00:12:28 nice job 00:16:38 What’s the plan? 👀 00:17:13 It would be cool to have small monero logos throughout 00:17:33 Emphasizing our decentralization 00:18:22 I'll make a post in the subreddit in a few minutes if no one else has before. That should probably help. 00:18:24 Oh is it over 00:18:58 user2570 said it wasn't? 00:20:13 nice idea. Also getmonero.org would also be nice 00:51:47 nice idea. Also getmonero.org next to the logo would also be nice 01:03:29 how about this 01:03:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/hjTpoaqfNnVmyciwIwmkqnAX 01:04:39 How about this? I think Norway will forgive us.. 01:23:42 The vikings don’t fuck around… 02:05:59 Speaking of the fediverse, i’m in an awkward spot. A bitcoiner in the past has replied to my monero posts, and he’s posted an asklemmy post and I replied “Use Monero” off the cuff as an inside joke. 02:06:00 Needless to say i got downvoted 😅 02:06:02 Here’s the reply 02:06:04 https://lemmy.dbzer0.com/comment/11916586 02:07:02 Need some backup here folks… 🦧 02:15:29 If only town weren't down. 🤔 02:16:09 I might create /c/monero and /c/monero_memes (or /c/moonero) in another instance for now. 02:17:40 It’s up but just has a cloudflar mitm 02:18:42 guys we need backup here🙂 02:20:16 guys we need backup here🙂 02:20:18 https://canvas.fediverse.events/ 02:40:38 Hb another monero logo here 02:40:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/QKddXZiEcfQnxBsjzzIyuAyI 02:43:55 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/lnadzOKjzyMaiCsengnAQKbV 02:43:56 Started it 02:46:18 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/fcWGxkmFvXuJQgjCbCxGZbrm 02:46:21 I suck at art 03:00:58 Federation doesn't work because of that. It's virtually still down... 03:11:26 > Please unblock challenges.cloudflare.com to proceed. 03:11:36 No I don't think I will 03:45:43 😭 05:16:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/hackliberty.org/fgauBLlgUzoqlzXyaNAXgXAE 05:17:02 So, currently all we got on canvas is this 😂 05:17:04 Hopefully will not be erased... 05:18:57 That looks decent, nice. 05:46:59 Wouldn't it be great if considering recent monero.town DDoS attacks and federation problems, we launched our "official" Lemmy instance under monero.social? Managed by the same people who oversee monero.social Matrix instance, using a subdomain if main URL can't be used because Matrix is occupying it. That'd be solid, includes the full coin and the TLD is social. Doesn't get much b 05:47:00 etter than that, imho. plowsof Dan Miller monerobull 06:07:02 i was actually thinking of moving off of lemmy 06:10:00 instead I'm interested in https://satellite.earth/n/Monero/npub1kemda478drtx5at65wt8kyjrmy9l27hmp8gsgnfjr8vdgf8y46sqsw0hnv 06:10:34 there wasn't a reddit-style nostr frontend when i set up monero.town but now there is 06:11:35 I can always run a reddit-style over AP that I've been eyeing that the devs actually seem to know what they're doing if moneo.town morphs to something else 06:11:47 I can always run a reddit-style over AP that I've been eyeing that the devs actually seem to know what they're doing if moneo.town morphs to something else for those who want AP over Nostr 06:19:39 whats AP? 06:21:51 Nice, looks good. 06:22:31 In that case I'll go ahead and recreate the XMR communities in another instance. Either way, if town ever comes back, it's federated; town will be the "official" one. 06:22:38 ActivityPub 06:23:54 grafik.png 06:25:27 the problem is that other instances dont federate through cloudflare proxy and i'd have to whitelist their IPs individually 06:26:07 which is a massive pain to do manually via the providers firewall 06:45:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> rate limiting ? 06:46:50 most of this is blocked by cloudflare 07:17:58 Yo 09:37:35 https://monerodice.pro/ 09:45:24 https://haveno-reto.com/ 10:09:30 shortwavesurfer2009: Are you in touch with tusker from town at all? He was pretty active in a few communities, would love for him to come join us in another lemmy instance. 10:15:06 rotten, .town is not dead 10:15:08 you act like it is 10:15:21 it is under a 40 million requests per day DDoS attack 10:15:36 im sorry that this slightly impacts usability... 10:15:52 sorry to hear that 10:16:41 I don't. Lemmy is federated; there can be hundreds of /c/monero communities in hundreds of different Lemmy instances. 10:17:13 they take away from eachother though 10:17:32 As for myself, would prefer not to have more than a week without Lemmy, that's why I deleted my account in town and set shop elsewhere. Nothing personal. 10:17:35 its not like nostr where all relays can post to the same pubkey and are all shown 10:22:00 At least this one will get federated while town gets sorted out. :-P https://lemmy.cafe/post/6339572 10:22:28 > i was actually thinking of moving off of lemmy 10:22:28 > rotten, .town is not dead, you act like it is 10:22:30 🤔 10:23:12 That's a bit odd, just created the community, already has 32 subscribers. 🤷 10:24:19 ever heard of subdomains 10:24:38 > i was actually thinking of moving off of lemmy 10:24:38 > rotten, .town is not dead, you act like it is 10:24:40 🤔 10:24:50 Never! What is that? :D 10:27:39 rotten is right, .town is effectively dead right now. Its questionable if people will return once the DDOS stops 10:28:56 the non&federated frontend is pretty much useless, Lemmy brings value because it connects our community to other people. 10:29:17 the non-federated frontend is pretty much useless, Lemmy brings value because it connects our community to other people. 10:31:38 so what exactly am i supposed to do now? 10:32:31 that's also not true, user count is pretty similar to how it was before 10:32:33 so is post frequency 10:34:40 federation was never the reason why I've set this up, it's specifically a backup solution for the subreddits 10:34:43 federation was never the reason why I've set this up, it's specifically a backup solution for the monero subreddits 10:36:20 idk how to resolve a ddos either, and I'm not blaming you 10:36:49 moving to a different lemmy instance is silly and childish 10:37:07 ??? 10:37:18 if anything, set up a nostr community so we can build an actually decentralized community 10:37:52 "I dont care if your car is broken down, using another working one is silly and childish" 10:38:05 if .town can get ddosed to the point the frontend crashes, any other lemmy instance hosting the same ui can be taken down as well 10:38:16 your not solving shit 10:39:12 I'm sorry for using my .town account for browsing other instances 10:39:18 how dare I 10:39:58 "this car doesnt drive in the rain, lets use the same exact model where it's currently not rainin" 10:41:13 Same ct, ??? 10:41:32 communities arent shared 10:41:35 Could you make it a onion site 10:41:47 ct as in ceetee, not community. (?) 10:41:49 if you set up a new one i can also just close lemmy for good 10:41:51 Cars apperantly dont drive in rain, and I really want to use a care, so I'm moving from great Britain to Spain to reduce the risk 10:41:58 Are you OK? lol. 10:42:10 i was looking into tor friendly alternative frontends 10:42:22 I believe the UI relies heavily on javascript, doesn't it? Lemmy's UI, I mean. 10:42:51 A new community? It's already set up... 10:44:31 lemmys UI relies on dry season 10:44:32 actually, no. i've spent countless hours on this shit and calling for exodus because federation doesnt work for a while doesnt make me feel like my efforts are appreciated at all 10:46:17 https://lemmy-meter.info/d/GeoFE5WIz/instance-health-breakdown?var-lemmy_instance=lemmy.cafe&kiosk=tv&orgId=1&refresh=1m 10:46:58 Yes it does but I believe an onion site would be harder to ddos 10:47:35 Possibly, hm, will have to ask cafe's sysadmin thoughts on this; or you could ask in the general Lemmy matrix room, perhaps. #lemmy:matrix.org 10:47:41 federation via tor is tricky & lemmy has some funky internal routing 10:47:44 I think monero.town is valuable and I appreciate you 11:27:30 We need help! SOS! 11:28:03 https://canvas.fediverse.events/ 11:29:21 FYI: Monero is being destroyed on canvas 11:39:59 image.png 11:40:05 Monaco? What the heck happened in there now? 11:42:21 user57764884: doubt they'll make any difference but here you go. https://www.redlib.private.coffee/r/Monero/comments/1e3so6l/canvas_2024_is_ongoing_participate_draw_some/ 11:42:49 user57764884: doubt they'll make any difference but here you go. https://redlib.private.coffee/r/Monero/comments/1e3so6l/canvas\_2024\_is\_ongoing\_participate\_draw\_some/ 11:42:56 https://lemmy.cafe/post/6341006 12:06:48 looks like federation is working 12:45:08 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XYWKZfoPIDvrCHvlQAxnvcLQ 12:47:19 interesting, I suspected only we were hit, not crypto as a whole 13:57:20 This is now gone! Thank you for your participation! 13:57:20 https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=619&y=86&zoom=13 13:57:54 This monero logo is gone! Thank you for your participation! 13:57:54 https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=619&y=86&zoom=13 13:58:56 Now Monero logo is erased! Thank you for your participation! 13:58:56 https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=619&y=86&zoom=13 14:10:29 Now Monero logo is erased! There is still time left. Thank you for your participation! 14:10:30 https://canvas.fediverse.events/#x=619&y=86&zoom=13 14:28:34 user2570 stop spamming 14:29:05 ok sorry 14:37:02 This reminds me... Any good Monero accounts on the fediverse everyone follows? 14:55:52 Fediverse is old news. Nostr is the future 15:15:59 Nostr isn’t censorship resistant 15:16:03 I've been messing around with snort.social... my issue with nostr is the same for every platform... How can I trust these apps they're not stealing my public keys? lol 15:16:16 But touche... any good nostr accounts? 15:16:59 Gov funding cuts 15:44:52 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/BEjpLxtHOHcECJZNFpcjvjMw 15:45:03 Maybe we can sneak a monero logo here 17:11:42 Elaborate. 17:12:11 There's a Monero directory on Nostr, look it up. 17:30:48 https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/open-source-observatory-osor/news/new-open-source-law-switzerland 17:32:58 Based af 17:55:41 Hmm, strange, first time I hear about that, as a usually reasonably informed Swiss. Nice indeed. Software developed by and for government agencies must become open source. Seems to me those agencies are still allowed to buy closed-sourced software not developed for them especially, however. And first it's only "core" national government agencies. Plus I can imagine that some compa 17:55:42 nies may refuse certain government software contracts now because they would not want to have all their works open-sourced. 18:01:50 I'd imagine this doesn't change incentives for contracted companies *too much*. If you're getting contracted by the government for a job, the revenue is basically guaranteed *for that job* unless you screw it up really badly. And how applicable is normal software development for government infrastructure to private sector businesses (and which doesn't already have something opem s 18:01:50 ourced for that issue)? 18:46:47 https://lemmy.cafe/post/6346120 19:08:58 jeffro256: The company where I work fulltime built some public sector software for many years. But we used our own, homegrown framework to do so, and any open sourcing requirement would have put us in a quite tricky situation. Not sure however how many companies are in a similar situation. 19:13:50 There is another proposal to the MAGIC Monero Fund for community input: "XMR + Paga: Sovereign Business Infrastructure" https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/32 19:15:22 My first reaction is that the cost (222,000 USD) is too high and the state of the software and userbase is too early/uncertain. 19:16:49 I further enhanced the OpenAlias v2 spec today. I added a wallet logic implementation example and simplified the priority routing: https://github.com/openalias/openalias-spec/pull/1/commits/3113c282c494a1b0560456ac9c8777946e704be0 19:44:15 pago was opened as a CCS and then closed 19:44:29 Rucknium my feelings on that XMR+Paga would be similar to rotki integration https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/351 , especially their 50k 1st milestone of research how to integrate monero 19:44:59 oh wait, are pago and paga different? lol 19:45:14 nioCat: The MAGIC one is Paga, not pago. 19:46:34 We have not yet gotten page, pagi, pagu, nor pagy. Waiting for those ;) 19:47:28 Pagy sounds cool, kind of catchy, not gonna lie. 19:48:01 inb4 Rucknium just blurted out a billionaire business idea by spitballing on Matrix! 19:48:06 any short word beginning with p in Esperanto will do, "pano," which means "bread" in English 19:49:30 Who the fuck says pano to bread in English though? 19:49:47 Ah, pano is bread in Esperanto, not English. 19:49:53 Too much THC, kids... 19:51:25 my terrible sentence structure strikes again 19:57:06 * m-relay gifts plowsof a book 20:36:37 https://abrahamjuliot.github.io/creepjs/ 20:45:38 Der weltweit führende Dating- 20:45:40 Assistent 20:45:42 https://www1.afego.life/v8L8OE 20:47:08 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org endor00 🎯🔨 20:55:58 Will we ever move to Rust? 20:57:34 I’m talking monero wallet 20:57:38 Should have specified 20:58:39 a monero node in rust is underway https://cuprate.org/ #cuprate:monero.social 21:01:05 plainred: https://crates.io/crates/monero-wallet 21:02:27 That's a squat. You actually want https://github.com/serai-dex/serai/tree/develop/coins/monero/wallet (you'll have to locally build docs and git pin for now) 21:04:50 Addresses, scanning, TX signing, and multisig.