01:33:58 > I asked him to make this proposal to more or less be an assistant to me, as well as working towards decentralizing some project things. I find him reasonable, level-headed, technical enough, and resistant to "temperature elevation". Most importantly, I know him well. 01:33:58 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470#note_25393 01:37:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Went from manager to pa 01:39:49 * m-relay wakes midipoet and geonic up, silently walks away 07:05:20 all I read was monerobull's will probably be merged 09:23:50 I posted a new milestone update here: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/467#note_25412 09:27:11 nice jeffro256, *prints ticket no.7* please take a seat 09:27:26 lol 10:02:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I thought mb wanted to pull the ccs 10:23:07 rottenwheel: to be honest, i have sort of checked out of most CCS issues. I think we should just merge everything that is relatively sane and not overpriced. 10:25:42 If Luigi wants Diego's help, and that is the price of it, then so be it. It's not like Luigi isn't gonna donate to it. 11:15:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Luigi needs to be removed from ccs wallet. Short memories here 11:23:14 What needs to happen to do this? 11:23:43 Scott, poet, and who else need to agree? 11:24:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Agree to what 11:24:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Community needs to push for multi sig 11:24:30 To move to a new wallet 11:25:00 Community has been pushing for a change of keys but it still hasn’t happened. 11:25:21 Therefore it seems that a majority of the key holders to agree is the requirement. 11:25:43 there was a vote https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935 11:26:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 1 yr anniversary in 2 months 11:26:14 s/the\ key\ holders/core 11:26:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 11:26:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vote was multi sig by march 11:26:44 well, its "multisig wen" 11:27:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Soon ™️ 11:27:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hence why we need “soon™️” label on the github 11:29:44 ok but look at this new shiny fcmp++ update https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/449#note_25409 , things are moving along there 11:30:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Funny 11:30:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Can get fcmp working, but cant fix multi sig 11:30:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 11:32:53 Who are the current key holders? 11:35:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Singular 11:35:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Numero uno 11:36:45 instead of 2+ unknown 11:37:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof and 3 alts 11:37:32 matrix dot org accounts rising from the ashes like a phoenix 11:38:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Pretty sure if you lost that amount of money in your job, you would be fired and referred to the police 11:39:30 It’s very illogical that basically no changes have been made. Most importantly, personnel 11:39:35 I wouldng trust scott with a banhammer 11:39:39 and then you'd have enough plausible deniability to get off free (2+ unknown people who can withdraw) 11:39:54 Nevermind a fkn wallet key. Guy's the biggest liar in monero 11:41:00 basically no changes -> 2+ unknown + hot -> 1+cold 11:41:39 And midipoet is a google drive user. You really trust such a tech illiterate person to handle multisig keys for ccs devs? Cmon now 11:42:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Paid for workspaces now 11:44:34 The delay is that we don’t know who will hold the partial keys? 11:44:34 Or we don’t know who will create the wallet? 11:44:36 Or that person doesn’t know how to make the wallet? 11:45:49 No 11:45:57 The delay is that luigi wants an assistant 11:46:23 (he wants to hold the wallet and control payments himself) 11:47:41 My ccs specifically detailed that i want my funds help by _not core_. Luigi commented the other day to say "no". 11:48:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Well ccs is centralized on core. Core resolves all disputes! 11:49:07 We all know how to make a multisig. _using_ a multisig is the convoluted part, and due to the # of people on ccs, you want to remove as much potential for human error as possible 11:50:13 the delay is a user friendly, secure and reliable UX for multisig 11:50:38 Luigi was supposed to step down from the wallet by end of march, aiui 11:51:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Well 11:51:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Never said which march 11:51:38 touche 11:53:15 the vulnerability is gone 11:53:18 The UX was envisioned as an improvement into Feather Wallet, to be done by tobtoht, but tob has had to take a break of sorts. There are a few other paths we can go, but im hoping to get tobtohts approval before continuing 11:53:44 Niocat, which vuln? We still dont know how luigi was hacked 11:54:10 only probabilities 11:54:29 but yes a better system should be in place 11:55:43 The only missing pieces are. 1. User friendly multisig 2. Luigi commiting to a peaceful transfer of power 11:56:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vuln was patched with ubuntu update 11:56:28 2. Was stated before as him not wanting to be a multisig signer, and willing to step down by march. Neither of those seems true anymore 11:56:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> And os with no default encryption lol 11:57:59 Can we elaborate on what the difficulty w/ using multi sig is? 11:58:08 Xmr ms is just split keys right? 11:58:51 it's operational, try it and find out :) 11:59:03 What niocat said 11:59:23 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Try before you buy 11:59:41 Try using it by hand in a 3/4 multisig and let me know how you like it 12:00:10 Its annoying at best. 12:03:25 Time consuming, requires out of band manual messaging, etc 13:23:25 What was the reason for not using a rino wallet for the CCS? 13:31:54 not how rino works 13:56:30 Is there some kind of multi-sig support for monero? 14:02:03 yes but its manual setup 14:02:27 and requires cli wallet 14:05:50 a.k.a "a bit of a pain" 16:14:27 the vulnerability is gone <= you mean fluffy? 16:16:40 Mymonero is in the room 16:20:32 I'm running the CLI wallet now... is there a guide I can review? 16:21:19 yeah 16:22:05 hbs: 17:33:18 monerobull: i know rino is a permissions based system, but wouldn't that be a step better than what currently exists? 17:34:18 It should be a proper multisig, rino isn't really for access control 19:08:15 Yeah, ideally I could "approve" send tx's with "signatures" from 3-5 wallets and create a list of 7-10 wallets that can sign tx's. 19:08:45 I'm thinking this might only be possible near-term with some sort of hardware wallet implementation... or forking the wallet-cli and rolling my own. 19:09:14 If anyone else is looking at this I'd love to see what work has been done. 19:20:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/EevsWxsJjlIRxNYSOagzEFrv 19:23:48 Point of order: I propose a formal change in the documented use of tx_key to "private transaction key" as was documented here https://web.archive.org/web/20230130141648mp_/https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-cli-reference/#tx-private-key 19:23:48 Reasons: 19:23:50 - It's important to indicate that the information reveals private information somehow. 19:23:52 - it's concise and distinct. One word extra that doesn't create difficulty in displaying on gui wallets or anywhere else. 19:23:54 - The risk of confusion is between "secret" and "private" but it's better to let someone take pause before sharing a "private key" than to leave users without a clue that it's any different than the "transaction id" in terms of privacy. 19:29:16 Point of order: I propose a formal change in the documented use of tx\_key \ to "private transaction key" as was documented here https://web.archive.org/web/20230130141648mp\_/https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-cli-reference/#tx-private-key 19:29:18 Reasons: 19:29:20 - It's important to indicate that the information reveals private information somehow. 19:29:22 - it's concise and distinct. One word extra that doesn't create difficulty in displaying on gui wallets or anywhere else. 19:29:24 - The risk of confusion is between "secret" and "private" but it's better to let someone take pause before sharing a "private key" than to leave users without a clue that it's any different than the "transaction id" in terms of privacy. 20:24:12 https://craigwright.net/ 20:24:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/pOFDCVNszARwNyyEOjeOjxxB 20:25:25 poor mr kangaroo 20:30:58 i thought we were all satoshi nakamoto 20:37:58 default monero multisig implementation really struggles once you go above 4 20:38:42 someone said the largest they got to work was 7 and they had to transfer a ton of data and it was really slow 20:39:03 the monero serai library has way more efficient multisig 22:13:28 Goodness! His official site too! 22:51:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ordered by the courts i think 22:52:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Neg thats plowsof