00:00:15 Revuo Monero Issue 200: June 13 - 27, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-200/ 00:19:33 @tell elucidator does the issue image look more legible for you now? edited font style for revuo weekly and date. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-201/ 00:54:19 Revuo bot posted the wrong issue 01:00:09 Revuo Monero Issue 201: June 27 - July 4, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-201/ 02:48:00 Do you have a group in simplex? 02:59:06 dukenukem: much better yes 03:16:55 its not official but yes, one for monero and one for retro haveno iirc 06:28:05 I may do it but I need to know what is expected of me 07:22:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> to be website maintainer? 07:47:04 hehe 07:47:15 time to open a ccs with current prices to calculate xmr amount 07:47:39 +10% vOLaTiLiTy bUfFeR 09:33:55 yes 09:40:20 Really cannot stay without you guys 09:43:41 Sup ErC did you come back to help develop haveno ? Lol 09:45:22 Lol. I came back to enjoy the view of the dumpster fire 09:46:25 is that him or? 09:47:09 nah 09:51:23 So, how are things going? 😄 09:51:34 hardenedsteel: saw your dm. Cannot accept it for some reason 09:52:46 left the room 09:54:00 Haveno doing good actually, reto being the main network currently steady amount of trades for the last 2 months 09:54:36 Plus support for windows / macos / Linux / whonix / tails 09:54:57 All that's left is android support with that 100xmr bounty 09:55:06 wow cool 09:57:11 so when the votes to approve rotten as maintainer and main dev of getmonero? I'm in favour. 09:57:51 the UI is a little dated 09:58:23 Some proposals have been closed https://ccs.getmonero.org/ideas/ 09:59:34 why was monerobull's proposal closed? I thought it was the one that made more sense, and i'm serious 10:00:14 but i guess you do know that luigi already decided 10:00:16 wtf 10:00:54 Today in things that no one ever thought they'd read... 10:01:15 The Italian butcher shows support for rotten's maintainer role! 10:01:53 Damn, I forget I got a yellow card. bbl 10:01:57 It was made by someone else / changes to be made through them. (Luigis closing comment) https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/471 monerobull can submit one himself 10:02:27 ah ok 10:03:51 i wonder why rotten leaves matrix citing yellow csrd. Does he think that doesnt apply to dukenukem as well? 10:06:25 i'd have so many more questions 10:07:03 Such as 10:08:25 Is it pronounced carnival or carnivàl? 10:09:03 fun fact: carnival is an italian thing 10:09:22 There is no card system in place here btw 10:09:30 i'm here for more fun facts or suggestions for cuts of meat 10:11:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Straight to sin bin 10:16:16 What are you talking abt, erc? 10:16:58 italial carnies? What? 10:17:22 Stay on topic or go away. Fkn troll 10:18:50 sorry, forgot this room is for laser-focused and about Monero of the highest lever. Let's go back ontopic: found my replacement yet? 😄 10:19:03 yes 10:19:23 Plowsof replaced you on day 1 10:20:07 awesome. I guess the multiple pull requests for somebody taking over my role are just a side thing. Like prosciutto and melon 10:20:15 You never had merge powers anyway, and you banned/blocked me from reviewing your PRs. You sucked at the job tbh 10:20:25 which i highly suggest btw 10:20:26 but the melon must be cold 10:20:30 The multiple PRs were for _your_ position 10:20:56 your position was to work on site and organize prs 10:21:25 Site coordinator. You never had merge power 10:22:50 yeah i've done terrible work. 0 achievements and when people realised i got thousands of $ without do anything, i simply left and founded my own consultancy company 10:22:58 s/were for your position/werent for you position 10:23:13 You were already working for firo 10:23:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hows firo going? 10:23:52 you simply left? You closed your ccs as soon as ccs was reactivated 10:24:04 Quite well. Thanks. Nobody harassed me to the point of going to work to a competitor so far 10:24:11 Money made your head spin huh, spoken like a true scammer 10:24:32 tell the story about hkw woodser wanted money buy how you sold to vik 10:24:41 But* how 10:24:59 Why leave out how much you were paid to scam vik 10:25:07 well. sit in a circle and grub a marshmallow 10:25:21 I have enough popcorn 10:25:49 Start at the "so, i decided to sell my stake" 10:26:00 yeah. i was even considering selling back old Monero contributors that i hired for my consultancy company back to monero 10:26:15 so much money man 10:26:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Human trafficking 10:26:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Coc violation 10:26:43 Why did you get money before doing anything relevant anyway lol 10:27:00 That's the part I don't understand 10:27:06 I don't know. Bunch of moron trusted me without checking 10:27:09 Erc, please, act professional 10:27:36 When did you first start trying to sell your portion of haveno 10:27:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I heard that when the jet fund took off, you stopped working? 10:27:44 but now i have my own swimming pool. Right in my van 10:27:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Baller 10:28:16 that's exactly what happened. Only a moron would work 2 years for free because they believe in a project so much 10:28:18 so yeah gimme da money 10:28:26 When 10:28:52 Well. First i was afraid. I was petrified 10:28:58 3 months before ccs? 3 months after? 10:28:58 Yea need to work with bounties. Only pay when the work is actually done 10:29:09 agree with both 10:29:17 Yea need to work with bounties. Only pay when the work is actually done, should filter out scammers 10:29:21 when did you first approach someone to buy you out of haveno 10:29:43 Dont deflect and sing songs 10:29:50 it was 1789, France. The state was bankrupt 10:30:04 lot of guillottines in production tho 10:30:04 So youre just here to troll then 10:30:33 1. Your job isnt being discussed with these prs 10:30:50 2. You scammed your investors ans community 10:30:57 Your old* job 10:31:41 Not what what your goal is here. Do you want your old job back or something? 10:31:59 If so, go open a proposal 10:32:02 yeah i scammed everybody. You cannot really get a pool in your van without bending some rules. My dog doesn't look at me anymore, but i accept it 10:32:39 Are you living in, and consulting out of your van now? 10:33:06 Is that what youre trying to say? 10:33:37 The last 5 years i worked on Monero i did from my van. Nothing changed. Well, except the pool of course 10:33:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hippie van? 10:34:17 yes. Made of flowers and weed 10:34:27 And you want to blame _______ for you closing ylur proposal? 10:34:37 You closed it on your own, remember 10:34:58 spat the dummy 10:35:00 i do remember my own actions sometimes. 10:35:42 i closed my proposal, asked another project if they were interested in my help. They did, and now i'm a real child! 10:35:42 You remember blocking me from reviewing your PRs? 10:35:58 You worked for firo BEFORE you left 10:36:13 Pinocchio 10:36:35 your problem is that you don't put effort in your lies. 10:36:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip commit history 10:36:45 Your nose is growing 10:37:03 you know what they say 😉 10:37:21 what month did you start working for firo 10:38:41 You make the claim, prove it my dear 10:39:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Oh i have meme for you 10:40:01 lol 10:40:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/NJfmFDudUxvponSFqgEKtpcK 10:40:29 https://github.com/firoorg/firo-site/commit/5f21205c40ae5dff092ab3c0bae02b40150b1de6 10:41:25 ErC, were Monero a chinese project, you'd have a crowd funded hitman on your ass 10:41:27 it's doing pretty well as it is 😛 10:42:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We have website maintainer job open 10:42:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please apply within 10:43:18 Will do. I heard it's nice around here 10:43:26 It is 10:43:35 Improved as soon as you left 10:44:00 probably 5+ more contributors 10:44:30 wow. This is really an amazing place to be then 10:45:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Currently plowsof is interim and fixing previous maintainer issues 10:45:08 All credit goes to you 10:45:51 btw just so you are happy: I told luigi to not merge my css -> i asked firo if they were interested -> they were and i started contributing. That's it. You can start building your thing from here 10:45:59 If you hadnt left, we'd still have 2 efficiency problems to deal with instead of 1 10:45:59 thanks for fixing the issues i created 10:46:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Oh we have paper wallet merged now erc 10:46:42 1. you closed your ccs on your own, you didnt have to ask luigi 10:47:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Took one year to merge 10:47:11 2. You asked firo before you left monero 10:47:20 remember to go to 2 this time 10:47:40 Im on irc, dumbass. No linebreaks 10:47:43 too late 10:48:45 ah lol. Please don't treat me so badly. I have feelings you know? 10:49:05 Anyway, if you want your job back, you know where to apply. But you cant block me from reviewing your prs 10:49:38 kinda retarded child 10:49:41 actually you know i might have actually asked before if they were interested. I honestly didn't remember. I was definitely trying to get out at the point 10:50:11 oh no ☹️ 10:50:46 how do you expect to get work done if you block reviewers? 10:51:09 i don't know, since that's definitely how things work 10:51:11 Clearly not cut out to coordinate 10:51:32 no need for review is work done is already perfect ofrnxmr 10:51:32 yeah 0 accomplishments 10:51:47 oh thank you ceetee.mx 🙂 10:51:48 no need for review if work done is already perfect ofrnxmr 10:52:29 True. And we all know that paper wallet wasnt full of spelling errors 10:53:05 No need to review anything. Erc is without flaws 10:53:19 yeah that was malicious af. Too bad yoy cought them 10:53:35 i wouldnt have if i didnt comare the diffs 10:53:40 o​frnxmr: well, i didn't expect that from you. Thanks 🙂 10:54:04 you are such a hacker 10:54:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Umm 10:54:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Haxxor 10:54:33 computerwiz 10:54:46 Phone*wiz 10:55:47 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/dDktlSZsnWnkuQNEFbEGyHGO 10:55:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Twitter you friend again? Cause i saw the twitter comments when you shitted on the community. Backfire big time. 11:02:35 i'd say optimism 11:05:09 10 billion with a b worth of sell pressure coming right up 11:05:19 > this kills the bullmarket 11:05:53 gotta be productive now. Was fun. Ciao ciao 11:12:33 image.png 11:18:05 price talk should remain in -offtopic 11:19:13 literally no one was talking about price 11:20:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero-markets really 11:21:29 fuck i was wrong sorry 11:21:43 monerobull talked about price i derped 11:22:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> -1000 on social credit score 11:23:11 you jabbed bad 11:23:28 >matrix.org joins the room 11:23:30 sus 11:26:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No u! 11:26:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hi archiver 11:45:28 next meeting tomorrow or next week? 11:48:36 Tomorrow 11:49:56 o​frnxmr: i actually checked and you were right. I apologise. I did start working on Firo before leaving Monero. Don't know why you care, but yes. 11:52:32 No need to apologise 11:53:29 My honour imposes it sir! 11:53:40 ok i stop. Bye again. Take care 11:53:46 care is a strong word. "remember" is more accurate. 11:53:50 Cya 11:55:00 Why do you care that i started to work on Firo before leaving Monero for good? Is it unthinkable that i wanted to work on both and when i got tired of dealing with some people and an absent core team i left? 11:55:08 who knows. To the next episode 11:57:50 you can leave for real now 11:59:18 "care is a strong word. "remember" is more accurate. " +1 to what MB said 15:30:05 It's been a long time coming, but AcceptXMR-Server (the standalone payment gateway) had its initial release last night 🚀 15:30:06 Setup, configuration, and API documentation is in the README here: https://github.com/busyboredom/acceptxmr/tree/main/server 15:30:08 Combination x84 and aarch64 docker builds are published here: https://hub.docker.com/r/busyboredom/acceptxmr 15:30:10 I believe this satisfies the first milestone (Dockerize AcceptXMR) (cc plowsof). I am now working on the second milestone of implementing a wordpress plugin. 15:31:52 Ooohhh, nooo, poor me!!! 15:33:07 Version 0.14.0 of the AcceptXMR library was also published alongside the AcceptXMR-Server release. It includes a few API changes that made the development of AcceptXMR-Server much easier, and that should benefit developers of other payment gateways too: https://github.com/busyboredom/acceptxmr/releases/tag/v0.14.0 15:33:43 *developers of other AcceptXMR-based payment gateways, I mean. 15:59:39 "Ooohhh, nooo, poor me!!!"<< what? 16:00:57 busyboredom, did you see that there was a new ccs posted for another payment gateway? Any comments on it? 16:01:55 Oh neat nope I haven't seen it yet, I'll take a look 16:06:30 Thanks for the update busyboredom! 17:16:39 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476 17:17:11 the COI section is the best 17:18:23 10 billion with a b worth of sell pressure coming right up <= xmr minting bug round 2? 17:20:10 monerobull you’re missing a volatility buffer 17:24:02 these are tough times, maybe a 100% buffer would be good 17:26:44 exactly 17:34:24 make sock account then create an 'archive monero' ccs if you're feeling the pinch 17:34:45 .bbl on it boss. 17:35:04 2 XMR with 69% buffer for volatility. 17:35:14 can i host a gittea instance for 100 xmr per year 17:35:24 lol 18:36:05 is "pulse of the community" becoming a meme? lol 18:37:03 As is “putting out fires” 18:41:17 finally.. 18:42:14 Soon to be joined by “volatility buffer” :p 18:42:36 Any update on monero.town? 18:43:23 It’s no longer throwing an error message, just a blank screen now. #progress 19:00:41 nah the server is shut down because it was still eating a lot of data and spamming logs 19:01:07 Ddos? 19:09:15 yea 19:09:30 the issue between matrix.org and monero.social seems to be solved 19:22:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think when it floods it, it appears on matrix.org 20:13:19 How do you keep the pulse on a dead thing 20:13:37 Need to change "keep pulse" to "give cpr" 20:23:29 monerobull your front matter is making my eye twitch please fix https://plowsof.github.io/chatgpt-ccs-proposal-form.html 20:45:52 ngl it's pretty sad that we have to pay someone to kickstart a workgroup, regardless of who it is 20:48:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How come it has chatgpt in the link mr plowsof! 20:49:28 because it created most of it and i dont want to take all the credit 20:53:54 Plenty of work gets kickstarted for free. The problem is that it's hard to sustain that free labour. We have the CCS, but that also seems really difficult for some reason. it would be interesting to see what happened if we changed our mindset for the CCS to something more permissable. Try and get 90% of propsals through the ideas stage, instead of everyone trying to gate keep each other all the time in some weird tribal 20:53:54 polarisation fetish. I include myself in this gatekeeping criticism. 20:54:30 who the fuck puts the reset button where you would normally continue 😭 20:55:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like everyone gets a participation badge ? 22:50:04 ah this again 22:54:39 geonic: I don't see it that way, it is a communist way to expect other people make the work for you (mean not literally you) without getting something in exchange, this socalist/communist mindset keeping goverment alive, making want other people to be your slaves (paying for the things you want). I think it is very sane to pay for value, I'm honestly shoked when I see how some people giving there time almost for free away, doing a lot of work and then 22:54:41 even take the heat people complaining what somebody did for far less like the value or even for free. I can't and won't affort working for free, time is limited, money not, and money is a exchange of energy. When you put in one form energy in something, should come at least the same amount of energy out of it (doesn't need to be monetary - but of worth). Expecting, people to make things for no compensation is in my view utterly wrong. IMO...