04:55:14 Is there a gui multisig wallet? 04:57:52 There's RINO 05:11:00 hey jeffro, still there? 05:12:58 yup what's up? 05:13:12 Any idea what could be quirk in offline signing between feather and monero-cli/rpc? And do you know why evert outputs export si different, is there the timestamp or last block encoded? 05:13:45 wdym quirk? 05:16:02 it should be the same format. I thought first I made an error in encoding/decoding hex2bin and reverse in C++, but after 5 hours I figured out that I can transfer outputs between monero-cli and monero-cli/rpc, and between feather and feather/anon, but I don't succeed between feather and monero-cli/rpc in any direcction 05:16:50 but the header 'Monero output export\x04' is the same. 05:16:57 Is this open source? 05:17:20 As for the export outputs question, by default, the outputs are only exported when the key image is unknown 05:17:33 So it'll change when you import key images 05:17:55 Because know, the key images are known, so it doesn't export the outputs 05:18:13 You can export every single output by setting `all` to `true` 05:19:50 I can't answer the feather wallet question, sorry 05:20:06 tobtoht would be a great person to ask 05:20:21 but ignore the key images yet, because I can all day long import outputs from the files monero-cli generate, or even craziest, monero-rpc hex string -> UR from XmrSigner companion -> scanned by feather UR tool -> saved to file -> monero-cli reads it and finds 3 outputs (like every other file from monero-* 05:21:34 okay, thank you anyway :) 05:22:32 It might say it finds 3 outputs everytime, but it's probably overwriting those same 3 outputs 05:24:07 The state probably isn't changing, so that message might be changing. Have you double checked that it actually adds 3 NEW outputs every single time you call import_outputs? 05:25:57 *so that message might be misleading 05:26:17 "It might say it finds 3 outputs everytime, but it's probably overwriting those same 3 outputs" would not expect anything else, it is about the format and that it is valid between monero-* 05:27:04 this are the same 3 output, only different exports, so it is expected to lead to the same result. 05:27:36 but I will wait for tobtoht answer something in #feather 05:28:49 im pretty frustrated, will sleep a bit and until it becomes clear working on some other part. 05:32:11 when I try to import the outputs file from feather monero-cli tells me: Error: Failed to import outputs test.feather_outputs: Failed to decrypt outputs: Failed to authenticate ciphertext, 05:34:07 Oh I'm pretty sure that is because Feather wallet uses encrypted export files 05:35:24 (also authenticated) 05:36:33 This is to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks from modifying/snooping on your wallet data in transit 05:45:01 :o 12:26:04 https://www.themoneromoon.com/p/the-monero-moon-issue-70 22:00:08 Revuo Monero Issue 202: July 4 - 11, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-202/