13:59:10 Is the monero.social Matrix server down for anyone else? 15:59:38 Yes, its down 16:00:01 I msgd diego abt it already 16:03:24 Thanks 16:11:54 I'm guessing its due to our spammer friend 16:39:07 what a day, eh? 16:58:41 we can go home early today?? 17:54:50 PSA. monero.social Matrix homeserver is down. If you still want to participate in today's MRL meeting or just hang with us while CS fixes it, use a different homeserver or join through IRC. 17:54:52 <1​23bob123:matrix.org> Though so 18:02:25 Lol 18:02:31 Ita back 18:02:36 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Hello everyone 18:11:48 sorry for the downtime everyone 18:18:22 hey everyone, sorry for down time 18:23:34 What was wrong? 18:44:22 > Hello, 18:44:24 > 18:44:26 > We have received a copyright complaint under our Terms of Use and Copyright Policy from Chainalysis about the following materials uploaded by your user account to archive.org: 18:44:28 > 18:44:30 > https://archive.org/details/chainalysis_XMR 18:44:32 > 18:44:34 > The above materials have been disabled. If you believe that this copyright complaint was in error, you may file a counter-notice (as described under the question "How do I submit a copyright complaint counter-notice?"). If you seek more information about the copyright claim, for instance, identification of the particular allegedly infringed work(s), please let us know. 18:44:36 > 18:44:38 > You are only permitted to upload materials that you have the rights to. The Internet Archive disables accounts that repeatedly violate the copyrights of others. Thank you for ensuring that your use of archive.org abides by our Terms of Use. 18:44:40 > 18:44:42 > -- 19:42:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cloudflare😬 19:42:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Copyright from who 21:47:18 I put it on nostr[.]build if you want a clearnet link. 21:47:20 https://v.nostr.build/D4Nzp22vRF35IRnz.mp4