00:17:03 Hello everyone I'm a Grower and supplier of cannabis and psychedelics products such as; 00:17:03 edibles 00:17:05 Disposables 00:17:07 Shrooms(mushrooms) 00:17:09 Weed (bud) 00:17:11 Vapes 00:17:13 Codeine 00:17:15 CBD oil 00:17:17 Packwood 00:17:19 Cocaine 00:17:21 Ketamine 02:01:13 An answer to the question of what is Menero by somebody on Nostr. 02:01:13 A likely maxi: Non-transparent, anonymous currency with no set amount of units that you can’t verify. 02:01:15 My reply to likely maxi: Oh, it's really cool to hear that you've actually went through and verified every transaction that's ever occurred on the Bitcoin blockchain to make sure they balance. cudos to you 3 Period Actually, I'm assuming that you trusted the Bitcoin software to make sure that the supply is correct. In which case, your argument is moot because Monero's software can do the same thing., In list 06:22:30 "nanopool hash also went down, nice" - monerobull https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1eiadjt/airbnb_host_adds_no_crypto_mining_rule_after/ 06:35:02 would Diego Salazar or monerobull be available to be a fallback chair for the community meeting today, im not 100% certain of what capacity ill be able to attend, it's in approx 8.5 hours / 15:00UTC 06:37:16 I can try to make it 06:38:36 I only had 1 hour of sleep though 🫠 06:38:47 So I might be unconscious by that time 06:43:44 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1046 / lite mode at bottom https://getwishlisted.xyz/meeting_template.html , i'll be there, but most likely officially marked as none attendance 07:44:36 cute plowsof. How much should we donate? 07:45:51 FYI there's easy pickings in bounties to get people started :) 07:54:41 Skip it 07:54:55 go next week 🤷‍♂️ 08:25:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/rpBxgkqzRFopaFzhtKjjEzLQ 08:25:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> @monerobull ^ 12:30:53 plowsof: just wondering when the latest updates to getmonero.org will be deployed. afaict there's quite a lot of updates pending. 12:31:56 When 18.3.4 is ready 12:32:50 can probably deploy before that if not releasing soon soon 12:34:20 We'll go thru and do a few more merges + check to see when deploy is feasible 12:50:00 thanks for the update ofrnxmr 13:17:10 probably this has already been discussed but has there been attempts at making monero bills ? like copying cash ? 13:17:28 probably this has already been discussed but has there been attempts at making monero cash ? 13:33:22 What time is the meeting today? 13:33:29 If there is one 13:34:32 Lelana coins, gift cards (gift cards cod be cash if issued by central registrar using encryption on nfc or qr) 13:35:30 1500UTC 13:35:31 plowsof might not be available. personally im ok with pushing it back a week 13:44:44 I won't be at meeting 13:45:20 checkpoints for were updated again 3 days ago so....... soon™ 14:31:03 Sure 14:32:09 But if we'd rather push it we can. 15:04:56 hey, not sure if the meeting is being postpoed but we're here to answer any questions regarding proposal anyway :) 15:05:40 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477 15:10:17 Looks postponed to me. Of course people are still free to discuss 15:47:54 I missed the meeting sorry everyone. AOB? 15:53:42 Hey, not really unless there's anything blocking our proposal 16:11:37 When was the last time we kept a meeting under an hour, no interruption, no overlapping topics, I think plowsof was able to say one or two words. I'm not aure. 🤔 16:12:02 When was the last time we kept a meeting under an hour, no interruption, no overlapping topics, I think plowsof was able to say one or two words. I'm not sure. 🤔 16:12:07 Who am I? 17:06:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> whoami* 17:06:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> root 23:22:35 I thought the idea of having two people working on CCS stuff was to have a more efficient/regular/meeting and merge process? 23:23:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> very busy nuking website? 23:24:54 i guess. 23:25:18 what's a week between friends anyway.