01:32:40 first time I’m seeing the telescam link 01:33:24 is it even on the website? 01:51:30 It is one of 7 links listed in community > hangouts 01:51:46 Along with fb lololol 01:52:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Myspace? 01:53:15 ugh 01:53:59 2 are github and the repo 01:55:39 Dan Bob, sorry MySpace is not listed but there is discord 01:56:20 IRC and matrix are not listed 01:57:01 No worries, people are aware 01:57:35 Dan Bob will fix this 01:58:23 GN 02:19:46 gn 07:12:55 https://t.me/+fk5a2eNOe9BhY2I8 13:05:57 Friends, join the conference at Zoom, sharing and showing interesting things we have in common, hello everyone 13:05:59 https://zoom.us15web.us/j/7634633861?pwd=x8wIVHhpQ6cQ.jGNozPpq46xPIPcVlGf 13:06:01 🟢 MEETING ID - 7634633861 13:22:44 >kicks open funny swingging western door 13:22:55 NOT ON MY WATCH, BUDDY 13:22:57 *BANG* 14:08:02 same zoom scam as in other rooms 14:08:11 yes. give banhammer. 14:08:14 fake zoom link redirecting to a stealer malware according to lilith 14:12:08 thanks for confirming all 14:30:05 does any of this design mockup apply/hekp your project kewbit? https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-design 14:30:12 s/hekp/help 14:30:51 Yeas actually 14:31:17 I spend a lot of time tuning fine pixels and sometimes I need inspiration and this is a good example 14:32:03 I saw this while stalking havenos twitter a while ago 14:32:04 does your project meet the functional requirements for a haveno ui https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-design/blob/master/functional_requirements.md 14:32:29 Probably not 14:34:01 Coincidentally yes it does happen to follow almost all of them 14:34:12 when you have time, have a look. the haveno front end proposal, as in the text there, does not specify or mention milestones , so the design/functional requirements is all i have at the moment 14:34:17 Oh look it also says atomic swaps functionality 14:34:33 Yet I still get complained at 😂 14:34:59 listed under None MVP / future work :) 14:35:14 but listed as in scope by the haveno core time none the less! 14:35:27 Yesterday is the new future 14:35:52 who doesnt exist anymore* but uhm, so if your project meets (can meet) all of the functional requirements of a haveno UI ??? 14:36:48 woodser thoughts on re purposing haveno front end funds for kewbits proposal? 14:37:52 I just scrolled throw the PDF it has pretty much all of that flow apart from it doesn’t go into specifics about multisig it just says something user friendly like ‘We are reserving your funds…’ Or We are reserving your peers funds 14:39:19 I just scrolled through the PDF it has pretty much all of that flow apart from it doesn’t go into specifics about multisig it just says something user friendly like ‘We are reserving your funds…’ Or We are reserving your peers funds 14:40:29 Though it’s all minor semantics, we can finalise small details with a bunch of polls near the end or something 14:41:57 so im again asking myself, if your project meets all functional requirements, and works on every OS including Android, does it not deprecate the "Haveno-ui" repository https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-ui cc woodser 14:42:52 I need someone to test how well this Android background service runs on a physical Android phone, works fine on mine, but it needs to work on all Android phones otherwise I need to remodel the way I’m staying connected to the daemon 14:43:08 ideally we would have the haveno ui devs arguing against this to be fair but they've been gone for a while so this is a one sided argument lol 14:44:17 Hmmm, dunno if it deprecates anything depends what people prefer, or maybe what gets finished first. I will dig into that looks interesting 14:45:27 the dev team wanted fiat and the price of monero dropped. some members of the community attribute this to mishandling of funds. so work started and then was abandoned 14:48:32 the haveno ui devs were a company that was hired 14:48:46 Who knows if the devs even still work for said company 14:49:34 That was hired by erciccione*. the devs never worked for ccs 14:50:00 I think the idea behind compiling a web framework app like this is convenient and familiar, but I’m not sure I agree it’s appropriate for a complex project like this. Thought I won’t comment on it too much if there is no one here to argue the other case. 14:50:04 Cunt 14:50:29 Erc messed up the ui ccs and then blamed everyone but him and left monero 14:50:38 I’m going to build it and see how much is completed 14:50:53 he didnt leave 14:50:57 He still insults selsta and woodser on twitter and reeddit 14:51:03 That was referring to erc 14:51:10 What an asshole 14:51:59 How could anyone insult Woodser 14:53:02 Literally the day I put up a public Monero node, my server starts getting smacked offline constantly 14:58:07 They were biz partners 15:02:48 What happened 15:03:53 Erc sold his half of haveno 15:04:58 (haveno was always intended to be a for-profit venture. Erc rugged when he realized it might have legal implications) 15:07:26 Insulting selsta ? How is that possible? 15:09:06 nioc how is your cat doing 15:09:24 It’s running as a company? How lol 15:10:11 He kept trying to shame selsta over some blog post 15:12:25 Sold? To who? For how much? 15:13:08 https://x.com/calciferciccio/status/1766354459037138945 15:13:23 To cake for a lot of dollars 15:14:21 Also tries to take shots at diego any chance he gets 15:14:32 Told us not to use / trust stack wallet when it was released 15:15:21 I’m puzzled how one can sell an open source project in an equity sense 15:15:42 Haveno backend is open source 15:15:50 Haveno was never supposed to have a "reto" 15:16:06 I see 15:16:12 Woodsers repo was supposed to launch the network _and_ collect fees _and_ promised kickbacks to monero for funding the frontend 15:16:37 part of fees were supposed to be split between woodser and erciccione 15:16:52 But that would have been impossible to protect the intellectual property of frontend alone, you can keep a backend secret if it’s not decentralised 15:16:59 Erc sold his core team share to cake 15:17:11 Arbitration fees? 15:17:21 trade fees 15:17:37 Hmmm interesting 15:18:05 They were to be paid to a centrakized wallet controlled by council and divvied out to arbitrators and operators 15:18:33 After localmonero scare, they (cake and woodser) decided to bail on launching a network or collecting fees 15:19:22 They changes the fee structure to allow network runners to have arbitrators paid directly _or_ to use a central waller 15:19:26 I can build a centralised backend in 2-3 weeks 😂 15:23:21 Are there plans to monitize it still?, I just feel a bit weird now that I know a couple of people own haveno 15:26:06 Like you said, what does that even mean? Read the license. I assume it’s an open license. So what is there to own? Only a name? 15:30:03 Probably the market power of having the "official" network. People could have created alternative networks, but how many users would be on those? 15:30:19 whats wrong with giving visibility to a crypto company that we hire sometimes 15:30:37 crypto company is the wrong word but i hope you understand what i mean 15:31:15 I don't know if any money actually changed hands between Erc and Cake. AFAIK Cake took responsibility for Haveno. 15:31:29 Or Vik. Let me check the blog post 15:31:38 vik clarified that the only responsibility is over the DNS 15:32:12 https://haveno.exchange/blog/erciccione-leaves-core-team/ 15:32:29 in the haveno ~ room 15:32:39 "I will be replaced by Vik of Cake Wallet, who will also take over my responsibilities in the project right after this post will be published, including managing the social media accounts and Haveno infrastructure." 15:33:47 I was going to say this is on topic if we’re using Monero community funds to support haveno :P 15:34:08 If it’s what people want then great 15:35:09 I guess it benefits everyone….. if it actually gets finished 😂 15:44:19 oh, lol, I missed this 15:57:03 Yes 15:57:18 Money exchanged hands 15:57:54 It was a buyout 15:58:29 Erc tried to sell his stake for months and at hefty prices 15:59:09 How much is hefty 16:05:07 Too much, considering "haveno" doesnt run a network and has no way to recoup the funds 16:06:56 our legal team wants to clarify that these are unsubstantiated claims, and we have not devolved into throwing vile / hurtful insults at over-half-a-decade long contributors! 16:08:19 who is a cunt and an asshole? 16:08:28 I missed that bit. Must have been super important 16:08:48 Me 16:08:58 Don't think it was you 16:09:21 I think it was someone else that was a cunt and an asshole 16:09:32 Or is a cunt and an asshole 16:09:37 Hard to tell 16:12:23 maybe I want to be? :( 16:12:43 that's probably best for -offtopic 16:27:31 Plowsof, they arent instantiated 16:28:04 Unsubstantiated* 17:56:08 selsta: Cat is doing well thx :) 17:56:45 Hope that you are also doing well 18:41:28 also doing well :) 18:43:28 : 18:43:32 :) 19:09:33 yeah nobody would have used a random network if there is an official one 19:11:06 i also think at this point there wont be any other networks as long as reto doesnt mess up 19:30:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Local haveno when 19:38:36 Offline monero network when? 19:40:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There is, we use tin cans and string between nodes 19:41:44 I'm like 100% there is world where with the right modifications you could build a tcp/ip stack over some strings and make monerod communicate through it 19:42:09 time to open a ccs to prove im right 20:50:53 Build a tokenring network.. It's like re-introducing manual transmissions in cars. 21:58:33 feels like matrix spam is picking up recently 22:09:09 At least were not bridged to telegram 🫠 22:09:57 (telegram is so bad during uptrends)