tk i 10:53:47 to implement 10:55:02 dans thinking of https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/2140 11:15:55 🍿 11:19:06 next community meeting 6th July https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1032 11:35:45 oh goody, July 4th weekend 11:35:51 you are on a roll 11:51:02 planning 100 11:54:26 Lol erc 11:54:59 Football England vs Switzerland also, perfect chance to prove our dedication 11:55:02 I thought this scammer ragequit and then started attacking woodser and selsta 11:55:18 community? i am everywhere with the exception of the retirement home called irc <<>> it would require you to have an IRC account ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 11:57:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And community too i thought 11:59:23 He has popcorn out like were not doing better without him already 😂 11:59:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Popcorn paid by firo? 11:59:56 hey erc, i think you still need to demote yourself from a couple matrix rooms 12:00:23 Please do before you break them by downing another homeserver 12:02:01 i remember when erc told twitter not to trust diego and not to use stackwallet. Then he rugged haveno 🤣 12:02:28 I ran out of popcorn a long time ago. The erc movie is like lord or the rings, too long 12:03:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nerds and their vendettas 12:14:49 That's a new peak of nonsense in such few time 12:15:24 stop thinking about me so much tho, you make me blush 12:16:36 I don't even know shit about you besides that you left? 12:17:03 was talking to o​frnxmr 12:17:11 links of the rooms also please 12:18:01 the one of the server is new to me btw. What's that about? 12:23:38 You banned me from the rooms, so i'm not sure if you are still admin. Site and translations 12:26:33 right, so i don't need to do anything. my bad. I thought you were saying something that wasn't a lie for once 12:27:20 you told people not to use stackwallet? thats a fact. - wheres the nonsense / lie? 12:32:40 fascinating 12:34:38 that i didnt forget? Not really 15:13:26 Oh no. Ciccione in here no, please... 15:13:47 geonic, ofrnxmr and ErC. The dream team! 15:14:05 Can anyone invite Xeagu and anonimal now? 15:23:42 _and_ rottenwheel 😱 15:34:16 ah, anonimal. Diego was Kovri coordinator too 🫠 15:36:56 Were nothing without rotten5thwheel as our retarded chicano dwarf hating crewmate 15:37:00 lol 15:37:40 +transphobic 15:38:18 forgot about that. 5th wheel that hates transmissions 15:38:22 Identity crisis 15:39:29 Ok, so I've decided to lower my price too match plowsof's after noting one of the most common issues people have is with the price. 15:40:42 Plowsof's price seemed like a jumping off point for me, and added in the cost increase of design and web skill sets seemed reasonable, but I guess it wasn't. 15:42:01 Plow's actually had a problem with inflation 15:42:29 Its not 69 anymore. So if you match, youre looking at 80.07 15:48:20 its not that ppl have a problem with price 15:48:36 Erc was getting like 50xmr/3months to do a whole lot of nothing 15:48:53 This yr has had 6 months of his job done for free 15:50:25 people are jusr counting your pockets and happy to pay themselves 25k to not deliver oscars. Geo also voted against plowsof and plowsof is, to this day, still overworked 15:50:58 iirc the most warranted issues were how the proposal is too broad and general, and the potential conflict of interest over this point: "Assisting plowsof as needed in CCS work (working under him for various tasks if needed)" 15:51:10 its not a coi 15:51:18 Luigi is king dictator of ccs 15:51:23 Plowsof isnt luigi 15:51:30 I never voted against plowsof 15:51:55 You told him to lower his rates and didnt like the proposal iirc 15:52:18 wrong. go back and read my comment 15:53:37 I commented in support then said €40/hr seemed a little high. that’s it 15:54:22 I’m also maybe the first person(?) to send plowsof some xmr for his volunteer work prior to his proposal 15:54:35 But, for example, ErCiccione's work on monero-site has been billed at 30 eur/hr. I consider that work more complicated and requiring deeper expertise, so would be hesitant to fund coordinator work on the CCS at a higher rate. 15:54:35 I think 10 hrs/week at 30 eur/hr represents a good value for the community. 15:54:55 10hrs/week is absolutely blasphemy 15:55:02 Plow bills for 20 but works like 60 15:55:50 And he only collected half of the 40 all of last year. Taking 6 months to collect a 3 months ccs 15:56:33 no doubt. you’ll notice I didn’t push any further. 15:57:12 yeah, but imo (putting words in plow's mouth),he was afraid tk collect on tome fkr fear of being cancelled 15:57:23 lol 15:57:25 to collect on time for* 15:58:16 But yeah, luigi and plowsof has different roles, and diego isnt covering for plowsof, hes covering for luigi 15:58:44 I vote for mb 15:58:49 Ik you do 15:58:57 you prefer diego over mb? 15:59:00 I vote ofrnxmr 15:59:17 to be clear geonic, you were initially in support but now are not, yes? 16:00:32 I’m not against you helping. I haven’t seen how any of your COIs get resolved though. listing them doesn’t resolve them 16:00:51 they arent conflicts because hes not in charge 16:00:58 He's working for community 16:01:04 “ I and all of my employees do occasional work for other clients, many of them in the privacy or crypto sphere. Several of them privacy coins themselves.” 16:01:15 he’s working for a few communities 16:01:43 And what are the primary issues that could arise from this, according to you? 16:02:10 I don’t know, you listed it as a COI. what are they? 16:02:46 that youre going to merge proposals to lay yourself and out competitors 16:02:52 Pay* 16:03:04 I can't really think of any besides prioritizing the work there and not do my Monero hours. I listed them for total transparency, but I myself can't see how it would cause issues. 16:03:11 But I'm open to being wrong. 16:03:17 But, diego will (i asssume) do as plowsof tells him, and not whatever-he-wants 16:04:01 yes, because luigi does what plowsof tells him and that’s how these things work 16:04:14 Luigi doesnr so as plowsof asks 16:04:28 why would luigi’s replacement? 16:04:56 luigi didnt even tell plowsof when ccs got hacked 16:05:22 I want to be able to trust that the person who is in charge of the website has monero’s best interests in mind and doesn’t have 100 other competing priorities 16:05:51 diego will merge what plowsof sends him, and we wont have to wait 4 weeks 16:06:07 (site) 16:06:13 I still remember the “if we don’t get an extra $2000 we might have to stop XMR research work” 16:07:06 and hiring sarang out to firo for a year without letting us bid on it. at least you apologized for that 16:07:11 Getting merges done on site atm is a massive waste of resources. Plowsof literally has to make new prs and fix conflicts because it takes so long 16:07:36 We did bid on it - wasnt it you that wrote the post about triptych? 16:07:59 And made sarang fight for money when he should have been getting paid hinto money? 16:08:01 what was the post? that while we’re waiting for triptych he’s working on firo? 16:08:33 i think it was deleted, couldnt find it earlier. (found a thread but the OP was deleted) 16:09:19 You do know that seraphis and triptych were inspired by / influenced by firo's work? 16:09:35 not according to koe 16:09:36 As in, without firo neither would exist 16:09:59 neither exists anyway (: 16:10:11 lelantus spark does though. 16:10:53 again, aaron wasn't enthuzed about working with Monero further at the time 16:11:22 yes, he ran out of popcorn 16:12:12 "not according to koe" << well, ill say, according to koe, yes it was. Jamtis was not 16:12:28 diego: not what you said 3 yrs ago 16:12:32 https://imgur.com/a/vvtq4gt 16:12:45 “an offer came and I took it” 16:12:50 correct. I said yesterday that I withheld this information 16:13:00 correct 16:13:01 ”people wouldn’t approve it anyway”, etc 16:13:08 both of these things are true 16:14:19 there was a variety of reasons we went with Firo. All of the above are true. One that I didn't say (that really would have helped my position at the cost of putting Aaron in the line of fire) was that he wasn't thrilled with jumping right back on the Monero train. 16:14:36 We all knkw that though 16:14:47 not all of us, it seems 16:14:57 it was obvious :) 16:14:57 He literally left the rooms and only comes back for real work 16:15:14 That said, I am still sorry that I didn't give Monero a chance to bid and spoken with Aaron further about it 16:15:21 fk that 16:15:24 nioCat not obvious to all of us, it seems :P 16:15:28 Hes not an escort 16:15:45 We fumbpled the ball and paid scammers instead 16:16:23 If monero is in the business of not retaining devs. Thats a monero problem 16:16:28 We lost surae too 16:16:44 neither is a dev 16:16:54 excuse me? 16:17:03 and yes we all knew sarang was burned out 16:17:21 Being a researcher doesn't stop you from being a dev 16:17:35 Burned out? No. Discouraged? Yes 16:17:50 it doesn’t stop you from being an astronaut either 16:17:58 He had np working for a community that he didnt have to bend over backwards to earn his place 16:18:27 anyway, I get it Diego. when you have conflicts of interest sometimes you have to withhold information. 16:18:29 Does sarang have code prs or not, geonic 16:19:16 being an employer and employee in the same organization is bound to cause trouble 16:19:32 this is a reasonable point, though in this case the conflict of interest is the mental well-being of my employee and friend, and not one that arises from working on other prjoects 16:20:13 Diego isn't sarang's pimp 16:20:37 If everyone 'new sarang was burnt out' as much as they say they did, I don't know why there were so many accusations of poaching the guy (when he hadn't worked for Monero for 6 months at that point) and taking him to another project :P 16:20:42 sarang could have defected to zcash and never looked back 16:21:14 Monero's super entitled and never took care of the noethers 16:21:50 Used and abused, then put them through witch trials, and they couldn't even get a car loan 16:21:53 That was one of the final things I was trying to save during my tenure with core. Couldn't clinch it in time. 16:22:17 surely your continued work for other projects means that no such situations will arise in the future 16:22:22 Was trying to set up a research fund thing similar to the one that was recently funded so they wouldn't have to keep fundraising, which was a constant point of stress 16:22:29 but know what I do now, we still would have lost them ;) 16:22:55 +1 16:23:20 Just checked my outlined proposed work, and "dibs on my employees time" isn't on there 16:23:59 so you are correct, that no similar situations would arise in the future regarding people working for me 16:25:30 fwiw, in retrospect I agree that these COIs were too significant in regards to me being a Core liason and representative to the community. There was a prestige and respect for my word that came from that. Had some weight to throw around. 16:26:37 Here, I would not be a Core anything. 16:27:08 right, just taking on one of the duties of a current core member 16:27:29 As a community member 16:27:32 I would head a couple of workgroups, yes. But Koe was the de facto head of MRL for a period of time, and worked for MobileCoin? 16:27:57 And wrote monerocoin's paper and never updated monero's 16:28:04 Mobilecoins** 16:28:08 or maybe his tenure there had stopped by the time he had assumed that de facto role, not quite sure. 16:28:21 And I would argue MRL is a much more important workgroup than website ;) 16:29:02 He started work on seraphis after he left mobilecoin 16:29:11 Huh? 16:29:11 was the head of MRL a salaried position? 16:29:28 Koe was paid 16:29:44 not for leading MRL 16:29:53 And im pretty sure he started seraphis before mobilecoin 16:30:00 your knowledge of that timeline is better than mine, so I defer to you 16:30:33 And worked on seraphis while working for Mobilecoin. Hes not in this room, maybe koe000 is here on matrix? Ping him 16:30:38 no, he wrote 0 to monero. got hired by mobilecoin and wrote their whitepaper. then quit and focused on seraphis 16:31:23 diego: do you hold any monero now or are you still avoiding it so it doesn’t “cloud your judgment”, as you said? 16:31:29 I think your timing on public events doesnt line uo on when koe started working with firo on seraphis 16:31:34 I hold Monero 16:31:44 ok 16:31:44 got some after I was let go, in fact ;) 16:32:07 you may not agree with my reasoning there, but I was consistent in my internal worldview there 16:32:36 once I wasn't working for core anymore and didn't feel my judgement would be clouded by trying to make short-term NGU, I got Monero. 16:32:36 something good came out of it then :) 16:33:01 to this day, my preferred payment in Cypher Stack is Monero 16:34:29 crazy to think that holding monero would cloud your judgment while working for firo and others wouldn’t 16:34:39 but what do I know 16:35:23 I'm not infallible 16:35:35 none of us are 16:35:52 it’s also about not repeating mistakes tho 16:36:14 ofrn asked a good question that maybe you or luigi can answer since you’ve discussed this. Is this position going to have merging powers? 16:36:45 from my understanding, for the website yes 16:36:56 luigi wants that pretty much completely off his plate 16:37:05 copy, tx 16:37:51 what else do you see as an actual deliverable from this proposal? not including soft skills 16:39:20 none I guess. The other thing luigi really doesn't care to deal with anymore is dealing with matrix moderation and the like. Leading the existing mod team there 16:39:36 but that could be considered soft skills 16:39:59 yeah 16:40:07 Doinig what I can to revive Monero Community a bit. But that's also soft skills. 16:40:25 Those were his big three primary desires. 16:40:49 the things he really doesn't enjoy dealing with and take a fair amount of his time 16:41:08 Lolololol, all 14mins a month that he takes out of his boating time 16:41:31 would you be willing to contribute your soft skills even if it’s unpaid? 16:41:38 Site gets like 1 merge per month fr, and uses a ton of plowsof hours because of ot 16:41:52 It* 16:41:59 imho we're not in abundance of soft skills in monero's community, and haven't been for a while 16:42:22 ofrn is contributing his soft skills all day 16:42:27 i was* 16:42:29 problem is they’re not so soft 16:42:38 (: 16:42:44 Then i was banned and not even allowed to contribute to monero-support 16:43:03 or monero-docs 16:43:10 I already do. Nowhere near as much as I used to, but I'm still active doing things. Putting out some fires where I can or where I have sway. Few hours a month. Not every month. 16:43:28 To do so on a half time basis or anything, no. I have a family and business. 16:44:10 I don’t think there’s enough fires to justify a salaried fireman 16:44:17 i do 16:44:25 but website maintainer yes 16:44:38 + matrix mod 16:44:40 site maintainer _alone_ was 200xmr/yr 16:44:54 It's a good thing fireman is one of the minor tasks on the list 16:45:03 Adding in all of the extras is essentially a bonus, but official 16:45:57 and I also think your read of the amount of fires in the community is off ;) 16:46:16 geonic can't read tho, diego 16:46:24 then 200xmr should be the salary for this job. responsibilities should be listed and people can compete for it 16:46:32 My ccs was 200xmr 16:47:01 yes but luigi doesn’t want you 16:47:23 Thats luigi needs tk get out of community & plowsof's way 16:47:26 Other CCS's don't work this way? 16:47:34 Its CCS, not LCS 16:47:49 thats why* 16:47:52 plowsof makes a proposal and nobody says "let's post this as a position and see who applies"? 16:47:52 they don’t, but this is basically a request from Core 16:48:02 this is not a request from core 16:48:12 ok, from luigi 16:48:27 Its a request from luigi (core) to undermine my ccs for his own comfort 16:48:48 would’ve been great if fluffy had done something similar when he decided to hire you 16:48:57 instead he preferred to hide it 16:49:16 but that’s water under the bridge 16:49:18 Fluffy hired other ppl too, and he also "sponsored" monero 16:49:35 the quotes are doing a lot of work there 16:49:42 And binaryfate paid for missing "sponsorships" then replenished his credit card using generalfund 16:49:52 haha 16:50:35 it’s a sponsorship if you squint really hard 16:50:42 if I may be blunt, luigi isn't looking for just anyone to fill this position, which is why it wasn't 'posted'. 16:51:07 Fork networkinf also sponsored us, while also hosting thousands of spy nodes 16:51:15 but he did say that it won’t go through without community approval 16:51:21 What luigi wants really doesnt matter 16:51:26 correct 16:51:40 Youre working for community, right? 16:51:48 so he either goes with community decision or is stuck doing the work 16:51:57 correct 16:52:19 And luigi said eff that for community decision. And left himself stuck doing the work 16:52:37 So he went to diego to ask diego to fill the vacuum 16:52:43 or in many cases, not doing the work ;) 16:53:00 yeah 😅 16:53:01 well, luigi should just come out and say “diego is the only qualified person to maintain the website” 16:53:09 or something to that extent 16:53:12 Thats not true though 16:53:23 that’s why he won’t say it 16:53:27 that's not what he's saying though? XD 16:53:32 Luigi just _wants_ diego to do it bcuz he doesnt want someone else to 16:53:52 “ luigi isn't looking for just anyone to fill this position” 16:54:03 And who cares what luigi wanrs 16:54:04 that’s what this was implying, no? 16:54:09 Hes just 1 vote 16:54:12 he wants me to do it because he deems my alignments sane, so the decisions I would make regarding the site and moderation to be sane 16:54:53 Someone who makes insane decisions 16:55:02 looks like many people disagree with his assessment 16:55:02 Is choosing who should take over 16:55:27 it seems so, but just as many seem to agree 16:55:52 that’s a bit optimistic I think 16:55:57 seems to me things are pretty evenly split right now 16:56:00 look at the reddit threads 16:56:17 40 upvotes vs 6? 16:56:19 I, personally, am ok with Diego filling in. 16:56:29 Its not a popularity contest 16:56:44 are you ok with mb filling in? 16:57:17 yes/no 16:57:21 1. Ofrn 2. Diego 16:57:30 Those are my votes 16:57:38 ok 16:57:46 Reddit seems skewed negative, the proposal it seems skews positive, IRC skews about even 16:58:12 mb’s CCS has more upvotes than yours 16:58:27 reality distortion field in effect 16:58:37 Mb for maintainer is a stretch for me. Its an important role to play and i dont feel that anyone csn do it 16:59:18 also more down votes 16:59:25 Even plowsof gets pushed around too much to out in a position where he'd be subject to being pushed and pulled instead of finding the line in the sand 17:00:01 mb's 17:00:13 ErC downvoted, he just hasn’t pressed the button 17:00:35 plowsof is more than _capable_ of being website maintainer, but he doesnt know how to say no to bad actors 17:00:54 which is why you’re still on irc (: 17:01:01 no 17:01:07 Plowsof unbanned me, and xmrscott rebanned 17:01:10 anyways, who's got the crack? 17:01:19 Rotten does, rotten 17:01:41 what this seems to come down to geonic is two things: 17:01:57 1. Someone else that you think is capable said they'd do it for cheaper 17:01:58 Im still on itc because Scott doesnt have power here - plowsof does 17:02:06 exactly, he can’t say no 17:02:23 Plowsof has never had a reason to ban me 17:02:33 and that someone else hasn’t betrayed the community’s trust in the past 17:02:42 2. My COI is unresolved for you, so it's not a good fit 17:02:47 anything else to add to this list? 17:02:52 so, geonic, i have your vote? 😂 17:03:02 Ill hire diego and mb 17:03:21 No, that’s it. I’d add that I prefer mb regardless of the rate 17:03:30 mb has been in a position of trust? 17:03:36 because of the trust element 17:03:39 got it 17:03:43 reddit mod 17:03:45 Mb runs monero.town 17:04:08 monerosupplies.com 17:04:32 oh right, he will make that a landing page 17:04:36 official discord 17:04:38 well, I have failed to convince you as far as COI goes, and can't do anything about someone more trusted saying they'll do it for cheaper so I'll go ahead and do other thinigis now. 17:05:15 yep, thanks for chatting 17:05:27 as if you ever had a chance of changing geonic's mind :D 17:05:28 ye ye 17:05:46 previously serai janny 17:05:49 I still won’t downvote your proposal 17:05:57 monerobull for president 17:05:58 someone helping > no one helping 17:06:19 2 times magic monero fund committee 17:06:40 that resume is growing by the minute lmao 17:07:09 im so trustworthy, i got the "Thorchad" tag on the thorchain telegram lmao 17:07:45 nioCat change geonic's mind, no 17:07:48 mind you, im the only person with a special tag there and now i constantly get marketing dms because im mistaken for thorchain team member 😭 17:07:48 nioCat: can I convince you to get a dog as your next pet :p 17:07:54 but conversation still good for other readers so they can make an informed decision for themselves 17:10:38 mb: when is serai coming 17:10:44 monerobull have you mentioned you were dev-meeting moderator? I trust monerobull (as much as you can trust an anon on the interwebs) 17:10:49 geonic: I have had dogs :) 17:11:17 and we’ve had diego (: 17:11:39 we’re just cat people nowadays 17:11:58 I can't have dogs were I am now 17:12:05 You and a few others are anyways. 17:12:18 quite a few 17:12:19 This "we" is doing a lot of work 17:12:40 Quite a few in the opposite direction. 17:12:46 Quite a few vs quite a few 17:13:44 your supporters can all be counted in the CCS 17:13:54 the opposite isn’t true 17:14:34 Assuming everyone takes the time to interact with the CCS? 17:14:51 If theyre voting they should be involved here 17:15:05 Nioc has been pretty positive and he hasn't interacted with the CCS. 17:15:06 Reddit has nothing to do with the scope of the work 17:15:21 Andres seemed pretty positive, and he didn't interact with the CCS. 17:15:27 how positive? 17:15:39 enough to upvote? 17:15:45 So the supporters cannot all be counted in the CCS, no. 17:16:04 How negative are these detractors? Enough to downvote? 17:16:13 I had like 13 real upvotes and 12 downvotes :D 17:16:33 well, you know how you must vote now nioc/anhdres :) 17:16:37 Literally why I said at the beginning for people who don't want this to go through to go to the CCS and make their voices heard. 17:16:47 Remember me saying that yesterday? 17:16:59 Literally said so we don't have to refer to nebulous people and conversations? XF 17:17:06 *XD 17:17:30 And you literally said conversations here count just as much 17:17:46 someone needs to bot spam diegos ccs 17:17:55 Lets get his downvotes to 20 17:18:00 And with Andres and nioc chiming in here, suddenly it doesn't count just as much unless they're so positive that it leads them to upvote? 17:18:17 Reddit and telegram votes ftw 17:18:25 (/s) 17:18:40 Seriously though 17:18:52 I could hire both of them 17:19:30 negative enough to post comments like these: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1dsgcfz/comment/lb793dp/ 17:19:51 I won't vote for mb unless he makes an IRC account, bad mouths IRC and is a discord mod lol 17:19:58 But idk what mb would be doing. I'm not sure mb is that good with git (?) Monerobull 17:19:59 I'm not saying I don't have detractors 17:20:06 My issue came with the sweeping "we" statement 17:20:35 As if you spoke for the community as a whole that "we'd had enough of Diego" 17:20:50 Ercicciones comment is the best 17:21:14 imho we're not in abundance of soft skills in monero's community, and haven't been for a while 17:21:17 Erc claiming he did much more 😁 17:21:23 Hi Everyone, 17:21:24 Plowsof rolling in his grave 17:21:24 Pardon my interruption of the drama here 🍿. 17:21:26 Double-trouble today as we are back with another proposal, we've been approached and encouraged to revamp the introductory "What is Monero?" video. 17:21:28 Please find the proposal here and share your comments/feedback: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/473 17:21:30 Cheers, 17:21:32 //VOSTO 17:22:00 that’s all I’ve seen from anhdres ^ 17:22:23 there is a ~10:1 ratio of plebbit updoots. the people have spoken 17:22:53 https://x.com/fuzzdog525/status/1807843208183050259?s=46 17:23:03 here’s another downvote 17:23:27 wut is red it? I hear it is the new goo gle 17:24:16 (: 17:24:40 btw, thx luigi for 10 years working as an unpaid volunteer 17:24:47 yes 17:25:00 he’s not out of the woods yet 17:25:56 actually the question about merging powers was by rottenwheel 17:26:29 ok I'll take a look at the CCS 17:26:44 there are two 17:26:48 for the record, cats are better pets than dogs unless you live on a farm or sth 17:28:28 Define "pet" 17:28:52 farm cat sitting on large tower made from bales of hay is squinting at that comment with disapproval 17:29:38 :) 17:29:48 do you walk your cat 17:30:01 my last cat I did 17:30:04 plowsof is a farm cat confirmed from Wales confirmed. 17:30:09 a cat is like a friend and a dog is like a son, pick wisely 17:30:44 a son who is forever stuck at the age of 4 17:30:48 what's the other one besides this? https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470 17:30:54 471 17:30:56 And 444 17:31:05 444 is the OG 17:31:07 lol, 444 is closed 17:31:22 it can be reopened 17:31:32 hire all 3, we need all the help we can get 17:31:47 ofrn is here all day anyway 17:31:51 nioCat thats what i said. 17:32:00 Geonic - actually, no im not 17:32:20 Ive been mia for 5+ months 17:32:35 Only active in rooms where im not banned on matrix 17:32:47 too many people wanting to take over the world 17:32:54 I need to read the fine print 17:33:06 the fineprint is what diegos says 17:33:34 your vote is already cast for diego, sorry 17:33:36 I was asked by kaya to remove all deliverables 17:33:42 at least that’s what he said 17:34:10 She* 17:34:18 I said he was positive towards me geonic 17:35:21 sorry! 17:35:24 But mine initially was requested by community members amd a fee people on ccs for me to assist plowsof with ccs, + monero-docs + monero-site + monero-support etc 17:35:47 You have a wonderful ability to twist things and be obnoxiously saccharine in the way you do it. 17:36:12 you’re saying we have a similar skill set? 17:36:23 maybe I should apply for this job too 17:36:28 Indeed, that's why I piled you lot in the same garbage can earlier. 17:36:39 rotten is dogshit tho 17:36:48 Oh god. We fight some much because we're the same. 17:36:51 such language 17:37:04 rotten: how do you vote on 471 you useless turd 17:37:09 rotten calls us midgets, trannies, dwarfs, retards 17:37:11 So much* 17:37:17 Hes just trying to be a troll 17:37:23 geonic figger it out. 17:38:09 wen mod 17:38:28 diego will u ban rotten if u become matrix mod 17:38:53 you’ll have my vote 17:39:24 If i was unbanned rotten would have been kicked by now 17:39:53 siren stnby 17:39:54 Cant just bait all day in the workgroup while contributing nothing of substances 17:39:55 Things will come down to a "be excellent to each other" and mutes will be handed out so people can cool off. :) 17:40:25 Rotten was _conditionally_ unbanned 17:40:37 ^ waiting for your votes as well 17:40:41 I should know. I wrote his acceptance agreement 17:43:06 Why the ping? 17:44:10 Probably wants you to vote 17:44:10 To vote for a website maintainer/matrix mod 17:44:28 Siren: geonic numbers, ethos enforcer is asking you and Stnby to cast your vote in the ongoing CCS proposals by mb and Diego. 17:44:32 The position is not site maintainer 17:44:42 Thank god for geonic's admirable work! 17:44:48 Its the ofrn ccs, reworded 17:44:58 It’s website mergerer 17:45:05 Much larger scope than maintainer of 1 repo 17:45:17 Hilariously you can vote for both proposals. 17:45:24 yes 17:45:27 all 3* 17:45:33 Diego Salazar: would you take bribes to deploy permanent bans? 17:45:33 #vote444 17:45:55 Btw I’d moderate matrix for free. I think midipoet offered to be a mod as well 17:46:06 midi doesnt use matrix 17:46:06 diego has already boosted ccs interaction and increase number of willing contributors 17:46:10 Can we get those rates lower please 17:46:15 And doesnt moderate their own channel (policy) 17:46:34 Plowsof: you mean ofrn. 17:46:45 all hail ofrn 17:46:47 My ccs is what opened the floodgates 17:46:59 Yes but if Luigi didn't take him and you up on that there's probably a reason. ;) 17:47:12 I just made the offer 17:47:20 (: 17:47:39 we need new mods anyway 17:48:02 As far as I know Core team doesn't have anything to do with moderation on Matrix, that's all Scott's, Mumuks, charuto, endor000, plowsof kingdom. 17:48:03 Midi should start by making a monero.social acct and opping up in -policy 17:48:29 its literally scotts litterbox 17:48:46 Plowsof gets overruled by scott repeatedly 17:48:54 Selsta overruled too 17:49:19 I'll check again and vote but does mb actually wanna do this btw? I wouldn't mind either of these people. 17:49:29 Yes, mb wants to do it 17:49:32 He said that he doesn't mind 17:49:50 and mb doesnt want geonic to do it, judging by comments 17:49:56 :D 17:49:58 I mean, doesnt want diego** 17:50:11 yes, either vote mb or diego 17:50:13 But i thing best is what nioc said 17:50:21 Merge diego to hire me and mb 17:51:18 siren: also keep in mind one is charging 8x the rate of the other 17:51:23 But still, i someone needs to find out if mb can use git and do merges 17:51:37 Geonic, the rate you set for mb is slave labor 17:52:00 Unless you expect plowsof to essentially still have to do everything 17:52:14 I just took him at his word 17:52:19 Haha maybe I should become the third candidate 😉 /s 17:52:25 4th* 17:52:31 😂 17:52:32 I vote siren 17:52:32 Third candidate needs to pay to do the job 17:53:05 lol subscription fee to contribute 17:53:22 Havent we all paid 17:53:44 Having to read rotten is a form of payment 17:53:50 * plowsof looks in the mirror 17:54:17 Brb, opening my proposal. 17:54:49 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org imagine the amount of daily bullying. 😂 17:56:51 bullying of me? i'd have to go outside first 17:57:35 https://x.com/tylerthecreator/status/285670822264307712 18:00:02 Guys, revuo-xmr.com loading for you? 18:00:36 yes 18:00:50 Not here 18:01:09 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/CPCnkppSwojcNHyJANZFsMfi 18:01:15 Thanks sir. 18:01:24 Only WITHOUT www 18:01:38 With www it works fine 18:01:55 yep 18:02:23 you're lucky there's not a *negative* CCS 18:03:23 that’s our new pay-to-contribute system 18:04:22 what can go wrong? 18:07:28 sneaky anhdres upvoting both :p 18:07:49 I don't care as long as someone updates the damn website 18:09:14 monerobull is too cheap and rehrar is too expensive (if we deduct the "soft skills") 18:10:13 by all means, raise me to 10 XMR per month 18:10:33 and geonic, midipoet, and niocat for mods 18:10:34 the first is a problem that can be fixed, the second one likely isn’t 18:11:06 I said I'd lower to match plowsof? 18:11:22 plowsof can we change the amount being raised after the fact? 18:11:38 I guess we can if diego is changing his rate 18:11:44 can i raise to match plowsof? 18:12:10 Have you guys ever used the CCS before? Rates are changed all the time according to feedback. Wtf? 18:12:15 what do u want to charge mb. think about it 18:12:28 can i raise to match diego? 18:12:35 :P 18:12:47 yes but you might lose a few updoots 18:12:50 wait. we're lousy at negotiating as a community 18:12:55 🤨 18:13:15 we should be getting lower rates not higher 18:13:48 10xmr sounds like a decent start 18:13:56 you said and i quote "monerobull is too cheap" 18:14:00 fuck 18:14:02 you're right 18:14:11 can’t blame him for crashing the site on a slave wage 18:14:23 if you upvote then you must contribute ____xmr to that proposal if it is merged 18:14:38 that should 18:14:44 be a requirement 18:14:53 Mb should open his own proposal 18:14:59 ^^^ 18:15:19 Clown show letting geonic act on his behalf 18:15:31 no this one has 9 upvotes 18:15:37 Geo cant use git either, spamming us like crazy 18:15:39 hey that's right, how come geonic is the one posting for monerobull? 18:15:48 stop trying to sabotage 18:15:50 Because geonic felt like being a troll 18:15:53 And then ran with it 18:15:54 :p 18:15:58 Where I send xmr for my downvote 18:16:06 cause he didn't want diego 18:16:13 xmrfamily: to me 18:16:21 100xmr and I delete the proposal 18:16:24 Yes 18:16:27 geonic decided i should have a ccs proposal based on a single txt message 18:16:41 and i thought it is entertaining to see it play out 18:16:51 no xmr for you then, until you do the walk of shame of signing your own ccs request 18:17:02 i dont wana 18:17:14 because geonic does not want Diego to get the job, and monerobull joked that he'd do it for 500€ 18:17:15 if i make one myself, i cant be critical of others anymore 18:17:21 a comment on the ccs is enough 18:17:48 that never stopped anyone here lol 18:18:08 not me at least 18:18:20 I’d like to see more CCS proposals that are for someone else’s benefit 18:18:40 if that person agrees to deliver (which is the case here) 18:18:58 there was also a CCS that selsta managed for an anon if I remember correctly 18:19:05 dont lie to yourself, its for your best intetest 18:19:14 dont lie to yourself, its for your own best intetest 18:19:24 it is, true 18:20:04 would help me sleep better at night 18:20:18 anon's ccs is still not collected btw 18:20:28 hm 18:20:42 200+xmr still chilling 18:20:47 The ccs was completed 18:20:48 pulled a plowsof on us 18:21:05 His code wasnt fully merged either. 7999 still open 18:21:26 Yeah. He did multisig too 18:22:20 he was here a couple months ago 18:23:58 add that to the 867xmr from 0mq that’s just sitting somewhere 18:25:12 It was stolen from luigi, but replenished 18:25:21 Monero FDIC 18:27:04 so we kept using the same wallet when we moved from the ffs to the ccs? 18:31:47 probably 18:32:16 Dont forget, when diego was paid from GF, they actually took the $ from the ccs wallet 💀 18:32:35 Lol 18:33:11 they replenished it with gf, but thats skme messy shit for a ccs that cant even pay devs on time 18:34:21 Lmao, rotten trolling fr 18:34:29 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/474 18:34:44 This guy stays in dms asking how to use git 18:35:35 Geonic - look what you started 18:35:37 Lmao 18:36:31 36xmr to make plowsof babysit 🤣🤣🤣🤣 18:37:12 Rotten "trannie. Dwarf. Retard" wheel, wants to be a mod 🤣🤣🤣🤣 18:38:02 “It was stolen from luigi” <= no sign of a hack 18:38:11 more likely scenario is stolen by luigi or fluffy 18:38:52 Occam’s razor and all that 18:39:48 Plowsof: what was the total amount of outstanding xmr at the time the ccs wallet was drained? 18:40:23 Outstanding as in merged ccs proposals awaiting payment 18:40:46 just trying to figure out if this 867xmr was part of the 2500 or not 18:48:47 Why would fluffy steal it? Fluffy's not broke 18:49:07 Plowsof had a tracker 18:49:29 Purgatory ccs + active ones. Im pretty sure there wasnt an extra 900xmr 18:49:53 https://github.com/plowsof/scrape_ccs_fr/tree/main 18:49:59 i am ffs wallet agnostic 18:54:13 Ok so the ffs is separate. Yay so we have an extra 867xmr sitting somewhere! 18:54:54 Maybe more 18:55:15 just have to find out where and hope that the big bad hacker didn’t take that too 18:58:16 Wait til GF gets swept 18:58:38 its been 10 months since CCS was swept 18:58:58 No way. binaryFate’s not broke 18:59:00 :p 19:07:04 the next help out the project proposal needs to begin exploring the + x.xx xmr/hr easter egg 19:08:21 To be honest, one of the things most sad about this, is that luigi seemed to indicate three tasks were required. 1) website and merges 2) modding, and 3) livening up the monero community again. The fact that 2 and 3 aren't offered either free of charge or at a reduced/fair market rate is disappointing, especially due to the symbiotic relationship between most of us and Monero itself. I can totally understand 1) 19:08:21 requiring a salary. Not sure it's worth 100k though. 19:09:58 Midi, didn't you see the ccs proposal to moderate a p2p trading room? 19:10:22 Brb ill grab the link 19:10:57 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/462 19:11:34 832 xmr 19:11:56 disclaimer: alot of that is chatgpt generated so dont spent too much time on the above proposal 19:12:16 However, if one of the main tasks is to implement this outstanding issue (https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/921), it's definitely worth a salary, and diego is a notable (if not the only) candidate that could coordinate the community to a stable conclusion on the matter. 19:12:38 oh ignore my chatgpt comment, wrong one 19:12:46 I’d also hopef that we’d get some soft skills for free after spending $330k for Diego’s services 19:12:51 hoped* 19:13:05 midipoet: diego already confirmed that core is as disbanded as can be 19:13:11 Midi, it all starts with diego, or ofrn, or ofrn and diego being merged 19:13:29 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/921#issuecomment-2134950886 19:13:37 See my comment 19:13:56 fire core and put a ceo in charge is a shitty solution 19:14:15 Not a ceo 19:14:40 plus I’d like to see an actionable plan if that’s what we’re discussing/funding here. not the case 19:15:10 were funding lowering cores duties 19:15:47 and distributing them amongst the community via a transition period 19:15:54 yes and deciding who we want to entrust with that 19:15:57 Nothing can be done as long as core is clinging on 19:16:23 I’m sure core would still control the domain 19:16:26 "OK. But what if you did it for free?" 19:16:30 Lol 19:16:33 don’t fool yourself 19:16:35 for the time being 19:16:48 Repo.getmonero isnt controlled by core 19:16:53 Neither is ccs.getmonero 19:17:02 diego: you not wanting to contribute your soft skills for free is a clear enough sign for me 19:17:12 Www is, as is lists.getmonero (16.04 lol) 19:17:25 I told you that I already do so 19:17:26 everyone else in this conversation is giving their soft skills for free 19:17:33 NILIF. Geo, not even your movie 19:17:53 But not to the extent of what I'm offering that's true 19:18:04 Iv me given my soft skills for free for a long time and yknow what? Its not free. It literallt costs me money 19:18:22 Theres only so much one can sacrifice 19:18:26 Do you just conveniently forget everything I say when answer your questions? 19:18:32 Questions you ask? 19:18:35 "yes" 19:18:55 Seems I waste my breath with the amount of times I answer you and you ignore what I say 19:19:20 You want to know why I say no to working more for free? 19:19:32 Because literally right this second i have a two year old daughter on my lap trying to get my attention 19:19:50 But I'm here talking with people who don't even care to remember my answers 19:19:57 yes and we’re taking food out of your daughter’s mouth by not approving this proposal 19:20:06 And the only way that trade is worth it is to be compensated. 19:20:13 No you're not you dingus 19:20:20 That's not what I said 19:20:26 gtfo with the manipulation. I have a 5 month old and I’m wasting my time on you for no personal gain 19:20:49 Theres no manipulation here. In saying why I'm charging. 19:20:51 and yes, we can bring up the same question more than once. just like midi did 19:20:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Soooo… whats new 19:21:53 How tf are you just constantly putting words in my mouth? 19:22:08 I’m saying out loud what you’re implying 19:22:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyone else making ccs for website 19:22:20 Seriously dude. Cut it out. I didn't say anything about stealing food from my kid's mouth. 19:22:37 That's not the implication you doofus 19:22:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No personal attacks 19:22:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Coc violation 19:23:02 The thing at a premium is my time 19:23:56 Diego, put the baby down and get to chatting 19:23:59 I have work and make money elsewhere. I decided what it would be worth to take my time away from family and business. And given it's not much higher than plowsof rate it seemed reasonable. 19:24:05 We have bickering to do 19:24:47 Your continued insistence to putting words in my mouth and being able to 'decode' what I'm 'actually' saying is extremely counterproductive and very frustrating 19:24:54 diego - it was, in fact, lower than plowsof 19:24:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ok so we have another match to add to pay-per-view 19:25:03 Not a very professional thing to say. In this case you should perhaps seek proper employment. 19:25:06 I end up having to defend myself for things that were never said 19:25:06 Plowsof 80.07, diego 75 19:25:36 stop implying them and you won’t have to 19:25:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah, but plowsof rarely collects 19:25:50 there was no implication 19:26:13 what a disgrace, geonic has a mini me now... 19:26:18 I say: diego, raise to 110 and hire mb, me, rotten and anyone else who wants to FAFO 19:26:33 I made a point with no subtext. The point was I charged what thought was worth taking my time away from my family to do Monero work 19:26:40 But rotten gets like 1xmr, cuz hes useless 19:26:48 you took this as an implication that I'm saying you're bad people for refusing cuz it'd let my daughter starve 19:26:51 these are not remotely the same thing 19:27:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like the website department is getting bigger by the day 19:27:06 Dont stress it diego 19:27:13 and that you double down every time instead of ever admitting you're wrong makes speaking with you impossible and a waste of time 19:27:26 You’re bringing up personal circumstances to elicit sympathy and I called you out on it 19:27:35 booooooo 19:27:37 stop playing the victim 19:27:41 Offtopic 19:27:48 holy fuck you're impossible 19:27:50 What is this drama about? 19:27:53 diego, raise to 110 and hire mb, me, rotten and anyone else who wants to FAFO 19:28:00 Geonic, you want in? 19:28:05 geonic cant accept diego as a good human being 19:28:06 no 19:28:52 CSS would be spent in a better way if it was stolen again lol 19:29:06 Fk u stnby 😝 19:29:15 CCS would be spent in a better way if it was stolen again lol 19:29:27 stnby: vote so we can stop listening to diego’s groveling 19:29:59 I'm literally answering concerns people raise 19:30:04 and that's groveling 19:30:08 Idk why we have to pick one. Just need tk exclude rottens troll job and were good to go, imo 19:30:11 I vote to delete CCS you already know. I am not in support of the entire system 19:30:17 no one asked you about your daughter 19:30:30 there were comments about why I wasn't doing things for free 19:30:36 I answered those comments about why 19:30:46 the reasons for not doing things for free include my family 19:30:46 now lets get back to the subject at hand 19:30:51 we all have families and are doing things for free 19:31:00 Except rotten 19:31:06 Hes on 3 different fundraisers 19:31:48 lol rotten is shameless 19:31:52 + a cake job 19:31:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 3 a charm 19:32:01 what a grifter 19:32:05 CCS is not for begging. I mean we also do shit for free. Ain't complaining about it. 19:32:20 a kunk for monerokon, ccs for revuo, kuno for revuo 19:32:40 What’s wrong with someone working? You don’t work ? 19:32:43 kuno* 19:33:06 Im broken. I dont work 19:33:10 wtf? I'm not begging. I have another job. I make money elsewhere. 19:33:23 I was asked by luigi to make a proposal to do some tasks. I thought about how much that would take and what it would be worth it for me to do 19:33:25 lolololol0 19:33:32 You ask for 4k a month (12k EUR total) but the work description is really vague? 19:33:32 Except this one, this one is clear: Presiding over and helping along a Monero Website Workgroup to merge requests, keep it up to date, and do odds and ends of design and development 19:33:34 But the rest, there's gotta be people willing to do this for a lot cheaper, if not straight up free: 19:33:36 * Leading the moderator teams for Matrix and helping along with IRC 19:33:38 * Being a leader in the Monero Community workgroup and helping that along as needed 19:33:40 * Keeping a finger on the "pulse of the community" in the various chat rooms and platforms (Telegram, Discord, IRC, Matrix, Reddit, etc.) 19:33:42 * Assisting plowsof as needed in CCS work (working under him for various tasks if needed) 19:33:44 * Aiding and assisting in event work as needed 19:33:46 * Utilizing my "soft skills" as needed elsewhere on the project. 19:33:46 Diego didnt even open the proposal because he wanted to 19:33:48 I posted the proposal 19:33:50 how tf is this begging? 19:33:53 `Keeping a finger on the "pulse of the community" in the various chat rooms and platforms (Telegram, Discord, IRC, Matrix, Reddit, etc.)` what the hell is this even 19:33:54 He opened it bcuz luigi didnt like mine 19:34:19 But luigi doesnt want to do the work, so he asked diego to do it. 19:34:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Humans have a pulse, otherwise they are vampires 19:35:05 Luigi doesn't want just ANYONE to moderate and lead that team. 19:35:12 people do perform those duties for "free", ahem, i mean so they can act like dictators and be accountable to nobody 19:35:15 what about artificial heart? 19:35:56 Diego: i honestly dont care what luigi wants. I didn't vote for because i care about luigis opinion 19:36:04 For you* 19:36:06 He has preferences on how these things are carried out, and since the infrastructure is currently core-stewarded them's the rules 19:36:14 I don't care what luigi wants 19:36:40 I voted because i think youll be a lot more impartial than luigi and the current power trippers 19:36:47 sounds a lot like the good ol” “I report to core not you” 19:36:52 deal with it 19:37:08 nope, nice try though 19:37:14 geonic: I fail to see what the problem is, if all proposals are funding different end goals. 19:37:15 Is GF going to fund this ccs ? If not let those ppl who donate think about if it’s worth paying 19:37:22 I'd report to the community. I'm just explaining why I was asked and not others 19:37:25 Is GF going to fund this ccs ? If not, let those ppl who donate think about if it’s worth paying 19:37:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cyborg 19:37:46 Unless I were trying to hide one from another all I hear from you and ofrnxmr regarding multiple fundraisers is pure, attention-seeking, childish whining. 19:38:02 Duke, mr 474 19:38:03 You’re doing a bad job of reporting to the community so far by again *implying* that you’re the only person luigi would approve for this job 19:38:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What about mario 19:38:16 Youre the one trolling ccs ya dummy 19:38:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I can see with sithlord left 19:38:52 Diego do you have a spare physical picture of yourself by chance? I think geonic's wallet is craving one. 19:38:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why* 19:39:04 Whining? I said "diego, raise to 110 and hire mb, myself and rotten" 19:39:12 That is also not an implication. I am the only person asked by luigi to do this job to my knowledge 19:39:15 but I'd be reporting to the community what I do on a monthly basis 19:39:16 Problem solved 19:39:26 dave.jp: this affects us as merge powers to the website are being handed out. we’re deciding who we want to trust with those merge powers 19:39:33 Luigi can ask whoever tf he wants 19:39:36 I dont give a shit what luigi wants 19:39:51 I dont trist luigis decisions 19:39:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip luigi 19:40:07 meanwhile jeffro writing for a whole hour 19:40:11 I coincidentally trust the guy the guy that he chose 19:40:19 I trust monerobull more than diego so I opened the ccs for him. everyone is free to make up their own mind 19:40:30 geonic, the community doesn't get to decide who has those merge powers 19:40:34 dont give up you can do it jeffro 19:40:37 lmao 19:40:45 "diego, raise to 110 and hire mb, myself and rotten"<< my vote 19:40:55 the good old diego is back 19:41:15 yes diego the community gets to decide. just like the community decided that you need to be fired 19:41:21 this is a separate conversation than my proposal, but yes, if it's not clear, core is a BDFL 19:41:22 remember how that worked? 19:41:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip write reciept 19:41:46 I personally don't think that Luigi should have a privileged say in which CCS proposals get merged/closed or not. If it really is true that Luigi closed ofrnxmr's proposal simply because he did not agree with it, then that was a big mistake and it should be re-opened. I also don't blame Diego for having a price for his time, and don't appreciate the trolling against him. As others 19:41:46 have pointed out, a lot of this "soft" skill interpersonal interaction work is willing to be done for free or much lower cost than Diego has proposed. As such, I would personally be fine with someone else besides Diego doing it, but no hard feelings there. As an additional note, Diego (and Cypherstack) do receive quite a few funds from the CCS (for good reason), and thus it could 19:41:48 be good to minimize favoring existing recipients for jobs which others can do 19:41:52 lol sorry for typing for so long 19:41:57 if the community decides luigi shouldn't have the powers, how is this enforced? 19:42:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> With a stick 19:42:41 luigi told diego that he wants diego to deal with it 19:43:10 So i assume luigi will let go if diego steps up to deal with it 19:43:14 I think luigi closed ofrnxmr proposal because otherwise it would have been left tipping into drama tea for a while 19:43:20 We spin our own fork Monero2.0 19:43:30 getmonero2.org 19:43:33 this is correct 19:43:38 That's basically it. 19:43:46 the current ecosystem, as stewarded by core, is run by them in a BDFL-manner 19:43:50 Tho would you have the dev power and community behind your back. absolutely no 19:43:52 monero2.com 19:44:00 the only answer to people disagreeing is forking the community 19:44:02 stnby did u vote yet 19:44:16 @diego 9xmr to bull, 26 to me, 74 to diego, 1 to rotten = 110xmr 19:44:21 Realmonero.com 19:44:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Well look at the basic dex one 19:44:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Collecting dust 19:44:56 Realmonero com 19:45:07 Many things in the community are "enforced" through soft consensus. In my opinion, Luigi should act as a mediator with limited decision making capability. The fact that a single human can make merge/close actions by themselves is an artifact of the Gitlab platform and other human shortcuts. Ideally, there would be a more democratic way of making decisions and holding funds (AKA multisig) 19:45:10 Saying the community controls things when there's no enforcement mechanism is wishful thinking and naive. 19:45:37 I only donated like 20€ to CCS in my lifetime. I do not support the system. Our proposal was let to rot. So let the core decide. I ain't giving a vote. 19:45:39 saying "core" controks things is nonsense 19:45:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Multi sig soon™️ 19:45:50 Like, if we can 'get real' for a mniute. One of the reasons Monero is currently struggling so much is that the community can't force core's hand on merges and the like 19:46:02 so the website stuff gets left undone, payouts get delayed, etc 19:46:18 Diego: sometimes, but not always. It depends on if the community you are disagreeing with is amenable to discussing rational arguments. Ideally, we should not be forking over every small disagreement with the CCS 19:46:19 thats because of 2 people who dont care 19:46:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So why would luigi give power away then 19:46:29 yea in this case always vote against core's opinion, because they do be corrupt /s 19:46:33 The most difficult is finding a balance between who is able to participate into the democracy and that is an unresolved question. A lof ot projects have failed in transitioning from BDFL to RFC for example 19:46:38 This is a project where core listens to the community before acting, generally, when they're around to do so 19:46:54 They dont listen to community, that's nonsense 19:46:56 define “struggling so much” 19:47:04 but it doesn't mean the community is in charge. And believe me, I would prefer if the community is in charge 19:47:13 we can't even get updates to the website dude 19:47:19 They literally ONLY listen to community when they are on the same page 19:47:28 and that means Monero is struggling? 19:47:38 Aside from that, they just do their own thing and pretend to care about consensus 19:47:49 Centralized ccs is actually bad, there needs to be a few more alternatives for funding ; monerujo did succeed getting funding their proposals, it’s a different thing that they didn’t finish everything yet 😅 19:47:59 Core is a zombie 19:48:11 Plowsof created monerujos funding platform 19:48:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> As much as i like trying to de escalate( which is what mods should be doing) i have a life 19:48:20 Plowsof is also ccs coordinator 19:48:36 Zombie is better than overactive 19:48:51 Zombie as in dead 19:48:56 Even he knows alternatives are better 19:48:58 Barelt functional 19:49:14 nah u just have to kick them hard enough and they move :p 19:49:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Job security 19:49:29 So the community doesn't get to choose who leads the workgroups? 19:49:35 Nah, you kick hard enough and they lost 400k 19:49:39 That seems. Well. Bizarre 19:49:41 Sometimes is too slowwww 19:49:46 no, according to diego 19:49:53 Hey 19:49:54 Or you kick hard enough and ccs stays down for 4 months 19:49:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol sometimes 19:49:59 Especially considering some core members have been involved themselves in questionable activities 19:50:01 he’s spent too much time with the shitcoins he works for 19:50:08 We also had cardboard ATM funded independently. If it was funded via CCS it would have never become a thing lol. 19:50:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please look at wallet investigation 19:50:25 workgroups that require core intervention (like merges) are functionally imptotent without core 19:50:33 they can decide every ilttle thing they want. If it never gets merged, what's the point? 19:50:34 Hey hey hey 😅 it’s all good my frnd, hope to see ios build 19:50:45 just so i get this right. core is dead, people dont want core, but people realize they need core, and you guys can't agree on let things go and recreate a new core ? 19:50:50 yes which is why we’re now deciding who should have merge powers for the website 19:51:09 So basically it's 100k a year to maintain merge rights? 19:51:13 let's have a sidekick first 19:51:14 #voteofrn 19:51:15 Chosen by core? 19:51:19 I can take it. 19:51:43 $50k since it’s “part-time” 19:51:43 Fwiw my ccs is identical to diego's but ill hire mb and diego, and monero-docs 19:51:56 I always talk FTE 19:52:07 So we pay and get more of his attention ? 19:52:24 No. We stop wasting contributors time 19:52:44 Look, i don't know. Diego is good at what he does, but the CCS needs to more clearly state what he is gonna do 19:53:07 It takes like 1 hr/contributor of "wen pay" before they can get paid 19:53:12 Sure he can define his role better 19:53:29 Ig there is some small margin everywhere to clarify a bit more but soft skills goal can't necessarily be formalized. 19:53:33 Takes plowsof 12 weeks to merge a 4 week ccs mandate 19:53:44 Takes 2 months to notify community about being robbed 19:53:52 vostoemisio: Let's do a join CCS for complete getmonero.org rewrite. 19:53:58 Takes a month to merge a pr on -site 19:54:20 Stnby - there is a ccs for a new website 19:54:29 Spirobel doesnt like it 19:54:46 Go look comment and compete 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ 19:54:49 I love janaka's work ngl 19:54:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cant organise a piss up in a pub 19:54:55 If the website lead is chosen by core, any number of CCSs will fail 19:55:02 Luigi will always veto 19:55:09 So it's pointless 19:55:46 The following is a serious suggestion then 19:55:49 issue is more that luigi is the only one in core than having a core imo. You can't just let anyone in the community have a vote, it'll quickly lead to disruption 19:55:51 fork the community 19:56:06 new website, new domain, yadda yadda 19:56:28 No 19:56:30 core is currently stewarding getmonero.org stuff 19:56:38 but getmonero.org doesn't have to be the only thing 19:56:53 binaryfate can join the new crew 19:56:58 -15 19:57:08 Sure make additional websites 19:57:14 is that the rotten vote count? -15? 19:58:04 The community is already partially split. We have matrix zoomers, ofrnxmr apologists, and irc boomers 19:58:17 The matrix zoomers seem in denial that matrix is shit 19:58:41 Diego Salazar: also where have you been for the past 2 years? I found these posts about your previous work 19:58:42 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/o9v6nm/statement_from_core_team_on_rehrar/ 19:58:44 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/o0sura/an_open_letter_to_the_core_team/ 19:58:56 The ofrnxmr apologists, seem to require a martyr for their cause. 19:59:01 working on Cypher Stack 19:59:03 I'm asking because this section is actually not about you, it's about your coworkers 19:59:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/TBCMHAcxOmDSLazvMyIPXDrH 19:59:08 making Stack Wallet 19:59:33 Working for other coins / wallets and stuff , making a living I guess 20:00:09 And the IRC boomers don't understand NFTs or memes (or a host of other things DLT related). 20:00:27 these are my employees. Given we do work on and around Monero and other privacy coins, it's COI that needs to be disclsed 20:00:29 More bloat 20:00:54 Siren: he resigned. https://redlib.private.coffee/r/Monero/comments/o322ds/resignation_plan/ 20:01:04 Thanks to geonic's moronic recording. 20:01:32 disclosing it doesn’t fix it 20:01:41 https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=9PZkIteyyTM 20:02:02 when the COI disclosure is longer than the job description we’ve got a problem 20:02:15 - https://l.opnxng.com/r/Monero/comments/o0sura/an_open_letter_to_the_core_team/ 20:02:16 - https://l.opnxng.com/r/Monero/comments/o9v6nm/statement_from_core_team_on_rehrar/ 20:02:58 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9PZkIteyyTM 20:03:12 just post the yt link dumdum 20:03:27 Nope, never, dumbfuck. 20:03:30 midipoet what did i miss. Apologists? Hm? 20:03:45 be nice 20:03:56 Yeah, your 19 other socks that will always claim you are the best support associate and you do a wonderful around! 20:04:02 ofrnxmr the lord and savior! 20:04:08 And martyr? Me? How? And what cause? Im super confused 20:04:13 So the deed was discussed in private and luigi offered money in private. This CCS proposal is only there for formality. 20:04:16 Surprisingly all unknown handles. Coincidence. 20:04:20 Looks like, yes. 20:04:22 Rotten, yes. Saved your ass 20:04:38 he didn't offer me the money 20:05:02 he asked me to make a proposal, which I did because consider him a friend 20:05:05 Find a new story or insult, please. The "I got your unban and wrote your response" has been reused 87 times by now... yawns. 20:05:25 its true, isnt it. Rotten? 20:05:29 if the community is against it, it won't go through. He just asked me to make it 20:05:44 Couldn't care less. Just get something new. 20:05:47 Didnt i write your response? 20:06:00 Tell the world, ya damn coward 20:06:15 And tell geonic that you asked me to attack him 20:06:36 I didn't. 20:07:08 You didnt what? Tell me to attack geonic? 20:07:36 I don't know. I got better things to do. 👋 20:08:08 of course he did. rotten slid into my dms to apologize for being an idiot a few months ago. I accepted and then he asked me to apologize 20:08:11 lunatic 20:08:12 thats what i told you. That i dont have time for attacking ppl just cuz u want to stir up bs in the workgroup 20:09:20 Geo, same. Slid in dms and asked me to play nice with him, wanted me to call him like im his ex gf or some shit 20:09:53 TLDR why are we hating rottenwheel exactly ? 20:10:03 Nihilist [blog.nihilism.network]: They're secretly in love with me. 20:10:21 he’s a disturbed individual. we don’t hate him 20:10:29 ^^ +1 20:10:45 The lack of self-awareness is amusing. 20:10:49 Pair of clowns. 20:10:54 i mean he seems fine on my servers over on datura, so i dont really see what the beef is about lol 20:11:09 literally begged both of us for friendship 20:11:10 i wish we all could be besties 20:11:21 While attacking us in public 20:11:33 I like his overusage of the verb 'to beg'. 20:11:41 Maybe he privately likes begging his mistresses? 20:12:00 begggggeeedddd, i have the screenshots of you running to my dms to ask me to help you defend yourself 😂😂😂😂 20:12:03 That's how he gets to be a full-time heckler in public channels. 20:12:18 I am glad you are so obsessed with me you keep screenshots of our chats! 20:12:28 And of you pleading with sgp for unban 20:13:06 i guess you were obsessed with sgp? 20:14:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So i will vote for who gets my “soon™️” label on the github 20:15:59 hate to rain on your parade but your beef sucks, i was hoping there would be some kind of a crusade going on against filthy bitcoiners but all i see is xmr enjoyer A fighting xmr enjoyer B, so shake hands and behave like real OG 200% testosterone men 20:16:06 Bob did u vote for website maintainer yet 20:16:50 #vote444 20:16:51 Who currently controls the server for getmonero.org ? Is it ercirccone? 20:17:00 No 20:17:01 Core, obv 20:17:22 thats what u thinm 20:17:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 777 20:17:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Make it equal for all 20:17:35 Core deploys www. 20:17:44 Oh, pigeons? Does cypherstack run our server? 20:17:45 Repo and ccs are diff ppl 20:18:10 I was sure we paid someone else for hosting 20:18:13 Lists.getmonero runs ubuntu 16.04 20:24:56 vote2425 20:27:51 on a more serious note, ignore drama and move on guys, we're all a big family lol 20:31:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Build a bridge and get over it? 20:31:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You must be new here 20:31:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Welcome sir 20:37:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cake pays for hosting i think that ddos the network 20:39:51 Why can't the CCS clearly state it's for website merge rights and website infrastructure management duties? 20:48:20 Because its for much more than that 20:48:47 It is was so simple it would be "website maintainer" 20:49:06 (the title) 20:49:57 Theres no infra management. That's done by Cypher Stack for free. 20:52:28 There is hardly 20 hours of website merging a week is there? 20:52:48 I just said its much more than merging website 20:54:33 what infra does CypherStack currently run for us? 20:54:46 matrix, for one 20:54:49 for free or otherwise 20:55:24 ofrn: define much more. what else is there? 21:01:33 example: meta, monero-docs (empty repo atm), ccs repo, bounties, leading moderation, helping structure workgroups, transparency reports, all of the things core drags their feet on and that plowsof has his hands tied and is overwhelmed with. << this is what im voting for. Not all "must-do", but a good starting point 21:04:56 this person will be merging ccs proposals as well? 21:05:18 it is on the website so makes sense 21:05:24 i'm asking for that. 21:05:45 maybe better to distribute that or make it a committee 21:06:00 Luigi tends to ignore community sentiment in cases like paying out mj when he clearly scammed us 21:06:22 Its currentky supposed to be community > plowsof + luigi 21:06:26 they’ll still be the ones making the payouts I imagine 21:06:56 But it goes community > plowsof > luigi 🚮 > luigi 21:07:04 make it a multisig wallet. rino maybe? 21:07:21 "they’ll still be the ones making the payouts I imagine" << luigi waa supposed to step down from wallet in march 21:07:28 2 of 3 required to spend - plowsof, mb and luigi 21:07:36 With a mlve to multisig 21:08:00 Rino doesnr work like that. Rino has a key 21:08:27 ok so plowsof mb rino 21:08:31 3/4 for donation wallet, 2/3 for payout wallet 21:08:40 No rino 21:08:46 why 21:08:53 cuz rino has a key 21:09:16 yeah but they need another to spend 21:09:23 doesn't that mean that plowsof and mb could run off with all the CCS money? 21:09:28 rino is no real access control multisig 21:09:43 Or do we have hot and cold storage set up? 21:09:48 i could run off with all the monerokon money, no need to even collaborate with anyone 21:09:52 midi, yes, could run 21:09:54 midi: yes 21:10:09 Yes to what? 21:10:09 If its 2/3 21:10:15 We also had cardboard ATM funded independently. If it was funded via CCS it would have never become a thing lol. <<>> you're welcome 21:10:33 looks like 138 xmr rn 21:10:39 nioc 🥳 21:10:52 man im so trustworthy for not stealing that amiright 21:11:01 mb: u have access to it? 21:11:10 yea 21:11:11 We're going round in circles here. We need to know what the f ing role is that is required. 21:11:16 bcs i do event stuff 21:11:19 like in the ccs you know 21:11:23 another point for mb 21:11:36 no, he is overworked 21:11:52 so let’s keep him unpaid 21:11:56 i think it was around 400 xmr before 21:12:15 getting more trustworthy by the minute lol 21:12:19 so 262 is missing 21:12:21 .hmmm 21:12:22 haha 21:12:44 it’s in the ffs wallet with the other 867 21:13:06 midi: we know. web maintainer + matrix mod 21:13:11 the only people that the role are luigi1111 and rehrar. So, with all due respect, they should pull their finger out and describe it on rehrar's CCS, instead of wasting everyone's time as we all waste each other's time trying to figure it out. No wonder this place moves at glacial pace sometimes. 21:13:21 better if the matrix mod is given to someone who is willing to do it for free 21:13:32 geonic: it's not just that, obviously. 21:13:38 to avoid overworking for thankless tasks 21:13:47 There are merge rights and potentially key and wallet management rights 21:14:05 Given the indication on the CCS that rehrar will support plowsof 21:14:10 I include merge rights in the maintainer description 21:14:21 midipoet, rule n°1 of drama, no one figures out a drama 21:14:44 CCS is still unclear. luigi hasn’t indicated that he’s handing that over 21:14:57 syntheticbird: yeah, ok. Fair. But this drama didn't need to start, if the original CCS was just clear to start off with. 21:15:26 no way to avoid the drama :) 21:15:41 bro i think the drama didn't need to start even if the original CCS wasn't clear... 21:15:44 maybe reduce a bit 21:16:04 no need to make drama out of genuine criticism 21:16:10 syntheticbird: yeah, ok, fair enough. 21:16:24 in this episode: hungry kids and slighted lovers 21:17:03 Diego loves Monero but does Monero love him back? 21:17:29 will the abusive husband be taken back by the lonely widow? 21:17:35 etc 21:18:12 midipoet: what are the odds that the CCS will be clarified? 21:18:36 I put it at 0.01 21:18:50 i think it will get clarified. Makes no sense not to 21:18:58 so let’s figure out the website first. one bite at a time 21:19:12 I dont think it needs to be clarified 21:19:26 Luigi wont give up powers unless he decides to 21:19:57 To anything, docs, site, ccs, nada. He'll give them to whoever he chooses or he'll keep em 21:20:15 CCS merging I don't think is part of it? Working under plowsof mostly means helping people either contact Luigi or putting proposals together and the like. 21:20:18 BDFL be like: 21:20:21 Shouldn’t that be a core decision and not a luigi decision? 21:20:35 luigi is the only member left, I think that make no difference 21:20:44 Rehrar 21:20:48 21:04:55 this person will be merging ccs proposals as well? 21:20:48 21:05:18 it is on the website so makes sense 21:20:48 21:05:24 i'm asking for that. 21:21:05 Geonic your insistence at the hungry kids thing is ludicrous. Stop immediately, please. 21:21:19 take a joke buddy 21:21:20 Helping ppl contact luigi is a 2x waste of communities time and money 21:21:48 I think he have other jobs than just helping ppl contact luigi just sayin 21:21:52 Ok, so luigi will maintain CCS merges. It's just for website update merges? 21:21:52 syntheticbird: bF is around. ArticMine too 21:21:56 Devs contact him themselves. Luigi isnt moving any faster by being prodded 21 people instead of 20 21:22:08 By* 21 21:22:21 My bad then. Hard to separate your actual willful misunderstandings from your joking ones. 21:22:30 Sorry for getting heated earlier too btw. 21:23:08 No problem, livelihoods are on the line 21:23:31 They aren't, but sure. 21:23:43 (geonic was telling another joke there) 21:24:14 (i confirm, geonic was telling another joke there) 21:24:58 Plowsof ask chatgpt to make a geonic translator 21:25:22 btw, the more I think about it, the more I am OK with Diego charging whatever he wants for his soft skills. give mb the website and anything else that has actual responsibilities. win-win 21:25:38 funders will decide if he’s worth it 21:25:48 WTF ARE WE ACTUALLY RESOLVING THE SITUATION 21:25:53 I said 21:26:18 110xmr Diego + mb + ofrn, yolo 21:26:32 (I confirm I was telling another joke there) 21:26:51 not the above tho, that’s serious 21:26:58 But we don't know whether Luigi will give mb merge rights for the website do we? plus, don't we want diego's design work for the site? 21:27:08 if Diego’s soft skills are so valuable, fine 21:27:28 He likely wont, but mb can help elsewhere probably 21:27:41 Merging plowsof's prs isn't such easy work 21:30:10 ppl arent even using the proper naming for prs 21:30:10 we have other designers so that shouldn’t be an issue 21:30:56 https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/pull/2300 21:32:17 The merge rights is definitely an issue 21:36:57 "hey this is the general fund, we have put $60k towards this ccs proposal" 21:37:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doesnt nonbinary deploy the website? 21:37:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Merge for site means nothing 21:37:21 Deploy just = launches the code 21:37:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They dont affect each other 21:38:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its like we use github actions 21:38:59 the cant break things, can't run it like @monero with favoritism, can't be political. 21:39:11 Example: erc wanted to yolo list any wallet 21:39:44 Cryptogrampy wanted to separate full node wallets from litewallets 21:40:05 Erc didnt think removing moneroaddress.org was important 21:41:30 moneroaddress is shilling mymonero now? lol 21:42:02 the same mymonero that had perfect carbon copies all over the web that stole people’s xmr 21:42:30 it’s on brand 21:42:42 Yeah. It was supposed to point to the paper wallet generstor 21:43:11 And instead of just posting moos generator, erc edit it and removed moo's donation address and credited himself twice 21:43:17 And refused to upload diffs 21:43:58 who owns it now? 21:44:20 I thought moneromoo ran it 21:44:28 who knows. We remove it (its still in translation files) 21:44:44 The generator is hosted at getmonero.org/generator now 21:45:13 ah 21:47:51 neutral at first, but I gave it a thumbs down now because I dont like the cabal vibes. You mention in the proposal that this would make you accountable to the community. dont really see how. You win through this proposal in multiple ways besides the money. It also means more exposure and trust towards Stacks. I think it is great to have more wallets, especially if they are control 21:47:52 led by the community. But it is currently run more as a business venture similar to cake and not really as a community project. If that changes and if the accountability part becomes more clear it would be a clear thumbs up. But right now it is better to move forward with monerobulls proposal and search for more clarity on this one afterwards. 21:48:20 neutral at first, but gave it a thumbs down now. I dont like the cabal vibes. You mention in the proposal that this would make you accountable to the community. dont really see how. You win through this proposal in multiple ways besides the money. It also means more exposure and trust towards Stacks. I think it is great to have more wallets, especially if they are controlled by t 21:48:20 he community. But it is currently run more as a business venture similar to cake and not really as a community project. If that changes and if the accountability part becomes more clear it would be a clear thumbs up. But right now it is better to move forward with monerobulls proposal and search for more clarity on this one afterwards. 21:48:54 Understandable and well-reasoned. 21:50:00 Stack is indeed not a community thing. 21:51:09 Diego has many hats and they never overlap 21:52:06 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_500_Hats_of_Bartholomew_Cubbins#/media/File%3AThe_500_hats_of_bartholomew_cubbins.jpg 21:52:45 free ad hominem. 21:54:56 Sirs? https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/923#issuecomment-2194105468 21:55:03 plus he’ll go back to holding no xmr so his judgment won’t be clouded 21:55:32 Hey geonic, gfy plz. Tks! 21:56:38 Dont u want to be a mod? 21:56:58 🤷 21:57:23 Or are the downvotes starting to hurt your feelings 21:57:41 Oh, I'm so hurt I'm crying in fetal position. 21:57:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vote 1 rotten for mod 21:58:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Jobs and growth 22:02:06 https://monero.town/post/3638185 22:03:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Curious how people think you can decentralize github merges 22:03:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Requires 3 approvals 22:03:55 Curious how [...] github. 22:05:11 sorry down rn 22:05:44 i _would_ post the link while the site is down 22:05:55 Tldr: thats rottens post 22:06:18 its lemmy software issue 22:06:24 server is fine 22:06:26 Tldr: rotten vs ofrnxmr round in #monero-community 22:06:41 Rotten said no 22:06:49 so sad 22:07:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lets crowd fund cdn for monero.town 22:12:15 montero town down 22:12:47 sorry 4 not scrolling 22:13:37 theres not a whole lot i can do here 22:14:01 ive asked for help on matrix but town might be gone for the next ~12 hours or longer 22:14:17 i believe it is only the webui that is the issue (as always) 22:14:28 so any other clients should still work 23:25:23 lmao someone deployed reddit bots to downvote mb/upvote rehrar 23:26:24 went from about 46v6 to 15v16 upvotes 23:26:45 dis u rotten 23:35:33 question: if this is all to assist Luigi, shouldn't Luigi be the one making the proposal? Then he can subcontract an assistant however he likes. But Diego making a proposal to "help Luigi" seems contrived to benefit Diego more than being something the project actually needs. 23:37:06 This is a good point. 23:40:42 That would be the same thing more or less with less visibility or community input 23:40:57 But maybe people would just get mad if he did that and subcontracted me as it'd be behind the community's back? 23:45:20 I suppose the big difference is the responsible party. If Luigi receives money to carry out certain tasks, he's the one responsible for the outcome, regardless of who he might pay out of his own pocket along the way. I believe the issue with subcontracting behind the communities back is when said subcontractor is paid with community donations that 23:45:20 weren't specifically raised for that purpose, that nobody really took responsibility for.