05:47:25 Wonerujo desktop app? 10:59:09 bot must be drunk in vegas 10:59:33 congrats fully funded https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/j-berman-3months-full-time-8.html 11:00:00 Must be observing the sabbath, ill check 11:03:11 thanks nioCat 11:03:16 meow 11:03:31 j-berman full-time development (3 months) is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/j-berman-3months-full-time-8.html @luigi1111 11:03:51 sorry for the echo everyone, congrats j-berman! 11:50:04 tobtoht full-time feather + core development (3 months) is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/tobtoht-2024Q3.html @luigi1111 11:52:55 🚀 12:01:11 townforge's new testnet has just started for those interested :) https://townforge.net/ 16:00:53 big opportunity for gaming gamble sites 16:37:21 well its a experiment at worst possible case right? 16:37:38 well its an experiment at worst possible case right? 16:39:40 do we have a official monero SimpleX server? any opinion on schimdt's server? 16:51:22 we dont have any official thing 17:13:03 https://simplex.chat/contact#/?v=1-4&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FPQUV2eL0t7OStZOoAsPEV2QYWt4-xilbakvGUGOItUo%3D%40smp6.simplex.im%2Fo3W26CbJDR8abO4QG7Cvl7HM1WbKt5kO%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-2%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAZLrvRhnIYDQjjyAgTnuDbZ5fhMRhA9BTBRblkqMtsQc%253D%26srv%3Dbylepyau3ty4czmn77q4fglvperknl4bi2eb2fdy2bh4jxtf32kf73yd.onion&data=%7B%22type%22%3A%22group%22%2C%22groupLinkId%22%3A%22XENmd9XeJ0rcB 17:13:04 900hulObg%3D%3D%22%7D 17:13:12 real_glitch: 18:39:49 not the group chat, but the server, the one that sends the messages and files 18:40:02 or relay server if you call it like that 18:42:07 Oh no, i want one though 18:42:25 I'm not sure who controls monero.social though 18:42:39 Hackliberty has a nice one 18:44:08 schimdt guy on twitter said he made one, i dont know if any of you used it 18:44:52 schimdt guy on twitter said he made one, i dont know if any of you have used it 18:46:54 based on simplex team, they are going to implement some kind of monetary program to incentivize the server operators 18:47:10 thats kinda retarded 18:47:13 i guess its not a bad idea to run have one official monero server for privacy folks 18:47:30 why is that 18:47:54 Its easy and lightweight. No reason to incentivize it 18:48:20 I requested a monero.social server many months ago. Ill reping for upd8 18:48:44 https://x.com/SimpleXChat/status/1829150945759863263 18:53:10 Monero Offtopic 21:25:22 the @monero account is super excited again. maybe we can switch up the wording? 21:26:44 +500 21:27:49 coming soon "were delighted" 21:29:09 it's part of our branding now 21:29:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/uBnleUqjPAXbYxZnbyKXOUSj 21:29:20 lowkey no effort from @monero on this one 22:35:33 Super excited wow 22:49:15 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Someone drunk twatting again?