00:59:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Looked in logs? 00:59:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or ctrl alt defeat 06:11:26 yea 06:35:12 monero.town is down? 06:35:26 Yes 06:36:02 for how long? 06:36:10 midipoet site maintainer is at least 20~ hours a week (ercs 1st 3 month proposal for reference https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/111) . now the "improving localization process" point would now be more involved, and ideally encompass the entire 'translation coordinaotr' role which is was also running at 20hrs a 06:36:10 week https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/260 06:36:23 . 06:37:30 i believe it's because of the last update, already asked the lemmy people but so far no real response 06:37:44 this could take a while 06:37:59 what does work is third party clients 06:38:12 so if you install jerboa, you can use that 06:38:19 it's only the web-ui that has issues 06:38:30 after netrik(translations coordinator) didnt continue anymore, erc had to then set up his own instance of weblate (translation web ui) and handle that (voluntarily) for over a year iirc. 06:38:34 ah, gotcha 06:38:47 my phone is off the next few hours 06:38:54 once i turn my phone on all hell breaks loose 06:39:03 so it's off until i'm ready to deal with the world 06:39:37 due to this situation, translations on site are not updated or not pushed from our (offline) weblate. i recently started updating what we have, and i could spend 12 hours a day for about a month and i'd have finished the bulk of it i think lol 06:41:54 the actual tasks for 'fixing' the above are mainly* ctrl+f / replace grunt work. but, i made sure to create some github CI workflows / do things bit by bit via public comits to help/on-board the next person 06:43:12 now, moving forward, weblate (when online) has options to integrate AI (be it suggestions, or auto complete with 'please confirm'), ok thats just a brief tldr of 'site maintainer position' atm 06:46:31 now, it is my understanding, i have not confirmed this with luigi or diego, but this could be interpreted as diego actually performing the roles in some capacity with the end goal for finding / on-boarding the best person for that task who can dedicate more hours, because, "half time" can not possibly fill all these roles, this is something i 06:46:31 personally struggle with 06:47:53 so we're putting 40 hours a week into 1 bullet point of a half time position 07:31:44 final report on my ccs: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/371#note_25187 07:41:39 thanks for the update, its certainly interesting 09:21:53 Dan Miller thx for fixing the instance 10:56:46 plowsof: thanks for the info. So basically everyone is overworked and underpaid. 10:57:01 We should start a Union 11:00:07 under these circumstances, the project suffers, but the individuals who contribute benefit vastly. we can constantly, incrementally, increase our hourly rates/request more compensation from donors as we take on more and more responsibilities 11:00:48 things are achieved slower this way 11:02:11 on-boarding new contributors to correctly fill these tasks should be a priority instead of for example, me claiming to be working 5 jobs and i deserve more now 11:06:56 geonic: cool report, and congratulations on the awards and all the audiences reached 11:08:06 Also. Fair play to Vik, as co-producer, for funding any shortfall. 11:08:18 Look forward to the next film! 11:08:48 LIMIE2EE 11:09:54 I'm underworked and overpaid 😅 11:11:04 xmr-family: so am i. 11:11:25 re-reading "benefit vastly" -and i take that back, after hearing from some devs what theyre going through due to this - it would be a monetary gain* 11:12:11 see, i even put dashes where they aren't required. 12:35:28 plowsof: are you saying that the job is indeed 20 hrs / week? if so with the increased rate of mb's CCS of 3 xmr/month he is up to $6/hr 0_o 12:43:04 Give him $7.25 an hour. Total should be $1,740? 20 hours a week, 3 months. But no higher than $7.25 can't be making him rich /s 13:51:10 if there is no translations coordinator then website maintenance is 40 hours a week 14:11:11 for at least the first month, translations have been neglected for so long. AI translations / suggestions through weblate could reduce that though. site maintainer could have "migrating everything to hugo or some other platform because reasons" on their todo list, alot to review also. depends how many hours you want dedicated there really... site 14:11:11 maintainer lite mode is probably 1~ hour a day if you just want to ask people to squash / pls only edit the english version / pick a relevant commit title 14:17:27 What's the storage requirements currently for running a full node? I'm trying to get the CLI wallet running, but it requires the daemon to run in the background and I already ran out of storage lol 14:22:44 like 200 gb 14:23:02 you can start that with a remote node probably 14:23:42 If you want a pruned node its approx 80gb, but you need a ssd, otherwise it will take forever 14:24:14 Thanks, I have an ssd/nvme I just needed to know how much to partition lol. Big difference between 500GB and 3TB :D 14:24:47 it doesnt grow that quickly 14:24:53 maybe calculate with 30gb a year 14:28:53 Word. Thanks 14:30:25 While I'm at it.... Do I need to concern myself with firewall ports? Everything seemed to work without opening anything specific. 14:32:17 only if you want to 14:32:45 in torrenting terms, right now youre leeching. you need to open ports to be able to seed 14:33:59 Is there a doc that I can reference? 14:34:23 Not super concerned about privacy at the moment honestly 14:34:27 monerobull: Not completely true. You can send blocks to new syncing nodes when your ports are closed. But you are less likely to be connected to a newborn node if you have incoming ports closed. 14:34:54 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/DHbhGYIFgcstlQDVJyTrvzcN 14:35:33 Nice, thx 14:35:48 The Dandelion++ privacy protocol doesn't fully work well when ports are closed, too. 14:39:28 This may help: https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/4076/does-mining-require-a-daemon-that-allows-incoming-connections-open-firewall-por 14:39:56 And https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/7505/what-are-the-differences-between-incoming-outgoing-connections 14:40:06 https://blog.nihilism.network/servers/monero2024/node.html got this little documentation for setting up a public monero node 14:41:32 monerobull: That table isn't really correct. Check the monero.stackexange answers ^ 14:42:27 You are sharing blockchain data with other nodes even if you have ports closed 14:47:38 Isn't that a technically 14:47:43 Isn't that a technicality 14:48:34 You're also seeding while downloading a torrent but that doesn't mean you keep sending after :P 15:02:15 Incoming/outgoing just means who _initiated_ the connection. It's in the stackexchange answers. AFAIK the only major difference is how the stem phase in Dandelion++ treats incoming and outgoing connections. 15:33:47 +1 what ruck said 15:34:11 Its only abt who initiated the connection 15:35:07 But 1 extra caveat - you can only connect to a subset of nodes. You cannot seed to nodes who also are configured like yours (with no incoming) 15:35:58 You a node that doesnt allow inc can only connect to node who do allow inc 15:36:29 If* you run* a node 16:43:06 I'd be willing to pickup being translations coordinator as my academic background is linguistics, but that requires the Weblate infrastructure to be up consistently and functional 16:44:26 Digilol might be willing to host it 17:10:55 I'd be willing to pickup being translations coordinator as my academic background is linguistics, but that requires the Weblate infrastructure to be up consistently and functional. Edit: I've also been the one in the workgroup telling folk what files to PR over GitHub as a workaround for the project Weblate instance being dysfunctional for the last year 17:48:33 tx midi! 18:26:27 +1 for xmrscott to do translations 18:27:28 anhdres would be a good candidate for that as well if he’s interested 18:30:33 Maybe he can focus on Spanish and xmrscott on Japanese and some others. Divide and conquer 18:31:25 we just need the main languages not everything under the sun imo 18:34:41 Plus as far as I remember netrik’s feedback was that we need paid translators (or human reviewers of AI translations) since he wasn’t able to motivate unpaid ones 18:41:37 Weblate has nice ai features built in 18:43:58 Let’s pay people to own certain languages/areas instead of a coordinator who then has to go out and find the people with those particular language skills 18:44:04 seems like a better ROI 19:01:35 I would heavily discourage and personally recommend disabling AI if it's used for translation. The models suffer from the ouroboros effect and not enough data. This can be seen in papers like "A Shocking Amount of the Web is Machine Translated: Insights from Multi-Way Parallelism" accepted by the Association for Computational Linguistics 19:01:36 https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.05749 19:04:13 kinda off-topic but this is exactly the primary plot of Matrix (the movie) 19:04:14 basically, machines need constant flow of "creativity" of humans, else they start "inbreeding"... that's why they enslaved humanity 19:04:16 this concept was deemed too complex for general audience, so they changed it to "humans as batteries" instead 19:10:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I thought the plot was to find neo 19:26:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The guy rarely does his admin job here. Why would you give him that job 19:26:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I swear this week i am living in the real matrix 19:33:51 neromonero1024: interesting, never knew that 19:34:33 he sucks at moderating. maybe he’s better at translating 19:34:56 did u vote for a web maintainer yet bob/dan? 19:35:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Maybe i should create a css too 19:35:23 so is the moderating job passed on to mb then? I mean in case your/his proposal gets trough? 19:35:26 I always see you around but not sure what you do 19:35:38 u can be in charge of english-to-english translations 19:35:44 Sad part about the matrix is you have to plug back in 19:36:19 ct: asking me? up to the generalissimo (luigi) 19:36:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Maybe i should create a css too <<>> may I suggest that you start with a ccs 19:37:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neg 19:37:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Free stuff 19:37:37 but yes my proposal is for web maintainer + mod to go to mb. mb should be free to assign other mods as well 19:37:45 yeah asking you geonic. And I know you can't decide but just wanted to know your thoughts and if thats something related to your proposal 19:37:48 matrix mod* 19:38:17 I was a second to late, thanks for clarification 19:38:22 yes it’s the second point in the job description 19:38:25 np 19:39:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wasnt the ccs for web maintainer, where did mod come from? 19:39:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mission creep 19:39:44 you need to justify a 100k salary somehow 19:40:00 I think people should be free to pay diego for his soft skills if they’re deemed valuable. I’m against luigi/core giving him any position of authority as he’s abused it before 19:40:47 How and when did Diego abuse his position of authority? 19:40:57 he’s literally the only person who has ever been fired in monero’s history 19:41:04 sold our ccs to firo 19:41:37 had a number of conflicts of interest (which he continues to have). at least this time he’s upfront about it 19:41:42 again, geo, you don't know where seraphis and triptych came from 19:41:49 Thanks to your lack of principles, indeed. 19:42:07 They didn’t come from diego, that’s for sure 19:42:21 Do you have an invoice and receipt where he explicitly "sells" the CCS to Firo? 19:42:27 and they still haven’t come so… not sure what the point is 19:42:55 tryptich is a meme 19:42:57 he admitted to it. he was paid to do work for firo and just copy-pasted our ccs 19:43:00 seraphis even more so 19:43:19 kayaba had to come in and do literally everything seraphis does by himself and throw FCMPs on top 19:43:24 then he said he’s not accountable to the community 19:43:25 they are memes because people like geo think monero did something 19:43:30 That was a license problem. 19:43:34 the only person who has ever said that, ever 19:43:50 And fcmp doesnt do what seraphis does, but what jamtis does 19:44:03 Accusing Diego of "selling" our CCS to Firo is one of your most retarded and false accusations I've heard so far. 19:44:10 and this guy will be our representative in the high echelons of power 19:44:13 seraphis and jamtis are 2 different things 19:44:20 But you excel at those. Not surprised. 19:44:26 rotten: that was the official reason he was fired 19:44:33 read core’s statement 19:44:40 Core threw him under the bus 19:44:48 Nah. 19:44:58 crawl back to your hole now and let the adults talk 19:45:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Core are bus drivers too? 19:45:15 Core should have been fired, but instead you blame the scapegoat (and the researcher) 19:45:22 Keep fucking yourself. 19:45:30 Looks like! 19:45:34 Yes. Fluffy hired him surreptitiously and didn’t take any responsibility 19:45:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Management 101 19:45:54 I never blamed sarang for anything, ever 19:46:12 That was just their line of defense. “Geo is being mean to sarang” 19:46:31 This garden gnome claims he sold CCS to Firo, when asked for proof, steps back a little and says he was getting paid to do work for Firo, literally copy pasted it and that is how he "sold" it. 19:46:33 Who was it that wrote the hit piece against triptych 19:46:55 A hit piece against a meme? Wut 19:47:02 Or against the ccs for it 19:47:11 Now Triptych is a meme too! 19:47:17 you’re changing the subject 19:47:31 the subject here is diego’s mercantile behaviour 19:47:47 and that he can’t be put in a position of authority again because of it 19:47:50 Triptych evolved into spark and seraphis 19:47:56 no it didn’t 19:48:03 says you 19:48:14 subject is behavior that goes against community. Its not personal 19:48:15 literally nothing in common. Seraphis was koe’s baby 19:48:35 ct: thanks 19:48:48 I don’t dislike diego personally. I think he’s an excellent gun for hire and should be used as such 19:48:56 seraphis is *ahem* an "abstraction" of firos work 19:48:59 the firo ccs thing is also rather silly 19:49:27 1. It was always meant to be licensed FOSS. We all know that. That it wasn't was my mistake. 19:49:37 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/o9v6nm/statement_from_core_team_on_rehrar/ 19:49:42 2. I didn't use my core hours to do the work. 19:49:51 In addition to the multiple conflict of interest concerns raised by the community, we uncovered the following after "An open letter to the core team": 19:50:03 We note that the initial commits were made on December 16th, 2019. We invite the community to make their own investigations and conclusions regarding the copyright infringement of the content and code in the Monero CCS front and back end, as a result of these Firo commits. 19:50:29 3. When I spoke with several people about the fact that Firo was forking our CCS (and didn't withhold that I was doing the work) people thought it was pretty cool that we were making tools that could be used in the FOSS community at large 19:50:38 You were fired for copyright infringement of monero’s code 19:50:39 Anyone could've stolen the CCS platform, that Firo did first and was the one we noticed is coincidence. The rest is all bs thrown around by this dwarf. 19:50:44 feel free to rewrite history as much as you’d like 19:50:45 i thought ccs was foss 19:50:52 ofrnxmr: it wasn’t at the time 19:51:02 well thats kinda cucked 19:51:25 It was public domain. Had no license. 19:51:28 positing the history that I 'stole' the code is sensationalized in light of literally everyone know it should have been FOSS 19:51:50 Should have been but wasn’t. You were fired for it. 19:52:01 regardless - if it wasnt foss, ask the devs why they cucked ccs 19:52:01 true 19:52:17 A part of rehrar's role was to keep his finger on the pulse of the community and the project, aiming to know and report to the Core Team anything that might be of interest or concern to the Monero project at large. We note that at the end of December 2019, during the 36C3 congress in Leipzig, Germany, rehrar had the opportunity to speak in person 19:52:17 with three members of the Core Team, and no mention was made regarding the Firo commits. Unfortunately, we feel that a similar pattern occurred with many of the community concerns where a proactive approach of bringing all these facts to us in a prompt and clear manner was not taken. The culminating example of this was rehrar securing a one year, 19:52:17 full-time contract for sarang with another project, which we only discovered very recently. We consider this pattern to have been a breach of trust, and a direct contradiction with rehrar’s role. 19:52:22 if the code had been properly FOSS licensed would it have been an abuse of power? 19:52:38 “ We consider this pattern to have been a breach of trust, and a direct contradiction with rehrar’s role.” 19:52:56 End of story. This is Core’s statement. 19:52:56 tl: core are a bunch of shitbags 19:53:10 They paid diego behind your back, then blamed him 19:53:18 Rofl 19:53:32 At least the person who did that has resigned now 19:54:01 Core-uption 19:54:08 Core's culminating example, the linch pin, as it were, was something I wasn't going to force sarang to do. 19:54:17 Core is short for core-uption 19:54:20 Stop manipulating 19:54:25 Yes, core threw me under the bus for a lot of things that were initially their idea. 19:54:35 own your mistakes and move on 19:54:35 I'll stop when you stop 19:54:44 and when will you own yours? 19:54:47 or is it a character trait? 19:55:11 talking about Foss licenses, how does it come that you are looking for buyers to license your movie to, while the CCS clearly states work must be licensed permissively at all times? 19:55:22 geo, youre selling the movie?? Am i remembering wrong, or didnt you say youd give it to everyone fkr free after oscar run 19:55:28 pointing fingers while doing the same shit yourself stinks 19:55:34 It’s a marketing campaign, I didn’t fund my movie with the ccs. This was discussed multiple times 19:55:37 Remember when you made a reddit thread telling the community that the reason Triptych wasn't moving forward was because he was working for other projects? When the reason that particular CCS wasn't moving forward was we found something that was a worthwhile stopping point for the community to discuss whether or not it should be moved forward with at all? 19:55:39 Bcuz doing so beforehand waa against rules 19:56:00 And then instead of owning up to that mistake you doubled down and said "well it resulted in people looking for other researchers so it (the misinformation) was worth it"? 19:56:05 I made a reddit thread to point out that while we’re “waiting for Godot”, sarang was working on Firo 19:56:16 and it was the truth 19:56:23 cuz I certainly remember 19:56:39 Is that the deleted reddit post? 19:56:42 that they shouldn't wait for sarang was possibly true but that's not all you said 19:56:50 What else did I say? 19:57:01 I’m sorry I deleted that thread now. Is it archived 19:57:15 you said the reason why people were still waiting on that CCS was because Sarang is doing work for other projects 19:57:22 Why'd you delete it 19:57:39 ofrnxmr: people being butthurt over it 19:57:53 Sounds like you were the one butthurt, otherwise why delete it? 19:58:05 We had enough drama at the time? 19:58:16 it was deleted a long time after, wasnt it 19:58:19 In addition, I have owned up to the CCS mistake. I should have made sure it was licensed correctly before forking it. 19:58:24 diego: I said that while we’re waiting for that CCS, Sarang is doing work for other projects 19:58:46 In addition addition, I have owned up to the fact that the contract was right to be terminated at that time for a variety of reasons 19:58:50 I have openly said all of these things 19:58:52 last time and this time 19:59:08 Do you admit to breaching the community’s (and core’s) trust, as they have said? 19:59:12 I think several particular points people are pushing are a bit silly and pedantic, but that doesn't mean I was right 19:59:26 Core breached communities trust 19:59:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yet still in charge 19:59:51 You don't agree, geo? 19:59:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> A lot of sheep here 19:59:58 that’s how monarchies work 20:00:00 also kind of silly given I insisted several times over the years that we go public with the community with core not being thrilled on the idea 20:00:17 and only my final insistence got me a "do what you want" thing that started this whole shabang :P 20:00:24 diego: Do you admit to breaching the community’s (and core’s) trust, as they have said? 20:00:26 duh. Core is short for corruption 20:00:42 Core breached 20:00:48 ofrnxmr: pls 20:00:53 Diego was an employee, just doing his job 20:01:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like in the real world if you lost a lot of money and cant prove you got hacked= fired and referred to police 20:01:24 he didnt work for community, he worked for the sheeps shephard 20:01:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Here they give them the wallet back 20:01:32 Diego was purportedly fired for breaching the trust of his employers. I’d like to know if he admits to that or if Core is misrepresenting the facts. 20:01:34 For Sarang? No. For The FCS it was a mistake. If that constitutes breach of trust, yes. Otherwise, no. For not volunteering that I was employed by core (it was an open secret) at their suggestion, community yes, core no. 20:02:23 Although I remember a conversation with a core team member and a few others regarding Firo and they didn't care. Could be misremembering because it was some time ago. 20:02:32 but since I can't provide proof it's inadmissable 20:02:56 I’m noticing a few yeses there. Bottom line is trust was breached and you were fired. 20:03:16 why should the community forget that and put you in a position of authority now? 20:03:19 he was fired becsuse core was doing damage control and needed a scapegoat 20:03:37 no, he was fired because people wanted him fired 20:03:41 Not because of what diego did with ccs's code 20:03:45 this is partially the truth 20:03:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doesnt fit his narrative ofrn 20:04:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Jobs and growth 20:04:19 Ikr. Geonic - are you jealous that luigi liked diego more than you or smthn? 20:04:26 you wanted him fired 20:04:32 Cuz im pretty sure luigi likes you too 20:04:35 No, I never sucked up to luigi or tried to ingratiate myself with core 20:05:06 He sure as hell jumped to make exceptions for your ccs 20:05:10 and I’m not technical enough to do that job, so again no 20:05:43 which is why I support mb doing it 20:05:46 Half up front milestone requesr, first time contributor 20:06:00 But anonero was told the opposite 20:06:11 stay on topic please. I said I was going to run a campaign and I did it. I showed receipts. How many ccs’s have done that? 20:06:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You should should that 20:06:25 we’re still waiting for diego’s transparency report 20:06:27 the foss ones? How do they show receipts 20:06:40 They didnt raise money to lay for their hobbies 20:06:43 fluffy could show receipts for where the $500k coral reef funds went 20:06:46 Pay* 20:06:55 Another scam 20:07:08 Stay on topic 20:07:15 i am on topic 20:07:16 why do you want an untrustworthy person in a position of trust again? 20:07:30 Core betrayed community when they merged your non-foss ccs 20:07:46 I voted ofrn, remember 20:07:48 You’re not the community 20:08:03 🍿 20:08:10 because the consequences of that "untrustworthiness" like...weren't anything? 20:08:18 Sarang wasn't coming back anyways? 20:08:23 Monero still has the CCS? 20:08:45 like wtf did I do with my power? 20:08:54 I used my power to get sarang BACK working on Monero after I was let go 20:09:11 Wheres erc 20:09:28 it was a huge morale sap diego. People felt betrayed that someone who they thought was a volunteer like them was actually an employee. Yes this was core’s mistake and not yours. Doesn’t change the fact that you were being duplicitous with the community (whether at core’s request or not is irrelevant) 20:09:58 This is the only real accusation that sticks with me, yes. 20:10:02 on a personal level 20:10:11 idgaf 20:10:23 How about you ask "who else" 20:10:30 Fuckin tip of the iceberg 20:10:37 My conscience is somewhat assuaged by the fact that I fought for it to be open, but not fully. 20:10:40 This is the thing I will admit to. 20:10:46 I could have insisted. I could have demanded. But I didn't. 20:10:51 Core all got rich by being volunteers, rigt? 20:10:53 See how you were able to be upfront about CypherStack receiving 15 xmr from the GF? Not that hard 20:11:23 Why don't you ask "who else was on the payroll" 20:11:33 Yes because I'm a different person geonic. Not completely different, but grown a bit. 20:11:39 You could’ve just said it. You weren’t kept in a basement with tape on your mouth. Let’s not dramatize 20:11:41 Learned the consequences of secrets, even when employers insist. 20:11:46 diego: people dont change 20:11:59 I did say it to people who asked. 20:12:04 And pretty much everyone in IRC knew 20:12:07 Learn from miatakes? Sure. Change? Nah 20:12:10 I say let’s hire diego for his soft skills and use him as needed. Merge rights = no. 20:12:18 holy shit man, I'm admitting to things and yoou're calling it dramatizing 20:12:23 once again, you're impossible 20:12:44 merge rights for site? Or ccs? I dont think he wanrs 2 do ccs 20:12:51 no merge rights, anywhere 20:13:03 Well then who's gonna help plowsof 20:13:06 He can be a mod on a volunteer basis if he wants, don’t care 20:13:18 Its head* of moderation team 20:13:28 you get your way and you only use it as further ammunition 20:13:34 Moderator of moderators 20:13:37 Not dtd mod 20:14:30 And if not diego, then imo plowsof should be moderator of moderators 20:14:37 Since when does geonic assign tasks to people around here? Lmfao. 20:14:41 Delusional garden hobbit. 20:15:00 you know what they say about a man with big feet 20:15:32 White your infatuation with short ppl. Fetish? 20:15:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How do i apply to be ceo? 20:16:00 Merging something to site still requires it to be "deployed" by core 20:16:07 Submit your CCS proposal today! 20:16:22 Why do you quote "deployed"? 20:16:26 aight I'm out. Said my piece. Seeya. 20:16:29 Doesnt diego run the infra that the deployment is hosted on anyway 20:16:40 plowsof: and it requires the DNS provider to propagate… 20:16:51 and the NSA to approve the traffic :p 20:17:19 s/run/manage 20:17:34 So let’s just hire anyone to do the job for us. Cloudflare will fix it. 20:18:19 Cloudflare blocks ppl from using ssh over tor with repo.getmonero 20:18:22 diego: thanks for admitting that you breached trust. Appreciate your belated truthfulness. 20:18:49 peace 20:19:20 geonic. Is it true that youre a hobbit? 20:19:42 If I get a free house in New Zealand I’ll identify as a hobbit 20:19:50 I admitted that breached community trust, but that's murky. And breached core trust, but the situation was silly. 20:19:51 Rotten mentions short ppl so much that im wondering when hes going to start to insult sone of our shorter members 20:19:53 Gotta pop back in to say that or geonic gets his "Diego admitted to everything" which didn't happen 20:20:15 as he is wont to do with his misinformation and other such nonsense 20:20:17 .bbl :D 20:20:19 Why? Do you keep a tally on short people in the community? 20:20:24 .bbl indeed 20:20:29 brazilian booty lift? 20:20:38 “ I admitted that breached community trust, but that's murky. And breached core trust, but the situation was silly.” <= thanks 20:21:14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AF2MqFnPotc bbl @plowsof 20:21:50 lolol 20:22:14 geonic will use this quote without all of the preceding context 20:22:29 diego needs 4 pages of context to justify his behavior 20:22:33 Its going to be an AI meme in a few moments 20:22:51 and a list of COI’s that’s longer than the job description 20:22:56 geonic distills complicated history down to a ten second soundbyte 20:23:07 two sides of the terrible journalism coin 20:23:13 he’s the best person for the job. Hire him now. 20:23:22 hes not a journalist, thats rotten 20:23:29 Geonic is a director* 20:23:34 Make a movie!! 20:23:42 Director. Psssh. 20:24:00 i wanna see a docu-series on monero history 20:24:11 If someone can come up with longer list of COIs, hire them instead 20:24:31 ofrnxmr: thought about it 20:24:43 Why didnt you do it 20:24:49 A dozen shitty Twitter clips, 9 drama-filled rants and nonsensical accusations and an indie movie that didn't get even an award at the local movie theater, let alone a grammy. 20:24:50 Don’t think I can stomach another ccs 20:25:01 That's geonic's community contributions. What would be of us without his presence and help? 20:25:41 Wait till we dig up the 867 xmr from the ffs. You’ll thank me then :) 20:25:43 Worth mentioning, the movie doesn't mention monero at all. Just a physical thingy, in an unofficial trailer, used to lure CCS donors in. 20:25:52 And he talks about being sleazy. 😂 20:26:06 "Director" 😂 20:27:05 Not defending geonic, but aside from a bullet pointed "blog" (so-called newsletter), what are rottens contributions. Shouldn't throw stones from a glass house 20:27:57 😂😂😂 20:35:53 I was active in the Outreach workgroup back in the day. MC’d 2 days of MoneroKon last year and 1 day of Monerotopia. Helped make “Monero Means Money” with Justin. Helped bring people like Justin Berman to the project. Where have you contributed exactly? 20:36:32 I can keep the Spanish version updated, yes. Specially once I finish the illustrations for monero garden 20:36:41 Beautiful 20:36:45 lol, outreach. 20:37:16 MMM is just Daniel's talk with a couple extra slides and credits, lol. 20:37:47 been laughing since the director thing. thanks, lol. 20:42:52 Invited Dr. Daniel Kim to speak about Monero to the largest Rotary club in LA 20:43:08 W O W! 20:54:28 Dukenukem cant name anything he's done 20:54:45 Shortest list in the room 20:55:05 Must be why he dislikes short people 20:58:01 geonic list a bunch of things he did in the past, then turns around as asks "what did you do _recently_" 20:58:36 Nihilist [blog.nihilism.network]: i'm sorry for making fun of your 180 character password. i have a 33 character password and now i cant play the new anime gacha game 20:58:41 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/zamVLGDRPlxwUfnZrFJDpWqM 20:59:24 lol yea it happens 21:00:57 Happybirthdaytoyouhappybirthdaydearhunter2happybirthdaytoyou 21:01:24 hiphiphooray for extra entropy 21:03:19 ct: where did I write “recently”? 21:03:30 I’m asking rotten to list one productive thing he’s done in his life. Doesn’t have to be related to monero :p 21:03:34 even PayPal used to have a 30 char limit 21:04:26 These are the interview questions i have nightmares about 21:04:54 my bad, missread 21:05:29 long day, did only pay half attention, sry 21:06:13 Btw for real, most of my passwords are 255 chars long, if not I just go with whatever is the limit on the service 21:11:27 My passwords are "255charslong" or "sometimesless" 21:23:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ChaCha 21:23:20 ct: np. I’m not listing stopping the bleeding of the GF since some people liked it that way 21:23:35 geonic is our hero! 21:23:40 geonic for president! 21:24:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol bleeding GF 21:24:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> GF is hodl 21:24:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neva sodl 21:24:51 They did fund the mrl with 666xmr recently 21:25:12 so not sure about that. Also can’t hodl if bleeding 21:25:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pre organised 21:25:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What else 21:25:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You saw this in transparency report? 21:25:56 ccs comment by bF 21:27:22 FCMP donation 21:27:39 But they only did this cuz they had like 3000 xmr donated to them at the same time 21:27:50 Net = gF grew 21:28:27 Honestly, i didn't count. Maybe more like 5000xmr donated to GF 21:33:57 what's a few thousand xmr between friends 21:34:48 some teslas 21:35:06 Monero.com 21:35:37 Almost 7k monreo that month https://monero.observer/1000-xmr-110k-usd-anonymous-donations-monero-general-fund/ 21:36:02 Less than 10% went to r&d 😂😂😂 21:36:27 Blame diego 21:39:52 they're saving it for him 21:45:37 I identify as diego 21:49:54 rotten: i don't mean to be a dick, but i distinctly remember you being a piss poor volunteer at monero events in the past, so i don't think you are in a position to talk down to geonic's event contributions. 21:53:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Of monero lol 21:54:18 Oh, almost forgot. together with midi (& others) helped stop getting this workgroup turned into an LLC controlled by sgp, nm90 and diego 21:54:19 midipoet: nitpick: not event contributions, community/overall contributions. but whatever. 21:54:22 good old times (: 21:54:35 geonic: yeah, effectively killing -community. 21:54:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need a community notice board for all the please fund me 21:55:03 God bless your admirable crusades. We lost multi-year volunteers because you upheld them to your strict parameters! 21:55:12 Hopefully we'll get more XMR movies in the future! 21:55:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rambo 15 21:56:39 lol 21:56:51 Rambo Monroe 15. 21:59:31 I would definitely pay to see an XMR movie 21:59:50 A sci fi, would be fucking cool, i reckon 22:00:07 Maybe use some of rbrunner7's shorts as jumping off point. 22:00:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rambo hides in the wilderness with his xmr node 22:01:46 don't give the best-seller XMR director more ideas! 22:02:11 soon he'll deliver not a grammy but also a guinness! 22:03:31 imagine that $10 mil CCS raise 22:03:33 It's an oscar and a Murphy's that we want rotten. Get it right, man. 22:07:33 midipoet: wtf is a Murphy's? 22:07:56 he didn't even get an award at a garage, indie festival. smh. 22:08:38 http://imgs.search.brave.com/Ar2wox2GsJnIhkFuMPD2vtV3qKCF1Fha7HF1O5MQBPo/rs:fit:860:0:0:0/g:ce/aHR0cDovL3Jlcy5j/bG91ZGluYXJ5LmNv/bS9yYXRlYmVlci9p/bWFnZS91cGxvYWQv/d18xMjAsY19saW1p/dC 22:08:48 "Forbidden" 22:08:51 same. 22:09:29 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/XEtRCEOo/Screenshot_20240703-230908.png 22:10:38 ha 22:10:59 ofrnxmr: what's othe's twitter @? can't find it 22:11:31 midipoet: ew, stouts are... 22:12:13 Othe's? 22:12:49 geonic: here you go, donkey. https://x.com/O80925253 22:12:58 core guy 22:13:01 Though, they have gone all zoomer with their branding now and it's black and pink. I think it's pretty hot, to be honest. 22:13:15 nitter: https://xcancel.com/O80925253 22:13:26 midipoet: stouts are a shitcoin. 22:14:18 As you should know rotten. Beauty is in the eye of the bag holder. 22:14:32 as we all should know. 22:14:49 Monero: how to master bag hodling for dummies. 22:14:55 is rotten back on his irc account. thankfully I can ignore him there 22:15:47 To be honest, the regulators are making diamond hands out of all of us. Fucked if i know how to fire up haveno to cash out. 22:16:06 XMR price is 0.00276503 BTC with +0.00(+1.95%) daily change. ATH was 0.03475393 BTC 6 years 5 months 24 days ago. Price changed -92.04% since ATH. 22:16:19 ATH = 6 years 5 months 24 days ago. 22:16:21 lol 22:16:26 imagine hodling any XMR. 22:16:38 geonic: yeah. he is. 22:16:55 your problem is that you hold xmr. it clouds your judgment 22:17:29 Imagine using it as a currency 22:17:57 never 22:18:05 it's an employment opportunity 22:18:33 Go use trocador and sell your shitcoins otc, too many ways to dump things you don’t think have no use 22:19:25 I only like centralized shitcoins that can afford to pay me without going through a community discussion first 22:19:46 oh wait that's what happened here too :p 22:20:09 Are you talking for someone 😂 22:22:21 > As noted in the previous update, we qualified through theatrical exhibition and were one of 187 short films in competition for the Oscar. Unfortunately we did not make it to a nomination. 22:22:29 😢 22:23:23 I identify as diego 22:23:53 > All in all, our film went to 17 festivals and received 6 awards. 22:24:31 https://x.com/LIMITEmovie/status/1784088023191392466 22:24:37 At least he's best director... somewhere. 22:25:01 brb, I need to open a ccs for $2k and threaten to stop monero research if not funded 22:25:23 lol. 22:26:13 rotten seems to be the art critic of our generation. Himself and ofrnxmr should start a magazine and a film festival. Good money in both. 22:26:33 Why would i do that 22:26:49 There is no way in earth (or hell) I'd ever work, let alone hold a dialogue with ofrn. 22:26:57 we are all diego on this blessed day 22:27:06 diego day 22:27:11 Lmao, says the guy with like 40 chats opened with me 22:27:17 The eve before independence 22:27:19 where is xeagu to lead our sermon :) 22:27:19 #IStandWithDiego. 22:27:24 Who asks me to call him 22:27:30 #WeAreAllDiego. 22:27:37 Except rotten 22:27:42 are we working here? 22:27:44 Rotten is not diego 22:27:52 Everyone is on strike 22:27:54 nioCat: who am I and where's my overall? 22:27:58 Too low wages 22:28:02 #notmymaintainer 22:28:03 except for plowsof midipoet 22:28:05 #DiegoForPresident 22:28:15 Plowsof is not allowed to strike. Essential worker 22:28:41 dukenukem: yes, where is my horse? 22:28:41 And midipoet, rotten already has a magazine 22:28:56 Up his nose I'd say 22:29:07 lol. 22:29:21 I'm not the one who snorts horse tranquilizer... cough cough... 22:29:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I had another idea for monerokon 22:30:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monerokon deathrace 22:30:14 but i m slo 22:30:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Around prague 22:30:21 mad max style? 22:30:39 seems a slight escalation 22:31:12 I stayed about a 45 minute walk away, walked a different route every day 22:31:48 usually making it longer 22:32:08 no 5 star hotels near the venue 22:35:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats so i cant follow you 22:36:36 dukenukem: yes I remember this channel being built up and then turned into a ghost town because of principles that had no practical significance 22:37:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0452608/ 22:37:35 how many movies has that guy made? lol 22:38:36 💯 nioCat but the hobbit was beating his chest as if that was one of his "contributions". 😂 22:39:22 ...which was backed by the well-known Monero Outreach actors that never got behind a microphone because muh anonymity and now run a monerooutreach.org site that lands a visitor with a blank page! 😂 22:39:34 Lovely monero community member that geonic, let me tell you. 22:42:00 you think not turning this channel into an LLC is what led to it becoming a ghost town? 22:42:46 since our strengths are our weaknesses then nobody is without fault, acceptance of others that have a common goal is needed 22:43:58 true 22:44:34 didn't it result in core taking over the channel and we know how involved they are :) 22:45:15 nobody else stepped up 22:48:56 yeah, core took over and hired rehrar who was effectively in charge of it 22:49:30 so keeping it alive was likely part of rehrar's job description. now they want to bring him back to finish the job he didn't do then 22:50:35 😂 Wtf. 22:50:44 you are misrepresenting things again 22:50:54 how 22:51:07 corruption at core team level? 22:51:08 ^^ 22:51:10 He always does the same bs. Fuck him. 22:51:24 are you saying that Diego killed the channel? 22:51:50 I'm saying that he led the meetings in this channel while he was employed by core 22:51:57 or was it removing the people who made it what it was? 22:52:43 people come and go all the time. sgp got to run his non-profit, which is what he wanted and nm90 disappeared 22:52:50 it was all the contributors in the channel who made it what it was. it was a different time 22:52:56 not those 3 22:53:08 but it died as soon as they left 22:53:30 is that true? 22:53:39 like immediately 22:54:33 I think it coincided with the start of the bear market which is generally when people lose interest 22:54:54 it happened litterally from one day to the next 22:55:00 this is still one of the most active of all channels 22:55:10 CCS should startup new projects that directly improves Monero, but not fund to sustain them. 22:55:27 it has become so because off topic has moved here :D 22:55:33 (: 22:56:05 lol 22:56:43 protocol level improvements are exception 22:56:48 Anyways, what happened with Thunderosa, xmrhaelan and almutasim? 22:56:51 They all ded? 22:56:59 moved on, like nm90 and others 22:57:11 Nioc should know. He's always here. 22:57:23 I remember thunderosa 22:57:24 they didn't quit because core took over the channel 22:57:29 yes, imma just a brain in a jar :D 22:57:33 Remember Jaquee? 22:57:36 nioc is our Stan Lee, the one above all 22:57:47 which channel? here? 22:57:59 this channel 22:58:13 diego yes 22:58:21 I remember jaquee too 22:58:51 even jaquee_ remembers jaquee 22:58:52 Remember cameronruggles? 22:59:06 he's still on twitter 22:59:13 yeah cameron is still active on twitter 22:59:16 diego do you think I am senile? 22:59:19 campfire time y'all, gather 'round 22:59:53 el00ruobuob 22:59:58 'Member? 23:00:40 I remember wolf 23:00:51 O+1 hiring diego for his soft skills 23:01:00 does he still post furry porn in pools? 23:01:01 without the O 23:01:53 bbl I'm off to a boating accident 23:02:10 don't let the boating btc maxis hurt you 23:02:13 Remember erciccione 23:02:31 Oh shoot. lh1008 23:02:41 what about monero church 23:02:53 never went :D 23:03:01 BLASPHEMY 23:03:17 yes and apparently erciccione remembers you :D 23:03:39 Xeagu was certainly a person that was here once upon a time 23:03:41 he also remembers me 23:03:58 everyone remembers you 23:04:05 Indeed. He came back from beyond the stars to ree and then left again 23:04:12 guess even tft knows you :D 23:04:20 nioc is tft 23:04:35 DaveyJones has also been around for a long time. 23:04:38 the wise old man, always lurking in the background 23:04:44 diego canvassing votes now 23:04:56 hire him already. he's the best bullshitter we've got 23:05:05 nioc can't be tft - he would have listened to his cats 23:05:32 It's nice how when geonic is around the conversation always comes back to me. 23:05:36 My own personal hype man 23:05:38 //quiet geonic 23:05:56 Multi-year obsession. 23:06:06 i m not tft 23:06:35 Got one look at my hair and never looked back 23:06:40 although every day is Thanksgiving 23:07:30 Oh and snipa 23:07:42 Once upon a time he had merge powers 23:07:53 qanon represent - or sth ? 23:07:55 only for a short while 23:08:18 re merge powers 23:09:01 Ye 23:09:49 anyway who wants to hear old people talk about the old days lol 23:10:35 Fun days. Defcon. C3 23:11:22 monero keeps growing, many good people now <3 23:12:00 it’s nice how people come back around when there’s something to be gained 23:12:10 luigi should make more offers 23:12:46 diego: are you ok with this job being split between u and mb? he merges and mods, you do the soft skills 23:13:29 I been around geonic 23:13:38 Been doing things for Monero 23:13:39 lead the campfires, etc 23:14:04 But once again bringing the convo back to me at every turn bro 23:14:18 We was taking other things 23:14:27 Talking* 23:15:18 I’m looking for a resolution 23:16:03 The man is on a mission 23:16:45 I dunno dude. Ask Luigi. I made this thing because he said it would help him and he asked me to. 23:17:18 I do know he's not looking to give just anyone merge powers. ;) 23:17:44 just tell me what button to push 23:18:21 cool 23:18:53 You (conveniently as always) forget that I came here not because there was "something to be gained" 23:19:13 I was literally asked to make this proposal 23:19:29 Question 23:19:33 maybe there’s something there. I do think you bring value. Just need to take the trust out of it 23:19:39 And I've been donating time and resources to Monero along the way. 23:19:52 Why doesnt luigi stop being as racist against plowsof 23:20:02 And give plowsof merge powers on site 23:20:25 PLM 23:20:33 that would work too. although 2 sets of eyes is better 23:20:56 Harden, hinto, and even rotten review prs 23:21:20 id say i do too, but i stopped when luigi started hatin 23:21:53 Plowsof spends more time fixing merge conflicts than real site work, and its becauss he needs to wait for a merger 23:22:28 It would effectively be LESS work for plowsof to have merge powers than for him to do what hes doing now 23:22:42 Well go bug Luigi about the trust thing geonic 23:22:50 what does plowsof think 23:22:59 he'd do it 23:23:07 let's open a CCS :D 23:23:08 I am bugging him by proxy 23:23:23 you’re his mascot (: 23:23:29 he literally would have a much easier life if he sisjt have to wait 23:23:38 Im his rumplestiltskin 23:23:56 i m plowstuff 23:24:27 Ah gotcha indeed 23:24:43 have a staging branch for site, let plow merge tk staging, then merge staging to master 23:25:00 Well, hope that goes well for ya. We'll see how things shake out. 23:25:22 Instead of conflict after conflict and begging for merges. Just need to wait for deploys in this case 23:25:58 S/sisjt/doesnt 23:31:02 https://youtu.be/KsDYul3J3Dc?si=mIBdHV4S9xd5gbD0 23:31:02 holy fuck bro 23:31:04 they literally sabotaged the project in the name of minority activism 23:31:09 🤷‍♂️ im just confused why were bypassing plowsof. Ofc he writes prs and does a lot of work, but he should still need approvals/reviews/testing from community contributors 23:32:12 Monero does the same thing. Aside from that, offtopic 23:33:22 @real_glitch 23:38:37 good point ofrn. let’s see what plow says. he does seem overworked 23:39:13 sadly most of the monero people use mac or windows, they think they are safe while using Proprietary software and Operating systems 23:41:10 i guess we should find a good distro which will not become like this, and support them before they go extinct 23:41:59 btw whoever is downvoting the mb reddit thread is not helping 23:42:18 Reddit doesnt matter anyway 23:43:17 or at least downvote the comments too so it’s not as obvious 23:43:21 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1dszynr/ccs_idea_monerobull_for_website_maintainer/ 23:43:29 Plow wont say "ill do it" in public. Let luigi give him powers today and youll see plow get shit done right away. Plows's a walker, not a talker 23:43:48 Its not me. I had my ccs super botted 23:44:08 They impersonated devs, wrote chatgpt comments 23:44:58 1:41 AM btw whoever is downvoting the mb reddit thread is not helping 23:44:58 could be attackers though - afaik he mentioned his site being DDoSed 23:45:03 no one uses reddit tbh 23:45:50 ye i think the time has come that most ppl are past reddit - as they were past bitcointalk 23:46:12 DaveyJones: DDOS? there was general issues with lemmy after an update 23:46:32 im blocked bro, it blocks my vpn so fuck it 23:46:54 same with tor iirc 23:46:56 red it is now goo goo's search engine 23:47:01 https://x.com/monerobull/status/1808582805892243581 23:47:15 thx davey 23:47:35 Davey I thought that too 23:48:24 1:46 AM red it is now goo goo's search engine 23:48:24 true - i talked to ppl outside of reddit bubble and they say the same :D every answer the look for is on reddit 23:48:51 he should use cloudflare, I hear it works ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 23:50:15 please no 23:50:37 it doesnt work for people outside of the US 23:50:45 repo.getmonero.org 23:50:54 Ccs.getmonero.org both use CF 23:51:08 Cant ssh in over tor 🫠 23:51:26 cant do anything over tor with cloudfl*re 23:51:32 please no CF 23:52:02 I repeat > ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 23:52:36 well this is acceptable but try using Chatgpt 23:52:38 i repeat that your a human test 4-7 times before login in to the chat/prmpt page 23:52:57 Who uses chatgpt 23:53:13 I use catgpt 23:53:20 Meta ai ftw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 23:53:34 Whatsapp search #yolo 23:56:24 Anyway. Im stuck on "plowsof should save us time and money, and save himself hours of work, and do merges on site himself"