02:29:19 FYI just posted y'all's CCS Ideas on X via @MoneroSpace. Good luck. plowsof hardenedsteel spirobel https://xcancel.com/MoneroSpace 02:31:05 vostoemisio: https://xcancel.com/MoneroSpace/status/1835506579157725203 02:32:05 what would they ever do without your support 02:34:26 they'd hire diego back :p 02:35:11 diego was hired back 02:35:20 Not sure if I'd prefer Diego over plowsof at this point... 02:35:30 Sorry bb lol. 02:35:55 Me neither 02:36:49 Rip. Diego's plans are foiled 02:36:54 (/s) 03:31:40 thanks 07:11:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> decrypt said magic was leading the way for us. No need for co-ordinators 07:13:34 hello i am from magic 07:13:54 im leading the way, please deposit 500 XMR from the general fund to my magic wallet 07:13:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you are leading us 07:14:02 (/s) 07:14:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one 12:28:06 Hi, guys. My friend ask me: "Why don't use you just a proved to work known to be safe, most popular cryptocurrency Bitcoin, why do you use monero, you're a scammer, or why do you need it???". Can you please recommend me how to answer them, thanks! 12:28:20 Kraken** wallet 12:29:29 When ccs paid magic, the funds were deposited _directly_ into kraken. (talk about EAE .. -__-) 12:29:54 I am not a scammer obviosly, I chose monero because anonymity/privacy ideas, but people (my friend including) associate that with illegal activities and other misuses 12:30:00 >my magic wallet 12:30:02 >my 12:30:36 big_dota2_player: bitcoin is expensive and slow af 12:32:55 Yeah, but the problem is that my friend (as I understand) things that the only one reason to choose monero instead of standard popular cryptocurrencies (BTC, SOL, TRX, others, IDK) is illegal activity 12:33:20 And I kinda don't know what to say 12:33:25 your friend should give me his wallet address 12:34:14 transparent chains are like bank accounts but everyone can see where and when you spend your money, how much you have, etc 12:34:22 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$EvYY9ped9yZRcafGbSYL8q3EU5zklE-HUnIg_2DR3kM?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=libera.chat 12:34:24 mb 12:35:18 if people would actually use bitcoin to pay for things, you could stalk the receivers wallet and rob rich people at gunpoint 12:35:40 people do this already btw 12:36:05 already?! Haven't heard of that... 12:37:13 https://news.bitcoin.com/london-college-student-robbed-at-knifepoint-by-8-thugs-for-93k-in-bitcoin/ 12:37:37 https://cryptonews.net/news/security/21294608/ 12:37:53 https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw5w5zyg979o 12:38:16 Some guy just 47 years in prison for holding people hostages in thier home 12:38:17 https://www.cryptotimes.io/2024/06/18/indian-hacker-loses-1112-eth-in-london-machete-robbery/ 12:38:42 https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/man-convicted-violent-home-invasion-robberies-steal-cryptocurrency 12:39:09 Monero Monero Offtopic mebbe 12:39:42 He is only 24. Now his life is ruin 12:39:50 and these are the extreme cases. you could also just be discriminated against because of your transparent coins history: https://sethforprivacy.com/posts/fungibility-graveyard/ 12:41:23 Big thanks! 12:42:34 also, on chains like eth, you can actually be robbed on-chain 12:43:37 by stuff like sandwich attacks that observe your transaction before it even gets confirmed and bribing block producers to re-arrange transactions to steal from you 12:49:30 I guess my friend kinda sees the world as "misuse possible = bad thing". To me this looks like a good philosphical question and I don't think I can out-argue him 12:51:18 monero is a tool like any other 12:51:39 at the same time, is there any situation where monero can be misused and bitcoin cannot be? I guess no 12:51:42 >misuse possible 12:52:05 you know where that is the case as well? knives, guns, baseball bats, etc 12:52:49 also, the most crypto crime by a large margin is done using USDT 12:54:43 traditional banking is WAAAAAAY more private than using a transparent chain. 13:04:14 Monero isn't really :misuse-friendlier" 13:04:27 Monero isn't really "misuse-friendlier" than bitcoin? 13:07:19 it actually gets mis-used more often than monero in scams because its easier to buy 13:07:35 by a massive margin as well 13:07:58 Probably a nonsense question because morality and "misuse" are a subjective terms and I don't know what bitcoin (or monero) is for law) Wait.. does the law even know what bitcoin/monero/other cryptocurrencies exist? 13:09:32 of course 13:09:56 Ok, I don't see any reasons to "boycott" monero/not use it only because "its misuse-friendlier" 13:10:22 and this is the answer for my friend 13:11:39 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CGZnpXbojiWMXabTJpXLooqp 13:13:34 SHlarpedUM 13:14:25 p04r8qc16sw61.png 13:14:40 i am proudly on the left part of that curve 15:03:11 xd 15:04:05 You've just sent a file named p04r8qc16sw61.png? It is unaccessable from IRC? 15:04:53 Or it is that screenshot of post about larp? 15:22:01 Is there alternative monero node implementations? 15:28:05 cuprate.org 16:05:39 who da heck runs haveno.markets? 17:03:42 you mean da website ? 17:04:05 there isn't another haveno network i think. they just made a website showing haveno-reto stats ? 17:04:43 Yes. 17:15:04 I am not acquainted with the account (so not an endorsement), but has a lot of followers -> https://x.com/SallyMayweather/status/1835688698446327877 17:15:50 Because drugz? Lol 17:16:05 Zyn in singapore lol 17:16:49 Bitcoin lost fungibility when peeps decided some sats were worth more than others lol 17:17:15 actually no, i dont buy drugs from the darknet 17:17:45 im not trying to die to a sand-grain-sized piece of fent-lace 17:18:02 I'm just curious why left and not right 17:18:22 well its both but calling yourself "big brained" is cringe 17:19:04 calling yourself stupid is not as cringe, especially in comedic context 17:19:32 I’m stupid 17:19:53 So what do you buy on the darkweb? I've always wanted to buy one of those mystery boxes lol 17:20:05 those are a scam and an invention of clickbait youtubers 17:20:13 nobody is actually selling mystery boxes on the darkweb lmao 17:20:20 Oh I'm aware. 17:20:44 I just think it's fun. 17:21:03 I know too many witchy people that are likely to believe some of the more occult ones lol 17:21:38 i dont buy anything tbh 17:21:50 i buy legal stuff like hosting, vpn, domains, etc 17:25:40 we dont want to support illegal enterprises now do we 17:48:55 yeah random unrelated people find monero and promote it. 17:48:56 monero doesn't need much marketing :) 19:38:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip 20:47:49 Btw, does ISP know what I am mining XMR? 20:48:40 And if yes how? 21:09:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ports 21:13:36 b​ig_dota2_player: Depends how you are mining. If you are mining to a centralized pool, probably yes since you'll be connected to the pool's IP address and the ISP can see that. If you are solo mining, the ISP will just see that you are running a Monero node, which does not necessarily mean you are mining. 21:16:15 When you find a block while solo mining, you would be the first to broadcast it. The ISP _might_ detect that event if they are performing deep packet inspection on all of your traffic, because it would see that the block was broadcasted from your node that it did not receive from someone else first. 21:24:46 BTW, that's the average delay between new blocks? 21:26:00 Two minutes 21:27:09 Oopss, yeah, 2 minutes of course, I forgot) 21:30:45 > How does Monero have value? Monero has value because people are willing to buy it. If no one is willing to buy Monero, then it will not have any value. Monero’s price increases if demand exceeds supply, and it decreases if supply exceeds demand. 21:31:07 Maybe this part of FAQ should mention what people may want buy monero for using it as a MoE? 21:32:09 You can go to #monero-website and suggest there 21:38:43 Or I guess it's #monero-site 22:38:32 Its both 🥴 22:41:52 How exchanges can be a legal way to buy/sell (for fiat) XMR? 22:46:56 #monero-website isn't listed on getmonero site 22:49:08 https://www.getmonero.org/community/hangouts/ 22:49:15 Last one on the list 22:56:19 it's #monero-site not #monero-website 23:01:26 Its both 23:01:42 On matrix* its both 23:02:19 Monero-site:matrix.org is broken, so its #monero-website:matrix.org + #monero-site:monero.social 23:20:46 ok