00:22:34 not thot 00:22:36 Oh yeah 00:23:01 Its confusing bcuz of the split billing "Nusd + nxmr" 00:24:34 Imo ppl should stick to one or the other. Its 110usd/hr or 0.65xmr/hr, not "$65+0.25xmr" 00:24:41 Idk 00:27:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> hedging bets sir 00:27:57 Idk who started the trend, but i never liked it and have no idea why people do that, aside from hoping ppl don't do the math.... or trying to make it appear more appealing by offering 2 smaller numbers instead of 1 larger one 01:18:37 I know who started it 01:18:56 It is not confusing 01:47:32 moneromoo 01:50:18 inb4 ofrn launches a holy war against moo 01:53:19 used to be when you paid someone they’d go and work on whatever you paid them to do 01:54:37 now you give them what they want and they keep making demands 01:54:59 is that a GenZ thing or what 01:55:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> politian style 01:55:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> i promise to do this when i get in 01:57:15 ofrn: “I will reform the system, follow me!” turns out he just wants to get paid to shitpost 04:28:05 plowsof: hinto's rates were already lower than j berman and above thotbot'a <<< rated at: hinto 145usd < tobtoht 155usd < berman 158usd 09:03:42 hi 09:03:50 someone pinged me? 09:54:55 Possibly me, i just wanted you see the monero analysis by cypherstack https://github.com/cypherstack/pup-monero-analysis/releases/tag/final might be useful for mastering monero somewhere 09:55:05 Serhack 11:57:53 ofrn, oh exchange rates :) 11:58:42 I swear I can walk and chew gum at the same time 18:13:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc is multitasking 19:35:52 I saw him do it in Prague 23:07:26 I find it weird that Monero has an official Telegram, but even weirder that the first point of contact recommended in the Monero Twitter account's bio is this Telegram channel. it is directing people to a platform with dubious and optional privacy. especially given the recent events, can whoever manages the account remove that link, or replace it with Matrix/IRC? 23:08:42 a closer look at what would change if hinto used $155, or if tobtoht / jberman used hintos exchange rate of $145 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/484#note_25962 23:10:10 the Monero Twitter account's follow list (https://x.com/monero/following) could also use some updates. Kraken? Binance?? Poloniex??? 23:15:52 we're excited to see our community taking an interest and pride in who this account follows. time brings changes, and those should be reflected on our followers list. Lets kick off with some unfollows and explain why. A thread 1/12 🧵 👇️ 23:16:14 lets ask for ransom 23:16:20 LMAO 23:16:23 if they want t stay in our followers, they should pay monthly sub fee 23:19:04 what if your strategy backfires and all of them increase it to $200? 23:28:06 we consult the sacred proposal form and see that the totals would reduce more