01:05:22 > I didnt even knew farcaster was done and released. 01:05:23 We did too little outreach when we launched Farcaster on mainnet - I'm sorry about that. 01:05:25 > unfortunatly it seems nobody wants to keep developing and improving farcaster ;( 01:05:27 My constraint is that my time is primarily allocated to other projects already. 01:05:29 I'm happy to support someone in extending features & maintenance of Farcaster though. And especially for on-ramping others, I can carve out more significant chunks of my time. 11:10:49 https://matrix.to/#/#_utopia_:matrix.org 11:20:04 help ofrnxmr take over the world pt 3 has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/ofrnxmr-totw3.html 11:20:05 From Prototype to Marketplace: Maturing the XMR-BTC Atomic Swaps Ecosystem has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/mature-atomic-swaps-ecosystem.html 11:29:41 I made one too! 11:29:43 https://repo.getmonero.org/Kewbit/ccs-proposals/-/blob/haveno-multi-platform-native-app-for-every-os/haveno-multi-platform-native-app-for-every-os.md?ref_type=headshttps%3A%2F%2Frepo.getmonero.org%2FKewbit%2Fccs-proposals%2F-%2Fblob%2Fhaveno-multi-platform-native-app-for-every-os%2Fhaveno-multi-platform-native-app-for-every-os.md%3Fref_type%3Dheads 11:31:57 It MUST be open source 11:32:47 "All work must be licensed permissively at all stages of the proposal. There is no time where your work can be licensed under a restrictive license (even as you're working on it). Your proposal will be terminated if this is not remedied." 11:33:29 https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs/ > for proposers, #4 11:34:29 Ahh ok, jeez, there is not much protecting the developers interested here 11:34:37 Not sure how to respond 11:34:44 when following the links on getmonero > CCS > Ideas there is almost no info https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/489 11:34:47 Ahh ok, jeez, there is not much protecting the developers interests here 11:35:32 Perhaps I should include more from the readme, of the project. 11:40:51 I think it’s enough, unless you have specific points I could expand on? 11:41:42 I’m targeting the end-user 11:43:00 if responding to me, just click the link I gave 11:48:16 i was just adding the rule 4 comment before i looked here 11:49:33 I’m also adding more information, I’m not sure what protects me and my time if I open source is now. 11:50:01 What assurances do I get as the developer? 11:50:59 That your proposal can be tabled for consideration 11:52:01 :/ I was hoping for something better than that 11:52:09 damn 11:52:47 well, we'll also know if someone shamelessly tries to collect funding for your past work 11:53:02 I think that would have been fine if the project was not nearing completion 11:53:12 Of course we wouldn't fund someone else for submitting your work 11:53:17 that’s my fault for not coming forward earlier 11:54:39 youre also seeking bounties for the work, right? 11:55:00 Not necessarily 11:55:15 I seeking for a consolidation of the bounties potentially 11:55:17 hello kewbit ! :) 11:55:32 Hey kevino! 11:55:56 There are 2 very similar bounties which I believe my project covers. 11:56:02 Looks like 120xmr altogether for the bounties (?) 11:56:05 are you the one working on haveno mobile app 11:56:13 Correct yes 11:56:20 Not just mobile 11:57:16 Yes, if accepted though, my project does not meet the terms of one of them as it was very specific with frameworks to use. 11:57:36 Despite meeting the end-user goal 11:58:58 I figured if I specify something slightly more generic, aimed at the end user as a CCS it would be more direct. 12:00:09 Then decisions can be made about the bounties that currently exist and whether the community agrees they should be allocated to my spec or not. 12:00:30 This was my line of thought 12:00:42 Which bounty and what is the problem 12:00:46 what does that mean? 12:00:52 adjusting the terms of the original bounty is on the table 12:01:48 It will work on any device, not necessarily just mobile since it’s compiled with Dart/Flutter you’re not limited by your OS. 12:02:16 more context in the comments @ this bounty https://bounties.monero.social/posts/128/100-201m-mvp-tor-based-mobile-web-application-to-interact-with-ledger-nano-x-and-haveno 12:02:20 If this is agreed, I guess I will just open source it. 12:03:34 freeross wrote the bounty as a seemingly personal endeavour (out of scope) - the things making it a personal endeavour, if i put it to the jury, would be specifying the ELM framework, which freeross alone has experience with. but the task can be achieved with other frameworks which kewbit claims to have done 12:04:24 how does the trezor integration work? 12:04:25 freeross was the one who opened a ccs using chatgpt if we remember 12:04:37 doesnt haveno have to be able to automatically sign transactions? 12:04:54 Not implemented but expected by USB serial 12:05:09 freeross' chatgpt created ccs proposal https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/464 12:05:21 Could you clarify the context? 12:05:36 I buy monero with fiat 12:05:39 i send fiat 12:05:41 i click "paid" 12:05:53 2 hours later seller clicks "payment received" 12:06:00 haveno automatically pays out the multisig 12:06:14 it cant do that if the private spend key is on a trezor 12:06:24 Yes the daemon would deal with that 12:06:34 only for deposits then? 12:06:39 You can withdraw to your wallet 12:06:45 sooo there is no point to the hardware wallet? 12:06:51 Or use it to send to your daemon hotwallet 12:07:26 if at any point you think 'well that sounds weird as a requirement' see freeross' out of touchness with monero and using chatgpt to create bounties 12:07:32 so in your scenario there are multiple wallets? why? just leave the trezor wallet to a third party? 12:07:50 it was not kewbit who pushed the hardware wallet idea, it ws the bounty creator freeross 12:08:06 We could yeah leave it out, I figured it would be a nice feature? 12:08:30 Despite being fairly basic 12:08:32 i dont see how the hardware wallet makes any sense, at worst it's giving a false sense of security 12:08:49 at best it adds unneeded complexity 12:09:21 It’s true that you could just use Ledger GUI or Trazor Suite instead 12:09:46 I’m happy to just not include it 😂 12:10:11 yeah cut it out, it makes no sense unless you also add serai to your gui 12:10:48 I think we’ll get a few more peoples thought on it though just before completely ruling it out 12:11:02 sure 12:11:17 But I do see where you’re coming from kinda 12:11:34 just wanted to say it makes no sense to add in this context because both haveno and atomic swaps need the private spend key 12:12:22 Yeah it would just be for simplify deposits and that’s it 12:12:32 Yeah it would just be for simplifying deposits and that’s it 12:13:24 i honestly think it would make them a lot more confusing 12:16:44 It was part of one of the bounties tho 12:17:23 That’s why I put it in 12:17:48 im leaning toward deeming that bounty as a personal endeavour with bad / wrong requirements. in the past we have donated bounties to fund raising campaigns. 12:19:53 the bounty is just wrong if it asks for HWW support 12:21:54 🤷‍♂️ 12:23:09 the ccs is a mess 12:23:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/WIdsYLORtcjEOKjtICuGzhkT 12:23:46 why are we raising 730 XMR for a gui when kewbit is also working on one 12:23:51 or why does ofrn have another ccs after just raising 2000 XMR 12:24:13 I don’t see why 730 Xmr went to that lol 12:24:25 A bit mad really 12:24:38 plowsof: how tf did a 1 year ccs pass 12:24:43 feedback is ideally not retroactive 12:25:28 you voted for 2 of my proposals that were 1 yr, and you voted for unstoppableswaps too, didnt you 12:26:20 this is not finger on the pulse behaviour 12:26:59 since when do we pass ccs proposals within 2 weeks 12:27:05 lol 12:27:08 we passed yours 12:27:20 Since Tesla proposal got merged without any discussion. 12:27:27 Submit, merge, funded. 12:27:37 That definitely helped us! 12:27:43 mine was also so fast 12:27:46 Two core team members approved! 12:27:56 like, surprisingly fast 12:28:09 guess plowsof is doing his job well 12:28:12 consensus isnt a time based thing 12:28:32 idk that ccs doesnt scream consensus tbh 12:28:41 which? 12:29:50 That screams corruption. 12:29:52 your most recent one seems to have some drama that would never have it get it merged a year or two ago 12:30:28 it also just seems ... pretty greedy? 12:30:31 Lol. Its 4xmr more than yours and youre absent on the job site, but ok 12:31:06 right, we literally had the second meeting yesterday 12:31:29 thats a whole 1.5hrs in 4 weeks 12:31:36 and i didnt have a 2000 xmr ccs 2 weeks ago 12:32:21 ofrn ive also been spending hours on the reddit mod queue and looking into fixing / setting up a new discord 12:33:16 You dont get paid to moderate, this was established 12:34:20 i do support 12:34:32 just like you in your newest ccs 12:34:57 Anyway, we're past the point of merging. Time for working 12:35:11 Speaking for myself 12:40:22 i don't get it. Weren't you working on Haveno app ? 12:40:59 I’m not sure what happened before I came to play 12:41:14 Only trickles of information 12:41:26 ok im lost 12:42:07 why are you mad? You were working on something similar? 12:42:22 ^ 12:43:06 sounds like we are funding redundant work 12:43:26 hold on 12:44:27 From my understanding kewbit was working on an Haveno android application, which is distinct from a GUI for BTC-XMR atomic swaps. Am I right on kewbit current works? Or did i miss something and kewbit is actually working on atomic swaps? 12:44:43 Just ignore for now. 12:45:12 ignore is keyword in #monero-community 12:45:53 how do you make these reactions btw? 12:48:17 apparently kewbit also wants to add atomic swaps 12:48:29 hold up 12:48:53 i would like to see basicswapdex + serai + thorchain + bisq support with smart routing 12:49:03 now that would be a super dex 12:49:13 The DEXeathon! 12:49:20 kewbit 'integrate atomic swaps at 10xmr' 12:49:28 Call the app DEXeathon! 12:50:01 What do atomic swaps have to do with Haveno? Dexes to dexes, atomic swaps to atomic swaps. 12:50:40 Haveno app should focus on the trade side of things, guarantee all those fiat/crypto exchanges go smooth. Atomic swaps should be another application, developed by someone else, focusing on that only. 12:50:43 it is indeed out of scope and should be removed 12:50:53 +1 rottenwheel 12:51:18 Yes I was going to include atomic swaps too, under one app because why not 12:51:22 Make an everything goes software and you end up with Umbrel with 90 different pieces of software you can plumb in and a maintenance nightmare. 12:51:29 no way ofrnxmr and rottenwheel both agreed on something 12:51:34 plowsof you are out of scope and should be removed. 12:51:38 😘 12:51:51 I'm not the real ofrn, just a sock 12:52:24 10 xmr to add atomic swaps eh, have you considered picking up farcaster work lol 12:52:26 ofrnxmr r/oddlyspecific 12:52:32 Kewbit CCS merged for Haveno DEX mobile application, no atomic swaps. 12:52:33 Binarybaron CCS merged for a COMIT web, desktop, eventual mobile atomic swap client. 12:52:35 Done. 12:52:55 plowsof did your job for a week. Pay me. 12:53:25 from now on im plowsof 12:53:39 50% reduction in wages as BB was already merged https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 12:53:54 #WeAllArePlowsof 12:54:09 long live plowsof 12:54:16 long live (me) 12:54:40 rIp plowsof. had a boating accident with my xmr 12:55:39 why boating accident and not airplane accident? 12:56:18 Why not submarine accident? 12:56:30 tsmt. 12:56:35 everyone have a submarine at home 12:59:11 Plowsod has 2 12:59:21 we have a long history of boating accidents 13:04:28 monerobull inquired about the volume of atomic swaps, and noted that it doesnt have a maker gui. his response to the volume: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477#note_25561 and BB increased the weekly hours for both devs to add the maker gui 13:05:04 sorry, response to the volume: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/477#note_25448 13:05:29 note the number of thumbs down for the proposal 15:09:50 Hello ^_^ 15:10:42 Hi donkeysrcool. 15:11:06 This is my first time using matrix it looks dope, though I'm having a hard time finding active communities 15:11:42 Where did you find Matrix in the first place? Where'd you hear about it? 15:12:04 It is on the official matrix website 15:12:16 OK, how did you find the official Matrix website? 15:12:32 Just searched it up 15:23:24 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/VgcmSBfjCeYmBBsywKuuGZEf 15:23:30 I tfinally snyceddd 15:23:33 it took so long 15:36:06 Nice 15:56:45 One day a random person woke up and suddenly felt the urge to look up, word by word: "matrix messaging protocol." 15:56:48 Amazing! 16:07:39 we should have a bot that detect each new matrix user and then send it after exactly 6 months all the articles about bad security in the protocol and implementation 16:35:35 i was wondering why ofrnxmr fighting tooth and nail for deigo's ccs 16:35:37 i can smell the corruption 16:35:49 idk about the world but he is really going to take over the monero 16:36:05 idk about the world but he is going to take over the monero 16:39:22 "I do not intend for there to be an expiration date. I plan to release the app quickly as I am working on it full-time, even before producing a CCS. I see this as an ongoing project but expect to have it done absolute latest by 31st December 2021." 16:39:23 we have dr.strange working for monero too 17:37:16 kewbit: might want to adjust the completion date on your proposal 17:37:36 "I see this as an ongoing project but expect to have it done absolute latest by 31st December 2021." 17:50:24 whoops should've read real_glitch's comment first :) 17:51:45 real_glitch: are you saying this is Diego doing merges through luigi's account? seems far-fetched 17:54:30 I mean there was a community meeting where the proposal was discussed. The sentiment there skewed positive, as did the comments on the PR itself. 17:54:56 I myself don't merge anything. Feel free to look at the backlog if you don't believe me. 18:11:14 Ooops! haha thanks for spotting that. 18:14:38 also I think your dates are formatted wrong 18:14:47 https://ccs.getmonero.org/how-to-ccs/ 18:15:07 "date: Put the date you are proposing and submitting this to the community in the following format: January 31, 2019" 18:16:04 Undocumented eater egg. I think the same php function that parses dates accepts multiple formats allegedly 18:16:09 XDDD Oh my god I read what you said so wrong 18:16:10 ah ok 18:16:29 I thought you asked me where I found the matrix for monero 18:16:31 Easter* 18:16:39 weird how it differentiates between August 5 and May 8 then? 18:16:41 I found out about matrix because I always look up FOSS and private alternatives to the things I use 18:22:14 I updated them anyway in the front matter 18:25:10 I think I will break this down a bit more, consider it a draft for now, I might have made the milestones a bit complex in this format 18:26:33 How else are you supposed to keep the IRS away 18:34:57 I live in the mountains lol 18:39:31 Submraine 18:54:45 What 18:56:10 I didn't break a nail 18:58:03 If you read TOTW pt 1, a few community members fought hard for me 18:59:42 As well as on TOTW pt 2. 18:59:43 pt 3 was a redo of part 1. Again, this is work where i ready spend many hours a day, everyday. 19:04:19 I don't do favors, friends or kickbacks. My support was genuine and mostly from people who have had to deal with me on a professional level. Diego didnt vote for my ccs iirc. I voted for his because of his resume and experience. He also wrote his own ccs and was the creator of getmonero as well as a community leader for years 19:08:03 And you'd have a hard time imagining luigi and I being friendly with one another. No love lost there. I push hard and i get things done. Simple as that. 19:13:10 image.png 19:13:23 Sorry I did not mean to send that in this channel. 19:16:24 Do we have a preferred measure of decentralization? 19:16:36 Is consensus to use the nakamoto coefficient or something else? 19:26:27 shadow06: If by "preferred" you mean "measure that gets people talking", it is when a centralized Monero mining pool gets close to 50% of network hashpower. 19:47:50 I mean something besides Nakamoto Consensus 19:47:51 er 19:47:53 Nakamoto Coefficient 19:48:17 Decentralization is a buzzword that could refer to a lot of different things 19:48:45 getmonero.org existed long before Diego showed up. he did have a lot to do with the CCS though 19:49:24 Correct. It was hideous, but it existed. 19:49:37 I did the initial redesign. 19:50:29 I designed the CCS and how it functions and the flow, as well as the actual UI, Devin from MyMonero did some of the backend, and xiphon did the rest of the backend. 19:53:04 Creator of getmonero.org's current design* 19:53:44 Get to `git blame` diego sometimes 20:06:03 Pour one for xiphon. Never to be heard from. Many such cases. 20:06:20 yeah he disappeared once upon a time 20:06:31 never completed his CCS I think? 20:07:49 Is there any document formalizing CCS rules ? 20:08:27 afaik there is just the comments on the ccs template and the small rules in the ccs website 20:09:58 btw, are you going to work full time on these two ccs proposals? 20:09:59 you said you had a day time job too in monero talk iirc 20:12:17 You mustve been hearing things. Yes, full time 20:13:06 @syn https://ccs.getmonero.org/what-is-ccs/ 20:16:08 not a single word on forefront fundings. We could have avoided a lot of drama 23:08:09 https://www.themoneromoon.com/p/the-monero-moon-issue-72