00:15:05 "supportive of paying Monero community members trying to covertly get accounts of those they dislike deleted" << unless he's talking about himself, idk what he's talking about 00:17:00 only a few ppl around here trying to ban or silence their opposition, #1 being xmrscott. 00:18:00 "Core leaves open for a month" << should have merged it 00:20:39 And "covertly" really couldnt be me. When i do things, its overty. I'm still waiting for proof of the death threats or for you to apologize and explain to the community that you made it up 01:31:06 a little slow cuz its summer, but we have a test build with dev UI to really get the basic stable 01:31:18 will be moving to UI work soon 01:33:04 a little slow cuz its summer, but we have a test build with dev UI to really get the basics stable 01:33:15 will be moving to UI/UX work soon 10:09:12 r4v3r23: hey 10:11:15 how it's going everyone 10:12:35 bad. linux is still a cve authority and people think windows security model sucks bc its microsoft 10:13:36 oh 10:13:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Crowdstrike makes windows secure 10:14:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ask the millions of people 12:06:25 "Secure" 12:07:00 but more unstable, right🤡 12:07:13 but more unstable, right? 🤡 12:13:48 I swear anyone that think it's a good idea to install a C software in ring 0 that use undocumented syscalls over a proprietary kernel for the sake of security is a mongaloid 12:15:45 A member of the racial classification of humanity composed of peoples native to North Asia, East Asia, Pacific Oceania, and Greenland, as well as their diaspora in other parts of the world. 12:15:54 No 12:16:01 that's mongoloid 12:16:14 not mongaloid 12:16:16 look at urban dictionary 12:16:48 The term Mongoloid has had a second usage referencing people with Down syndrome 12:17:24 yeah maybe 12:17:54 I just stick to: 12:17:55 > Mong**a**loid: When someone isbeing an absolute idiot 12:18:06 Monga is just a spelling error 12:18:14 I don't think so 12:18:31 Its an insult referencing ppl with downs syndrome 12:20:34 1) An old fashioned name for someone with down syndrome, originating from the belief that people with down syndrome resembled Mongolians. 12:20:34 2) An offensive term for someone who is idiotic or stupid. Often shortened to mongo or mong. 12:20:34 "I'm afraid your son is a mongoloid." 12:20:58 hold on 12:21:53 bro you just searched mongoloid on urban dictionary 12:22:01 instead of mongaloid with an a 12:22:10 I just made an intext: search on duckduckgo the two are distincts 12:22:19 MongA ia a spelling error 12:23:05 well I don't think so since I don't see any page quoting mongoloid and mongaloid together 12:24:28 https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22mongaloid%22+vs+mongoloid 12:27:40 "The correct spelling is actually "Mongoloid". 12:27:40 "Mongaloid" is a common misspelling, but "Mongoloid" is the accepted and correct term in both anthropological and medical contexts (although, as I mentioned earlier, its use in medicine is now outdated and considered offensive). 12:27:40 So, to summarize: 12:27:40 - Correct spelling: Mongoloid 12:27:40 - Incorrect spelling: Mongaloid 12:27:40 Please use the correct spelling to ensure clarity and accuracy." 12:28:20 link 12:28:23 I don't find it 12:32:05 just searched on google and duckduckgo I don't find these sentences. 12:32:43 For the last msg, i asked AI. Searching DDG and google autocorrect it to an O. A and O both refer to the same thing, a derogatory term for ppl with down's syndromd 12:33:10 oh that's why 12:34:26 Alright seems good enough for me. I apologize for the usage of the word. I thought the two weren't linked 12:37:30 Fixed version: I swear anyone that think it's a good idea to install a C software in ring 0 that use undocumented syscalls over a proprietary kernel for the sake of security is an idiot 12:39:19 😂 13:07:00 So. afaiu last meetings had some news about farcaster? 13:07:44 did they really disappear? 13:25:54 Probably depends on your interpretation of "really" :) 13:26:25 It was *as if* they had disappeared. No more commits to the code. No more posts, anywhere. And so on. 13:26:48 But well, one of their devs finally came around to answer on the CCS PR, see here: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477#note_25714 20:06:32 after reading all of this ... not using farcaster sounds insane to me 20:28:36 Not using because its not currently being maintained* but on paper yes, its got more bells.and whistles than COMIT 22:08:37 from all the comments it seems COMIt is more of a hacky PoC which is used on mainnet with a"fuck it" kind of mentality. 22:08:39 I didnt even knew farcaster was done and released. 22:08:41 for me at least it does not make sense to keep improving COMIT to reach the farcaster state. 22:08:43 unfortunatly it seems nobody wants to keep developing and improving farcaster ;( 23:07:59 i knew farcaster was done and released, the rest of the above I agree with 23:08:52 the rest of atomfried 's comments 23:59:21 🤨