07:34:44 plowsof: any word from core about the 867 xmr missing from the FFS? 07:37:12 binaryFate: should I post a meta issue asking who has/had the keys to the FFS wallet(s)? time 07:37:16 time 07:39:45 dammit! Sorry. time is of the essence here. this should be a priority since funds are known to be either forgotten or missing 07:42:10 definitely more urgent than the GF transparency report 08:51:33 luigi1111 any advice on the above? 08:54:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> advice on how to loose funds and then give no answer on how? 08:55:12 Bro luigi didn’t lose shit 08:56:11 Until a hack is proven to have taken place, we can assume that one of two people stole it 08:56:23 or both 08:57:24 And one of the two has never had his hand in the cookie jar before 08:57:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> well 08:57:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> then your saying luigi is covering up 08:58:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> and you still want him in instead of someone else 08:58:33 No, he can’t prove or disprove anything 08:58:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> wdym 08:59:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> he has access to the wallet 08:59:18 he put himself in a shitty situation by relying on keys he did not generate 09:00:00 That was his only mistake here (not that it’s a small one) 09:00:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> well he said he got hacked, so provide data to prove it 09:00:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> its currently just hear say 09:00:21 did he? I thought he said the wallet got drained 09:00:34 I’ve never heard him say he was hacked 09:01:38 Why are you fixating on luigi when there’s an equally if not more likely figure that stole the funds 09:01:58 to have stolen* 09:03:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/923 09:03:08 Fluffy need to pay Tari devs it was urgent 09:03:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> this would clear him 09:03:21 Fluffy needed to pay Tari devs it was urgent 09:03:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> but like usual nothing gets done 09:03:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> "play on" 09:04:07 Project coral reef money ran out 09:04:26 Reef dried out years ago 09:05:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> whast the birthday plans for this 09:05:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> over a month to organise 09:05:51 Yes 09:06:00 it probably got Tari to its first testnet tho 09:06:30 Luigi didnt say he got hacked and has cooperated with handing over images (even though IMO that avenue is a dead end) 09:07:11 Tx plow 09:08:06 It’s a dead end because it wasn’t a hack 09:08:25 geonic no update on the FFS wallet (or that particular overfunding) i think a meta issue with all relavant info in one place would help 09:08:45 Ok I’ll have to make one then 09:08:52 If it was an inside job : the perp is handing the evidence he had infinite time to prepare 09:08:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> the image if it was taken at the time of the "incident" would prove or disprove a hack 09:09:31 Nope , wont prove anything 09:09:54 Agreed 09:10:31 Don’t worry we will find where funds went after quantum computers break it 09:10:37 Can someone set up a prediction market where we can bet on who stole it between Luigi and fluffy? 09:11:03 Removing opinions of what haopened (because we cant prove anything) we have moved to a new setup removing all plausible deniability 09:11:22 And await multisig 09:11:38 Meaning currently only luigi has keys 09:12:16 that says something doesn’t it 09:16:43 Regarding project coral reef… Dan Teree is a cofounder of Tari Labs and a veteran executive at Ticketmaster. Later founded another ticketing platform, Ticketfly. Obviously a guy with deep connections in the music space. 09:17:54 I’d be willing to bet that the integration of Monero in the dozen or so musician stores was done either at no cost or very low cost, as a favor. 09:18:52 So the $500K was certainly not spent as advertised. Of course fluffy can provide receipts like I did for my CCS and prove me wrong. 09:19:19 I’ll pay him 10 xmr for the trouble 09:19:51 fluffypony what do you say? Do you accept the bet? 09:22:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How do you think you investigate an intrusion 09:22:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hopes and dreams? 09:23:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Atm its broken trust between community and luigi 09:23:23 No it’s not 09:23:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> He was holding the back 09:23:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Prove what happened 09:23:53 Holding back what? 09:24:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bag* 09:24:44 2+unknown where holding the bag 09:24:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Currently your speculating fluddy stole it 09:24:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fluffy* 09:25:02 Never heard of the unknown. There were more than 2? 09:25:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Currently i am speculating luigi lost it 09:25:33 Officially it was 2 the + unknown is to account for the evil hacker 09:25:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How do we prove whos right 09:26:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Process of elimination 09:26:02 The hacker or the quantum computer 09:26:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Audit wallet pc 09:26:09 We cant prove who is right , just remove plausible deniability and move on https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/935 09:26:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Duh 09:26:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ok 09:26:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Remove luigi too. Zero trust bruh 09:27:20 Guess I forgot to vote there 09:28:27 Keeping luigi as the ccs escrow is a vote of convidence by the community and more or less exonerates him as a suspect 09:29:05 Let’s do an anonymous vote on whether fluffy stole it 09:29:05 Scenario: there is an audit that proves luigi was not hacked - response from 'luigi did it side' would be lol proves nothing he had enough time to set this up ahead of time!!! 09:31:02 Your honour, here is the evidence that we got sent over megaupload by the potential suspect and we forensically analy- dismissed 09:31:07 Let’s vote: will fluffy accept my offer and make $1600 for maybe an hour of work and in the process clear any suspicions about Project Coral Reef? 09:32:24 Who would pass that up 09:35:52 If you can get the coin to pump 100% the funds are justified 09:36:15 They needed to pay celebs to accept xmr and all the pr 09:37:47 It’s no less legitimate than paying for an Oscar campaign, that’s for sure 09:38:27 The question is whether the money actually went to these celebs and publicists or if it ended up elsewhere 09:40:13 Like, to use your example, Tari developers 10:27:43 Oscar didn’t pump the coin 10:28:19 Money was spent to pr xmr not a movie 10:28:39 I would gladly donate to coral reef 2.0 11:20:17 Money was spent to pr xmr not a movie <== receipts were never shown so it’s unclear what the money was spent on 13:10:57 Community meeting in hr50mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1039 14:35:02 plowsof: any word from core about the 867 xmr missing from the FFS? <= what? 14:36:50 enter panic mode 14:38:11 this one https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/2564/0mq-by-tewinget , an overfunding that was meant to be returned to the GF 14:42:50 im going to pass you onto the bF / GF department , thank you for holding sir 14:48:53 Oh. Neither bf nor I have the ffs wallet 14:56:38 goenic mentioned there being multiple as sub addresses didnt exist? does that sound accurate (im not sure) cc fluffypony 14:57:07 geonic* 15:01:46 Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1039 sorry im 1 minute late 15:03:06 luigi are the rumours true that your yachts navigation system is using windows 3.1 and unaffected by the recent global tech issues 15:06:09 lets discuss some community highlights. waiting on a multisig solution with great UX was mentioned earlier this week https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20240717#c399026 , so far jwinterm and gingeropolous have put their names in the hat 15:07:47 Hello, I guess. 15:08:10 News: [Monero Observer](https://www.monero.observer/) - [Revuo Monero](https://revuo-xmr.com/) - [Monero Moon](https://www.themoneromoon.com/) 15:08:22 greetings 15:08:39 hi 15:09:23 Hi 15:09:34 meow 15:10:02 hello there 15:11:19 i notice vthor has been pushing xmrsigner along, can we follow the latest progress somewhere? 15:13:10 i think we can move onto the ccs merge list 15:13:36 a. [ofrnxmr feat. BasicSwapDEX - take over the world pt 2](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/457) 15:13:58 luigi left a comment 5 days ago here https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/457#note_25391 15:15:26 ofrnxmr made some changes following that 15:17:23 plowsof: not finished yet, took almost 22h to build modified monero-wallet-rpc on pi 0, and now I will (after static build runs through) finish last things UR related on the XmrSigner, close all my refactoring construction places, update the buidroot (monerosigner-os) and then I finaaly finished milestone 2 15:17:43 1860 xmr us only 306k usd now luigi 15:18:06 s/us/is 15:18:31 thanks for the update vthor, nice to see that progrss is being made finally. thank you 15:19:01 moving on for now 15:19:02 b. [Monero Poker Infrastructure Project](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/461) 15:19:34 after that it get's easier how most things already done for monero-gui, and milestone 3 is only cleanup, tools, refactoring and documentation. 15:19:41 seems stale now and the "xmr.poker exists but isnt active" point is convincing enough to close this imo 15:20:53 i notice boog900 and yamabiiko are here. i would like to jump to yamabikos proposal next 15:21:42 k. [yamabiiko full-time work on Cuprate (2 months)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/479) 15:22:37 i see that this is a cuprate work proposal but part of it will be for contributing to core docs , on ZMQ 15:22:52 for example this old issue requesting ZMQ docs on site https://github.com/monero-project/monero-site/issues/1883 15:23:57 I said this already in #cuprate:monero.social to yamabiiko: I was surprised that ZMQ was the highest-priority cuprate item now, but maybe that's because the cuprate core-functions development has gone so quickly. I am looking forward to the first alpha release of the cuprate binary 15:24:53 ZMQ docs are welcome. I tried to get moneros's ZMQ to work once, but I couldn't figure it out. Maybe docs with a few recipes like how to subscribe to txs from a Python script :) 15:25:03 I didnt even know that issue exists, but me and boog noticed the lack of documentation so seems good 15:25:32 what will ZMQ docs change? is it important? 15:27:36 yamabiiko: will need to go through monerod to know what the types are, it makes sense to document these types at the same time as porting them to Cuprate IMO 15:27:51 our ZMQ implementation has issues? (or would that hopefully be discovered?) would be nice for vtnerd to follow this proposal also 15:28:36 There is little to none info on how to setup ZMQ and what fields are sent for example 15:28:43 or is this for, in the case of cryptogrampys issues, service to be created that receive near-real-time updates from monerod without having to poll for data 15:29:08 IIRC monerod's ZMQ README warns that sometimes txs might not be announced to ZMQ. Anyone know why that could happen? Can cuprate guarantee that txs get sent by ZMQ? 15:30:51 the previous cuprate meeting https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1036 15:31:51 3 months not 2* i forgot to update the issue sorry 15:32:16 I think that's to do with the underlying ZMQ lib, so no 15:33:16 hello 15:33:51 hello 15:34:22 luigi1111: do you remember who did have access to the FFS wallet? And whether it was one wallet or separate wallets for each proposal 15:34:54 i think we can move on from yamabiikos proposal now? during the super official community meeting everyone is engrossed in currently geonic !!!! 15:35:33 :D 15:35:36 xD 15:35:53 Is there a quorum? I see 3 ppl :p 15:36:34 What means quorum? 15:36:45 Enough people to hold a meeting 15:36:55 👋 15:37:56 im sure there are other people not here keeping fingers on the pulse elsewhere and serving just as an important role to the project if they where in our presence currently 15:38:14 ok thanks for attending yamabiiko, lets move on 15:38:16 d. [rehrar help out the project](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470) 15:38:34 I have a finger on the pulse meme but I'll refrain :p 15:40:00 No comments it seems 15:40:00 10-10 votes for rehrar, +1 from luigi to make it a landslide victory, merging rehrar 15:40:11 😂 15:40:37 now then 15:41:03 Was there any discussion with monerobull of potential share of the work ? 15:41:20 I see a lot of ppl working on site 15:41:31 And not enough people taking over the world 15:41:34 not the people who are proposing to do so tho. 15:42:50 :D 15:43:13 maybe move rehrar to funding required and put a banner that the proposal generated significant discussion with a link to the github 15:43:45 it's true 15:44:17 this has been done before 15:44:36 Almost a direct quote from your own ccs comments :D lol 15:44:55 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-to-the-oscars.html for reference: the top of the proposal 15:45:30 ok so rehrars merged lets move on 15:45:42 Yay 15:46:07 i already +1 diego, but im -2 if the "luogi 15:46:17 "Luigi's assistant" is the job 15:47:19 vostoemisios animated video proposals (2) - which i think should just move into 1 to centralise the feedback (anyone feel strongly about this?) 15:47:45 I’m not clear if these are menat to replace the videos on the website? 15:47:48 meant* 15:48:01 e. [VOSTOEMISIO - FCMP Animated Explainer Video](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/472) 15:48:01 f. [VOSTOEMISIO - Remake Introductory "What Is Monero?" Video](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/473) 15:48:03 I think 1 makes things cleaner, but its still the same number of total milestones 15:48:14 Geonic, 473 is 15:48:17 the "Introductory" is meant to replace it yes (i assume) 15:49:25 will he be making decisions on CCSs? 15:49:30 No 15:49:35 all of them 15:49:37 good 15:49:38 I mean no 15:49:42 vosto has done previous work so we know what we're getting, not much risk on moving to funding, its just about gathering feedback from community at each stage 15:49:57 Vost also does firo work 15:50:27 vosto always delivers and more than a few people have commented on how dated our stuff looks 15:50:37 +1 15:50:41 These people are not our audience though 15:50:46 He did monerokon stuff too 15:50:51 all paid 15:51:37 Rehrar, are you luigis assistant 15:51:54 I’d like for vosto to be more proactive in soliciting feedback 15:51:57 Or plowsof's 15:51:57 as the video is on the main page, i shuld think for that specific one a white background would be warranted as it would look weird .. but the content/graphics of vostos stuff are really friendly ,, not darknet money vibes at all 15:52:26 If he asked me to do some things I would. But the primary roles are to do things he doesn't want to do independently. This takes things off of his plate. 15:52:32 yeah, feedback gathering is the most important thing 15:52:58 i need to lose a bit of weight so this is a welcome addition, thank you rehrar 15:53:14 it also needs to have less text than the previous videos. They’re so crammed with information as to be incomprehensible and lose the viewer. And the actor’s voice is monotone 15:53:22 Might be worth trying to do something that is also dark mode friendly should the site ever support dark mode 15:53:23 Only about a quarter of my work would be doing what he asks. The other stuff is independently driven. 15:53:31 the tone used describe assistant sounds like youll do what luigi asks, regardless of what community wants 15:53:39 yes, export white + dark background 15:53:57 dark and light mode we want then 15:54:07 And another VO actor 15:54:17 and gathering feedback, no isses with merge to funding though 15:54:19 issues* 15:54:38 he should involve us in choosing the VO actor 15:54:46 noted 15:54:46 Which doesn't sound very appealing. Just more of the same. I'm voting for diego to be his own person, not for diego to be luigis legs 15:54:57 h. [monerobull for website workgroup](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476) 15:55:01 ofrnxmr: this is luigi’s proposal so … 15:55:35 ofrn give it a trial period. Let's see how things shake out. If after we give it a go you decide I'm not able to do enough independently, that can be voiced. 15:55:38 hardenedsteel not a fan of the lowering the temperature stuff in the comments here 😅 15:55:44 geonic: its really my proposal.. but where luigi closed mine and told diego to open his own 15:56:02 Mb has been mia on site. I cant endorse the proposal 15:56:07 I think you'll find things turn out well 15:56:22 what’s the delineation between rehrar and monerobull 15:56:53 Luigi seems to think they can work together 15:57:01 mb said he could do the job for cheaper, but hasnt done the job or even scoped to do the job 15:57:15 neither has rehrar afaict 15:57:15 Again, 0 presence on monero-site. 15:57:25 Rehrar has code on site 15:57:38 i think rehrar made getmonero 15:57:49 Recently I mean 15:58:33 I agree about recently. As i said a few mins back, both rehrar and mb are absent on -site atm 15:58:51 A lot of other contributors.. and we have a maintainer 15:58:53 yes, no reason to judge one and not the other 15:59:22 who’s the maintainer currently? 15:59:23 zoom out! 15:59:30 luigi 15:59:35 wrong 15:59:46 Its ofrnxmr in a mask 16:00:13 (its not luigi) 16:00:20 the plan was to keep holding meetings until monerobull didnt attend one and rehrar did 16:00:27 (: 16:00:41 monerobull was here today actually and i spoke with him (not like he's not here) just saying lol 16:00:49 I mean, if people want to fund mb too I don't see why not 16:00:58 Yeah. Question is who does what 16:00:58 i do see why not.. 16:01:08 yes luigis comments mention both are elligible for funding and dont cancel the other 16:01:14 What are we funding? moderator position? 16:01:21 No that’s unpaid 16:01:32 I’d like to move to make mb head matrix mod though 16:01:35 so what are we funding? Nothing 16:02:03 head of moderation involved being a able to lead other mods 16:02:28 Mb wants to be a mod. I dont think the ccs implies anything to do with leading anybody 16:02:47 its hard to go from no presence in the elite mod circle to being their boss ,, the inclusion should be gradual 16:02:58 That was one of the "positions" we were looking to fill afaik 16:02:58 fk gradual 16:03:10 capable 16:03:24 ofrnxmr: do you like mb for unpaid matrix mod? 16:03:30 yes 16:03:44 We’ve got a second 16:03:50 all in favor? :p 16:03:52 This really isn't complicated. luigi doesn't want to lead the mod team. He asked if I'd do it. I added it to the responsibilities. 16:04:06 😂😅 16:04:18 rehrar, im on boars with you leading mod team 16:04:20 rehrar has already links / involvement with the current mod team for years 16:04:38 Rehrar already owns matrix mod team 16:04:45 (literally) 16:04:51 Yes that’s why we should distribute responsibilities 16:04:58 finger on the pulse, and power switch 16:05:02 We need to reelect mods 16:05:12 Since current mods arent elected at all. 16:05:28 (aside from plowsof) 16:05:35 If someone wants to take over infrastructure work from Cypher Stack, do let core team know. 16:05:50 dropping binarybarons latest proposal here: i. [From Prototype to Marketplace: Maturing the XMR-BTC Atomic Swaps Ecosystem](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477) 16:06:04 No, i prefer you keep if and get paid to do it @rehrar 16:06:11 Keep it* 16:06:18 And let someone else moderate for free 16:07:05 so we need clarification on monerobulls proposal now that rehrars has been merged and weve all accepted it 16:07:05 DeCenTRaliZatioN and all that 16:07:35 im not speaking from a position of bias, but i dont like like unstoppable has been dealt with for the last year+ 16:08:07 yes but I think we can agree to make him a matrix mod for now. He has agreed to do it for free 16:08:38 geonic, we need to replace mods and sort out power hierarchy 16:08:56 I vote for #monero mod (not admin) 16:08:58 Remove all mods except plowsof, add mb 16:09:04 Mb* for #monero 16:09:07 .... mb isn't most professional for mod position... but idc 16:09:11 and rehrar (unpaid) 16:09:40 we’re looking for effective, not professional 16:09:47 Rucknium for mrlab and mrlounge 16:09:54 100% then he should be mod 16:10:14 They cannot make this guarantee, zmq drops when the connection queue is full 16:10:33 plowsof: is this in the minutes? (: 16:10:34 when i was a wee lad, before mod powers, i was given piecemeal permissions. first mod in community on matrix and such 16:10:42 yes 16:11:13 i was given mod on irc, then it was revoked because i was changing room topics "to_text_like_this" 16:11:16 then i had to go to irc school 16:11:34 now i just dont change topics anymore 16:11:59 Yes we need to see mb’s certificate of achievement in online moderation :p 16:12:14 mb has discord certif 16:12:29 that should qualify him to moderate any cesspool 16:12:30 discord / reddit and monero town 16:13:01 hi vtnerd, thanks for commenting 16:14:27 Banhammer needs to demote from admin > mod in rooms where it is an admin, and really, banhammer should be on monero.social, not matrix.org 16:14:51 hello binarybaron 16:14:55 And monerobulls mod account should be monero.social 16:15:02 hey everyone, einliterflasche and I are here in case any questions arise regarding our CCS proposal 16:15:06 So we have 3 Matrix mods - plowsof, monerobull, rehrar. They can decide amongst themselves who will be head mod as long as we’re clear the mod positions are unpaid 16:15:07 AFAIK, the matrix.org federation issues have mostly been solved. Big thanks to whoever worked on that ❤️ 16:15:40 The leading of the mod position is included in my proposal and I'd be billing hours for that portion 16:15:56 (i need to disable the bot that tells people to leave matrix dot org hm) 16:16:04 It was made clear by luigi that moderator is an unpaid position 16:16:09 its not abt federation issues, but about homeserver admin power over the account. Matrix.org sholdnt have control over our rooms 16:16:49 leading the mod team isn't 16:17:09 i followed through by creating a monero social account then became emotionally distressed over playing matrix encryption key roulette.... i need a separate device for my social account 16:17:57 Says who? 16:18:03 leading mod team includes running the homeserver 16:18:15 Its an administration job 16:18:17 says who it's not? 16:18:40 binarybaron is here btw if anyone has Q's about his atomic swap proposal 16:18:43 If moderation personnel is being adjusted, can #MRL Matrix re-enable emoji reactions for all users? 16:18:45 he can sure be a mod about me but that's not a paid role 16:19:04 diego isnt meant to be a mod afaict. 16:19:14 Hes meant to be the mods admin 16:19:25 "be a mod" being the term he used thehre 16:19:37 although I see the issue with diego listing leading mods or whatever 16:19:58 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477 6 monther 16:20:16 rehrar: can you agree to to allow rucknium permission to reenable emojis in mrl 16:20:56 #emojigate has gone on for far too long 16:21:04 lol 16:21:09 lol why was that disabled? 16:21:20 Because some mod power tripped 16:21:32 Room has Send Reactions: Default 16:21:53 You can lead mods but it’s unpaid. I’m sure you’ll find something else to bill for. 16:22:12 MRL is a serious room, too many children leaving crying laugh emojis when oooo123 was around and those idiots had emoji perms removed ( i also had perms removed ) 16:22:48 xmrscott: Most Matrix users in #MRL are set to power:1, which disables emoji reactions. 16:22:58 unfortunately for you, you don't decide. It's in the current proposal. I have no current plans to change it. 16:23:26 Do you decide? 16:23:36 thanks for attending binarybaron, 8 updoots and comments already. my only issue would be the length of 6 months, your previous proposals where not so long? (and one of them you where slow to complete) 16:23:38 There goes the old Diego again 16:24:05 I retract my comment to move to funding required 16:24:10 It was one of the things luigi asked me to take on. It's one of the things I accounted for when I made up hours and price 16:24:14 I like emoji reactions because it reduces the number of redundant messages. People can 🙏, 🚀, 👍️ a bunch without sending more messages. Of course IRC cannot see them. 16:24:43 It is obvious rehrar has no plans to be accountable to the community as his ccs purports 16:24:51 you do not = community geonic 16:25:09 I said I retract my comment, I didn’t say I’m community 16:25:25 you keep saying “luigi asked me” as if that’s the word of God. It’s not 16:25:44 +1 to geonics last msg 16:25:54 I dont enjoy hearing what luigi asked 16:26:03 s/luigi/plowsof and you sound a lot better 16:26:12 he asked me to take those roles from him so he won't have to do them. I will be accountable to the community on whether or not they're done well. If not, he can choose a different person for the role. 16:26:25 Luigi never has had anything to do with matrix mod 16:26:30 r​ucknium I saw your 3 emojis :) 16:26:49 I guess it depends 16:26:59 there are matrix rooms with current mods. He's in them. And he's asked to make decisions on some things. And he doesn't want to do that anymore. 16:27:25 Thats not how shit should work 16:27:26 I don't think the "leading the mods" needs to be that contentious. Cultivating community culture and mod relationships is the idea more or less. "moderating" is not a paid position 16:27:27 plowsof Looking at the scope of the CCS this is a six month project. We believe there won't be trust issues since we have already completed two CCSs. We would really like some safety that we can really spend six months on this as committing to the project means spending less time university for a whole semester. 16:27:27 So the community picks a new mod. He doesn’t. 16:27:43 I'm not modding matrix, though I'm present in the room 16:28:01 Mods shouldnt go crying to luigi for permission to do anything 16:28:13 Mods should mod their own rooms to be on topic 16:28:39 Being a mod for matrix is like... bitch position? 16:28:41 so remove it from the “job description”. Rehrar does not get authority over mod team with this role. He's welcome to use his soft skills as much as he wants 16:28:51 xmrfamily wanted to mention an idea for creating a "non profit monero organization that deals with advocation for smarter msb/ regulations state,national, international levels ", would this be twisted-edwards / monero-policy related? 16:28:58 Anything else should be extreme circumstances where banhammer is used due to common sense (like uploading content that is no-good) 16:29:36 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/583 16:29:39 Sorry about profanity 16:29:52 Rehrar is ineligible to hold a leadership position as long as this statement stands 16:30:05 pay him for services if you want 16:30:36 we should have an election then 16:30:54 nah, just hold a vote. Mb said he’ll do it for free. Let him do it. 16:30:56 a open end to the meeting here, please continue and thank you all for attending 16:31:00 geonic: amending it to something referencing community culture is fine with me. He will likely be ops in -community but that's not really billable 16:31:38 ops on matrix, yes? 16:31:53 no on irc. He is on matrix already afaik 16:32:06 has there been a lack of moderation on irc? 16:32:50 according to some yes, but that's not really the point. 16:32:57 no. There are mods who want their perm bans mirrorerd here 16:33:20 (im not allowed on matrix, for example) 16:33:25 Irc is perfectly moderated as it is 16:33:38 plowsof Also, we thought that splitting proposals into 3 month segments is mostly done for proposals for continuous projects like dev salaries that are periodically renewed. This will be a one-off thing with a clearly defined scope. So we think it makes sense to request funding for 6 months directly. 16:33:39 but if he wants to be an unpaid irc mod, fine 16:33:57 Geonic - im banned in monero-beef here 💀 16:34:38 Remember when sgp tried to get us both banned in offtopic on irc? Yeah, that weak shit 16:34:47 I might leave this channel if he’s opped here though 16:37:31 I'm in favor of merging binarybaron btw 16:38:09 geonic> I might leave this channel if he’s opped here though <= he's not going to ban you, but no one can force you to stay 16:38:29 i can force him 16:39:01 Geonic and I are inseparable 16:39:59 Depends on how imperious his behavior gets 16:40:32 ah yes, as in the past when I had power and used it to ban geonici 16:40:52 or other dissenters 16:41:06 I dont see why he'd need mod here. We dont have a moderation problem (users) on irc in community. We have a mods problem 16:41:15 Correct 16:41:16 On matrix 16:41:31 fwiw, I don't want to see geonic go, so I would request no op here on irc 16:41:47 whoa. Now kith 16:42:06 Muah 16:42:10 :* 16:42:27 Plowsof has ops here and plow's been moderating community just fine for yrs 16:43:05 he's been ops here for like 6 months lol 16:43:11 On matrix 16:43:12 wait maybe it's been longer 16:43:24 Nah its around 6 months 16:43:31 Remember, sgp wanted you to ban me 16:43:49 anyway irc mostly doesn't get spammers for whatever reason. Too old school. Ofc there have been exceptions. 16:43:52 Ive been banned for 6 months on matrix 16:43:59 Sgp should be removed as mod 16:44:04 He was removed 16:44:10 spg stepped down 16:44:12 (stepped down) 16:44:39 Now xmrscott has taken to being even worse 16:45:02 Does scott want to step down 16:45:05 no 16:45:33 xmrscott: many people want you to step down 16:45:40 Scott literally lied to selsta and said i threatened peiples lives. As an excuse to keep banning me 16:46:24 Rehrar replaces xmrscott 16:46:31 +1 16:47:28 <0​xfffc:monero.social> +1 from me too 16:47:53 +1 16:48:40 And if rehrar doesn’t want to do it since it’s not billable, let monerobull do it 16:49:16 I'm already in the rooms and contribute 16:49:24 Replace 16:49:38 xmrscott to step down as mod and admin 16:49:38 I think that’s the most votes we’ve gotten at this meeting 16:49:57 Changed the line in the proposal 16:50:21 to be more in line with what was requested 16:50:34 Ty 16:51:03 I like old wording better 16:51:04 <0​xfffc:monero.social> I definitely support rehrar. I am sure he will be great. 16:51:53 he’ll definitely be an improvement 16:52:28 I was speaking to geonic's comment, ofrnxmr 16:52:38 that I'm already there doing it for free 16:52:40 100. But new wording doesn't say other mods have to care what he says 16:52:57 Xmrscott acts as the defacto leader of the mods 16:52:58 Problematic mods should be removed 16:53:11 e.g. xmrscott 16:53:20 He undermines other mods - like rucknium and plowsof 16:53:43 He can’t keep a ban on matrix that’s not reflected on IRC 16:53:46 Diego = new leader. I prefer old writing that said as much 16:54:30 I have certainly been made aware that several people have made comments about my being kill on sight before MoneroKon this year, yes 16:54:45 Let’s not change the subject shall we 16:55:01 What is scott larping about now 16:55:34 new wording to your standards geonic? 16:55:48 rehrar: yes I’m happy with the wording, thank you 16:57:43 although I’m not sure that “Being a leader in the Monero Community workgroup” is a paid position either, but whatevs 16:58:19 rehrar - if plowsof, selsta, rucknium etc unban me in rooms like support, gui, dev, etc, are you going to veto them? 🙃 16:58:59 No. I'd like to see mutes used more than bans generally. 16:59:09 Mute for what 16:59:09 Gives people time to cool off and remember to be excellent to each other 16:59:20 I never didnt anything in any of those rooms 16:59:51 sorry ofrnxmr was saying two different things and combined them to one message 17:00:05 So basically luigi got so tired of hearing xmrscott whine about banning ppl on IRC that we have to pay someone to do it 17:00:05 gotcha 17:00:22 Sounds abt right. 17:00:32 Like plowsof said "herding cats" 17:01:01 the problem here seems to be xmrscott and it’s easily solvable 17:01:40 xmrscott isn't the problem. 17:01:52 xmrscptt is the problem, rehrar 17:01:59 is someone else handing out bans that are not reflected on irc? 17:02:15 Why did rucknium leave -beef? 17:02:18 matix bridges to irc, not the other way around 17:02:29 A slight tweak has been made to rehrars proposal https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/470/diffs?diff_id=7462&start_sha=6ac315bb622e3d69baa47e1ac068d3c33d692728 17:02:56 is it still the meeting ? or have we transitioned to #monero-beef? 17:03:05 monero-beef = im banned 17:03:35 And ricknium left the room because scott kept banning me there, reversing ruckniums decisions 17:04:37 In his defense, you were pretty toxic when you got banned. I think that ban should be removed now though 17:04:56 geonic, you have poor memory 17:05:11 I was banned the day of fhe ((())) 17:05:32 And i was banned because erciccione bannedme from -site and -translations 17:05:43 And when dan asked for my unban, Scott started muting people 17:05:52 Are you banned in this room on matrix? 17:05:54 I was banned while working. 17:05:56 Yes 17:06:01 that’s BS 17:06:05 Im banned in every room on matrix 17:06:16 Including support, mrl, gui, dev, offtopic, beef 17:06:48 "Why did rucknium leave -beef?" https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20240312#c346039 17:07:03 xmrscott’s gotta go 17:07:57 rehrar: how will you handle this situation as the newly hired soft skills guy? 17:08:52 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/ZMQ.md 17:09:07 Forgot to mention this earlier, there are some docs for zmq usage 17:11:05 Not hired yet. :P 17:11:40 Or is this a campaign question. 17:11:49 Interview question 17:11:53 (: 17:14:12 I am aware of those but imo it should be updated/expanded 17:14:39 I think the primary problem is lack of focus and agreement between mods on how things should be handled. Can't even agree on CoC enforceability or if we need one (I personally don't care for it). 17:14:40 What do you need? Examples? 17:15:55 Fields of each object sent, examples, here is our RPC docs for example: https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/daemon-rpc.html 17:15:59 My god what a discussion 17:16:13 So how would you handle this specific situation? A user is banned on Matrix and TPTB are refusing to enforce the ban on IRC 17:16:40 "I think the primary problem is lack of focus and agreement between mods on how things should be handled."< yeah. Too much of this retarded shit 17:16:54 mods who think like that gotta go 17:17:49 I'd unban. Clear slate kind of thing. Set rules for mods and minimal sane rules for rooms. 17:18:04 I moderation numerous rooms. Its not rocket science to kick/ban a spammer or to keep a convo ob-topic. 17:18:05 Reason being everything has been so nebulous until now that an argument can be made for banning anyone. 17:18:39 Once rules have been set and all mod team is brought to a similar baseline, we can start enforcing. 17:18:45 when you start adding your personal feelings to the matter, you should step down. 17:18:54 Rules are simple: stayon topic 17:19:32 Ofrnxmr I disagree that's the only rule though. Libera also has rules that need to be followed. 17:19:42 If we don't follow them they'll close the rooms. 17:19:47 Dont insult groups of people. Dont doxx people. Dont mthreaten people etc 17:19:52 Common sense 17:20:13 Any bridge needs to align with the policies on IRC. Otherwise it’s a censored imitation and should be removed altogether 17:20:20 One last thing is room temperature. When things get very heated or insults start flying, I think people need breaks. 17:20:23 Hence mutets. 17:20:24 These mods have np allowing users to spam "banofrn" accounts for weeks 17:20:25 *mutes 17:20:33 I'm generally not for bans on contributors unless egregious 17:20:49 bring back the shadow bans for nostalgia 17:20:59 lets make monero great again 17:21:14 just dont block the hate speech 17:21:14 people use it a lot 17:21:20 Haha 17:22:01 we have a mod resolution room now, and no shadow mutes currently unlike years ago so things have improved 17:22:10 Yeah it was fun when matrix users couldn’t keep up with the convo 17:22:54 I also think people need to make liberal use of the ignore functions 17:23:10 and diego: keeping the room on-topic tends to lean towards all of thr other rules being followed 17:23:23 totally fine if you don't care to see things from certain people that rub you the wrong way. But take some personal responsibility in that 17:23:25 any way to fix the bridge so irc users can ignore matrix users and vice versa? 17:23:29 Rehrar, "ignore" is for wusses 17:23:53 Geonic - not atm. The old bridge isnt functional 17:24:08 The new bridge is 1 account (mrelay) 17:24:14 So ignore doesn’t work atm 17:24:56 Its really not that difficult to keep most rooms inline: stay on topic 17:25:20 ofrnxmr> Like plowsof said "herding cats" <= this is plagiarism, plowsof defend yourself 17:25:23 all this said, this isn't Zcash where the primary imperative is to never offend anyone ever. 17:25:37 luigi1111: can u tell us about the FFS wallet pls 17:25:41 Going offtopic leads to breaking libera rules. On topic stuff rarely does that 17:25:59 the goal is not offense, obviously, but all the same 17:26:18 who ran it & was there more than one wallet? Did the balances update automatically (on the website) or was that done manually? 17:26:34 oh boy. um 17:26:41 either way, got an event thingy 17:27:07 I think balances updated live. I think maybe integrated addresses or just payment IDs were used. 17:27:09 I don't care for politics or insults, I just want mod bcs I'm one tab away from matrix +12 hours of the day and thus am usually there when there is a spammer / illegal content 17:27:14 who plagiarised who? luigi1111 17:27:22 whom* 17:27:39 @whom stop plagiarising 17:27:55 I already mod discord/reddit/town and nobody has ever complained 17:28:14 Make mb mod already 17:28:25 Who has admin in #monero 17:28:33 Plowsof? Make mb a mob 17:28:40 luigi1111: who has/had the keys to the FFS wallet(s)? 17:29:18 or was in charge of disbursements 17:29:39 fluffy/his team ran the infra. I don't have security details 17:29:48 Got it 17:29:52 disbursements fluffy did until I started in (let me check) 17:30:11 end of 2016 17:30:36 So still FFS times? 17:31:06 yeah I received lumps every so often and paid out from that 17:32:15 Do you remember making this last 133 XMR payment in 2020? https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/2564/0mq-by-tewinget 17:34:23 you can ignore people without an ignore function 17:34:55 not easy when they’re hurling insults at you 17:35:37 I don't think I made that payment 17:36:53 Ok and you don’t have access to the keys for this wallet right 17:37:27 no 17:38:31 Final Q. Did you handle the payments for project coral reef? 17:39:21 it also has an “available balance” listed 17:39:22 https://forum.getmonero.org/9/work-in-progress/88459/globee-s-secret-project-fundraiser 17:40:08 nope 17:40:23 Tx 17:47:56 will the mods moderate Gitlab/CCS comments and discussions as well? 17:51:32 I am only asking because CCS discussions these days seem to also get stuck, quite frequently, in the children's den that is the MBPV (monero bipartisan playground vortex). 17:52:16 Atm, only bot spam is moderated 17:53:25 And really, gitlab needs to change the cloudflare fkrewall lvl from "legacy captcha" to "managed" or "bypass" 17:53:29 It's quite unlikely midipoet to integrate everywhere that comments are possible in some common ruleset, do you think that would be possible? 17:55:55 It’s probably enough to make decisions on CCS proposals quicker so we don’t let the CCS conversations devolve 18:01:50 msvb-lab: well rehrar talked of a minimum ruleset (that is not a CoC) that is also aligned with Libera rules (which are supposedly a policy as opposed to a CoC). So who knows. 18:02:30 What i wouldn't mind is some leadership shown that doesn't involve paying proxy leaders, but perhaps that's too much to ask. 18:02:57 We’ve confirmed the mod work is unpaid 18:04:17 great, well then I'll look forward to the 20 hours of "other" work then, as rehrar is also good at a lot of other things that aren't mod related. 18:04:22 Tis bitch work 18:04:42 Ill probably do this. 18:04:54 do what? 18:05:13 Initiative on policies and things. 18:05:26 Yes geonic. Unpaid. 18:05:51 +1 18:30:03 I guess thanks and dankon for the meeting, goodbye. 20:43:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So whats new …. 20:44:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Traitor 20:44:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Geonic and i are bff 23:34:03 Alex | LocalMonero | AgoraDesk: just to be certain, the block explorer @ https://localmonero.co/blocks/ will cease to exist?