03:10:03 ofrnxmr feat BasicSwapDEX - take over the world pt 2 has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/ofrnxmr_basicswap.html 04:35:04 ofrnxmr feat BasicSwapDEX - take over the world pt 2 is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/ofrnxmr_basicswap.html @luigi1111 05:32:34 Only 2 contributors 😅 some ppl have so many mooneros 05:42:13 What? First, moved to funding, which is astonishing enough. And now fully funded in a few hours, by 2 contributors? Are you kidding me? 05:43:32 I guess now the world really has to prepare to be taken over by that BasicSwap gang :) 06:36:49 apotheon: the #monero-docs:monero.social workgroup have some doubts regarding licensing, maybe you could offer some insight? 06:41:42 file image.png too big to download (6571769 > allowed size: 1000000) 06:41:43 image.png 06:41:46 Spot the Monero sticker (placed by me at Defcon 32) 07:00:36 :^) 07:00:40 image.png 07:16:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> give that person a gold star 08:21:03 Is that BasicSwap thingy gonna be more useful than Haveno? 08:21:56 Basicswap aims to be a crypto <-> crypto dex from what I understand, different use from haveno 08:22:21 As haveno is a fiat <-> xmr platform above all 08:23:46 i though Haveno did both c2c and f2c swaps? 08:24:14 Yea it can do crypto trades too but its not the main goal is what I'm saying 08:24:24 ah ok, fair enough 08:24:32 Basicswap AFAIK aims to so crypto trades as its main goal 08:24:38 Serai dex too 08:32:23 not sure if others got this, but i received an email from Proton 08:32:32 https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/yzgsi90G/Screenshot%202024-08-13%20at%2009.30.43.png 08:32:57 this is the podcast link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUGJje2jvck 08:33:17 probably just auto-generated, and means nothing but thought i would share anyway 09:42:51 holy moly, ofrnxmr taking over the world 09:42:53 Illuminati funded him 09:43:23 I have heard that others have received that midipoet 09:43:28 i guess i really did miss a lot in the past few weeks lol 09:44:10 Yes, it's been under review forever so no change in status lol 09:44:28 Have not listened to the podcast 09:55:29 Just reading that basicswap CCS. How much are we paying up front exactly? 09:55:41 Seems like hundreds of XMR 09:56:23 midipoet hating again. shut your mouth and let the eth cabal deliver 09:56:48 how is that hating? 09:57:26 conflict of interest. you hate ofrnxmr because he outed your shady antics and i dont want to go over this drama again. your bias is clear 09:58:17 so shut your mouth and let the monero community work on developing things. youre one of the bad actors ruining monero 09:59:06 lol. What shady antics? 10:13:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> It got changed was 200xmr, not sure now 10:48:09 we are not paying bro 10:48:09 those 2 guys are paying him 10:49:08 you dont have any kind of influence on this tbh 10:54:43 ofrn while youre at it, can you do haveno frontend 2.0? 🤣 10:57:02 Imho dont pay anything upfront, only pay after the work is done 11:02:21 since the beginning this has been at most 20~30% upfront only if the dev has already open (and completed) a CCS before. 11:02:41 So usually since this is the first time, they shouldn't be allowed any amount upfront 11:04:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> All on black 11:18:56 1 month 11:19:53 Basicswap is crypto only (atomic swaps to fiat arent possible) 11:21:20 uh are they? 11:21:33 Says you 11:21:49 History says otherwise 11:22:17 i know they are but i like thinking about funny systems 11:47:14 Right now I'm raffling off 0.777 ETH among the conference participants at Zoom https://us80web-zoom.us/j/7681681573?pwd=EYRvEXpSguQGrDMLW4JVlGZC8tYtnwPO 11:47:15 I am a trader with 7 years of experience and I am showing others my thorny path to success. I will be glad to everyone! 11:57:09 Choose me, I've been trading for 70 years 11:58:20 Dan Bob, you said that you are not sure now, such disappoint :( 12:27:41 the usually emphasize on the lack of perfectness on this rule. My stance is that N arguably bad decisions shouldn't influence over M arguably good decisions if M > N 12:29:28 from my pov you can only argue on why it is reasonable for your first CCS to receive your requested amount upfront 12:35:50 too late for that 12:36:12 Because some whale donor is cool with it 12:36:26 You didn't donate, didya? 12:39:24 First ccs or 5th ccs doesnt matter. What matters is delivery of promised goods. Plenty of proposers are postpaid and miserably fail to deliver. Just because something is "normal" doesn't mean its the best way to do something 12:39:57 I'd apologize for stepping outside of the box, but instead of apologizing how about i just deliver instead 12:43:06 i never said whether decisions to prefund any other ccs were good or bad, only that were not sll cut from the ssme clothe. Pre, post, etc don't matter. What matters is whether the commission work is being completed. The milestone system allows people to scam the community repeatedly. An upfront milestone allows makes it easier, but it doesnt turn 12:43:06 someone into a scammer 12:44:34 Only here you can badmouth anything and anyone that ever crosses your path, heckle your way in, yet run a campaign for almost 2k moneros, and get it moved to funding required. 😂 12:44:54 it went to funded* 12:45:24 Only here can you be stolen a bag with more than 500k in it and just handed wallet back and you are still taking care of it! We trust you! 12:45:27 Meanwhile there are other ccs still unfunded. My donors dont agree with you 12:45:41 What a joke, love to see it. 12:46:02 You work for cake and have like 3 active proposals, i think you should stfu 12:46:06 Don't get me started with the other moron unbanning this turd. 🤣 12:46:43 And youre notoriously the biggest "badmouther" of all monero's time. Cant even join dev meeting without random attacks 12:49:25 Is anyone typing? I only see unreadable gibberish on my screen. 13:09:07 > You didn't donate, didya? 13:09:09 lol nice loaded question. 13:10:42 anyway excited to see basic swap progressing 13:10:56 definitely a software I wish to utilize more often 13:11:36 also why is every dex on earth have to use shitty languages like python and java. Only Serai is making good choices 13:14:48 just repeating what was said earlier 13:17:02 I wasn't there earlier + unrelated 13:27:48 Oh wait not unrelated 13:27:56 I see what you mean 13:34:34 I think I found a minor bug. Can anyone confirm? In the `monerod` console, input `print_pl publicrpc 20`. Then try `print_pl publicrpc 100`. I think monerod first pulls the first `X` peers from the list and then applies the `publicrpc` filter. Applying the filter and then pulling `X` items makes more sense IMHO. 13:40:45 Lgtm 13:41:35 100 only pulled a handful of peers, all of them which have public rpc 13:42:05 Ok try 1 or 2 13:43:09 ah i see 13:43:25 Its pulling first 10 then filtering the 10 13:44:33 Its "pull a batch of 100, only show the ones that have public rpc" << probably was a lot easier to implement that logic 13:45:48 In this case, "limit" = the raw, (prefiltered) batch size 15:42:24 i agree with this one 15:42:25 just use rust👍️ 16:11:40 NodeJS apps are so annoying. Too many people going to prod with known exploits and gaping holes in their webstack like this: https://nodejs.org/en/blog/vulnerability/april-2024-security-releases 16:11:41 Just makes me think.. "What else didn't they think of" and "Why the hell are we building webservers in javascript?" 16:35:25 pencilled a meeting for this saturday, requesting feedback for some CCS proposals 16:35:28 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1055 16:38:03 lederstrumpfs comment ( https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477#note_25710 )should receive a response from binarybaron soon. points out some inaccuracies in their knowledge of Farcaster and suggests moving toward an unstoppable swap gui that incorporates both farcaster and comit swaps.. eth<->xmr also. 16:38:46 Because you can deploy something in 10 minute vs 10 months 16:38:54 and in the issue, some thoughts over ofrnxmrs open proposal "ofrnxmr support, docs, site, meta++ (totw pt3) 16:38:55 " and where the community stands on that after the bsx merge. merge it? wait? has anything changed for the updooters now? 16:39:35 And using rust doesn’t prevent someone from writing bad code 16:40:24 I would probably argue it makes it much more likely for someone to write bad code 16:56:35 Anyway. Back to working on my python dex. 16:58:41 i hear good things about java 17:15:06 I may be vastly oversimplifying, but from what I understand, every new programming language basically makes programming somewhat easier and, in general, is more memory safe against bad code. Writing in assembly or binary is quite difficult. Writing in C and C++, you can fuck up things easily. Writing in Rust, it's difficult to do so. 17:19:14 monerobull: monero.town instance appears to be down. Cloudflare is giving gateway timeout error messages 17:19:41 yeah just went down 17:54:33 its worth it if its a long term or big project 17:56:40 at least, you "can" write good code with rust 17:56:41 but can you achieve the same result with python? well, maybe you could but its going up from 10 minutes to 15 months, and it wont be as good as the original rust code 18:02:17 ofc, we cant expect everyone to learn rust(specially people with programming background) 18:02:19 but at least, we can acknowledge the benefits of working with rust for possible rust transition in the future😄 18:02:21 who knows, maybe someone did volunteer for it 18:02:30 ofc, we cant expect everyone to learn rust(specially people with programming background) 18:02:31 but at least, we can acknowledge the benefits of working with rust for possible rust transition in the future😄 18:02:33 who knows, maybe someone did/will? volunteer for it 18:08:57 I would like to spend some free time on it but I can't program 18:09:21 and yet it still took three years for BSX to ship in its current state, without classes and with spaghetti conditionals littered everywhere 18:10:17 How to learn trust in the scope of contributing to monero? 18:10:27 Rust obviously 18:11:09 @ammortel look at cuprate here: https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate 18:11:19 its an ongoing effort to reimplement monerod in rustlang 18:45:15 plowsof: From https://zfnd.org/financial-transparency I get about 3.4 million USD spent on Zebra (Zcash's Rust node re-write) for 2021-2023, assuming I didn't make any data entry mistakes. It looks like they were developing it before 2021, but the foundation didn't have disaggregated numbers in its reports prior to 2021. The Q3 2021 report was missing, too. 18:47:25 AFAIK Zcash is switching to Zebra as their main node release. Zcash's C++ node was a fork of bitcoin. It had a lot of bitcoin stuff that Zcash didn't want or need. 18:50:39 Oops. I meant 3.8 million USD. 3834123 18:52:12 thank you Rucknium 18:55:43 side note with Cuprate and Rust in general... Im looking now for the full study but anyways it mentioned that when considering c/c++ versus Rust open source code bases, those built in Rust end up having more contributors because of confidence to contribute etc 19:10:05 I'm a rust evangelist but from my experience this is merely community/social caused. Zig is having the same contributor boom Rust had 5 years ago. 19:11:05 and in monero context, there isn't a single Rust developer that doesn't code in C/C++. 19:13:27 I agree that the social / new factor plays into the attention 19:13:57 Though that doesn't mean its not worth tapping into if the bones are solid too 19:14:26 i guess you're right 19:22:18 0.75 xmr to the jet fund courtesy of an ofrnxmr donor https://github.com/plowsof/scrape_ccs_fr/commit/ae083d53087985cfc60b091965b2fcfa64e89fe5 20:47:00 10xmr to generalfund courtesy of ofrnxmr customer support *** 20:47:51 https://x.com/WatchFund/status/1822135800793817371 21:00:02 ya know, im kinda wondering if you could use your nostr identity to generate a monero private key which you then encrypt and broadcast as a nostr note. Then you put your nsec into any monero wallet, it connects to the nostr relays, gets the key, decrypts it and sets up your wallet. 21:20:47 ofrnxmr donating to GF 21:20:49 i guess its time to reset the world 21:47:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Funny how over funding goes to GF term deposit 50yrs 21:48:31 looks like a whale agreed to fund ofrn, which is why it was moved to funding 21:48:42 kinda like how the Tesla proposal worked (: 21:49:27 I never spoke to any whale 21:49:46 It was moved to funding after 3 + months of bs 21:50:43 didn't say you did. you speaking to a whale wouldn't make any difference 21:50:50 Fact is, i was going to campaign for donations. I was notified by a community member on simplex that it was funded 21:51:04 i mean, merged 21:51:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Free willy 21:51:20 Someone then msgd me to ask where it went / why it was taken down, and then i noticed it was funded 21:51:41 I doubt anyone reached out to Luigi and toks him it would be funded 21:52:14 congrats nonetheless. hope you deliver 21:52:39 There WAS anon user(s) who commented that theyd fund me first "take over the world" proposal, and this was when general fund was being spammed with donations 21:52:51 i have no idea if they are the same person 21:53:20 But they only funded basicswap, they didnt fund vost, so perhaps a different donor 21:53:38 are you going to close your other ccs now? 21:53:57 no. Completely unrelated 21:54:40 And of course we'll deliver. Preparing the schedule over next couple days and we'll start the hard work later this week or beginning of next 21:58:17 482 (TOTW3) ccs wasnt an "either/or". I wasnt throwing everything at the wall tk see what sticks. TOTW3 = TOTW1 but better explained, and now that im unbanned i'm already doing some of the proposed work 21:58:41 completely unrelated except that both will be competing for your time 21:59:05 No, both are a~20-25hrs 21:59:37 thats budgeting ~6-8hrs/day. Babyfood 22:00:10 maybe part 3 should follow once we see how part 2 goes? and why is one 14 xmr/month while the other is 20/xmr with all else being equal? 22:00:36 part 2 is _comoletely unrelated_, and pt3 is already being done 22:06:57 part 2 is not 20, it averages out to ~14, its just paid at an accelerated pace due to the larger initial strain and completely different job. 22:06:59 pt 3 is internal "monero-project" focused, and again, already in progress 22:07:01 the only thing equal is the person collecting the milestone. The rate is unintentionally similar, with bsx actually being lower. There's nothing else equal about them 22:10:49 wut? you just said the hours are the same. one is 14xmr/month while the other is "M0/M1/M2 = 20xmr/month (60xmr/3months) to ofrnxmr" 22:11:26 bsx is 160 for the whole term (1yr) 22:12:00 Bsx is higher per/hr rate in the beginning 22:13:01 it literally says 20xmr/month though. plus a 160xmr discretionary slush fund 22:13:08 but avg /yr is less than pt3 22:13:28 plus 160? 22:13:50 its 160 total for 12mth 22:14:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ofrn’s movie got funded lets move on 22:15:26 Help ofrn fest basicswal take over the world 22:15:27 helo a movie feat monero win an oscar 22:15:34 Maybe he wants creds for me stealing his title 22:16:11 my milestone 0 was better tho 22:16:41 Anyway, so answer the initial question "did erc close website ccs when he waas funded for haveno" << no 22:17:15 Your milestone 0 was "pay to distribute movie". Mine is "pay for dev work" 22:17:33 "M0 = 80xmr to ofrnxmr to pay for bounties / extra help, and/or bonuses to backend/frontend devs" 22:17:49 One of these actually results in improvements to monero's ecosystem 22:18:00 sounds like a slush fund. there's also another 80xmr going to your slush fund in M3-B 22:18:19 and that 80xmr helps monero devs join in 22:18:46 No, if unused, bounty money will towards other ccs 22:19:19 If used, it goes towards paying new contributors 22:20:19 I hope those are real contributors and not pseudonyms of existing ones (: 22:20:44 yes. I intent them to come from monero 22:20:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyways 22:20:53 Intend 22:21:41 cmon geo. I don't have time to plot and scheme 22:22:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So when someone going to sue getmonero for wrong licence? 22:22:46 And i dont support scammers. And i do support our largely volunteer community devs being able to benefit from building 22:27:11 I think your (endless?) proposals are the beginning of the end of the CCS as we know it, which is as it should be. the winds of change... 22:27:33 endless? 22:28:11 4 more years, 4 more years 22:28:33 Your proposal was bs compared to TOTW3 22:29:14 my proposal did what it set out to do. you can't say the same about any of your proposals (yet) 22:29:22 Same amount of $, but you just spend the money on paying your way into film industry and delivered nothing 22:29:54 TOTW3 is already in progress ya weirdo 22:29:59 it would be nice if you were able to stick to the topic at hand 22:30:17 And 10/14 of my first milestone was donated to generalfund 22:30:56 I am on topic. " my proposal did what it set out to do. you can't say the same about any of your proposals (yet)" 22:31:26 nice virtue signal. after barking about the GF for a year 22:31:26 Your movie didn't feature monero and didnt do anything for monero 22:31:38 What did your set out to do? 22:32:00 I didn't send the $ to the generalfund 22:32:25 seems like you're triggered. go type up another ccs proposal, it will calm your nerves (: 22:32:36 The person i helped did as thanks to me. They didn't know any better 22:33:13 Sorry, between these 2 proposals, im all booked up. No time for movie trailers 22:33:29 TOTW4 will have to wait til 2026 22:34:06 "If this proposal is merged, I will likely be good through til 2026." 22:34:26 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/482 22:34:29 correct ^ 22:34:47 Thats the one 🙏 ty 22:35:23 and merging part 2 means you're "good" until when? 22:36:35 Unrelated 22:37:03 Basicswap has nothing to do with time or work of totw1 or 3 22:37:54 Basicswap will finish in good shape and continue to be maintained and improved upon for years to come 22:38:27 you numbered them yourself and put them in a sequence. can't make them unrelated when it suits you 22:38:54 I numbered them because i felt like it 22:39:05 which makes them related 22:39:23 and called them TOTW because i felt like it 22:39:32 Not because they have any connection to one another 22:40:02 I shoukd have called it "help ofrn win an oscar pt3" 22:40:12 Does that make it related to your ccs? 22:40:14 Such interrogation, let him work. 22:40:49 anyway, wasting time here. thank you to whoever donated so we see if you can actually deliver or if you're just a troll and a bad actor, as some claim 22:41:09 it's your moment to shine, ofrn! 22:41:32 Its going to be pretty nice watching you all eat your socks 22:42:11 Going to be a real awkward silence while yall try your best to make up some new angle to make yourself feel good about doing fuckall for monero 22:42:38 Geo, we agree on one thing, right? Diego is supposed to replace scott 22:43:05 He says he cant, because youll give him shit. 22:43:26 I thought you were on board with that 22:44:06 to wrap it up -- I wished you luck an hour ago and I'll be cheering you on along the way. but no more ccs money, please. one swindle at a time. (: 22:44:33 Diego can do whatever he wants, he doesn't need my permission 22:44:38 You downvoted my ccs before you wished me luck 🥴 22:44:40 Mixed signals 22:45:04 I downvoted your unmerged ccs, which as you said is UNRELATED to the one that was merged 22:45:10 So i can only work a part time, external job? Stfu lmao 22:45:37 Im not going to stop working on monero projects just because your malicious ass says so 22:46:08 and I'll be downvoting any other proposals you make until you deliver (or not) on this one 22:46:46 "only 1 swindle at a time" 22:46:47 unrelated swindle, and since when can you only have 1 ccs at a time? 22:46:47 (not that that matters) 22:46:49 haveno + website 22:46:51 molly + sdk 22:47:33 So if erc is working in haveno, he cant maintain website? 22:47:40 show us you're not a bad actor and deliver on the 1685 xmr that was entrusted to you 22:48:02 entrusted to me? I dont have any of it 22:48:19 (yet) 22:48:31 Its sitting on the boat w luigi 22:48:35 spend less time here and more time doing all the productive things you claim to be doing 22:49:02 merge 482 and maybe i would 22:49:09 IOW, get to work as dave.jp said (: 22:49:21 the extortion never ends eh? 22:49:31 i have 20hrs/week available to shitpost 22:49:52 Nah, i was doing the work (still am), but you clowns are asking me to stop 22:50:16 Literally telling me to only work in basicswap for the next 12months 22:50:38 you were OK with working only on docs for the next 12 months, no? 22:50:48 or the next 1 months, or the next 2 weeks, whatever arbitrary bs youre talking about 22:50:53 No 22:51:18 482 is docs, site, support, community, and meta 22:51:28 "If this proposal is merged, I will likely be good through til 2026." <== someone else wrote this? 22:51:37 And working w devs 22:51:47 Thats not "only docs" 22:52:20 sure, but you were OK with working only on 482 for the next 12 months 22:52:29 now you have a bigger proposal merged and somehow that's not enough? 22:52:41 no, otherwise id have closed 457 22:54:11 i didnt have 2 proposals open to "see what sticks". They were both intended to pass 22:54:45 ok, we're going in circles. I hope you deliver and prove all your naysayers wrong. until then your shitposting isn't doing you any favors. 22:55:04 I dont need favors 22:56:00 and i dont need to prove naysayers wrong, that just comes with the territory 22:57:30 I definitely am not looking for the approval of such peoole either 22:58:18 Selsta nioCat and luigi have timed out on irc, we need thoughts and prayers 22:58:43 Ignore, theyre back, endogenic too 22:59:07 hello? 23:00:02 I noticed several irc users timing out, seems to be a network issue, welcome back 23:01:47 plowsof: rumors 23:02:24 Oh my scrollback 23:42:53 As long as you don't burn your oatmeal again...