00:00:44 this half-assed pseudo consensus mechanism is a Huge stone blocking the development of the ecosystem 00:02:33 its funny why some people should control what community wants to donate or ignore 00:02:34 your not a treasurer buddy, its just a platform or website for developers to share their idea and for people to support the projects "THEY LIKE and APPROVE" not the mods 00:03:47 you guys are creating a non-existing problem, then apply for a role to fix or moderate that problem 00:03:48 infinite money glitch😎 00:04:17 you guys are creating a non-existing problem, then apply for a role to fix or moderate that problem 00:04:18 infinite money glitch 00:04:47 He is the real glitch! Hear him out! 00:04:49 at most, moderator should only block spams 00:06:33 troll,laugh it off, and start fighting for it forever 00:16:49 I’m not against the funding proposal. I’m against the transfer of power that comes along with it. Shitty of luigi to bundle the two together 00:19:22 the problem isnt just spam proposals 00:20:08 Its ones locked up funding in "great in theory, impossible in practice", straight up scams etc 00:20:37 There is ~2000xmr worth of incomplete, dormant proposals 00:20:40 at least give us a few acceptable options if we’re going to pretend like the community has a say 00:20:55 Where proposers collected 1 milestone then bounced 00:22:10 Regardless. Plowsof needs a merger now, not 2 weeks from now 00:22:21 And he needs someone who can keep up 00:23:45 theres also the subject of monero-docs 00:24:38 Which (i thought) luigi had agreed to give me merge powers on when he created the repo, but never did and now its just in limbo 00:50:36 spam or scam same category 00:50:36 and there should be some constraints too 00:50:38 like not freezing a viable proposal with the support from community for 3 month without any reason or objection 00:51:28 its way harder than taking a loan from traditional bank, specially for newer people 00:53:10 You would get merge powers too? 00:53:50 On monero-docs? Of course 00:54:09 For site, I believe, yes. 00:54:27 Idk who j0j0 is asking 00:54:33 So not github repo? 00:54:41 Yes github repo 00:54:48 For monero-site repo 00:54:52 On github 00:54:53 Not monero-project/monero 00:55:02 But monero-project/monero-site 00:55:06 That's what I meant. OK. 00:55:22 Not the whole project. Not monero, Not monero-gui, not ccs 00:55:50 real_glitch https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/vd-molly-payments-stage1.html where do you label this 00:59:54 thats a hell of a reading for late night hours 01:00:16 Do you know what molly is? The signal fork? 01:00:46 The proposal was to add monero to molly, eta ~18 weeks 01:01:55 Instead, molly raised more money from outside of the ccs, never delivered, posted a new delay update every 6 months for 2yrs, then asked for more money 01:03:00 And they were funded again 01:03:23 Both ccs are incomplete 01:04:33 in milestone part it is empty, so did monero CCS pay the guy or the proposal got funded but donated to GF? 01:05:43 * m-relay summons valldrac 01:18:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If its empty then no payment 01:18:58 Need To check the ccs 01:19:18 if it's up to date :) 01:19:29 i will support anyone who adds a fuking dark theme/mode to both ccs and getmonero website 01:20:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use sunglasses 01:24:45 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/388 01:27:20 i dont know the guy but i see a lot of positive comments from the core devs 01:27:22 maybe make a verification process for people requesting huge funds like this so we can catch them out there if needed?(JK JK) 07:12:31 About the SDK CCS, milestone 1 is done, which was the toughest part. Now, just waiting for a pull-request review for milestone 2 07:12:32 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9344 08:32:13 I was never convinced that xmr-haelan, thunderosa and almutasim weren't just alts of already established people in the community. 08:35:44 Regarding the LLC and -community, i think a LOT of the push back could have been solved if there had been a non-profit, or a co-op of some kind, set up. This would be similar to twisted edwards. In a perfect world this would have put legal obligations on the directors/shareholders regarding profit sharing and re-investment. That wasn't done (even though it was suggested). 08:37:03 At no point in time Justin or anyone involved with that idea claimed the LLC was going to be for profit to begin with. 08:37:17 It was simply a formalization for accounting purposes. 08:37:44 The whole make it non-profit strays into eurocuck misunderstanding of what an LLC constitutes. 08:38:20 It was all the stretched truth by geonic, haelan, you, claiming it was all an evil plan for compliance, KYC, for-profit, company, bla bla bla... 08:38:35 We, as a community, could have figured it out. Instead, the persons that wanted/needed the change (and it was a distinct need) didn't seem to want to try and choose and alternate path, and instead left community, or at least stepped back. It was fair enough, as they were genuinely hurt, as they felt their objectives were misinterpreted. I personally lost a friend over it (yes, i want a violin). 08:39:55 Stepped down and registered Monero Space LLC, was the original plan. 08:40:23 rotten: yes, we knew that for the most part. BUT there would have been legal implications of assets falling under their control, including compliance requirements. For example, they wanted an LLC to run some social media channels. That would have meant a RAFT of compliance obligations in Europe 08:40:42 That did not bear any fruition, mainly because everyone was, still at that point, repeating the same nonsensical bullshit over and over... Compliance, for profit, company, KYC... 08:40:48 The fears weren't completely unfounded, as you seem to suggest. 08:40:51 The most retarded one... US based! 08:41:09 rottenwheel: they would have been serving EU based people 08:41:15 EU regs apply 08:41:32 We cannot have a Monero related LLC that is registered in the US. Gasp! 08:42:17 rottenwheel: i never said that. 08:42:38 All some people wanted was more thought put into it 08:42:41 That's it. 08:42:54 Since when do you need an LLC to "run a social media account"? 08:42:57 They didn't want to try (it seemed), and left 08:43:17 Removing the concept of LLCs from decentralised infra and governance is completely legitimate 08:43:22 Don't blame them for stepping down. You lot are exhaustingly retarded. 08:43:25 Saying it's not, is ignorance 08:43:40 We could have tried to solve it someway 08:44:06 What decentealized infrastructure and governance are you talking about now? 08:44:07 Or at least discussed it for longer than one or two months. Things weren't going to crumble if there was no LLC 08:44:45 What decentralized infrastructure and governance are you talking about now? 08:45:46 In this instance it was social media platforms (matrix, IRC channels, YouTube - don't know how you do that decentralised), and governance of above. 08:46:24 We still haven't really figured it out either. Cypherstack exists as an LLC and helps out with this 08:47:05 And this recent CCS will put director of LLC back in control of morr stuff, so the problem is reappearing. 08:47:11 If it's not a problem, fine 08:47:17 But SOME people think it is 08:47:28 So be an adult, and deal with it 08:47:45 Can't decentralize "infrastructure" if the whole thing is a proprietary SaSS. 🙃 08:48:10 SaaS 08:48:13 Be an adult and deal with it? 😂 08:48:29 Sassafras! 09:01:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There is always a single point in IT infrastructure when managing. So there is continuity 09:02:14 Precisely. 09:03:00 Matrix, Twitter profiles, IRC (#monero-xxxx...) channels, GitLab repository, CCS, it's all centralized. 09:03:37 Don't get what midi says about "decentralized infra and governance". 09:21:40 As i remember, the idea was to put pretty much all social media (that we had at the time) under control of one LLC, with three board members. 09:21:46 Please correct me if i am wrong 09:22:14 If that plan was suggested today, how do you think it would be received? (Honest question) 09:22:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think you will have an issue with who the 3 are 09:22:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Trust issue 09:22:57 That sounds like bs. 09:23:09 All social media entails @monero as well, highly doubt that was the case. 09:23:38 There was a ton of social media. I remember that. It also included existing youtube content. 09:23:54 Yes, Monero Community Workgroup YouTube channel. 09:24:10 I wonder... who used to host Monero Coffee Chats before you all killed -community? 09:24:15 Twitter, mastadon/matrix (i still don't know the difference), YouTube, i can't remember what else 09:24:20 Who ran bi-weekly meetings every year? 09:24:43 rotten, you didn't answer the question 09:24:52 How would it go, if suggested today 09:25:16 Can't answer a question with a bullshit claim. 09:25:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like the same thing as core 09:25:25 @monero would not fall under that LLC. 09:25:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 3 people in charge of socials 09:26:02 it would have been similar to core, except wrapped up in LLC liability 09:26:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wdym 09:26:25 There would have been benefits (without a doubt), but also valid concerns 09:26:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What is the LLC liability ? 09:26:59 core, for the most part, aren't accountable to regulations in the same way that an LLC is. That is both a benefit and a vulnerability, admittedly 09:27:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Voting on a board? 09:27:23 LLC is accountable to law abd regulations 09:27:31 Can get sued for stuff, shut down, etc 09:27:40 Targeted, etc etc 09:27:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So what regulation would stop them from doing what they want with socials ? 09:28:21 lol. 09:28:22 Nothing. But anyone in charge of socials now can do the same 09:28:40 That didn't fix that issue 09:28:59 The main practical benefit was fundraising and invoicing (as i remember it) 09:29:10 They are serious benefits, without a doubt. 09:29:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So where adding bureaucracy? 09:29:21 But without them, has -community died? 09:29:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> With accountablitiy 09:29:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Without* 09:30:01 -community "died" cause an IDEA for an LLC got rejected. That's it. what then happened is the people involved took it personally 09:30:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> At some people someone needs to be trusted 09:30:15 midipoet if you zoom in the timeframe between them stepping down from community, Space LLC registration... the period afterwards. 09:30:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Which is pro and con 09:30:25 Diego got let go months later... 09:30:38 Were there bi-weekly community meetings? Were there Monero Coffee Chats? 09:30:48 Was there a Monero trivia every few months? 09:30:50 Of course there was a vacuum 09:31:12 Not because the LLC got rejected, but because the people got affronted with the rejection and left 09:31:27 THAT is the honest truth 09:31:27 Then why do you pose the question "But without them, has -community died?" as if that weren't the case? 09:31:40 ABSOLUTE TRUTH BY PHILOSOPHER MIDIPOET. 09:31:48 "Without the LLC has the community died?" 09:31:50 No 09:31:51 It has to be written in caps, otherwise it's not true. 09:32:16 So now you're rephrasing your original question? lol. 09:32:34 Anyways, this is all a waste of time. LLC bad. 09:32:43 The them in question above, was "the benefits", not the people 09:33:15 If you can follow the train of comments, it's obvious. Apologies if it wasn't 09:33:24 -community "died" cause an IDEA for an LLC got rejected. That's it. what then happened is the people involved took it personally 09:33:40 How can you not take it personal when the accusations around are absolutely false? 09:33:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This sounds like drunk talk 09:33:54 Please do not get defensive and say you did not say X or Y. It is a general counterargument. 09:34:32 Among the accusations... Compliance bro wants to create LLC, that could be a for-profit entity, where community assets reside. Impossible, inacceptable, regulations, USA, they'll serve EU users, hurrr durrr. 09:34:58 threat/risk analysis is always based on predicates that may or may not exist in the future. Monero people do it every day, for myriad things. People in the community did a risk assessment on the LLC and waved a red flag and shouted (me included). That's it 09:35:15 You definitely sound like a drunk old man 24/7 with your nonsense comments, but nobody points a finger at you. 09:35:39 fair enough, I'll shut up then. Thanks for the insights. 09:35:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What 09:35:53 That wasn't with you, was with Dan. 09:36:04 You don't see the quote reply because you're on IRC, midi. 09:36:22 midipoet question in point... How can you not take it personal when the accusations around are absolutely false? 09:36:39 wait what, Dan is like the most sane person around here 09:36:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Once upon a time i remember you were banned from all privacy rooms 09:36:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> For 09:37:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bigot and something else 09:37:06 Gasp! 09:37:12 Call the mods! 09:37:15 Where's plowsof? 09:37:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyways 09:38:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Compared to most here sure 09:39:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bar is very low ceetee 09:39:45 Don't go to the psych ward, join a cryptocurrency community! 09:40:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Alt now 09:40:16 I mean to topic attracts _unique_ people 09:40:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Interesting 09:40:51 I mean the topic attracts 09:40:52 unique people 09:41:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We welcome all 09:41:51 We are all unique and special in our own ways. 🌈 09:44:06 Speaking of neurodiverse people... https://xcancel.com/Dimi_h/status/1808797921053114400 09:44:13 Speaking of neurodivergent people... https://xcancel.com/Dimi\_h/status/1808797921053114400 10:06:06 yeah 10:06:13 im sure he got those 75k from hodling btc 10:40:54 "We are all unique and special in our own ways. 🌈" << what this supposed to mean? 10:41:19 Figure it out. 10:47:23 Rotten and ofrnxmr should get along but I know it's touchy subject 💜 we should all be friends 10:47:57 Why would i get along with someone as useless as him 10:48:15 😬 10:48:26 this is a workgroup, not a gay bashing party 10:53:30 Please don't try to associate me with that tool. 10:53:42 and im not taking things out of context, rotten is intentionally trying to stir the pot. Did the same thing yesterday (and 2 days ago) when he was call calling people midgets and trannies 10:54:30 JUST IN: The biggest heckling turd in the Monero community is now acting as a de facto moderator, telling people what they can say and what they cannot say! 10:54:42 this is a workgroup 10:54:52 Mirrors... use them... 10:55:10 🪞♿️ 10:56:48 Which marginalized group are you insulting now? 10:57:23 Personal vendettas should be considered offtopic imo 10:57:33 rottenwheel you have a WIP CCS, i expect you to carry yourself better in the community workgroup channel. potty mouth insults and comments on peoples appearance (although there was back and forth) are not good reading 10:59:29 plowsof: so... how long should I stay in the corner for? https://d2gg9evh47fn9z.cloudfront.net/800px_COLOURBOX5516170.jpg 11:01:16 Shat 11:01:37 what** back and forth? The gay comment was uncalled for 11:02:20 As was the trannie comment, or the wheelchair one 11:14:50 midipoet: which country do you think would be appropriate for an LLC in this case? Contrary to what most people think here, it wouldn't be so unusual to have a legal entity behind Monero because this is how many large (non-crypto) FOSS projects also operate. We could also find a fiscal host entity that doesn't solely focus on Monero. 11:16:23 I doubt putting a LLC entity in charge of managing the monero project in general to be a good idea 11:16:31 I think the latter would prevent corruption to a degree even. 11:17:01 While not keeping that entity responsible for any sanctions if they were to happen 11:17:05 Monero is a registered entity, isnt it 11:17:08 oh i see, the look in the mirror emoji "🪞♿️", lets sweep that under "comments on peoples appearance" / libera policy warning, or, are we using cards now? rottenwheel, yellow card! you are still getting a gift for helping out on -site today but im disappointed! we're role playing here, and that kinda stuff is totally out of character (OOC) / offtopic / bad etiquette IMO pls continue 11:17:10 Because they're just a fiscal host 11:18:59 If you don't know what a fiscal host for FOSS projects is, here are some examples: 11:19:00 https://opencollective.com/europe 11:19:02 https://nlnet.nl/ 11:23:05 Monerokon's current entity (TE) could also be used for this purpose. TE would not own Monero project/brand but it could handle donations and keep books. 11:24:18 If we had a fiscal host there would be consequences for incidents like how the CCS wallet was emptied and there was no post mortem. 11:24:34 I do not support this 11:24:35 So there would be incentive to not steal from the project or do corruption overall. 11:26:16 One little note, if I may... As far as I know siren, nihilist and xmrfamily weren't around for the community/space fallout, and y'all, along with midipoet, seem to drag Monero, the project, with the issue. Let me be clear, the LLC was going to be registered for Community Workgroup, not the whole project. 11:26:37 To siren point, the goal was exactly that, handle donation, keep books. Give structure and formalization to the workgroup. 11:26:46 imo the biggest long term threat is still regulation, so I dont think adding more legal liabilities is a wise move 11:27:09 Otherwise it is very loose for contributors like sgp, nm90, Diego, xmrscott, even, to keep using funds from their pocket, or mix personal bank accounts with community funds, or viceversa. 11:27:17 +1 ct 11:27:45 Forming an LLC with a bank account registered under it, would allow a legal "multisig", accountability, even tax benefits, depending on jurisdiction, etc. 11:27:55 Gf pays for the infra, what are u talking about 11:28:06 For this reason the best option seems to find a host that we don't control. Worst case scenario is them showing us the door. 11:28:08 Sgp pays for sgp's own initiatives 11:28:23 The whole appropriating community assets, or "serving EU users" while the LLC is formed in USA makes little to no sense. 11:31:56 Well it sucks this project is basically doomed with corruption 11:32:23 ye... 11:32:33 But who cares I guess, as long as the money comes back and people don't steal as much it will continue existing. Or someone will fork it. 11:34:03 someone made a comment one of these days that struck home, as discouraging as it sounded. it was Dan's. https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20240703#c394458 11:34:31 "Here they give them the wallet back" 11:34:52 Speaking of... luigi1111 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/923#issuecomment-2194105468 11:35:28 How is that discouraging? 11:37:33 This 💯 11:38:02 In usa creating llc doesn't really do shit. Banks still cunts when it comes to opening business bank accounts 11:38:21 dukenukem: Yes, I've seen the GitHub thread and offered to help as well. Unfortunately this sounds like a "culture" issue. People religiously trust some of the core members. It's cult-like. This incident wouldn't have been forgotten so fast or excused in another software project. 11:38:24 In usa creating llc doesn't really do shit. Banks still cunts when it comes to opening business bank accounts for crypto related 11:38:35 luigi was supposed to hold the wallet til end of march, but then he decided he'd hold on a bit longer 11:38:50 A bank account isn't required. 11:39:17 Monero tech amazing. People still idiots can't really update that 11:39:18 "forgotten so fast or excused in another software project." It would have been reported to the community in less than 60 days too 11:39:29 siren Agreed... 11:39:35 I'm just saying llc isn't going to do that much 11:40:10 Fraud/embezzlement/ scams still happen all the time in businesses 11:40:11 rotten, with all due respect, Serving EU customers absolutely, 100%, means an an LLC in the US is required to be compliant with EU regs. 11:40:23 zzz. 11:40:25 I would be happy to make a sizeable bet with you on this 11:40:32 No need. 11:40:46 If you don't care about that fine, but it's not an unfounded fear 11:40:47 Where are the EU customers in a Community Workgroup LLC? 11:40:55 I'm practice it may well mean absolutely nothing 11:40:57 What is the service or product being "sold" here? 11:41:01 Hypothetically speaking. 11:43:49 They would have been (if i recall) registered users of a mastadon/discord instance (i can't remember which one). Whatever that monero space thing was on (if i recall). PLUS there were other plans to develop the community workgroup, which may have meant other liabilities. You'd have to ask them what they wanted to develop. 11:44:27 How many businesses do you run to know this? There is no way on earth you could get away with the fact that all your funds suddenly disappeared overnight. 11:45:08 Ftx? I am not telling you shit about me 11:45:09 And they magically reappeared later on lmao. 11:45:56 We encountered the same practical need for events, and after some open and transparent discussion with all, went with some form of non-profit. If i recall, the last LLC went straight to a CCS with little to no discussion with anyone. Then it all blew up 11:46:36 midipoet: Potentially enterprise support could be offered, sponsorships could be accepted (eg. small paid banners placed in GitHub releases, documentation etc.). And of course the main source of income would be donations. 11:46:40 What did you expect? If events did the same, with self appointed directors, there would have been the same "wtf" 11:46:56 midipoet: Mastodon, I think. 11:46:59 If i recall, in events, we nominated people and the community voted 11:46:59 Onecoin and Ruja Ignatova who is rn fbi most wanted(big reward increase lately) 11:47:15 midipoet: so it'd come down to GDPR and data protection laws and blabla at that point, no? 11:47:27 100% I support non profit 11:47:29 Fuck llc 11:47:51 If you choose to have a LLC, you're opening the door to regulations, that's all centralisation leads to eventually. Those at the head of a LLC have a target painted on their backs in case of non-compliances 11:47:54 Yes, a lot of bla bla 11:48:03 siren the plot thickens when you factor in that the "refund" of the stolen funds was exactly the same amount + 21. The supply cap of BTC. lol 11:48:11 😅 I'm not expert in eu regulations to give good opinion 11:48:36 What i am trying to say is that "the issue" was surmountable. It just required more thought and discussion 11:48:51 Why not follow how Tor handles their organisation ? Its a non profit organisation 11:49:00 midipoet: why would you expect us to nominate people and vote if those "three" you mentioned before had been carrying out all community activities, single-handedly, for years. 3-4++ 11:49:05 Why not follow how Tor handles their organisation ? As a non profit organisation 11:49:10 I even remember a comment made by someone that just said that: "monero community should try harder than just setting up an LLC and moving on" 11:49:44 nihilist: yes, this was suggested. Never explored. Though MAGIC now exists 11:49:49 midipoet: yeah, gdpr, data protection, all that tends to be blabla to me... 11:49:52 Which seems a very well run org 11:50:26 Honestly follow the tor organisation model, its worked well for them so far afaik 11:50:47 yeah, i would agree. Personally, i would like a co-op 11:50:50 Smart suggestion 11:51:22 With all non-anonymous network participants as signatories. I think that would carry the most weight 11:51:33 Yeah even MAGIC would work fine here. CCS should be avoided. 11:52:53 rotten: in response to your "who should be directors" question. Because it allows the community to communicate easily as to whether they trust the de facto leaders or not. 11:53:11 Hmm... 11:53:17 Surely it would have been a formality if everything was alright with everyone 11:53:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> When will there monero corporation 11:53:44 I think there already is 11:53:48 I would like to add to ballot as dictator 😅 11:53:49 But anyways!! 11:54:09 I would like to add myseld to ballot as dictator 😅 11:54:15 There is DEFINITELY an entity that holds a protective patent 11:54:31 Copyright* 11:54:36 or defensive patent, or whatever it's called 11:54:54 Copyright enforcement is ..... funny 11:54:55 actually it was geonic that waved a flag at that too 11:55:04 yeah, your boyfriend george nicholas was stirring the pot, as he usually does... the other day. 11:55:11 (rightly so in my opinion) 11:55:13 dman I started reading the scrollback and burnt my oatmeal :( 11:55:18 *damn 11:55:27 nioCat: drama too good today? 11:55:31 gm btw! 11:55:52 never ending, it shouldn't be this difficult to figure out 11:56:02 I vote dan bob 11:56:03 midipoet: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/730 here you go! 11:56:18 nioCat: who are we and where are our goats? 11:56:23 I know, I have no nothing to say here, but I'm shocked to read this idea to form "legal" entity. This is like negociating with the extorcionist. Why the heck would you admint an "authority"? Why would you care about fiat? For me Monero is first and formost to secure freedom and starve the beast, for me LLC is just insane. Best stay far a way from governments, they are the corruptest, why would you put even trust in them? 11:56:40 +1 vthor 11:57:10 yes pay for things without banks even if not possible to do so 11:57:14 I mean a LLC is about making FIAT profit isn't it ? 11:57:21 monero is subject to any country or their laws, idk what were even going on abt 11:57:33 Is not* subject 11:57:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero pty ltd 11:58:06 I propose a Monero Coin Company with myself as CEO 11:58:13 not necessarily nihilist 11:58:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ocean how many coins will there be in circulation 11:58:56 I call dibs on registration in yemen 12:00:06 Or NK. Wouldnt this LLC or nonprofit have to avoid doing "biz" with any "sanctioned" countries or their citizens? 12:00:17 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup: we'll implement an incremental burning policy so everybody is guranteed lambos 12:00:30 I'm quite sure we have russian and NK contributors. We definitely fund russian work 12:01:02 Picture the following : We believe everyone should be able to explore the internet with privacy. We are the Monero Project, a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit. We advance human rights and defend your financial privacy online through free software and networks. Meet our team. 12:01:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc is in NK 12:01:14 Would this american community be allowed to fund russians? 12:01:22 Picture the following : We believe everyone should be able to transact with privacy. We are the Monero Project, a 501(c)(3) US nonprofit. We advance human rights and defend your financial privacy online through free software and networks. Meet our team. 12:01:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neg 12:01:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sanctioned 12:02:20 nihilist this works only if you are a asset to exact that governemnt what exactly in my view defeats the purpose 12:07:13 Wut, I don't understand the issue exactly 12:07:37 See what is the single point what makes one distrust the Tor project (for me is the closeness to gov and what happend about Jake and the drama). I need to continue to work, but please don't fuck up Monero, I relay on it for my future, I even thinking on daily onboarding people although I normally try to stay away from people. Monero is this one single hope for a better future in a evil world where people following a long with the beast create the real 12:07:38 evil, instead of starving the beast. And I can guarantee you, if you give leverage to any goverenment if will be used against you, from government perspective you are ALREADY the enemy. 12:09:14 Makes sense, but just saying a LLC gives a lot more leverage to the government to control it, rather than a nonprofit organisation 12:10:02 I'll let everyone comment on that. But yea agreed, the less leverage given to governments, the better. 12:10:45 You can have monero private and secure only if staying away from any gov, if you are close you will be aproached, and bullied into doing things you never planned to do. nonprofit is the same thing, you admint a government has authority over you and you enter a game where you do not control the (changing and adapting) rules. 12:12:40 we were originally talking about paying for the assets of this one channel, something from many years ago 12:13:03 I will make monero non profit org soon, if anyone cares, I don't have specifications atm but monero needs it's own advocates in cryptocurrency space. 12:13:37 MAGIC exists @xmrfamily 12:13:48 and _nobody_ speaks for monero 12:13:54 I was before all the time thinking how to create a entity construct for biz, but in the end, when I read what is going on in the world, you can fuck it, because gov makes anyway whatever it wants, it doens't help you in any way and there is no bridge from two worlds, or you are in one world or the other, but if you step into the world you get fucked with one leg, they will pull you completely in their world and the 1 meter long 30cm diameter dildo is 12:13:55 there already waiting for each of us :D (only laughing to not cry) 12:14:04 Don't rush things, need to consider everything first 12:14:24 Obviously 12:14:42 nioCat: but the endgame of that is that every workgroup is an LLC, no? 12:14:46 So whatever entity you form.. is not the voice of or representative of "monero" 12:14:56 Magic doesn't really deal with regulation issues in usa? 12:15:11 Complyfirst did, no? 12:15:14 don't see why MRL shouldn't be an LLC. Way easier to hire devs 12:15:18 I want to influence usa/ my state policy/regulations 12:15:22 Why would you deal with regulations? Fuck them 12:15:33 midipoet - how about russian devs? North korean devs? 12:15:49 Cause I'm a p2p trader? 12:15:56 midipoet: didn't seem to be unless it was a good idea 12:16:11 Regulations effect me and people I support 12:16:27 those regulations have nothing to do with monero as a project 12:16:39 midipoet: we have magic to hire devs lol 12:16:40 Gov is the problem not xmr not regulated 12:16:57 nioCat: fair. 12:17:00 100% 12:17:32 Get rid of the stupidity of needing a gov and there is no need to get regulated, you handle only your problem along. 12:17:41 well then maybe we should make an LLC and apply for a payment services licence. Might stop the delistings 12:18:30 midipoet: would that help me in New North Korea? 12:18:33 the regulation is extortion, it's the only purpose on the end, why to negotiate with extorsionists instead of extinct this usless crap. 12:18:57 The minimum annual fee for any MAGIC Fund (unless specifically waived by the board) is $5000. This will be charged at the start of the Fund’s formation and will be charged annually thereafter. 12:19:22 midipoet it would not as long you are enable people to trade without knowledge of criminal organizations. see Samurai... 12:20:28 This includes the collection of your ID and tax information. We will conduct sanctions checks. 12:20:38 Magic eligibility ^ 12:20:59 Well, it is pointless, but I'm shocked and but I have only 24 hours a day (and taxes kill me still at least 5 hours of them) 12:21:08 Rip russian contributors 12:21:13 nioCat: we can apply there too. 12:21:44 ofrnxmr: that is the wording of magic? 12:21:50 Yes 12:22:07 https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/blob/main/Research-Grant-RFP.md 12:22:11 is that for donations or devs? 12:22:14 Under eligibility 12:22:20 thx 12:22:29 Recipients 12:22:40 Serious question, all of wanting a goverment aproved organization, what is your intrest in a privacy coin? Why not BTC and choose the color and topping of you dildo (used by gov to fuck you)? 12:22:41 "However, as a nonprofit organization registered under U.S. tax laws, MAGIC Grants is required to comply with certain laws when disbursing funds to grant recipients." 12:23:50 It's different for every individual? 12:24:31 The reasons 12:24:57 Every privacy coin with a company behind it has been made to fold 12:24:59 will read later, now eating my burnt oatmeal. Price too low to make a fresh batch :( 12:26:06 Will have 100msgs waiting fkr you upon return 🫡 12:26:19 <3 12:26:27 < midipoet> well then maybe we should make an LLC and apply for a payment services licence. Might stop the delistings 12:27:35 Litmocracy.blogspot.com/2024/01/letters-of-support.html?m=1 12:27:36 Dave Scotese is LM trader who got arrested for money laundering/running unlicensed msb and theoretically non profit organization could help support people like him. Dave is being sentenced in 12 days. People who sell monero, I want to support them 12:27:54 Don't understand why people keep conflating the whole project with a workgroup formalizing as an LLC/non-profit... 12:28:24 You could argue that non profit shouldn't support people's legal cases but, if they did possibly receive more donations 12:28:32 You could argue that non profit shouldn't support people's legal cases but, if they did possibly receive more donations/higher fund 12:28:59 vthor: you are wrong. You do contribute, so you do have the right to state your opinions. 12:29:22 Terrible idea 12:29:44 ^regarding your first message, I hate that matrix -> irc replies dont work 12:30:39 I'm to lazy to get on irc 12:30:48 Honestly yea a LLC will most likely create problems imo 12:30:55 rotten: there is definitely a case for MRL becoming an LLC to more easily pay devs and invoices. 12:31:02 throw xmr at DataHoarder and maybe he will find time to make a proper bridge 12:31:05 Don't paint a target on your backs 12:31:13 -policy as well, so we can sue people 12:31:18 Non profit can do? 12:31:36 even -off-topic so they can get sued and keep the flames contained 12:31:44 midipoet: explain why MAGIC can't fulfill those needs since it's already established, registered, all that fluff... 12:31:51 It can 12:31:58 the pay devs and invoices has been done already, few times. 12:32:04 It has 12:32:19 So why couldn't -community do that too? 12:32:20 why form one for MRL then? 12:32:38 for limited liability, one assumes 12:32:38 wat. 12:32:42 nioCat: funds would be appreciated, I have a better bridge in the works that was done from scratch. Works well, just trying to get edge cases all nice 12:32:51 -community form an LLC??? 12:33:03 so we've gone full circle and now you're looking for a community LLC? 12:33:09 There is a difference between paying devs and being a msb (money service business, in usa fincen license+ state msb license) 12:33:12 No. -community not form an LLC but keep paying invoices 12:33:41 * dukenukem tilts his head and tries to decipher what is going on... 12:33:44 if MRL can do it, why can't -community? 12:33:53 what invoices are we paying again? 12:34:01 I don't know 12:34:05 also, why suddenly the LLC talk drives you to suing people? 12:34:05 lol 12:34:06 Any invoices? 12:34:21 😆 12:34:27 Monero as a whole is already in multiple governments' target list, dont give them anything they can use against the project as a whole 12:34:59 so anyways, why did we get into all this to begin with? 12:35:01 We are going round in circles. But essentially, i think we can all agree that an LLC is not mission critical and never was 12:35:03 lol 12:35:19 wasnt talking to you, but to vthor - you were just a victim of the matrix delay 12:35:21 DataHoarder: thx, I will send you something for sure. Maybe we can get a donation fund organized 12:35:34 And crypto community lots of people judge monero as "criminal coin" 12:35:47 So when the idea was rejected by -community, it shouldn't have caused a vacuum in the community. 12:35:48 DataHoarder: you could open a Kuno fundraiser. :D 12:35:52 It's not a criminal coin. People are....." insult of choice" 12:36:35 midipoet: it wasn't rejected by -community, sir. was rejected by a dozen of very vocal and dedicated individuals. 12:37:11 regardless, community hasn't been what it was and won't be because those actors aren't around anymore, not even in space. 12:37:51 time for a -community 2.0. \o/ 12:42:06 dukenukem: do you remember the names of those actors? I'm curious about who they are. 12:42:19 Agree. Let's start an LLCv2. what do you say? Me you and ofrnxmr as directors 12:42:26 And crypto community lots of people judge monero as "criminal coin" and they will do so as long you don't praise gov, pay fine all your taxes and choose you dildo AND have a open ledger, why to care about them? 12:43:26 siren yeah, of course. 12:43:45 siren what's the point of knowing who they are, though? 12:43:51 I want to help people not be idiots? So want them to realize they need xmr not btc and eth 12:43:52 Where do scrapped CCS deas end up? They are still in the gitlab, right? Just never merged? 12:44:11 so we know who the "untrusted" individuals are, that wanted to make XMR a corporation? 12:44:43 midipoet: I would prefer to become homeless and starve to death before working with ofrn. 12:45:07 To be honest, i am still not convicted that you aren't ofrnxmr 12:45:11 LOL 12:45:16 *convinced 12:45:24 I told vik there should be monero meetup in Philadelphia. Still waiting for that day to happen 🥲 12:45:24 Yeah, I am totally ofrnxmr. No doubt. 12:45:25 dukenukem: I want to understand their background and perspective in this. 12:45:36 siren Fair, I'll PM you on Matrix. 12:47:32 x​mrfamily did vik respond to you? 12:49:43 plowsof: can you confirm ofrnxmr and I are the same person? 12:52:31 midipoet... Dukenukem is rotten 12:53:40 Maybe he's fresh 12:53:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/VySELtgyTYaRmYfDDWPwXCEJ 12:54:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/bxSSHmYXfmtPcvAkTyDalmkv 12:55:53 what 12:56:03 midipoet, did you suggest that ofrnxmr + ofrnxmr + midipoet be the directors? 12:59:06 Did Monero ever try to get a stand in FOSDEM? 13:02:24 <0​xfffc:monero.social> I think the beauty of monero is its decentralized nature! 13:03:20 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Both governance, and technical aspects. 13:03:23 What is the current status of the monero project anyway ? 13:03:39 Organizationally speaking 13:03:57 A bunch of random people collaborating on a git repo ? And that's it ? 13:07:55 <0​xfffc:monero.social> And that is supposed to be a bad thing? You haven’t heard anything about open governance! 13:08:02 I think there are some large entities/nyms with a lot of responsibility and control, then a load of mission critical devs and cryptographers below, and then the rest of us. 13:10:20 Take out Majestic, Cake, a couple more orgs (some already gone), a few of Core, and a few devs, and the whole thing ends (only my cynical opinion). 13:10:59 Honestly I consider that a great option, if that's viable for the project needs 13:11:36 Take out all the orgs, monero still lives 💜 13:12:16 > <@m-relay:monero.social> Take out Majestic, Cake, a couple more orgs (some already gone), a few of Core, and a few devs, and the whole thing ends (only my cynical opinion). 13:12:16 Take out all the orgs,/devs/etc monero still lives 💜 13:12:18 Very Minimal attack surface to get attacked, its literally individuals making use of their freedom to express themselves, through code 13:12:28 Very Minimal attack surface, its literally individuals making use of their freedom to express themselves, through code 13:12:52 And if those developers maintain their anonymity, they won't get the tornado cash treatment 13:13:10 Very resilient way for a project to keep going 13:14:30 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Human hierarchy’s tend to get corrupted over time. To prevent this corruption imho open governance is best approach. 13:14:50 there is no reliace on majestic, cake, core, or any specific dev 13:14:57 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Every human hierarchy. ( even civilizations, read Spengler, Ibn-Khaldun ) 13:15:08 Idk what midi is talking about 13:15:31 Acting as if this project rides on the shoukders of cake, majestic, and clre 13:16:06 When it really rides on the shoulders of devs who (in a lot of cases) have no idea who one another are 13:16:32 😂🤣😂 13:16:54 What about the people who use monero? 13:17:02 with _nobody_ telling them what to do. Devs review whatever they want to, they choose what part of the codebase theyd like to work on 13:17:35 xmrfamily, what i meant was that its the opposite of what midi said 13:17:54 Its not a top down project, its a bottom up 13:18:19 Similar to a democratic republic, its not a democraxy 13:18:26 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Exactly this👆🏻 13:19:06 Community who cant write code may make suggestion, but ultimately they cant force any dev to do anything (except by voting with $ and hashrate) 13:22:15 x​mrfamily you might want to ask vik again, he's a busy guy 13:22:49 siren hyc used to go to FOSDEM, not sure how much monero was part of that 13:23:02 I'm busy too. He didn't respond to my last chats that's why I'm not a big fan of him atm. 13:23:28 siren not anything else that I am aware of 13:23:45 I don't have issues with vik 13:24:09 Xmrfamily, hes flying on private jets n shit and has 60 ppl asking him to do stuff for them 13:24:40 If i was him, i would probably get my secretary to answer all of my msgs 13:24:48 https://x.com/vikrantnyc/status/1806809196660392096 13:25:37 Vik does a lot for monero community. 13:30:35 vik is awesome 13:41:38 So, I maintain a timeline of potentially important milestones in Monero's history (https://resilience365.com/monero-timeline/) 13:41:38 The more time passes since events, the easier it is to pick out key ones. 13:41:58 That said, the last update I have is March 2023 - where the limit to the tx_extra field (1060 bytes) was added 13:41:58 I was thinking of adding mention of that last big "spamming" of the network, and then add mention of the new "Stressnet" 13:42:00 I'm optimistic stressnet will be fruitful for spotting scaling bugs/issues, but I could be getting ahead of my skis 13:42:16 Any thoughts on the addition of those, and/or suggestions for recent new events to add? 13:42:37 oh neat 13:42:42 have this 13:43:50 list of random, obscure facts and events 13:44:11 Monero inflation bug 13:44:12 Haveno ZCash drama 13:44:14 Bytecoin 13:44:16 Monero guerilla ops 13:44:18 Monero.com squatter 13:44:20 nvs is satoshi 13:44:22 Mymonero honeypot 13:44:24 Paper xmr 13:44:26 Rodent incident 13:44:28 L3 13:44:30 Kovri 13:44:32 haha look it even has the diego drama on it 13:47:15 gosh, that brings back some memories 13:47:16 Project Coral Reef - 4,865 XMR raised 13:47:53 hey at least it is still up! 13:48:02 or at least was when i last checked 13:48:31 lol 13:49:02 what's L3 in the above context? 13:50:03 this was for a iceberg video i wanted to do years ago 13:50:11 this is L1 13:50:15 L1 13:50:16 /Xmr/ general 13:50:18 Monerochan 13:50:20 Darknet adoption 13:50:22 Funds don't show up in wallet 13:50:24 Wownero 13:50:26 Asmongold / place 13:50:32 i should probably add MoneroV to that timeline, had forgotten about it, good suggestion 13:51:02 Mb - are you copy pasting? 13:51:29 "Human hierarchy’s tend to get corrupted over time". full ack 13:52:40 i did paste what i had in my iceberg file yes 13:52:55 Okok 13:54:15 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FIfSwxBIaiipArnOjpCbbwYu 13:54:16 i also have images 13:57:24 nooo minko, whyyyyyy 14:00:40 Why haveno not listed? 14:01:32 > <@john_r365:monero.social> So, I maintain a timeline of potentially important milestones in Monero's history (https://resilience365.com/monero-timeline/) 14:01:34 > 14:01:36 > The more time passes since events, the easier it is to pick out key ones. 14:01:38 Add haveno pleasee 14:01:54 nothing has been listed since 2023 :) so that's partly why 14:01:54 could list the "reto" launch (?) 14:01:56 it might also make sense to add the monerokons 14:01:59 And LM shutdown 14:02:16 Not really imo, they are annual event? 14:02:35 big fan of monerokon, but unsure they're important enough for the context 14:02:47 could link to a playlist with the talks 🤷 14:02:55 as a single point 14:03:08 "LM shutdown and subsequent launch of haveno" 14:03:10 Lm shutting down, haveno being released, reto becoming live. I think it's a crazy story 14:03:16 MoneroKon is not important for Monero's timeline!?!??!!?!?!?!?!!!!! 14:03:29 the things one has to read in this psych ward, smh. 14:03:37 lol 14:04:06 yeah monerokon kinda spawned FCMPs if i remember correctly 14:04:08 or monerotopia 14:06:10 all the way back in Miami Monerotopia (I think) Aamir Taaki mentioned wanting Monero to move to something like zkStarks - and Luke Parker was there - but unsure that's the genesis 14:07:47 the point is that monerokon is actually kinda important 14:08:59 yearly points in the timeline also make it easier to contextualize the other stuff happening throughout the years 14:10:24 ok, point made, ha. meatspace events are actually important 14:10:49 I think monerotopia cooler than monerokon 14:10:51 will add LM shutdown, haveno reto launch and alllll the Monerokons 14:13:24 spice it up and add DoJ admission of taking XMR seized out of circulation! https://nitter.poast.org/binaryFate/status/1314320645279416320 14:13:35 Source: https://nitter.poast.org/binaryFate/status/1314320645279416320 14:13:57 screw you, clipboard. https://nitter.poast.org/binaryFate/status/1314318172502274050 14:14:30 Should add "rottenwheel unbanned" too 14:15:08 we all know that this is a meme 14:15:47 they use the seized xmr for funding CIA stuff just like they did when they used crack money to fund anti communism rebels 14:25:11 "we all know" 14:25:40 Do yOu HaVe A SoUrCe FoR ThAt!!?!?!! 14:27:38 Monero stickers in Kabul 14:29:16 monerobull: "they use the seized xmr for funding CIA stuff" -> who knows, but the link binaryFate shared doesn't say that. 14:29:20 It just says: "In most circumstances, the Department does not liquidate seized or forfeited AECs, as doing so allows them to re-enter the stream of commerce for potential future criminal use." 14:29:23 LOL 14:29:28 "Monero stickers in Kabul" 14:30:17 i guess without proof of keys, the seized XMR could 14:30:30 yeah yeah they are using them for criminal use themself for sure 14:30:44 even if its just making controlled buys from markets 14:31:02 ...cue the news... the "Monero stickers in Kabul" - a piece of paper with the monero logo on it, taped to a pole. https://x.com/spirobel/status/1591360222517690368 14:31:19 https://nitter.poast.org/spirobel/status/1591360222517690368 14:31:42 😆 14:33:31 john_r365 the quick facts thing and the timeline, great ones. ++ 14:34:21 I achieved more with my pocket money than the US gov with 20 trillion dollars in 2 decades 14:34:33 great symbolic victory for Monero 14:34:59 without Monero it would not be possible to pay people across the world 14:35:10 no matter how unstable everything is 14:35:52 Bet mom is very proud of you! 14:37:05 who are you btw? your vibe seems .... 14:37:31 <<>> 14:37:49 When mirror airdrop? 14:38:13 This not true? Fbi sent xmr to nsa agent when doing uc on him 14:38:52 Siezed crypto goes up for auction? 14:44:36 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/former-nsa-employee-arrested-espionage-related-charges 14:44:36 22 years he got I think. They sent him xmr(based on price at the time but they never stated it was xmr) 15:28:21 sometimes 15:28:44 the 2 billion dollars worth of btc that the germans seized is just being dumped on all CEXs 15:54:36 Any rough idea of when to expect a new monerod release? 15:58:16 New monerod release? 15:59:18 No, any eta on the next one? 15:59:53 don't think there's any ETA on a point release, or version bump. 16:00:08 wait for loogi's merges. (?) 16:00:52 Ah, k 16:01:39 M2049r seems to only update monerujo when monerod updates which is why i was wondering 16:04:06 Any rough idea of when to expect a new monerod release? <<>> 2 months ago 16:04:43 Habemus new CCS proposal! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/475 16:24:40 how is he asking for? 16:36:16 14:35:48 DataHoarder: you could open a Kuno fundraiser. :D 16:36:17 reason I haven't opened CCS or similar is that energy usually doesn't go much further, but sometimes I get focus to work on projects continously 16:37:18 DataHoarder: whose energy? you mean your personal will power to get stuff done? 16:37:29 thanks for bridging revuo's room so fast by the way. :D 16:37:30 personal energy :) 16:37:42 gotchu. 16:38:06 the power was during that G5 storm, wild stuff 16:38:32 g5 storm? 16:38:46 solar storm, a few months ago 16:39:03 ahh, yes. 17:00:05 Boog900 full time work on Cuprate (3 months) has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/boog_3_months_cuprate_2.html 17:27:28 https://imgflip.com/i/8vw8xh 17:28:15 tldr on the llc ^ 17:30:32 /ignore geonic 17:33:48 also, as I said privately to nioc, we don’t know how many more people would’ve quit if the LLC idea had gone through or what the long-term ramifications would’ve been. How many future contributors would we have lost? Unknown. 17:35:55 monerobull it's time you do some trolling: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/471 17:37:17 :/ 17:39:00 luigi: what is a mockery is deciding for the community and asking them to fund your decision 17:39:47 unless this is prefunded tesla-style and the ccs is just to say it came from community 17:41:37 geonic better call his muppets to action! 17:43:28 Hehe. It had better votes than diegos 17:45:40 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470#note_25225 17:46:05 monerobull: you definitely don't offer the same service! https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470#note_25225 17:47:08 I wonder what services diego offers that mb doesn’t and how that conclusion was reached 17:47:26 The project is not accepting applications for a paid maintainer position at this time. A well-functioning website workgroup could select one that could subsequently apply for a CCS if needed, though often open source maintainers are unpaid. 17:48:35 Well duh 17:48:44 Finger on the pulse of the community, that's where the value is at /s 17:49:06 $100k job right there 17:49:56 nioCat: that's a nice reply. 17:50:22 “soft skills guy needed, named diego” 17:50:23 I guess you saw it on your closed CCS :) 17:50:46 oh goody, I have a stethoscope and bp cuff 17:51:00 is there anything else I need? 17:51:06 so mb should or shouldn’t open his own ccs? conflicting guidance here 17:51:29 please reread 17:51:30 I think diego will also be lead mod (as i understand it) 17:51:34 nioCat: lol. 17:51:42 I don't think Luigi wants me 17:51:50 nioCat: mine was mostly a parody of the other 2, tbqh. 17:51:55 Lead mod across all platforms, if i read correctly 17:51:57 ofc 17:51:59 told plowsof via PM when I opened it. 17:52:07 I do think Luigi wants to give rehar a lot of money like in the good old days 17:52:19 nioCat: is this luigi’s comment somewhere 17:52:34 Lead mod lmao 17:52:42 After being gone for 2 years 17:52:51 as noted above it was on rotten's CCS 17:52:57 Yep yep corruption 17:52:58 And showing back up when the money faucet might open again 17:53:53 1) need well-functioning website workgroup 2) which could select one that could subsequently apply for a CCS if needed 17:54:04 although often is unpaid 17:54:14 so per luigi the website maintenance stuff is an unpaid position 17:54:38 could subsequently apply for a CCS if needed 17:54:59 And I already do the modding and community pulse 17:55:04 so that should be removed from diego’s ccs 17:55:07 I could maintain, just show me what button to push 17:55:14 geonic> “soft skills guy needed, named diego” <= correct, this is why I worked with him on it. I don't have another candidate currently. Community is welcome to approve it or not. This is not a mockery 17:55:14 So what exactly is worth 100k here 17:55:57 geonic> so per luigi the website maintenance stuff is an unpaid position <= not necessarily, but xmr maintainers have always been unpaid 17:56:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Are we still on this 17:56:26 dan bob, are you new here? 17:56:37 geonic> so that should be removed from diego’s ccs <= Diego isn't going to be website maintainer. 17:56:43 Luigi it's because their mostly fucking loaded 17:56:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its like a broken record 17:57:00 could be clarified better 17:57:03 what is he going to be? 17:57:14 well bring something new the dan, please :) 17:57:23 *then dan 17:57:39 ideally a website workgroup bootstrapper/coordinator. Dunno if he stays on longterm 17:58:07 Luigi it's because their mostly fucking loaded <= no I don't think so 17:58:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like a manager 17:59:07 and no one else in this room is fit to bootstrap a website workgroup? 17:59:18 or even in the community as a whole 17:59:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof 18:00:05 I don't think Luigi wants me <= your current sarcastic posture while interacting with and toward me is certainly not helping your case of you being helpful to me or the project 18:00:10 I bootstrapped an entire forum that got so popular someone feels the need to ddos it in this very moment :3 18:00:50 geonic> and no one else in this room is fit to bootstrap a website workgroup? <= do you have someone? All possibilities do not need to be exhausted before considering Diego 18:01:13 nioCat for maintainer! 18:01:14 I'm not sarcastic when I say I don't think you'd want me. You reached out to Diego, an insane thing to do considering their history. 18:01:40 depending on your view of it, sure 18:02:47 I’ve seen nothing from monerobull over the years that shows he is being unhelpful to the project. Actually the opposite 18:03:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero.town still down? 18:03:15 sarcastic comments aside 18:03:34 ^ 18:03:37 So yeah 18:04:13 Becore we consider Diego for the role I think we should consider this statement from the Core team 18:04:13 We might get a mirrored frontend behind CDN at some point 18:04:22 “ We consider this pattern to have been a breach of trust, and a direct contradiction with rehrar’s role.” 18:04:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> That would help 18:05:03 luigi1111: Swear on my Venezuelan ass I'm not throwing a dart at you with this but looks like status quo reads: luigi stays as lead project maintainer and CCS runner... because there's nobody else fit for the role... much like current Diego's situation, no? 18:05:14 I don’t recall Core making a similar statement about monerobull 18:05:54 Cue meme... it's not much but it's what we got. 18:06:12 > A breach of trust 18:06:14 Ah yes, perfect candidate 18:06:25 dukenukem: perhaps something like that 18:07:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like loosing 2500xmr 18:07:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Attacking diego and yet this happened and nothing changed 18:08:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Short memories i guess on certain things 18:09:08 People have stepped down from roles for much less than losing about half of all funding due to gross negligence, true. 18:09:22 Anyone else know how to use git? 18:09:35 Imagine if Angela Merkel lost 100 billion euros 18:09:42 i think the last thing we want right now is luigi to step down 18:09:50 I been around. Not nearly as much true, but I've been here and contributing in small ways. 18:10:05 also 18:10:13 Mod role is still laughable 18:10:28 he didn’t lose it. one of two people likely stole it 18:10:44 Plowsof is around way way more and yet we have CSAM stay up for hours 18:11:16 i can help with matrix moderation if needed, your call 18:12:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lololol 18:12:21 midipoet and I have volunteered as matrix mods 18:12:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Previous experience as mods? 18:12:54 a few facebook groups (: 18:13:07 facebook 0_o 18:13:22 :) 18:13:24 #disqualified 18:13:36 I beg plowsof to just mod me all the time 18:14:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tbh Mod you need to be calm 18:14:34 Obnoxiously sacharrine some would say 18:15:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Not use it for personal vendettas etc 18:15:42 yeah can we pls hire monerobull for emergency modding in this room? 2.5k people and only one active mod is less then ideal 18:17:00 @seen obnoxiously saccharine 18:17:11 sucralose? 18:17:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Think its up to heir fuhrer scott to give mod powers to you 18:17:41 ct in reality all mods in Resolutions room can moderate this and all rooms banhammer is part of. 18:18:08 So no, not "one active mod", there are like 5-6 with access to nuke people left and right. 18:18:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mods need to be present regulary 18:18:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And to be seen 18:18:30 Does Dan run the worldwide moderation guidelines now? 18:18:41 luigi: will Core retract its statement about Diego? 18:18:49 dan and bob 4 mods 18:18:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So rotten you have been a mod 18:18:53 Nearly all of the mods are gone 18:18:59 You can see them in the Resolutions room all you want. lol. 18:19:13 no I can't 18:19:18 Sgp just left the fucking monero discord and now there's no owner 18:19:18 are they all in the US timezone or something ? 18:19:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fck discord 18:19:33 Of course 18:19:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Their is that 18:19:47 Dan https://qu.ax/fyBe.png 18:19:48 Could have still thought about it for one second before leaving 18:20:01 print that and there you have them! you can see them regularly! 18:20:12 you guys should have mods covering at least 2 timezones i'd say 18:20:26 EU and US 18:20:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Northen and southern hemisphere 18:21:08 I mean, I see both EU and US covered in that list. 18:21:13 did he try to turn the discord into an llc too 18:21:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Usdt 18:21:41 Now... are they actively reading the rooms and making sure the CoC is being respected? 18:21:51 Audience_laughs.ogg 18:21:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Always 18:22:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I see them now 18:22:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> In the ether 18:23:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Also they’re the pro active modding team 18:32:13 geonic: I don't know 18:40:05 Why is the only person deemed untrustworthy by Core being pushed down our throat? 18:40:59 Cause he is probably still more trustworthy than most? 18:41:00 Are you willing to step in instead ? 18:41:22 better the devil you know... 18:41:24 I am but I don’t know how to use git 18:41:27 (: 18:42:03 Careful guys, I might hire another person who isn't thrilled to work on Monero at this time in his life. 18:42:45 It’s not like you’re known for outsourcing or anything 18:43:09 the breach of trust from my recollection was rather narrow in scope, basically about hiring sarang without us knowing. He was trustworthy in his usual monero work 18:44:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why is that a breach of trust? 18:44:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Core owned sarang ? 18:44:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or exclusive contract? 18:44:45 What Matrix rooms specifically are you seeing it stay up for hours? 18:45:10 “A part of rehrar's role was to keep his finger on the pulse of the community and the project, aiming to know and report to the Core Team anything that might be of interest or concern to the Monero project at large. We note that at the end of December 2019, during the 36C3 congress in Leipzig, Germany, rehrar had the opportunity to speak in 18:45:11 person with three members of the Core Team, and no mention was made regarding the Firo commits. Unfortunately, we feel that a similar pattern occurred with many of the community concerns where a proactive approach of bringing all these facts to us in a prompt and clear manner was not taken. The culminating example of this was rehrar securing a one 18:45:11 year, full-time contract for sarang with another project, which we only discovered very recently.“ 18:45:26 and now we’re hiring him to keep his finger on the pulse of the community again 18:45:47 Pretty sure it was the main monero room 18:46:14 Can’t blame diego again. Fool me once.. 18:46:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I just remeber the 24/25 incident 18:46:35 That too 18:46:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> It was spammed for hrs 18:46:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Had to wait for plowsof to appear 18:47:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They dont even have a banned wordlist setup or flood protection 18:48:25 Are you aware of a built-in Matrix control that offers either? 18:48:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There is a bot used? 18:49:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/the-draupnir-project/Draupnir 18:50:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I have “finger on the pulse” 18:56:20 I will comment that I know the existing bot used does offer flood protection after events within the mining room 19:03:25 Cool falcon 19:12:42 Looks like Draupnir is not without its limits either. Wordlist ban is constrained by room join date of the user 19:19:54 It would be nice though if Matrix had an automated control that did CSAM hashing detection and response like other platforms such as Discord 19:19:59 Woah guys check this out 19:20:10 https://www.reddit.com/r/monerosupport/s/xo8R1gaEtH 19:20:12 Someones got out of prison lol 19:22:34 After the initial 2-3 months I don't think I've seen anyone complain about this 19:24:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah euro chat control 19:29:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ban wordlist applies to all 19:29:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> New or old users 19:31:19 Someone posted an article on .town last week that said matrix is actually the premier hub for csam... especially on their own homeserver matrix.org 19:33:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Depends. I’ve modded in a room which was constantly under attack with gore and attempted doxxing 19:34:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This is where i found out the clients ban options are usesless, which is where a bot helps 19:35:17 /xmr/ has been closed for months 19:35:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Try and ban 6 people constantly spam posting with element client, it crashes it 19:35:47 (the chatroom, closed to new joins) 19:38:33 monerobull hmm, article or video? 19:40:28 There may have been a video too 19:40:38 But also a long article 19:44:01 If anyone's interested... 19:44:10 Matrix - A Pit of Abuse with Government Ties https://iv.datura.network/watch?v=W8KEuAEYjQ4 19:44:47 nihilist likes the link, I'm sure. ;) 19:50:56 I pledge 3 xmr to fund monerobull’s first month of trying to kickstart a website workgroup 19:51:39 luigi1111: will you give him a month to try before hiring someone else? 19:52:46 Next time can you please tell me stuff like that before publicly pledging anything and forcing my hand 😭 19:54:20 Only if you agree of course :) 19:56:34 can we have multiple spearheaders? Does that make progress more or less likely? Does monerobull want to be part of a website workgroup long term even if unfunded? 19:57:00 Sure 19:57:23 I’d like to be in it too 19:57:39 But to be upfront: I don't like the redesign proposed in the current CCS 19:57:46 do you have website specific skills and capability to work with others and evaluate their skill levels and contribution capabilities? 19:57:52 Same 19:57:54 the current CCS redesign is closed 19:59:37 CCS for website redesign* 20:00:20 Oh great 20:00:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip 20:01:21 I can deal with static sites 20:01:59 we can probably keep JS off? 20:02:07 anyway these aren't really community discussion 20:02:30 Of course 20:02:35 Most of my experience is around stuff not directly related to the content but related 20:02:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think web site maintainer is git orientated job 20:03:00 Like configuring S3 buckets or domain stuff 20:03:13 I have some experience with git yeah 20:03:32 actually merging stuff is git yeah, but expertise of the website itself is very useful for informing the what and why and how 20:03:40 Most of my experience is around stuff not directly related to the content but still related to the site as a whole 20:05:19 anyway the difficulty of the task at hand is "organizing" a "decentralized" "self-organized" group. It may take some babysitting. 20:05:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I doubt it will happen 20:06:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Everyone has to agree lol 20:06:36 Not necessarily. Just need people who are excited to work on it 20:07:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> But for instant ccs,people wont all agree 20:08:34 Website is more objective 20:13:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> For website maintainer needs to show that you have experience in running a website (not cpanel) and use git with commit history for proof no? 20:14:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cant yolo on getmonero.org 20:16:49 luigi isn’t handing out merge powers until a website workgroup is functioning and a leader has emerged from within 20:16:57 so I’ve heard 20:17:47 Just caught up, still dont know what i missed 20:17:52 that sounds right. 20:18:11 Why closed 441 @luigi 20:18:13 new contributor makes a PR from patch-1 branch with a useless commit title, are you excited now 20:19:40 441 = seraphis review 20:20:02 are we calling this a group work interview now? 20:20:46 where's the pseudo mod telling us to take it to -site? 20:22:05 Dukenukem is wondering where i am, but forgot that he muted me 20:22:27 plowsof wasnt 441 supposed to be deferred to MRL? 20:23:19 it was stuck and there was a comment about not needing it now (?) 20:23:39 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/441#note_24681 20:24:37 diego said there was room in their schedule, but, im ok with closing as theres no push from MRL for it. can always be re-opened if need be. MRL are busy with FCMP++ 20:27:07 It was made a few days before Kayaba came in with his FCMP proposal stuff. Attention shifted to that so this seems not necessary. 20:27:15 It can obviously be done alongside right now, but I think resources are best spent on FCMP right now. 20:47:34 Got it, thanks 20:48:21 luigi1111 the simple solution to merge powers on site = plowsof 20:52:11 thank you plowsof 20:54:57 my task is to perform the role badly, and slow so someone steps up 20:59:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof will do website merge for free! 21:01:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If we gave mbll a go. What would be the kpi she/he/google would need to meet? Being a first timer 21:01:56 I think plow's life would be easier if he had merge powers. Save time on conflicts 21:04:45 i mentioned yesterday, i can take on extra tasks for 'me gold' but it would hurt the project as a whole, extra tasks for plowsof or more contributors 21:07:56 more contributors would be easy, but its currently a negative because of backlog 21:10:39 screw the project and the bag of morons (including myself), take good care of yourself and bring more people in. 21:11:22 overworking man power into oblivion and relying on people because "it's the best we got for now". 21:11:33 prestigious crypto project. all in. 21:13:56 In english? 21:44:32 to be honest, i am thoroughly confused about what we are trying to do now. It's either maintain the website, maintain order in the socials/comms, or both. Have tasks now been split? 21:46:03 Where did they split? 21:46:08 It's always been the combo. 21:46:10 I don't know 21:46:20 Feels like somewhere 21:47:05 I don't read any split here... https://bin.nora.codes/p/3ynEfU.txt 21:47:16 ...having closed the other 2 similar proposals. 21:47:32 head mod, and website lead are (imo) two distinct tasks. They were aggregated initially (not sure why). Now there is talk about one being unpaid. 21:47:41 Or am i misunderstanding? 21:47:55 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 21:48:34 They are distinct tasks that fall under the same proposal. Don't know who is claiming one of them will be unpaid. The proposal is clear. 21:48:45 The chitchat in the channel not so much... 21:49:53 > 20:56 <• luigi1111> Does monerobull want to be part of a website workgroup long term even if unfunded? 21:50:09 That's what led me to believe the unpaid bit 21:52:39 > 18:54 so per luigi the website maintenance stuff is an unpaid position 21:52:43 And this 21:53:24 Was ErCiccione unpaid? 21:53:28 rotten: fair, the proposal is clear and the chitchat less so 21:53:29 Hmm... hmm... hmmm... 21:53:45 midipoet: especially if you listen to geonic's nonsense. :) 21:54:31 Erc was paid. Just wondering why a workgroup would not be funded then, especially if they did a CCS. 21:54:55 Anyways, maybe i am just confused. 21:55:02 midipoet: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/474#note_25231 21:55:11 > The project is not accepting applications for a paid maintainer position at this time. A well-functioning website workgroup could select one that could subsequently apply for a CCS if needed, though often open source maintainers are unpaid. 21:56:29 just switch to wordpress and hire someone on fiverr 21:59:09 rotten: ah ok. The project has spoken. 22:00:07 Don't for the life of me understand what is and what isn't paid in the rehrar CCS then. 22:00:11 But maybe it's just me 22:00:57 Jesus... 22:01:12 Perhaps a clearer delineation of tasks, objectives, mapped to payment requests would help? 22:01:23 Sounds like you've been repeating that for the past 3 days... 22:01:38 That's exactly what i was gonna say 22:04:01 So i don't know why the f we spent days going in circles, around the fountain of incessant drama, and up CCS sliding doors road, instead of just more clearly outlining the first CCS. 22:04:30 Don't mean to sound pedantic... aren't you the only one asking for 'clearer tasks'? 22:05:03 Don't know what needs rephrasing or more details in here, frankly. https://bin.nora.codes/p/3ynEfU.txt 22:05:46 Unless we're paying infinite karma and circling back to... it's just his soft skills, figger it out what he does or doesn't, but he's the man for the job. 22:05:59 🙃 22:06:41 Duke is really just mad that that he's not being considered at all 22:07:03 For any of the roles he asked for 22:10:47 Fair enough. Rotten and project have spoken. 22:11:05 _ 22:11:07 ? 22:11:36 To what do I owe that statement? 22:12:21 It's simply how I look at things, an opinion. If you don't like it, just trash it. At the end of the day I have no dog in this race. 22:22:10 But rotten, you did have a dog in this race 😂 22:23:07 not sure I’d call the proposal clear. it’s misleading if anything. luigi has said that we’re not hiring a website maintainer at this point and we need a functioning workgroup first. furthermore, he has clarified that the maintainer position can be paid (once there is a functioning workgroup), but doesn’t have to be 22:23:43 the lead mod position is definitely unpaid and therefore can’t be part of the “job description” 22:24:16 so the first two points of diego’s proposal, which were actually the most clear ones, are moot 22:24:31 it’s a proposal for soft skills, whatever those are 22:25:19 i think we need to accept that the CCS funds a person, not a distinct project/task, and the person was chosen. If rehrar was to stop working after month 1, nobody could pick up the CCS (as i understand it). 22:25:37 i don't want to argue about it anymore, as it is what it is. 22:26:07 "> i think we need to accept that the CCS funds a person, not a distinct project/task, and the person was chosen. If rehrar was to stop working after month 1, nobody could pick up the CCS (as i understand it)." 22:26:15 maybe the CCS should move to that sort of system. 22:26:35 the ccs is literally "help ofrnxmr take over the world" but with diego's name on it 22:27:04 Sort of like what ofrnxmr stated. They even said the title should be changed, and perhaps they were correct. 22:27:47 I gave the proposal to Luigi for review before posting so I don't know what to tell you guys. :P 22:28:10 i didnt give mine to luigi first 22:28:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vote 1 giego 22:28:19 Bcuz i dont work for luigi 22:28:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Diego* 22:28:35 whatever you do say, perhaps don't stick out your tongue while saying it ;-) 22:28:57 :PPPPPP 22:29:04 fair enough 22:29:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So nioc whats new 22:29:12 Ez 22:29:25 the tongue is part of the soft skills 22:29:37 CCS isn't supposed to be LCS 22:29:40 The softest part, in fact 22:29:51 the brown nose too (: 22:30:19 Knew something similar was coming 22:30:34 I didn't share with plowsof either. If i wanted feedback from anyone before posting, i got it from community members 22:30:56 “I gave the proposal to Luigi for review before posting” <== well he either didn’t read it close enough or is contradicting himself now 22:31:12 geonic 22:31:40 The proposal is just my proposal but written in a more approachable fashion 22:31:57 Thr deliverables were never intended to be clear 22:32:08 yes. and it has luigi’s upvote, which is all that matters 22:32:40 Luigi was a hypocrite when he closed mine and immediately asked diego to do the same but to out lipstick on the pig so it looked different 22:32:50 the rest is just noise. plebs complaining, etc 22:34:25 I was (am) in favor of my own proposal (obviously). and i think the loose roles are important. I am still in favor of diego's, but the scope seems to thin daily, making me question what the work really is 22:34:49 the work is literally “soft skills” 22:35:12 the only question is who would be the recipient of those soft skills 22:35:23 soft skills do nothing if there responsibility involved 22:35:28 Was this stated? 22:35:39 it's not. It's a community funded wage for rehrar to do what he used to do, but stopped doing once he stopped getting paid. 22:35:53 That's basically it 22:35:58 Sounded like luigi said he wasnt giving merge powers for site, so whay exactly is even the site position? 22:36:09 Bigger focus on website and moderation, less on the soft skills. 22:36:22 If no merge powers, its just piling on more work to not get done 22:37:07 " 20:16:49 luigi isn’t handing out merge powers until a website workgroup is functioning and a leader has emerged from within 22:37:07 20:16:57 so I’ve heard 22:37:07 20:17:47 Just caught up, still dont know what i missed 22:37:07 20:17:52 <@luigi1111> that sounds right." 22:38:32 the web maintainer position (the leader of the workgroup) can be paid or unpaid, depending on the workgroup’s decision. The mod position is definitely unpaid 22:38:43 its not a mod position 22:38:55 And pigeons is already effectively god mod 22:39:10 All is paid. It's ~25 XMR a month 22:39:18 what midi said ^ 22:39:21 and diego employs pigeons so he is effectively Zeus mod 22:39:23 It might be recurring 22:39:28 Geonic Re: leading mod team. Wondering where that was stated 22:39:37 But we have no objectives, so nothing to measure against 22:39:53 And no real line of recourse to remove privileges, that i understand 22:40:10 Especially if the CCS just keeps recurring and getting filled 22:40:41 "Leading the moderator teams for Matrix and helping along with IRC" 22:40:45 That's where 22:41:05 diego: luigi said it in private chat when asked for clarification 22:41:26 Cool 22:41:53 Happy independencame day 22:41:58 Then so it must be. 22:42:06 Independence 22:42:18 Diego - its stated in your ccs tho.. 22:42:31 "Leading the moderator teams for Matrix and helping along with IRC" 22:42:52 Ofrnxmr I know. That was my understanding and I ran the proposal by Luigi and it was approved. 22:43:10 So it would seem we need to wait for him to further clarify cuz I no longer have answers. 22:43:19 Its YOUR ccs 22:43:21 Not his 22:43:38 that’s why he should’ve opened it for you like I did for mb 22:43:40 I really don't enjoy hearing what luigi wants 22:43:55 i was abt to say "geo and luigi are the real proposers" 22:44:24 mb and diego are just acting as front men. I dont like it 22:44:47 My proposal wasn't like this. Mine was for community and community alone 22:45:09 Not seeking approval of any handler 22:45:40 😆 22:45:40 And not accepting anyone as a handler. 22:45:52 mediator is a better word 22:46:15 You wrote the proposal, not mb 22:46:32 Mb agreed to your scope, not you agreeing to his 22:46:53 he agreed to diego’s scope. I literally copy-pasted the job description 22:47:02 I obviously can rephrase to say I'll lead website workgroup and take head mod position etc and not care what Luigi thinks. 22:47:30 but that’s not how CCS works. u don’t open a proposal for an unpaid position 22:47:36 But then even if it's merged if Luigi disagrees with my decisions as web guy or "head mod" he could just ignore 22:47:43 just like I can’t open a CCS to be on the core team 22:48:12 diego, toure literally in god mode on monero.social 22:48:22 head mod needs to be removed from the job description 22:48:30 Luigi already cant tell you what to do with matrix 22:48:47 matrix is literally a parasite on top of IRC 22:48:55 ha 22:49:15 If he disagrees with community funding you for a role, then he'd also have to steal/withhold yourvpsy 22:49:29 there is a world where matrix is the best thing since sliced bread 22:50:08 "just like I can’t open a CCS to be on the core team" << i did 22:51:19 When 900xmr goes missing on an unpaid position, is it really unpaid? 22:52:05 why 900? 22:52:26 It's independence day let's go shoot some fireworks 22:52:41 plowsof doesn’t call it independence day 22:53:03 we're sorry about that day 22:53:05 (: 22:53:09 haha 22:53:17 Ye I do indeed have to go. Family party thing. 22:53:24 Geonic I want to watch your movie 22:53:45 Send me later if you feel so inclined. You mentioned in your update people can request. 22:54:12 Yeah we'll be around tomorrow. Remember this is in ideas stage. Feedback welcome 22:55:30 luigi1111: Phew phew, burgers and fireworks! 22:56:00 🔫🍔🎆🇺🇸🗽 23:02:06 Geonic 900 refering to the 867 you brought up 23:06:14 diego: of course. can u dm me on irc? 23:07:45 Ye will do when I get home 23:09:51 maybe the 867 will appear. that or a belated donation to the GF 23:11:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So many soft skills, not many hard skills