03:04:46 is this #monero-court or is rottenwheel confused again 05:19:18 This is what happens when retards aren't on Matrix lol. 05:19:52 Dimi was quote replying plowsof messages, not mine, garden gnomo. 05:26:56 It's the same game for advertisers: squeeze a drop of blood from a million stones. 37 cents sucks, but 37 cents sucks less when it's 37 cents multiplied by one million users. 05:27:57 Ostensibly, the server serving the mining request wouldn't be the one paying for the electricity 07:20:47 can a mod please add my new account here @kevino:tchncs.de . 07:20:47 i am unable to add it. i will leave with this once account once new one is added. 07:20:59 can a mod please add my new account here @kevino:tchncs.de . 07:21:01 i am unable to add it. i will leave with this account once new one is added. 07:29:15 thanks :) 09:32:14 Is this article true? https://thecryptoanalyst.medium.com/if-youre-going-to-buy-dero-first-learn-how-monero-works-and-how-it-was-compromised-757d7dd418b6 10:04:11 It contains several statements that, in the way they are formulated as absolutes, are not something that I would call "true". Maybe you ask more specific questions, it's a bit hard to say something about a whole article whether it's "true" or "false". 10:10:46 I thought Chainanlysis' interface looked relatively pretty though 10:21:06 Nice colors, yeah 11:49:29 https://blog.torproject.org/tor-tails-join-forces/ 12:19:08 hopefully Tails devs don't inherit Tor project arrogant and toxic behavior 12:46:34 https://youtu.be/jd7EznJrMDk 12:48:46 Dero's privacy was trivially broken. All receivers, all amounts, all messages, and some senders have their privacy broken. This still hasn't been fixed months later because it's a dead project. Monero has privacy limitations, but nothing remotely close to this. 15:48:11 the vulnerability exists since May 2024 and still hasn't been fixed 15:48:55 (see Github). they obviously do not value privacy or things are just to big for them. who knows 16:07:10 CaptainDero is their GOD on vacation 🤣 16:40:05 Arrogant and toxic behavior? 🤨 20:18:46 digging into this DERO thing is worse than jersey shore 🤣 https://vigilante.tv/w/mj7HgMfCREtfXoctcEzv99 21:20:29 Wonder if she is included. 21:20:31 https://xmrbazaar.com/listing/t7s9/ 22:15:21 digging into this DERO thing is worse than jersey shore 🤣 https://vigilante.tv/w/mj7HgMfCREtfXoctcEzv99 <- tbh, for me puts that no so much techleaks24 in a bad corner, but more the rest, 5 people against one, who permanently interupt hime, are hostile, twist words..., and look at the bounties here, my first bounty here I solved, but was not acceptable because I was not got merged it upstream (didn't even try because I hate drama), with the logic of th 22:15:22 I should have got paid anyway.... I had initially an other impression, but after watching that I wonder from where comes the high horse, and defending IMO things what are just redicolous like 48 response time... (all in all I had prefered I had never seen this, because for me it let's a bad taste) 22:17:16 shortwavesurfer2009: the question is if an air defense system is included 22:19:27 :D 22:20:37 wasn’t expecting to see monero talk doing on Vigilante TV? these guys are the worst 22:21:14 pump and dumpers… 22:22:33 I don't know, after what I've just watched I think this clip fits good with vigilante tv :D (sorry) (I have 12 mins more to suffer - if syncing would only be faster....) 22:26:29 :/ 22:27:22 thank you for your service (: 22:38:42 :/ sorry, but this is how I feel and see it. Watch it without being on one side, let's turn the tables, and then tell me your opinion on it. 22:40:08 You can disagree on things what techleaks24 is saying, but also what now 6 against 1 bring up, and speaking heated and aggressive while techleaks24 stays relativly calm IMO. 22:41:44 Somehow remembers me on presidential debates from abc :D (to put it directly straight, I don't give a crap, I'm an anarchist (not communist)), but I observe the circus sometimes a bit and wonder... 22:44:09 It was wasnt on vigilante tv 22:44:26 It was on youtube. Probably just mirrored there 22:45:03 What words were twisted? And interrupt him? He had nothing to say. Its very simple 22:45:26 crypto-tribalism as reality tv is always cringe 22:46:05 He offered 10k to kaya if kaya could deanonymize dero. Kaya delivered, and techleaks backed out, claiming that kaya didnt go through a non-existent disclosure process 22:46:34 Capn (the only dero dev) was absent for months before and is still absent. There is no possible way to disclose anything to capn, considering he's MIA 22:47:10 Dero is also not an open source project, so kaya was not willing to contribute code to dero (or any other proprietary project) 22:48:29 Yeah that MoneroTalk episode was painful and unproductive. Techleaks24 was mainly spouting BS, but even if he did have anything good to say, we weren't able to hear it because of all the irritating yelling on the other side. It would have been much more becoming if prepared guests were invited and discussed things rationally. It would be relatively simple to debunk techleak's BS i 22:48:31 f one wasn't too busy interrupting him 22:48:56 well, you are one of the most hostile apart from i2p, and what I have seen techleaks24 has some point like 48h response time :D has somebody purchased a SLA? Then if somebody ofver something for X, and you bring let's say 0.5X then you are entitled to all or even 0.5? It's like I bet that trump will be president, then he get's shot and at the end some republican wins over kamala? Have I then won a part of the bet? 22:48:57 Its very simple. Tech is not a dev. Tech is a person who offered kaya $$ if kaya would prove that dero could be deanonymized. kaya proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt, and provided a POC a week or so after 22:49:43 ofrnxmr: you don't need to fight me, to. It is the picture of the clip. 22:50:15 After kaya proved it, tech went on a social media rampage calling kaya a liar and claiming that he didnt have to pay kaya BECAUSE kaya wrote a post about it 22:51:10 vthor: he DID prove it deanonimized 100% but techleaks either didn't understand that or was purposefully ignorant 22:51:43 "Its very simple. Tech is not a dev. Tech is a person who offered kaya $$ if kaya would prove that dero could be deanonymized. kaya proved it beyond the shadow of a doubt, and provided a POC a week or so after" <- well as far I understand deanonymize messages and values, what is not great, but it would not be really deanomyzed, or? 22:52:01 Jeffro256 - there was no possible way to have a productive conversation with someone who _only_ wanted to do damage control and slander kaya. There was 0 technical reasons in any of the chat. 22:52:50 vthor: sender privacy was also broken for txs < 6mos old 22:53:22 someone posted a video of a lot of the chain being deanonymized 22:53:45 amounts, recipient and messages iirc 22:54:36 "vthor: he DID prove it deanonimized 100% but techleaks either didn't understand that or was purposefully ignorant" <- okay, that was not my take von what I heared and read in the clip, but this is also not really my point. For me it was pretty disturbing how hostile it was from the beginning and it seems to me everytime there was no munition anymore somebody else entered the conversation to yell on him. And while all of them interupted him permanantly 22:54:37 he was various times acussed to yell and interrupt - but for me this was not reflecting reality 22:54:42 dero was touted as a private everything. People sent a lot private messages using the chain 22:55:15 What was also annoying was the people "debating" techleaks didn't understand the extent of the damage either and took techleak's word at face value that it only affected amounts 22:55:26 +1 22:55:36 Which led credence to his BS argument that the deanon didn't "really count" 22:55:46 "vthor: sender privacy was also broken for txs < 6mos old" <- okay 22:55:59 ppl giving benefit of the doubt when there was no doubt 22:56:26 Seth also did a call with kaya and techleaks iirc 22:57:03 "amounts, recipient and messages iirc" <- okay, how I said, I'm mostly only aware about what was in the clip, but even if he is 100% wrong, the picture of the clip is not favorable for monero :S 22:57:13 the only thing that makes sense woukd be if techleaks ks a massive bagholder who cannot get in touch with capn 22:57:31 Bcuz the issue remains unfixed, the repo abandoned 22:58:06 1 of 2 devs to ever contribute to dero, selix, has what appears to be a fork of dero, called xelis. Xelis has the issue fixed 22:58:31 haven’t watched but that episode does seem unnecessary. kicking a corpse 22:58:43 +1 22:58:43 "Seth also did a call with kaya and techleaks iirc" <- I think remember something, in this time I was still using X 22:58:50 not that I haven’t kicked a few corpses myself 22:58:57 Its only on x. He didnt upload it to yt 22:59:39 "haven’t watched but that episode does seem unnecessary. kicking a corpse" <- no worth in watching it IMO 23:00:06 not worth listening to anything tek says IMO 23:00:34 hes not a dev. Hes a scammer who wants ppl to buy his (still) broken bags 23:01:56 His consistency leads me to believe that he has some BIG bags 23:02:24 hopefully techleaks wakes up and recognizes the truth about the dero cult 🙏 23:02:36 Nobody else in their right mind would go on a pr / damage control / smear campaign for this long 23:02:56 With 1 goal: making sure ppl dont buy xmr 23:03:55 you think that only capn would do that, but clearly he isnt capn and cant contact capn. He's probably a huge investor 23:04:45 Again, xelis is, i believe, a fork of dero with issues fixed. Tek doesnt speak on xelis 23:05:04 techleaks seems to be damaged in his pride and confused into blind following. he has no technical understanding 23:05:32 Nobody would spend months on a campaign simple bcuz of cult behavior 23:05:36 He has bags 23:06:03 you mean investments into dero? 23:06:08 yea 23:06:25 question is, why give him more visibility? 23:06:38 guy is obviously a fraud 23:06:48 thats y seth didnt post the chat with him & kaya on yt 23:07:01 geonic 23:07:04 and he’s not a respected fraud like Adam Back 23:07:15 Or craig wright :P 23:07:33 Or fluffy, or vitalik 23:07:39 lol 23:07:49 don’t touch the holy horse 23:07:55 Pegasus* 23:08:12 his hoof never goes in the cookie jar 23:08:33 Pegasus can fly. Hoof only on clouds 23:08:52 Icarus maybe 23:10:45 Vitalik rolled chain back, 100% premine, rugged pow miners, rugged pos with deinflationary 23:11:22 sold quantum computers at 16 23:11:26 Craig is satoshi like wallet of satoshi 23:21:18 what about piratechain? 23:22:54 what about it 23:24:18 technically dead zcash fork 23:24:23 are u going to go through every scam known to man lol 23:30:14 is there a respository for scams? 23:30:23 hey, whoever writes the irc bridge bot, here's an epic feature request, remember usernames and put a different color emoji next to them, so messages from different users are easier to differentiate 23:38:02 not that I know of, but that’s a good idea. maybe measured by some objective criteria 23:39:27 I spoke at Monerotopia last year on the criteria for a crypto scam. Don’t think there’s a recording but I’ll look for the slides 23:46:10 found it 23:46:37 https://send.vis.ee/download/74c61dd1abdb8364/#RBCA4q0C5qkx5ts_7-Q5iA 23:46:58 actually it’s about what sets monero apart but same thing 23:48:24 here’s the tldr: https://imgur.com/a/M4twfXV 23:52:00 the oxen dudes were there and were particularly upset at that slide 23:52:16 at least the head guy was