00:12:11 jeffro256: Techleaks admitted I won then said they wouldn't pay as I was a whore and they gave me the attention I needed but was never going to give me money. 00:12:35 A day or two later, they started claiming I actually lost the bet despite their prior concession. 00:12:56 It isn't their ignorance. They're just legitimately a bad faith actor. 00:13:15 ofrnxmr: I did a thing with Seth and Super Testnet re Lightning privacy. 00:21:09 They're now claiming probabilistic tracing is perfect as CA knows every single output's state (unbacked claim with infeasible likelihood. Even if they know the majority, that doesn't cause what they claim) and that FCMP++s won't do anything (despite all unspent outputs belonging to users immediately becoming the valid privacy pool for all future spends, even if every output spent 00:21:11 now can be traced). 00:23:27 They've finally defined key image analysis as UTXO graph analysis? (the key images never actually become relevant, just how you can estimate a specific input spends a specific output and eliminate that output as a decoy in other inputs) 00:24:12 And they're arguing a cascade attack from there with the accusation we've never published such commentary and we're covering it up when the very first MRL publication was on this topic 00:27:48 They refuse to actually intake knowledge and maintain their self-confessed blind faith world view. They're a cultist who would only deserve excuses for the ignorance if it wasn't knowingly self-inflicted. 01:21:54 Thanks kaya. My mistake. Hard 2 keep track 🙃 05:38:58 There seems to be a PR with a fix to the Dero problem waiting to be reviewed and merged in vain since May: https://github.com/deroproject/derohe/pull/179 06:37:55 Would that probably need a hardfork to activate on mainnet, or not because merely wallet-side? 09:36:21 Rbrunner7, they only have 1 dev (capn) and he is on a boating trip/fall/accident for many many months 09:37:21 Xelis is (i think) a fork/rewrite of dero, done by a dero contributor named selix. xelis is fixed 09:45:29 Yeah, I followed "Captain" from afar for years. You have to give them stamina and endurance, if nothing else. Would be a loss of entertainment if Dero dies :) 12:51:26 What's the progress on Haveno ? 13:09:59 Haveno-reto.com 14:03:27 thriving 14:03:42 and live, download from ofrns link 14:55:58 plowsof: still no ETA on my proposal 14:59:03 if there is no way for me to make a living, I might as well leave. 15:00:01 just out of curiosity: anything I could have done differently or did you plan to act like this from the start? 15:11:09 Meeting is tomorrow 15:13:41 Plowsof is coordinator, not dictator. He has a vote like anyone else. The final say comes down to consensus from community from meetings and gitlab. Tomorrow will be our first meet to discuss the changes and see if community agrees 15:19:13 Spirobel tell me more about this "plan"? Is it the one where i waited for you to thumb my proposal up to get it merged then out of the blue leave negative comments/thumbs down on yours? 15:22:43 I dont co sider the CAT situation as resolved, so i left my disapproval. I do not support a 1 week of full pay tax for every ccs proposal. I see no urgency for the monero project to have the proposal merged neither. 15:28:47 why do we pay plowsof 45 euros per hour to act this way? That is unprofessional, troll like behavior. I explained multiple times that the scope of these two proposals is different. Your duty as the CCS coordinator is to act impartial and to make sure the proposals get decided upon quickly, so everyones time is respected. The fact that you see no urgency to work on this says a lot 15:28:49 about your work ethic and your consideration for the proposers and the project. 15:33:03 I could agree on the time part. Some CCS could have really profited from more extensive discussion time in meetings to accelerate the process, I generally think a CCS should be either accepted or denied after 3 weeks/1month, unless the proposer agree to extend the time discussion. But I don't think this is only plowsof fault. The reduction of community meetings played a role into that. 15:33:35 I could agree on the time part. Some CCS could have really profited from more extensive discussion time in meetings to accelerate the process, I generally think a CCS should be either accepted or denied after 3 weeks/1month, unless the proposer agree to extend the time discussion. But I don't think plowsof is mainly responsible for that. The reduction of community meetings played a role into th 15:34:17 anyway, i agree with the sentiment. There should be a need to considerate the proposer time. 15:34:37 It is to a large extent his fault. He doesnt add to a fair and swift treatment of the proposals with his pseudo ironic comments. Told him this a while ago. Maybe thats why the sudden outburst. I am still baffled tbh 15:34:54 and that is why he gets paid by the CCS 15:35:09 he is literally doing what everyone else does here but he gets paid 45 euros 15:35:23 This specific proposal has only seen 1 meeting, so its not in "delayed" status yet 15:35:26 and gets this title "CCS coordinator" to lord over others 15:35:55 we should clarify that this role does not come with any special veto or voting powers 15:36:08 First meeting is typically "introduction", giving ppl a chance to voice their opinions, concerns or approvals, as well as request changes 15:36:29 Second meeting is ideally where things are decided 15:37:00 It doesn't. Luigi1111 is the only person with veto power 15:37:21 and me by extent. I'm luigi btw 15:37:39 Not by election, but simply because he holds the merge button 15:37:57 Pointing out your public comments reg an extra 1 full week of pay is troll behaviour? You've not addressed my comment here. 15:38:44 May i remind everyone that spirobels proposal was posted on the 10th. And prior to this i held weekly meetings to gather feedback asap 15:39:50 My vote is clarified in my proposal, just a vote. 15:40:53 we should see if the process without plowsof is any different. tbh dont see him adding much value. He is not writing any code and I dont see his behavior justifies 100 xmr for 3 months. 15:41:51 or we just pay everyone 45 euro per hour to hang out in matrix 15:42:05 For those unaware, i spoke w spirobel in private about the rate differences and spirobel made 2 changes at my request. 15:42:07 1. To change the latter milestone from a time-based one to a delivery based one, ensuring completion and 15:42:09 2. To reduce the total amount from 100xmr to 80xmr. The extra 10xmr vs kuno being, imo, justified by #1 15:43:42 I proposed 80 (w/o any reduction in work). It wasn't a number that spirobel proposed nor one that he was happy to accept. 15:44:49 Would be nice to have updated feedback from people like woodser: binarybaron: sneurlax kayabanerve @kayabanerve:monero.social: etc 15:46:05 delivery based is better than time based imo, independent from any amount you settle on 15:49:17 my disapproval centres around the added tax and spirobels public comments clarifying it : https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/501#note_26377 15:51:55 you should go back and read my answers carefully. The scope is different. You waste everyones time here by not reading carefully. But sure your deliverable is "coordination" the more time you waste, the more paid hours. 15:57:18 btw plowsof are you writing this down currently as a work hour? 15:57:23 45 euros to plowsof 15:57:37 what is the deliverable? 15:59:41 I don't see either strategies working, frankly, neither plowsof's coming back and back to that "1 week of full time work", not spirobel's of counter-attacking 16:02:24 yeah its just filling his coffers. I should stop. Really appreciate the comments by the real devs. 16:06:30 thats provably wrong, im neither paid to hang out on matrix, and i specifically had a clause of not claiming more than 1 milestone in 1 month period (so the more hours worked does not roll into the next milestone) 16:06:35 anyway I just want to say I would be very grateful for the opportunity to work on this. The privacy preserving browser wallet is a vision that I have for a long time and I would love to see it come to life. This library is necessary to make that possible 16:06:53 there is even an estimated ccs earnings page https://text.is/xmrccs 16:07:45 its enough about you now. you have your 100 xmr save and you see no urgency to work on this. You gave your downvote. So at least dont interrupt. 16:09:04 that was the whole point of me leaving the down vote, share an opinion. the proposal is 8 up 3 down 16:17:06 now that ofrn just mentioned it I see that the proposed amount has been reduced 16:17:14 no idea why that was not mentioned here as the amount was a questionable part of the proposal 16:20:56 before plowsof was in his current position the CCS was a mess and was to a large degree nonfunctional 16:21:40 AIUI his work now goes beyond CCS coordinator 16:25:33 i have a helper now, so much time i spend on matrix doing nothing required help 16:27:31 multi-threading 16:27:31 I really wouldn't like to have plowsof's job, firstly look how many hours he is busy here, if you calculate this all down to what he get's paid there is no way to come to 45EUR/h ever. And then he (I don't know how he does it) needs to stand all this crap and blaming him. 16:29:32 yeah I had the same view before and that is why I upvoted his proposal 16:30:03 Things are often unfortunately, but the messenger is mostly not the cause, and in plowsof case he is trying to help. 16:35:44 and I don't agree with all his views or positions, but he is no robot, but also a person with own opinion and mindset, and from what I get here until know that there are like IRL a lot of different dirrection, POV and agendas, and apart of his own he is in the middle of everything, sometimes almost like a warzone... So with taking a AK47 in you hand an shooting in direction of plowsof, what you would expect to be the outcome? (And that is from somebody 16:35:45 highly explosive IRL...btw, it is always easier to reflect on others than on one self. I'm pretty guilty on that point.) 16:38:19 re-write plowsof in rust 16:40:04 :D 16:42:00 so spirobel, i still invite you to expose me for doing nothing for 2 years and filling my coffers, that is fine. If there is no added tax or nonesense on your proposal then i have no reason to thumb it down 16:42:28 there is no tax. 16:42:51 then wtf am i paying each month? 16:42:56 liar 16:45:24 jeffro256: Can you revise "Develop code to build FCMP++ trees in-wallet" on your CCS proposal to reflect discussions in #no-wallet-left-behind:monero.social ? 16:45:27 There is no added tax. The realistic rate is 100xmr but i lowered it due to making statements that were misunderstood. 16:45:30 My technical concerns with the proposal are more minor than my personal conerns. I had privately messaged spirobel this much more explicitly, but I told him I was worried about his behavior, not his code. I've never seen spirobel's code--maybe I should look harder, but for 6-8 years I've seen his comments, replies, etc., and these concern me 16:45:52 I'm disappointed that those concerns weren't respected, this outburst is disappointing, but that's not a technical concern 16:45:58 I responded that I am a nice person 16:46:03 where it might verge on the side of a technical concern is where we devs have to work together 16:46:12 I don't think this is a productive use of anyone's time. now, for technical concerns... 16:46:15 I will treat sneurlax well 16:46:32 I think monero_c -> monero-tui has already achieved a wasm monero source in typescript 16:46:57 we already have it. and it's not from fresh rust, it's from MrCyjaneK's patched monero-project/monero and Im-Beast's work translating the C ABI to WASM 16:47:06 we already have the stated goal, minus that it's done in rust 16:47:21 I prefer monero source to fresh rust. i don't have to review fresh rust. 16:47:31 err, rather, I don't have to *so extensively* review monero source. 16:47:45 It is not just rust vs cpp 16:48:02 The API will be different because I need a different api for the browser wallet 16:48:31 I haven't seen that case laid out convincingly 16:48:41 the browser wallet is my vision. And while this library will be helpful for other usecases it is the main reason I need this 16:48:51 I haven't seen why woodser's monero-ts wouldn't work, for that matter 16:49:12 you can chat with Alexanarcho for example about the limitations that he faced with the current wasm library 16:49:56 i have used it for the MVP and i have run into limitations like the inablity to know exactly when the browser will close 16:50:03 so the data model needs to be more granular 16:50:18 also: i wrote an open source package based on the monero-ts library 16:50:57 https://github.com/spirobel/monerochan-merchant-rpc 16:51:13 so I am aware of the library and how it works 16:51:40 I recon you are mostly focused and familiar with DART and not wasm, sneurlax? 16:54:19 yes, I'm trying to do similar, also using wasm 16:56:44 oh, i misread the question. i'm more familiar with js/ts/wasm than dart, i've just been doing dart for ~2 years 16:57:57 Yes, that is a great point. Will do 16:59:35 I think that I'm just going to remove it because jberman seems to be picking it up 16:59:57 I'll still do it if needed, but it's probably just a distraction from the other stuff as-is 18:22:39 Sorry jeffro 🙃the good news is that it's going smooth! 18:42:17 My brother in Christ, we've been hearing this whining for two years already. You've ragequit and posted your nonsensical SJW agenda multiple times. 18:42:45 SJW? 18:42:47 what are you talking about? 18:42:50 Spirobel tell me more about this "plan"? Is it the one where i waited for you to thumb my proposal up to get it merged then out of the blue leave negative comments/thumbs down on yours? <=== what? did he actually do this? lol. 18:42:57 Look it up, retard. 18:43:13 why so angry? you're the retard 18:43:22 "I did more than the entire US State Department by glueing a XMR piece of paper on a pole in Afghanistan!!!" 18:43:31 I thought you were my simp? Lol. 18:43:53 at this point i've no idea what my character is supposed to be... 18:46:23 Who dat? 18:47:25 Based. 18:47:53 thats the "plan" that seems spirobel was insinuating, along with me doing nothing for 2 years. 18:48:04 Almost a decade of whining and posting clips on X but where's the sauce!? Besides the AcceptXMR bug reported, nothing. Zero, sat, nada. 18:48:33 It's been all "I will produce open source software. Sar plz, gib 70 XMR!" now to pretty much the same but way more verbose, but 100 XMR instead of 70 XMR. 18:48:44 Rotten, stfu 18:48:47 Can I be your "helper"? 18:48:51 #monero-beef 18:48:57 doing nothing for 2 years is not too bad of feedback, as ive been here more than 2 years, so its almost a compliment 18:49:09 Have you though? 18:49:16 When did you join these stellar Internet communities! 18:49:38 Yesterday 18:50:12 :D 18:50:20 DataHoarder: do you know if Matrix offers a way to ignore keywords with regex? xmrscott 18:50:39 you mean, for the homeserver itself? 18:50:41 I only see an option to nuke usernames, not keywords. 18:50:47 No, locally, on client. 18:50:48 rotten, do you know how to be constructive? 18:50:50 re: zip/zilch/nada: https://github.com/spirobel/monerochan-merchant-rpc and https://github.com/spirobel/monero-playground 18:50:53 what client? 18:51:18 DataHoarder SchildiChat at the moment, but if there's other that offers that feature, I'll change in a heartbeat! 18:51:30 OFFTOPIC 18:51:39 sneurlax show me one service or website that has _deployed_ either of these two. 18:51:59 you know i can't simp/shill that retardedly 18:55:19 imagine if everybodies commentary was as useless as rottens. 18:58:15 was unbanned with an agreement that he'd cut the bullshit and remain productive, and yet he cancelled revuo, opened proposals on multiple platforms for it, now that he's funded he feels like he's justified in calling people retards, tr*nnys, n*ggas, and dwarfs. Super clown 19:03:16 do anybody knows what is the last day to buy tickets for monerotopia, or is there even available on arrival? 19:12:58 no idea but I'm sure that Doug would take your xmr and let you in 19:15:22 cool, thank you nioCat 19:16:06 vthor: tell him nioc sent you :) 19:17:38 :) I will if I succeed. I need to see how I get there fast in and out, checking at the moment how long is a bus ride, and if it is viable somehow 19:19:15 Would be nice to have you join us down there. :-D 19:20:53 it's 5h each dirrection, so it is doable I think, I could stay for up to 5h hours without the puppy going completely nuts :D, now it's only the financial, thing, but if I can pay on arrival I can pospone this issue until then :) 19:21:49 but it would be stupid to have it almost on the door step and not take the oportunity. 19:27:54 You can take the Element codebase and tweak the existing ignore join event functions to also ignore Matrix events with other parameters and recompile for Linux, EU iOS, or Android and only rebase as needed for security patches and desirable enhancements without too much difficulty 19:29:55 Or any client really that has existing ignore X event functions really 19:32:35 mhm I think the answer is no 19:50:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The one with the finger on the pulse 21:25:14 This channel should be the most serious one but it's the most joked on. Someone give me hope and tell me I should still think there is hope. 21:32:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The last hope 21:39:25 how could serious combined with joking not bring you hope? 21:41:27 seriousness 21:41:38 Do you want hope, or just want to check pulses 21:42:19 tip: if you use both hands and squeeze the neck, you can feel the pulse fade 21:43:05 I seem to have misplaced my blood pressure machine 22:22:48 👋 23:17:07 Hello, our today's discussion in common rooms was quite inspirations, so I would like to propose a new ccs, briefly reviewed by plowsof, looking forward for your remarks before posting an MR on gitlab. 23:17:19 Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps 23:17:21 --- 23:17:23 layout: fr 23:17:25 title: "Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps project" 23:17:27 author: mainnet_pat 23:17:29 date: Sept 28, 2024 23:17:31 amount: 175 23:17:33 milestones: 23:17:35 - name: Deliver XMR-BCH web APP 23:17:37 funds: 175 XMR 23:17:39 done: 31 December 2024 23:17:52 Hello, our today's discussion in common rooms was quite inspirational, so I would like to propose a new ccs, briefly reviewed by plowsof, looking forward for your remarks before posting an MR on gitlab. 23:30:06 Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps 23:30:07 --- 23:30:09 layout: fr 23:30:11 title: "Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps project" 23:30:13 author: mainnet\_pat 23:30:15 date: Sept 28, 2024 23:30:17 amount: 175 23:30:19 milestones: 23:30:21 - name: Deliver XMR-BCH web APP 23:30:23 funds: 175 XMR 23:30:25 done: 31 December 2024 23:35:04 Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps 23:35:05 --- 23:35:07 layout: fr 23:35:09 title: "Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps project" 23:35:11 author: mainnet\_pat 23:35:13 date: Sept 28, 2024 23:35:15 amount: 175 23:35:17 milestones: 23:35:19 - name: Deliver XMR-BCH web APP 23:35:21 funds: 175 XMR 23:35:23 done: 31 December 2024